White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

Why link to just that? What about those 5 black cops who beat the skinny black guy to death?

And for your story, I noticed AP picked it up. Where’s the coverage of this recent savage attack by a black on a white? Shhhhh…..
Why link to just that? What about those 5 black cops who beat the skinny black guy to death?

And for your story, I noticed AP picked it up. Where’s the coverage of this recent savage attack by a black on a white? Shhhhh…..
Oh of course you called those 5 black police officers savages, wait. They beat a black man to death so you probably believe they should have received commendations.

The story of this young white girl is on CNN, MSN, NBC....WTF are you talking about?
See what Superbro is doing is showing more rage for me for calling the black girl a savage than he is toward the black girl for her savage attack on the small white girl.

That’s what these libs do. It’s the identical thing with the illegal who bludgeoned Laken to death. They’re more horrified and disgusted that Biden was disrepectful to the murderer by calling him an illegal than they were about his savage attack and murder of the innocent white girl.

Libs are sick. I’m thinking they’re a different species.
Ah but the 3 white racist are just murderers. Got it.
Did they slam his brain into the concrete three times, sending him into convulsions? Nope. They shot him.

The point is that a young white girl is lying in a coma, who will be brain-damaged for the rest of her life IF SHE SURVIVES - and the media is burying it because a black girl was the brutal, savage attacker.
See what Superbro is doing is showing more rage for me for calling the black girl a savage than he is toward the black girl for her savage attack on the small white girl.
The young black girl has been arrested and I need to know how the fight started before I call her a savage.
That’s what these libs do. It’s the identical thing with the illegal who bludgeoned Laken to death. They’re more horrified and disgusted that Biden was disrepectful to the murderer by calling him an illegal than they were about his savage attack and murder of the innocent white girl.

Libs are sick. I’m thinking they’re a different species.
Save your right-wing spin for someone WGAF about it. I am taking your hypocrite, racist ass to task because you will label a black person as a savage, but you will not call white murderers or someone white who beats a black person half to death a savage.
Oh of course you called those 5 black police officers savages, wait. They beat a black man to death so you probably believe they should have received commendations.

The story of this young white girl is on CNN, MSN, NBC....WTF are you talking about?
Why do you nasty blacks make up shit? I think the black cops who beat the skinny black guy to death are savages too.

You’ve created this entire racism shit where it doesn’t exist.

And I’m pretty spent today. This morning, four black guys spotted me - an older white lady - and started hassling me just because they could, and because they figured they could get away with it because nobody would step in. And they were right.
Did they slam his brain into the concrete three times, sending him into convulsions? Nope. They shot him.

The point is that a young white girl is lying in a coma, who will be brain-damaged for the rest of her life IF SHE SURVIVES - and the media is burying it because a black girl was the brutal, savage attacker.
So, you must slam someone's head on concrete to be a savage? Do you understand how stupid that sounds?
The young black girl has been arrested and I need to know how the fight started before I call her a savage.

Save your right-wing spin for someone WGAF about it. I am taking your hypocrite, racist ass to task because you will label a black person as a savage, but you will not call white murderers or someone white who beats a black person half to death a savage.
Stop calling people racists for pointing out the double standards of media coverage depending on whether the attacker was black or white.

Give me an example of whites who slam the brain of a black into the concrete repeatedly, and I will call them savages. The attack we are talking about was SAVAGE,
They beat a black man to death

Most likely did not happen. I wouldn't know since I quit the MSM hogwash NOV04,2020. You must live in Racial Madcows spew? I would have heard about it. Probably another case of a repeat felon who fought police and got ahold of a weapon or something?
No one shoots off part of a tounge either? lol! You're funny Stupebadboy.
So, you must slam someone's head on concrete to be a savage? Do you understand how stupid that sounds?
There’s a number of ways to torture a person to death, and I call them savages.

I called the subhumans who sawed off babies’ heads with a dull knife, set toddlers on fire and burned them to death, cut a fetus out of its mother’s womb and decapitated it, raped women while slicing off their breasts and tossing them around like balls SAVAGES too.
Look at the non-stop news after the white Marine accidently killed the black criminal threatening people on the subway.

It’s because blacks, like Muslims and gays, are part of the protected class. If a member of the non-protected class, like whites or Jews, kill one of them, it’s major news. If it’s the converse, radio silence.

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