White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

This entire situation didnt happen by accident. It's not sudden. I saw this happening back in the 80s. Blacks were starting to express a feeling that they had a right to commit that crime. Whatever crime it was. Interracial relationships were becoming more commonplace. For the most part, black men and white women couples worked phenomenally well. But when it didn't the defense the man wanted to use was "black men were hanged just for looking at a white woman. " As if this completely exonerated them. This isn't going to be solved easily or quickly.
To me, it seems to have exploded in the last few years. Based on what I heard this morning from those blacks who were enjoying putting the older white lady in her place - it continued for at least five minutes - it’s reached a fevered pitch.

The people they are hurting the most are the good, decent blacks.
No one even knows what happened to this poor girl.

Seems like pretty white girls are in someone's cross hairs.
How could she wake up after not breathing for 23 minutes?! I’ve heard about four minutes until brain damage starts, with another few minutes after that POSSIBLE to resuscitate. After that……gone.
You are so misinformed.

1/6 was a riot that went too far. Only you far left nut-jobs don’t get that. People don’t plan to overthrow the US government without being very heavily armed. I might also add, what exactly stopped them or did they stop themselves? They were walking through the halls of Congress. If they wanted to overthrow the government, wouldn’t there have been some type of shootout? Wouldn’t have they barracaded themselves in and made demands. You have been duped by the MSM acting as proxies for Democratic politicians AND foreign adversaries. They rely on the ignorance and pure stupidity of the Democratic base to push their agenda.
Nobody is reading that long story of lies, boy.
The powers that rule us cannot have true constitutional rule. On that day if we had not proof before, we found out we live in a dictatorship. Progs are all in. Republicans are dragging their feet somewhat although in local controlled areas they can be the same.
You can't break down the doors of the Capitol you dumb fucking Red Hat.
How could she wake up after not breathing for 23 minutes?! I’ve heard about four minutes until brain damage starts, with another few minutes after that POSSIBLE to resuscitate. After that……gone.
Maybe we will find out one day.
Savage? So had the white girl won the fight we wouldn't hear her called a savage. I wish you racist MFers would just call her what you really want to. The Nword.
If either one of the had won a normal fight, no one would be labeling them as savages. But repeatedly slamming a defeated opponent’s head on concrete is attempted murder. That’s the act of a savage. I’d be saying the same thing if the white girl did it to the black girl.
If either one of the had won a normal fight, no one would be labeling them as savages. But repeatedly slamming a defeated opponent’s head on concrete is attempted murder. That’s the act of a savage. I’d be saying the same thing if the white girl did it to the black girl.
That’s because the leftists automatically go on defense if someone in their “protected” group does something that an animal wouldn’t even do. No matter how heinous their actions, they jump on you if you call them a word they think is extreme. You saw the exact same thing when that savage illegal bludgeoned that college student to death: they got all offended with the word “illegal”, and jumped on that.

Well, news flash: I don’t care WHO it is in the Left’s protected group: both the illegal alien who killed the young woman and the black girl who slamed her much smaller victim’s brain into the cement and put her in a coma behaved like SAVAGES, and I will call them that.
It would be far more surprising if it WASN'T made about race, because race is believed by many (NOT ALL) to be the foundation and determinant for every behavioral trait.that is known.

Just ask a few of the many
"race realists" here.

That is what makes human behavior such a fascinating subject.

The innate need of most individuals to establish proof of their self proclaimed racial or cultural "superiority", based on what "group" they belong to.

It's human nature.

"I'm better, because I'm one of these, and not one of those".

We see it here everyday, and we always will.

Very similar to your earlier point about the rationale of why kids "join gangs" in the first place.

It promotes a feeling of safety and security, as well as establishes an identity based on who they "belong to".

That one and final comment aside, prayers for the survival and recovery of the hospitalized teenager.
You are my favorite mod here, and have always discussed issues civilly and intelligently, so I look forward to addressing this issue with you.

