White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

Well, I agree with that.

. . . and you know who else does? Every decent black mother in this nation. I have read their comments, and they think this is as disgusting as you do.

And you know who else we need to hold accountable? The public schools and the community, that is imparting our children these types of moral and ethics.

Do you think any of these kids go to church on Sunday?

The parents of these kids need to be outed and shamed as well.

What we DON'T need to do? Is make this about race, that does not help us as a nation.

I can agree, but until the real problem is addressed it won't change.

Someone has to be accountable for their children. I hold myself accountable for ours.

A fact, black youths have a problem, we both know what it is.

This reparations BS, broken families or no family, DEI, etc etc only feeds the issue.
Bottom line: As I said from the beginning, A Bigger Girl got on top of a smaller girl and after gaining control....did not stop but instead CHOSE to bash her head into cement violently. //

To all the Spinners and Deflectors: Just SHUP. Does not matter if she died yet? Does not matter what race the offender was. This head bashing was a willful CHOSEN act on a defenseless victim. Bigger kid could have simply held her down for a time until she gave up struggling.
Bottom line: As I said from the beginning, A Bigger Girl got on top of a smaller girl and after gaining control....did not stoop but instead CHOSE to bash her head into cement violently. //

To all the Spinners and Defelctors: Just SHUP. Does not matter if she died yet? Does not matter what race the offender was. This head bashing was a willful CHOSEN act on a defenseless victim. Bigger kid could have simply held her down for a time until she gave up struggling.

She wasn't raised right
See. .. . here is where you have a problem.

You are making the assumption that all black folks are the same, they are not.

A fact, black youths have a problem, we both know what it is.

Are all white youths the same?

". . . Defense attorney Shannon Smith told jurors this case was a “very dangerous one for parents out there,” saying others could find themselves in Crumbley’s shoes, being held responsible for their child’s actions.

But legal experts told CNN while the verdict is unprecedented in that it holds a parent directly accountable in a school shooting, a verdict of this nature remains incredibly rare.

“What’s historic is that parents aren’t generally responsible for unforeseen things that their child could do,” said Janet Johnson, a Florida criminal defense attorney. “But this rose to the level where it was foreseeable.”

Are they all mass shooters?
Of course not. Folks need to stop stereo typing black folks and black families.

This is a problem of poor communities, not of all black folks. Just like white mass shooters are a problem of bad parents, not of all white people. . .

We need to treat people as individuals, and not let the state, or powerful interests use these problems to be a divide, or be used as wedge issues for an agenda.

The precedent has been set. . . we can now hold the parents of black youths that act in unacceptable ways, accountable for the actions of their children. . . ???

The problem? Can we get DAs to act?
Bottom line: As I said from the beginning, A Bigger Girl got on top of a smaller girl and after gaining control....did not stop but instead CHOSE to bash her head into cement violently. //

To all the Spinners and Deflectors: Just SHUP. Does not matter if she died yet? Does not matter what race the offender was. This head bashing was a willful CHOSEN act on a defenseless victim. Bigger kid could have simply held her down for a time until she gave up struggling.
This I can agree with.

What is terrible, is that folks want to make it into a political issue. . . i.e. (The title of the thread;
White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete)

This is as race baiting as anything that IM2 or Curried Goats does, and has as deleterious effects on the community as one of their threads. The unofficial motto of the United State is "Out of many, one." and these types of threads feed into the modus operandi of the ruling oligarchy. . .

Your analysis of the situation here, is sober and enlightened. YES, it matters not what her race is, nor, in the end, whether she died or not.. (But that fact charges the story with even MORE emotion, which is sort of on point for the distraction,) What matters is the values we are imparting to our children, and what are our institutions doing about the bullying and decay among youth culture.

. . . and if you are unbiased and watch carefully, the young white female clearly had lot of black friends on her side.

After she was incapacitated, it became a free for all between the two sides.

The logical conclusion? This has nothing to do with race. It is a gang fight between two opposing factions.

I disagree with your stance on this, if the races were reversed and it was a black girl that was beaten to death, it would be on every 'news' outlet across the country and the reason would be 'racism' before any details came out. And if details came out proving it definitively was not racism, they'd all drop the story as if it never happened. We see it all the time in this country, our 'media' is corrupt and part of the cabal trying to create racial tension. The 'racial tension' that they want to propagate is that of blacks hating whites and thinking all whites are 'racist'.

Someone posted a link earlier to a local news station that claimed the girl died. not sure why a local new station would report that if it wasn't true.
This I can agree with.

What is terrible, is that folks want to make it into a political issue. . . i.e. (The title of the thread;
White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete)

This is as race baiting as anything that IM2 or Curried Goats does, and has as deleterious effects on the community as one of their threads. The unofficial motto of the United State is "Out of many, one." and these types of threads feed into the modus operandi of the ruling oligarchy. . .

