White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

You're absolute scum. 1,000+ jailed and they are still finding these criminals and jailing them just this week. Jan 6th was one of the worst days in American history but you probably sat in front of your tv cheering it on, didnt you, you fucking traitor?

You are so misinformed.

1/6 was a riot that went too far. Only you far left nut-jobs don’t get that. People don’t plan to overthrow the US government without being very heavily armed. I might also add, what exactly stopped them or did they stop themselves? They were walking through the halls of Congress. If they wanted to overthrow the government, wouldn’t there have been some type of shootout? Wouldn’t have they barracaded themselves in and made demands. You have been duped by the MSM acting as proxies for Democratic politicians AND foreign adversaries. They rely on the ignorance and pure stupidity of the Democratic base to push their agenda.
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lol they want to be career criminals, and want to be around other career criminals.
"Lol" is right. How many former gang members have personally told you that?

I've been on the board of directors of a foundation that helps with the rehabilitation of former gang members in Los Angeles for almost 15 years, and many of them get involved with gangs for protectection, a sense of belonging and a way to be respected by a peer group that in many cases becomes the closest thing to the family that they never had.

Most come from disadvantaged, broken homes, with no role models and turn to joining a gang out of desperation.

I've encountered very few who actually "want" to be career criminals or spend their lives In and out of prison.

There are always a few exceptions, but most wish for a normal life, meaning having a legitimate job and not having to look over their shoulder and expect trouble every single day.
"Lol" is right. How many former gang members have personally told you that?

I've been on the board of directors of a foundation that helps with the rehabilitation of former gang members in Los Angeles for almost 15 years, and many of them get involved with gangs for protectection, a sense of belonging and a way to be respected by a peer group that in many cases becomes the closest thing to the family that they never had.

Most come from disadvantaged, broken homes, with no role models and turn to joining a gang out of desperation.

I've encountered very few who actually "want" to be career criminals or spend their lives In and out of prison.

There are always a few exceptions, but most wish for a normal life, meaning having a legitimate job and not having to look over their shoulder and expect trouble every single day.

Ah, personal anecdotes, about gangbangers sucking up to some 'foundation' handing out free stuff to them. What a surprise they all had tales of woe and how Da Man kept them down n stuff. lol yeah real believable.
You are so misinformed.

1/6 was a riot that went too far. Only you far left nut-jobs don’t get that. People don’t plan to overthrow the US government without being very heavily armed. I might also add, what exactly stopped them or did they stop themselves? They were walking through the halls of Congress. If they wanted to overthrow the government, wouldn’t there have been some type of shootout? Wouldn’t have they barracaded themselves in and made demands. You have been duped by the MSM acting as proxies for Democratic politicians AND foreign adversaries. They rely on the ignorance and pure stupidity of the Democratic base to push their agenda.

These vermin are just wanking off to white people getting railroaded into prison. they have bigger plans for later. See Pol Pot and Mao for their future ideas. They've already made the murders of millions upon millions of babies acceptable and even routine, as well as the sexual mutilations of young children. They aren't the least worried anybody will stop them.
Ah, personal anecdotes, about gangbangers sucking up to some 'foundation' handing out free stuff to them. What a surprise they all had tales of woe and how Da Man kept them down n stuff. lol yeah real believable.
Free stuff like what?

Assistance in enrolling in a community college and taking classes after being released?

Learning how to properly dress and interview for a job?

Performing community service?

Eventually acting as sponsors for others who seek to leave a life of crime and trouble behind?

Your ignorance is beyond astounding.
Why do they always attack in mobs?
W|here would they get that idea?
Sorry, that is your MO, you have no problem when you see black folks being murdered. The same folks who give you a high five are the same ones that make excuses when they see someone black being murdered. You also have one of the forum white ass kissers giving you high fives when it happens.
When black folks are murdered it is normally by other black folks, or in the commission of a crime. Chalk that up to black efforts to self genocide.
When white folks are murdered it is normally by other white folks or when they are a victim of a crime, so what's your point.
The victim of a crime, yes? The criminal assailant, normally black. Like it is in this case. The recent social phenomenon of the sudden attack for no reason is almost exclusively by blacks. The rage attacks that destroy businesses is by blacks. The mass shoplifting attacks are gangs of black teenagers. There really is no way around it. I hope that black people, generally, can get a handle on what is happening with their community.
Free stuff like what?

Assistance in enrolling in a community college and taking classes after being released?

Learning how to properly dress and interview for a job?

Performing community service?

Eventually acting as sponsors for others who seek to leave a life of crime and trouble behind?

Your ignorance is beyond astounding.

Your fake stories are beyond silly.
Something just happened to me this morning involving four big black guys and me - a smallish, older white lady. I don’t feel like getting into the details just now, as I am eating lunch, but their hateful, nasty, angry attitude toward whites (which they expressed to one another in front of me, LOUDLY, so I could hear) makes me think the rage with which the black girl slammed the white girl’s brain into the cement WAS due to the anti-white racism and contempt for whites being instilled among blacks by the left.

That said, each person must be judged as an individual, and my interactions with other blacks the remainder of the morning (I’m in an area that is primarily black right now) have been pleasant.
The victim of a crime, yes? The criminal assailant, normally black. Like it is in this case. The recent social phenomenon of the sudden attack for no reason is almost exclusively by blacks. The rage attacks that destroy businesses is by blacks. The mass shoplifting attacks are gangs of black teenagers. There really is no way around it. I hope that black people, generally, can get a handle on what is happening with their community.
To your last sentence, the way that will be done is when the leftists stop it with their anti-white racism. They are instilling a sense of rage against whites in a particular class of blacks.
their hateful, nasty, angry attitude toward whites (which they expressed to one another in front of me, LOUDLY, so I could hear) makes me think the rage with which the black girl slammed the white girl’s brain into the cement WAS due to the anti-white racism and contempt for whites being instilled among blacks by the left.

Yep. It's really stupid for them to deny this.
To your last sentence, the way that will be done is when the leftists stop it with their anti-white racism. They are instilling a sense of rage against whites in a particular class of blacks.
This entire situation didnt happen by accident. It's not sudden. I saw this happening back in the 80s. Blacks were starting to express a feeling that they had a right to commit that crime. Whatever crime it was. Interracial relationships were becoming more commonplace. For the most part, black men and white women couples worked phenomenally well. But when it didn't the defense the man wanted to use was "black men were hanged just for looking at a white woman. " As if this completely exonerated them. This isn't going to be solved easily or quickly.
The victim of a crime, yes? The criminal assailant, normally black. Like it is in this case. The recent social phenomenon of the sudden attack for no reason is almost exclusively by blacks. The rage attacks that destroy businesses is by blacks. The mass shoplifting attacks are gangs of black teenagers. There really is no way around it. I hope that black people, generally, can get a handle on what is happening with their community.
Bullshit, 89% of crimes against whites is committed by someone white.

You need to get a handle with what's happening in the white community.

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