White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

So join the Boy Scouts. They join gangs for the violence and dope, not for anything else.
"The main reason people join gangs is to feel a sense of community and “family”, wanting to feel as if they belong and are needed. Other reasons include the need for excitement or because they believe it is the best way to “survive”, or gain “respect” or “status” among their age group. All of these are of course, basic human needs, but sadly not always met in the right places."
So join the Boy Scouts. They join gangs for the violence and dope, not for anything else.
What folks believe that? Has anyone on this forum stated that?
They are too ashamed to come right out and explicitly admit that HERE. You included. Although some have admitted this was the goal.
It would be far more surprising if it WASN'T made about race, because race is believed by many (NOT ALL) to be the foundation and determinant for every behavioral trait.that is known.

Just ask a few of the many
"race realists" here.

That is what makes human behavior such a fascinating subject.

The innate need of most individuals to establish proof of their self proclaimed racial or cultural "superiority", based on what "group" they belong to.

It's human nature.

"I'm better, because I'm one of these, and not one of those".

We see it here everyday, and we always will.

Very similar to your earlier point about the rationale of why kids "join gangs" in the first place.

It promotes a feeling of safety and security, as well as establishes an identity based on who they "belong to".

That one and final comment aside, prayers for the survival and recovery of the hospitalized teenager.
You very well could be correct. I admit error here.

I was watching a very informative and interesting podcast yesterday. I have to admit, in the area I grew up, we had very few black kids, and they were always treated as well, or better than everyone else. It is a very libertarian town, the seat of the corporate headquarters of a fortune 500 company, most parents would never tolarate this, regardless of their ethnic or religious background, it is a foreign thing to me. It really never did occur to me, that some parents? Actually encourage this sort of thing?

I got an education last night, that there IS a real difference how different parts of America, may have different attitude towards bullying and their kids interacting in these types of situations.

From minute mark 22:00 for about five minutes to 27:00, really highlights in a humorous tongue in cheek way, of the differences between us. . .

Clayton Thomas on Bullies & Retirement + Katherine Brodsky on the Silenced Majority​

Mar 13, 2024
They are too ashamed to come right out and explicitly admit that HERE. You included. Although some have admitted this was the goal.
I others words like most racist liars, you are just making up lies. Not one person on this forum said that, I just wanted to prove you to be the lying hag you are.

Update: Missouri Teen Brutally Beaten Has Severe Brain Damage – Frontal Lobe Damage – and Skull Fracture​

She is in critical condition.....fighting for what remains of her life after the brutal bashing she received.

Wish her the best it's all too sad for words.:(

Mar. 13, 2024 12:20 pm
You very well could be correct. I admit error here.

I was watching a very informative and interesting podcast yesterday. I have to admit, in the area I grew up, we had very few black kids, and they were always treated as well, or better than everyone else. It is a very libertarian town, the seat of the corporate headquarters of a fortune 500 company, most parents would never tolarate this, regardless of their ethnic or religious background, it is a foreign thing to me. It really never did occur to me, that some parents? Actually encourage this sort of thing?

I got an education last night, that there IS a real difference how different parts of America, may have different attitude towards bullying and their kids interacting in these types of situations.

From minute mark 22:00 for about five minutes to 27:00, really highlights in a humorous tongue in cheek way, of the differences between us. . .

Clayton Thomas on Bullies & Retirement + Katherine Brodsky on the​

You very well could be correct. I admit error here.

I was watching a very informative and interesting podcast yesterday. I have to admit, in the area I grew up, we had very few black kids, and they were always treated as well, or better than everyone else. It is a very libertarian town, the seat of the corporate headquarters of a fortune 500 company, most parents would never tolarate this, regardless of their ethnic or religious background, it is a foreign thing to me. It really never did occur to me, that some parents? Actually encourage this sort of thing?

I got an education last night, that there IS a real difference how different parts of America, may have different attitude towards bullying and their kids interacting in these types of situations.

From minute mark 22:00 for about five minutes to 27:00, really highlights in a humorous tongue in cheek way, of the differences between us. . .

Clayton Thomas on Bullies & Retirement + Katherine Brodsky on the Silenced Majority​

Mar 13, 2024

I didn't see any error at all in your statement, in fact, I agree with it, however, as you know from some of our previous discussions, I have a very cynical view of the future of this country as well as humanity in general so optimism is something that I haven't had for decades.

The video looks quite interesting, so I'll give it a look and PM you my thoughts on it👍
There are no rules in street fights. You do whatever you need to do to stop the other person from being a threat. If it is decided that this is a mutual combat situation - where both parties agreed to fight - you take your chances and death is always a possible consequence of a street fight. Sure it's disgusting and sad that this is two young girls but here we are.

Street fights in the real world are not like this -

yes, death is always a remote possibility, but we aren't talking about an errant punch that happened to connect and the victim landing their head onto a concrete block that was sitting on the side of the street. There was clear intention to commit grievous injury in this situation even when the suspect appeared to be in full control.
The victim has been identified as a 15-year-old named Kaylee.


The investigation into the fight is ongoing.

Lawmakers have called for the girl who bashed Kaylee’s head in to face maximum consequences.

“The criminal should be charged and tried as an adult. If the victim dies, that offense should rise to a homicide,” Attorney General Andrew Bailey wrote on X.

Those involved in the beating “must be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law,” Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe added.

Updated March 13, 2024, 10:48 a.m. ET
You know, something I've noticed about that MAGA Macho Man user is that he consistently lies and purposefully invokes untruthful reporting.

I see that his post saying that the girl died is gone (at least the initial posting anyway, as the post iself still remains in various quoted responses to it)

But still. It's just uncouth to purposefully do that so consistently. It's sleazy behavior/practice.

The last time I remember seeing him pull that stunt was with that fake Putin/Carlson ''partial transcript'' he posted a thread on. And me, being a dumb ass, fell for it and responded to it.

I'm not gonna sit here and fact check every damned post, and something of this sensitive nature you'd think people would try to be factual. But clearly this is not the poster's intent. And, again, it's pretty routine from what I've observed. And for what? What's to be had by it?

I'm putting that asshole on my ignore list. I absolutely detest weasel stuff like that. They need to start thinning em out.
He is quite the liar. On the news tonight it was said she is alive and in critical condition. They went on to say the authorities are deciding whether to charge the other as a juvenile or adult. I say adult.
He is quite the liar. On the news tonight it was said she is alive and in critical condition. They went on to say the authorities are deciding whether to charge the other as a juvenile or adult. I say adult.
Diaper Girl ( Attacker ) needs to be inside until she is pushin 30 ( And no conjugal Visits to make pretty babies )
LOL why am I upset? You cherry pick stories like this to justify your racism. We get it. You have to be angry about something 24/7. It's how you operate.

lol I didn't pick this story, tard. You whitey haters continually prove you're the violent racists here, which is why you rush in to pee yourselves in public when your Speshul Ed achievers try and murder white people.

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