Your analysis of the situation here, is sober and enlightened. YES, it matters not what her race is, nor, in the end, whether she died or not.. (But that fact charges the story with even MORE emotion, which is sort of on point for the distraction,) What matters is the values we are imparting to our children, and what are our institutions doing about the bullying and decay among youth culture.

It's not political, it's moral. But if a white girl did it to a minority it'd be national news

We both know it.
Agreed. The victim is still alive in the video.

So you know you are lying. . . interesting. :eusa_think:

. . and here I thought you have always been, generally one of the good ones who doesn't lie on purpose.


So? You and Curried Goats? Liars working together to make America awful! Noice. :113:
Just good harmless fun, huh?

You only know she is alive because the article tells you so

So yes, I think the black girl was consumed with murderous rage
I disagree with your stance on this, if the races were reversed and it was a black girl that was beaten to death, it would be on every 'news' outlet across the country and the reason would be 'racism' before any details came out. And if details came out proving it definitively was not racism, they'd all drop the story as if it never happened. We see it all the time in this country, our 'media' is corrupt and part of the cabal trying to create racial tension. The 'racial tension' that they want to propagate is that of blacks hating whites and thinking all whites are 'racist'.

Someone posted a link earlier to a local news station that claimed the girl died. not sure why a local new station would report that if it wasn't true.
I agree with you. In the reverse, they would make it all about race, whether it was or not.

This is the local news piece. . . it did not say she died.

Though I DO, definitely agree with your analysis of the media and the political, cultural, and intellectual elites, and how they would treat such a story. With the DEI standards, and how ESG investment metrics are embedded in everything, there is not a doubt in my mind that there are biased metrics. I don't deny that if the situation were reversed, the story would be falsely covered for political gain. I admit as much.

You are correct.

The folks in charge want to separate everyone by gender, sex, politics, race, economics, etc. They want absolute chaos.

. . . and all of you seem moar than happy to no longer identify as American, but see each other as the "enemy."
Just good harmless fun, huh?

You only know she is alive because the article tells you so

So yes, I think the black girl was consumed with murderous rage
Well, if we can't read the facts and believe what we are told, and everyone just wants to bleev whatever the hell they want?

. .. what the hell is the point of even talking to each other anymoar?

GO on then, live in your own universe.

I can agree, but until the real problem is addressed it won't change.

Someone has to be accountable for their children. I hold myself accountable for ours.

A fact, black youths have a problem, we both know what it is.

This reparations BS, broken families or no family, DEI, etc etc only feeds the issue.
Hmmm, are white parents being held accountable when their kids break the law, get in fights, use drugs, etc.? Funny how things are fine, as long as, black folks are on the receiving end of injustice.
Well, I agree with that.

. . . and you know who else does? Every decent black mother in this nation. I have read their comments, and they think this is as disgusting as you do.

And you know who else we need to hold accountable? The public schools and the community, that is imparting our children these types of moral and ethics.

Do you think any of these kids go to church on Sunday?

The parents of these kids need to be outed and shamed as well.

What we DON'T need to do? Is make this about race, that does not help us as a nation.
Hmmm, the slave master went to church on Sundays.

The white men who implemented Jim Crow Laws went to church on Sunday.

Many of the white men who were raping, beating, lynching and murdering black folks went to church on Sunday.

What does going to church on Sunday have to do with anything?
Well, if we can't read the facts and believe what we are told, and everyone just wants to bleev whatever the hell they want?

. .. what the hell is the point of even talking to each other anymoar?

GO on then, live in your own universe.

Who told the black girl that her victim was not quite dead yet?

Its obvious that she didnt care if the white girl lived or died
You have to go back pretty far to find many examples of that

But libs covered that base starting with obama's war on the police because its alleged that cops are ant black racists

Even black cops to hear some libs tell it
No I don't, I can go to Mississippi last year when 6 white cops beat to black men damn near to death, because one of them was dating a white woman. Hell one of them put a gun in one of the men's mouth and blew half of his tongue off.
No I don't, I can go to Mississippi last year when 6 white cops beat to black men damn near to death, because one of them was dating a white woman. Hell one of them put a gun in one of the men's mouth and blew half of his tongue off.
You are
No I don't, I can go to Mississippi last year when 6 white cops beat to black men damn near to death, because one of them was dating a white woman. Hell one of them put a gun in one of the men's mouth and blew half of his tongue off.
you are ad-libbing about the white cops, but that doesent mean there are no bad cops

The problem is that when we get both sides of the story its often much different than what the black race baiters are telling us

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