It‘s true what you say that we do not know that the black girl attacked the white girl for racial reasons (although what happened to me this morning makes me believe it very possibly was, given the rage exhibited by the black girl).

What definitely DOES involve race is the way the school has handled it, and the way the liberal media has (or more accurately, has not) reported on it. The school district sent out a neutral letter expressing “concern for all involved” - never criticizing or even mentioning the black girl’s horrific degree of aggression. Similarly, the mainstream media has been silent on this, and in hours of watching the news it has never come up.

One has to question, given the Left’s pattern of bias when reporting on black and white victims (remember that jogger who was killed by the rednecks? constant coverage), how differently this horrible attempt at murder would have been covered if a big white girl slammed a petite black girl’s brain into the cement repeatedly.

This story explains it better than I could. I hope you and other reasonable posters will take the time to comsider it.
Poor thing. This innocent girl was lynched by a black mob in broad daylight. Reverse the races and this would be a major story covered on all the national networks. Joe Biden would be weighing in about our systemic racism and the rise of white supremacy under Donald Trump.


Scott Adams is right.

Scott Adams RISKS IT ALL, Tells White People to "STAY AWAY FROM BLACKS"

Should have hung her in a tree as an example to the others.
Why isn’t the black girl wearing any pants? I just see underwear in the photos above.

(I haven’t watched the video, as it would be too upsetting. Maybe it shows her in pants there.)
For the record, that video did not show a "fight." It showed a vicious, unprovoked assault. But who knows, maybe the "white" girl said something she oughtn't have said. Let's not jump to conclusions.

Nah. She's an animal, should be executed in the most painful way imaginable.

As for what Scott Adams notoriously said, I wonder if it would be possible to separate race from other "signals," not necessarily related to race. Clothing, hairstyle, mannerisms, and speaking patterns, for example. I think most people can identify others who are "trouble" and should be avoided, regardless of whether they are descended from Black African slaves. If I worked in a CVS (or was a customer) and saw someone coming in in the middle of the day wearing a hoodie, face mask, droopy pants...trouble.

I asked a decent black guy I know why so many young blacks wear their pants so low....he said they didnt want anyone to know where their asshole was. bwaaaaaaaaaa
Hundreds of teen girls heads are bashed into concrete every day? School bullying happens every day but not to this extent.

It's serious business and the media ignores it for one reason. We both know what the reason is
School bullying happens because the administrators punish both the bully and the victim. When I went to school, that didn’t happen. The bullies got punished. When I was in grade school, I had a badly broken arm, with a wrist to shoulder cast. A bully thought that made me an easy mark. He woke up in the hospital after I bashed him over the head with the cast. Since there were multiple witnesses to his unprovoked attack, not only wasn’t I punished, but he got expelled when he got out of the hospital.
Poor thing. This innocent girl was lynched by a black mob in broad daylight. Reverse the races and this would be a major story covered on all the national networks. Joe Biden would be weighing in about our systemic racism and the rise of white supremacy under Donald Trump.


Scott Adams is right.

Scott Adams RISKS IT ALL, Tells White People to "STAY AWAY FROM BLACKS"

I saw part of the assault on TV. They only showed the half acceptable to prewarned adults. They didn't show footage of her attempted murder by bashing her head on concrete until she went into a seizure. If you've ever had a seizure it's one of the hardest pains and is caused in conjunction with fear/shock. I haven't heard much about it on TV this morning, and haven't heard much more. :(
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Remember the 280lb Black raining down 125 blows to a 70 yr old asian lady as she tried to open the entry door coming back from shopping in NY? Beat her in the face over and over and I believe even kicked her when he ran out of gas? Now the filthy MSM has hid the video.

These clowns don't even condem that. And that is not an isolated case. That is almost common if you include robberies, subway mayhem, shool bullying etc.
Some bullying videos cause out of control behaviors from people who have puerile mindsets. The publishing world won't be eager to cause intense retributive acts over visual atrocities.

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