White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

So, if the young white girl dies, the black girl goes from being a savage to a murderer. Is that what you are telling me?
in all seriousness we shouldn't be concentrating on the race of the attackers or the victim .. the question we should be asking is why kids are beating each other to death ,shooting up schools ECT ... what's changed in the last 20 yrs in our youth to cause such hate and violence ? truth is 25 yrs ago it was very very rare to have violence on this scale in public schools .. it was very rare for kids to gang up on one kid or seriously injure another kid .. heck back in the day kids would get into scrapes and nobody would be seriously hurt much less killed .. why are so many kids today so violent ? inmo the biggest change in the lives of kids is the rise in social media .. kids today spend more time on social media than they do playing outside or socializing in real person .. is social media producing a generation of violent lunatics ?
blacks don't fight to the death ... shooting someone isn't a fight to the death ..the truth is kids of all races are getting more violent .
they so./ if its any other race they just black eye or blood nose. if its blacks you get death.
You are my favorite mod here, and have always discussed issues civilly and intelligently, so I look forward to addressing this issue with you.

It‘s true what you say that we do not know that the black girl attacked the white girl for racial reasons (although what happened to me this morning makes me believe it very possibly was, given the rage exhibited by the black girl).

What definitely DOES involve race is the way the school has handled it, and the way the liberal media has (or more accurately, has not) reported on it. The school district sent out a neutral letter expressing “concern for all involved” - never criticizing or even mentioning the black girl’s horrific degree of aggression. Similarly, the mainstream media has been silent on this, and in hours of watching the news it has never come up.

One has to question, given the Left’s pattern of bias when reporting on black and white victims (remember that jogger who was killed by the rednecks? constant coverage), how differently this horrible attempt at murder would have been covered if a big white girl slammed a petite black girl’s brain into the cement repeatedly.

This story explains it better than I could. I hope you and other reasonable posters will take the time to comsider it.
Hey there, I'm on the road, and will respond when I get to my destination later tonight.
Why do you nasty blacks make up shit?
Why do nasty white racist make shit up?
I think the black cops who beat the skinny black guy to death are savages too.
See and you wonder why folks call you a racist POS, now the black cops are savages, but the McMichaels or the 6 white cops aren't. Smfh.
You’ve created this entire racism shit where it doesn’t exist.
I didn't create a damn thing, your record speaks for itself.
And I’m pretty spent today. This morning, four black guys spotted me - an older white lady - and started hassling me just because they could, and because they figured they could get away with it because nobody would step in. And they were right.I don't believe that bullshit, talk about telling a lie quicker than a cat can scratch his ass.
Why do nasty white racist make shit up?

See and you wonder why folks call you a racist POS, now the black cops are savages, but the McMichaels or the 6 white cops aren't. Smfh.

I didn't create a damn thing, your record speaks for itself.
You are so brainwashed into thinking I’m a racist that you didn’t even see that I called the white guys who tortured to death the two black guys SAVAGES.

You remind me of Javert. You’ve created an enemy - a racist - in your own mind, and you can’t face that you’re wrong.
Stop calling people racists for pointing out the double standards of media coverage depending on whether the attacker was black or white.
Damn the media let's talk about the double standard in the Justice System, if you want to talk about something.
Give me an example of whites who slam the brain of a black into the concrete repeatedly, and I will call them savages. The attack we are talking about was SAVAGE,
Yea there is nothing savage about slamming a gun in a man's mouth and blowing half of his tongue off. There is nothing savage about cracking a man's skull with a night stick. You are a disgrace.
Most likely did not happen. I wouldn't know since I quit the MSM hogwash NOV04,2020. You must live in Racial Madcows spew? I would have heard about it. Probably another case of a repeat felon who fought police and got ahold of a weapon or something?
No one shoots off part of a tounge either? lol! You're funny Stupebadboy.
Why do nasty white racist make shit up?

See and you wonder why folks call you a racist POS, now the black cops are savages, but the McMichaels or the 6 white cops aren't. Smfh.

I didn't create a damn thing, your record speaks for itself.
And also, you are so full of hate for whites that you have created a made-up world of “racists” who don’t exist.
Damn the media let's talk about the double standard in the Justice System, if you want to talk about something.

Yea there is nothing savage about slamming a gun in a man's mouth and blowing half of his tongue off. There is nothing savage about cracking a man's skull with a night stick. You are a disgrace.
You are a disgrace. I said the white guys were savages - and your brainwashed mind can’t process that I said it!

You are just so full of hate for whites that you enjoy slapping them around, like what you’re doing with me right now. It’s just like what happened to me this morning with those four black guys - so full of anger against whites, which is the anti-white racism being created by the Left, that you spot an older white lady and just start harassing her for no reason.
You are so brainwashed into thinking I’m a racist that you didn’t even see that I called the white guys who tortured to death the two black guys SAVAGES.

You remind me of Javert. You’ve created an enemy - a racist - in your own mind, and you can’t face that you’re wrong.
You are a racist through and through.

You remind me of MTG.
You are a disgrace. I said the white guys were savages - and your brainwashed mind can’t process that I said it!
No, you called some folks in hypothetical situations savages.
You are just so full of hate for whites that you enjoy slapping them around, like what you’re doing with me right now.
I am full of hate, but it is you that keeps making the racist, hateful posts. Go figure.
It’s just like what happened to me this morning with those four black guys - so full of anger against whites, which is the anti-white racism being created by the Left, that you spot an older white lady and just start harassing her for no reason.
Yea just 4 black dudes just happened to see you and decided to harass you. Go on somewhere with that bullshit, how convenient.
No, you called some folks in hypothetical situations savages.

I am full of hate, but it is you that keeps making the racist, hateful posts. Go figure.

Yea just 4 black dudes just happened to see you and decided to harass you. Go on somewhere with that bullshit, how convenient.
I’ve made no racist comments, and again, you are so brainwashed that you can’t see that I called the white guys who tortured the black guys to death - in the story you linked - savages.

Yes, and the black guys started to harass me. They saw an opportunity to taunt an older white woman, and took it. Not all blacks are decent people, although most are.
So they went on to more lucrative crimes. Big deal. They're street thugs in suits now? lol
Nope. Respectable businessmen. Two small business owners, and one actually operates a vocational school.

I am the first to admit that MANY don't turn their lives around, and drift back into a life of crime, but you're insistence that NONE ever do, is quite a sad testament to what kind of person you are.

With that, this exchange is off topic, so I'm signing off.

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