White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

This thread started out as a lie to incite and fire up the racist on this forum and it worked like a charm.

Ye, it indeed triggered you all right. You pretty much admitted you think all black violence is intentionally homicidal. We already knew that but it's good you finally admit it yourself.
We’re sadden to inform the community about a fight that occurred yesterday evening with a group of students from Hazelwood East. An altercation between two parties turns violent after the victim who has been identified as Kailee suffered a serious head injury . According to several sources the fight took place on the street Claudine near Hazelwood East High School.

In the disturbing video you can see Kailee and another student having a fight when Kailee head was slammed into the ground three times. Quickly after she sustained a brutal head injuries she began to have a seizure. The official reports regarding this unfortunate incident hasn’t been released. We don’t know the cause of the fight but it could’ve been avoided. Please parents talk to children and understand that the youth are facing demons we never had to.

The video shows that the two girls met up for a fight and started punching each other like a boxing fight. This brought me back to the 1980s.

Ye, it indeed triggered you all right. You pretty much admitted you think all black violence is intentionally homicidal. We already knew that but it's good you finally admit it yourself.
Just admit the only reason you're upset about this is because a black person was the perp and we can move on, hillbillly.
You know, something I've noticed about that MAGA Macho Man user is that he consistently lies and purposefully invokes untruthful reporting.

I see that his post saying that the girl died is gone (at least the initial posting anyway, as the post iself still remains in various quoted responses to it)

But still. It's just uncouth to purposefully do that so consistently. It's sleazy behavior/practice.

The last time I remember seeing him pull that stunt was with that fake Putin/Carlson ''partial transcript'' he posted a thread on. And me, being a dumb ass, fell for it and responded to it.

I'm not gonna sit here and fact check every damned post, and something of this sensitive nature you'd think people would try to be factual. But clearly this is not the poster's intent. And, again, it's pretty routine from what I've observed. And for what? What's to be had by it?

I'm putting that asshole on my ignore list. I absolutely detest weasel stuff like that. They need to start thinning em out.
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Does anyone in this thread have any proof that the beating is race based?

Does anyone have any proof that the reason the media did not cover it simple because black people hate whites? Or because the girl beaten was white, and the girl doing the beating was black?


Kids beat each other every day in America, no, seriously, they do. They send each other to the hospital every month.

THIS SHIT IS ROUTINE. We all were bullied as kids. GET REAL!

No one gave a damn.

Bullying and school violence happens every damn month, week and day. And there are teen gangs all throughout this nation.
Kids really don't give a shit about race like you boomers do, they really don't. STOP PROJECTING!

I had made friends with some of them many many years ago. They tend to come from broken homes.

This shit ain't new. It is like you folks live in some bubble or alternate universe. :rolleyes:

. . either that, or you WANT to beleev this toxic narrative by these foreign/foundation agitators that WANT to tear us apart as a nation. Yoar first clue you are being duped? You are agreeing/on the some side of this false narrative as agitator Curried Goats. :lol:

Why Do They Join?

". . . Reasons cited by experts as to why young people join gangs include love, money, respect, discipline, belonging, identity and recognition. Rudinski says these factors are important, but he believes the main reason is bullying.

“The more I am in schools the more I think everything revolves around bullying. They join for protection,” he says.

Gangs use violence to create fear. For young people, fear means respect. Gangs recruit through subterfuge, such as countering their criminal activities with good works in the community; seduction of a glamorous lifestyle; obligation and coercion. Some teens will seek out a gang on their own.

Rudinski notes that prejudice and misunderstanding and distrust of other cultures foster gang development. Young people come into schools from various neighborhoods, communities or countries. They are picked on because of race, material possessions and language.

He says mass media and pervasive violent images have a powerful influence on teens. Music, television, movies, magazines, video games and Internet sites are full of violent messages. Often parents have no idea what their children are listening to, viewing or reading.. . . "

Posting stories of actual gang violence doesn't support your belief that this was an instance of gang violence, you fucking moron. There were actual gangs at my highschool which is why I said "meet me after school at the park" doesn't seem like gang activity to me. Gang members aren't typically meeting at the park after class to fight. They fight pretty much wherever the conflict starts.
Again, with the personal attacks from you. Just relax man calm down. a tough guy on the Internet.^

Among those ages 25 to 54, 59% of Black adults were unpartnered in 2019. This is higher than the shares among Hispanic (38%), White (33%) and Asian (29%) adults. For most racial and ethnic groups, men are more likely than women to be unpartnered.

It is young black men who are single, and alone. It’s not that they are living with a partner. No sir it’s not that they have a girlfriend or multiple girlfriends not living with them… sir they don’t have anybody.

This is a part of result of poisonous BLM feminist culture telling men to be like women. “Oh, it’s OK to cry. It’s OK to be at 15-year-old and get a sex change.”

Time for men to be tough in this country. And to embrace their ancestors and stop whining and moaning about this false idea that America has this racist evil history. Start believing in America. Be proud of American history.

