White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

I saw part of the assault on TV. They only showed the half acceptable to prewarned adults. They didn't show footage of her attempted murder by bashing her head on concrete until she went into a seizure. If you've ever had a seizure it's one of the hardest pains and is caused in conjunction with fear/shock. I haven't heard much about it on TV this morning, and haven't heard much more. :(
There was another case where a boy was viciously attacked by savages, and he went into a seizure. I don’t know what happened to him - the liberal media is pretty silent, which tells me it was black on white - but there was a 14-year murdered by vicious attackers some weeks ago. It might be the same boy.
Well, we know racist trash like you and a lot of your buddies on this forum still use it like your parents and grandparents did.
You know NOTHING you uneducated, low class hood rat. My friends and I have this thing you lack called class, so we don't use that term, even towards thugs like you who fit the category. Now tell young blacks to stop using it too.
If either one of the had won a normal fight, no one would be labeling them as savages. But repeatedly slamming a defeated opponent’s head on concrete is attempted murder. That’s the act of a savage. I’d be saying the same thing if the white girl did it to the black girl.
What is a normal fight? Pull each other's hair, scratch one another........
That’s because the leftists automatically go on defense if someone in their “protected” group does something that an animal wouldn’t even do.
Hmmm, who has gone on defense? Who is the protected group?
No matter how heinous their actions, they jump on you if you call them a word they think is extreme. You saw the exact same thing when that savage illegal bludgeoned that college student to death: they got all offended with the word “illegal”, and jumped on that.
Funny, that I didn't hear any of you call the 6 white cops who beat and brutalized 2 black men for dating a white woman savages. Why is that Lisa?
Well, news flash: I don’t care WHO it is in the Left’s protected group: both the illegal alien who killed the young woman and the black girl who slamed her much smaller victim’s brain into the cement and put her in a coma behaved like SAVAGES, and I will call them that.
Hmmm, do you call white folks from the 60s and 50s savages?


Do you call Roy Bryant and JW Milam savages?

Was Bull Connor a savage in your book?

Funny I never heard you or any of the other racist on this forum call Travis and Greg McMichael savages?

My bad whites can't be savages, that is a word that is only used to describe black folks.
You know NOTHING you uneducated, low class hood rat. My friends and I have this thing you lack called class, so we don't use that term, even towards thugs like you who fit the category. Now tell young blacks to stop using it too.

What in the hell does a redneck, racist, trailer trash POS know about class. You mean you don't have the balls to use it around a black man, but your racist ass sure as hell uses it.
Hmmm, who has gone on defense? Who is the protected group?

Funny, that I didn't hear any of you call the 6 white cops who beat and brutalized 2 black men for dating a white woman savages. Why is that Lisa?

Hmmm, do you call white folks from the 60s and 50s savages?

View attachment 917187

Do you call Roy Bryant and JW Milam savages?

Was Bull Connor a savage in your book?

Funny I never heard you or any of the other racist on this forum call Travis and Greg McMichael savages?

My bad whites can't be savages, that is a word that is only used to describe black folks.
yes... the democrats shown and listed above were savages .
Go out there and do it JB Stoner. You talk tough sitting behind a computer screen.
I’m talking about the white girl. Maybe if they had hung her in a tree to terrorize the white community, the mournful white posters here would have a sense about what true brutality is instead of just crying.
I’m talking about the white girl. Maybe if they had hung her in a tree, the mournful white posters here would have a sense about what true brutality is instead of just crying.
My bad HS, the funny thing is if a white girl had done this they wouldn't have a damn thing to say. If Laken Riley had been murdered by a white man, they wouldn't have a damn thing to say.
Hmmm, who has gone on defense? Who is the protected group?

Funny, that I didn't hear any of you call the 6 white cops who beat and brutalized 2 black men for dating a white woman savages. Why is that Lisa?

Hmmm, do you call white folks from the 60s and 50s savages?

View attachment 917187

Do you call Roy Bryant and JW Milam savages?

Was Bull Connor a savage in your book?

Funny I never heard you or any of the other racist on this forum call Travis and Greg McMichael savages?

My bad whites can't be savages, that is a word that is only used to describe black folks.
Whoever said whites can’t be savages?

But we are talking about THIS case, in which a black teen behaved like a savage and put her smaller victim in a coma - and possibly murdered her - and how the school district refused to condemn the black and the media isn’t covering it.

Blacks are not immune from criticism when their behavior warrants it.
There was another case where a boy was viciously attacked by savages, and he went into a seizure. I don’t know what happened to him - the liberal media is pretty silent, which tells me it was black on white - but there was a 14-year murdered by vicious attackers some weeks ago. It might be the same boy.
Funny how you didn't post that story. What did you think about the murderers of Ahmaud Arbery? What did you think about the 6 cops that brutalized 2 black men for dating a white woman. One officer shoved his gun in one man's mouth and shot off a part of his tongue, would you consider that a savage act? I bet your coward ass won't answer any of those questions.

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