I’ve seen this before brother, other Biden, BLM Democrats when confronted with a well thought out post backed with fax will say “nah it ain’t true” IM2 often engages in this type of trolling.

that’s not how life works. America is in a crisis and a number of ways. A dwindling middle class. A serious addiction to pornography and drugs among the youth. 100,000 Americans dying each year alone from fentanyl abuse. That’s not including other hard-core drugs. The alarming number of single young men in this country. And even a growing number of single young women, who have no interest in starting a family there on Instagram all day their brains are fried.
Whether or not people are partnered or unpartnered doesn't really change the fact that whites are the only demographic in decline.
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Older blacks are also unhappy with young black men and women constantly using the word n****r. Their explanation being that they (and likely those young people's parents or grandparents) fought, were often beaten, and some did in fact die in the efforts to get people to stop using that word. Now younger blacks throw it around constantly.
Well, we know racist trash like you and a lot of your buddies on this forum still use it like your parents and grandparents did.
So if you walk up and punch me in the face and then I turn around and punch you in the face and you die, are you saying it doesn't matter that you punched me in the face first.

If you punch me in the face and I die, you’ll be charged with murder or at least manslaughter.

But that is not what we are talking about in this case, we’re talking about fighting with intent to kill. That’s what I’m talking about. If someone punches you and you think that gives you the right to kill that person, then I’d say you’d be wrong.

I’m saying that the avoidance of violence should always be the first step, even if you are the one who got punched. The reason is, you don’t know what that other person may be up to, you don’t know what weapons they may have on them. That’s why the best first action is to run away. At least if you can get away, maybe the worst you have is a bloody nose, rather than a knife to the chest.

I think there’s a time and a place for lethal violence for sure, and you have to read the situation, but the intent should never be to kill, the intent should be to get away
You know, something I've noticed about that MAGA Macho Man user is that he consistently lies and purposefully invokes untruthful reporting.

I see that his post saying that the girl died is gone (at least the initial posting anyway, as the post iself still remains in various quoted responses to it)

But still. It's just uncouth to purposefully do that so consistently. It's sleazy behavior/practice.

The last time I remember seeing him pull that stunt was with that fake Putin/Carlson ''partial transcript'' he posted a thread on. And me, being a dumb ass, fell for it and responded to it.

I'm not gonna sit here and fact check every damned post, and something of this sensitive nature you'd think people would try to be factual. But clearly this is not the poster's intent. And, again, it's pretty routine from what I've observed. And for what? What's to be had by it?

I'm putting that asshole on my ignore list. I absolutely detest weasel stuff like that. They need to start thinning em out.
I’ve had my questions about that posters motivations. Sometimes I think he’s a Biden supporter posing as a Trump supporter to rile things up.

Macho man could be a plant attempting to bait people in the saying racist things. But none of that is needed or even matters because the entire world can simply use common sense and look at how dangerous and anti-American the far left is. For example they’re open support of children getting sex change operations. They’re open denigration of American history and destruction of statues of great men of history. Their idea flaunted in public that white poor people are privileged. How the left champion people like George Floyd, who died tragically of a drug overdose while resisting arrest but also led a violent life of crime, holding a gun to a pregnant ladies stomach among other things.

it all begs one question. What number of Americans actually believe that white supremacy has a legitimate real effect in American life today? …Surely the number is astronomically low. And of those few Americans who believe white supremacy is a threat . What are they actually looking for.? Why don’t they ever respond to the fax the data that shows blacks are way over represented in violent crime. Sometimes the BLM supporters will blame poverty or something like that. But that is a illegitimate excuse considering other countries of the world have poverty issues, but not the same violent crime we have in America.

That’s not a judgment of all black folks because I’ve also criticized young white folks for their errors…. But the point is the BLM people are wrong and they just don’t see it or they don’t care about it in pursuit of some bizarre social justice.
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Well, I agree with that.

. . . and you know who else does? Every decent black mother in this nation. I have read their comments, and they think this is as disgusting as you do.

And you know who else we need to hold accountable? The public schools and the community, that is imparting our children these types of moral and ethics.

Do you think any of these kids go to church on Sunday?

The parents of these kids need to be outed and shamed as well.

What we DON'T need to do? Is make this about race, that does not help us as a nation.

It would be far more surprising if it WASN'T made about race, because race is believed by many (NOT ALL) to be the foundation and determinant for every behavioral trait.that is known.

Just ask a few of the many
"race realists" here.

That is what makes human behavior such a fascinating subject.

The innate need of most individuals to establish proof of their self proclaimed racial or cultural "superiority", based on what "group" they belong to.

It's human nature.

"I'm better, because I'm one of these, and not one of those".

We see it here everyday, and we always will.

Very similar to your earlier point about the rationale of why kids "join gangs" in the first place.

It promotes a feeling of safety and security, as well as establishes an identity based on who they "belong to".

That one and final comment aside, prayers for the survival and recovery of the hospitalized teenager.
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