White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

Well it was obvious that she was trying to harm her, but isn't that what happens in a fight. I saw a man knock another man's eye out the socket during a fight, I have seen folks cut during a fight, I have seen folks shot during a fight. That is what folks do during a fight is try and harm the other person.

The Bigger Black girl (In hot pants) made a grievously poor decision. Some stupid mistakes are un-recoverable. A lack of control in a heated situation. A 16 yr old should know better. Sadly, until they put the cuffs on she was probably Pea-Cocking around "look at me" I am the baddest mofo on the block. Come git ya sum of dis! Now she can fight thru jail with the hard core long term inmates.//
The Bigger Black girl (In hot pants) made a grievously poor decision. Some stupid mistakes are un-recoverable. A lack of control in a heated situation. A 16 yr old should know better. Sadly, until they put the cuffs on she was probably Pea-Cocking around "look at me" I am the baddest mofo on the block. Come git ya sum of dis! Now she can fight thru jail with the hard core long term inmates.//
So you fight someone to defend yourself? That doesn’t make any sense.

Who the hell fights someone to defend themselves?

You fight someone to cause them pain, that is the whole reason you fight. Learned behavior? Folks have been fighting each other since man has been on earth.

You "fight" to gain control and defend yourself to point you can exit gracefully. Not to end the life of anyone that dares to look at you sideways.//
Are you nuts? It said right in the story that the white guy shoved a gun in the black guy’s mouth, and that the whites hid their torture of that guy and another black guy,

Something is very wrong with you. I called the white guys “savages,” although in your made-up Javert mind that I’m a racist didn‘t process it, and NOW you’re asking me to show where in the story the white Giy tortured the black?

Again, nuts.

Anyway, find another white woman to insult and harass. I’ve had a bad day as it is, and I don’t need more crap from you.
he may have been one of the 4 guys harassing you earlier !! the one with the limp wrist and pineapple hairstyle :eusa_eh:
I can tell your weak ass has never been in a fight.
I can tell you have a very nasty and violent side if you think the purpose of a fight is to put your opponent in as much pain and torment as you can, including slamming his head to the concrete until he is unconscious - and with no consideration as to whether your actions may kill him.

Would you do that to a weaker, smaller opponent as well….say, a woman?
I can tell you have a very nasty and violent side if you think the purpose of a fight is to put your opponent in as much pain and torment as you can, including slamming his head to the concrete until he is unconscious - and with no consideration as to whether your actions may kill him.

Would you do that to a weaker, smaller opponent as well….say, a woman?
Explain to me what you are trying to achieve when you fight someone. I don't fight women, do you fight men?
Why do you nasty blacks make up shit? I think the black cops who beat the skinny black guy to death are savages too.

You’ve created this entire racism shit where it doesn’t exist.

And I’m pretty spent today. This morning, four black guys spotted me - an older white lady - and started hassling me just because they could, and because they figured they could get away with it because nobody would step in. And they were right.
I used to live in Los Angeles. I stopped for gas at the station at LaCienega and Cadillac. I was immediately surrounded by beggars of every race and description. Must have been 6 or 8 of them. I went berserker on them, punching, kicking, screaming, spitting. If nothing else, this older lady surprised them by being crazier than they were. That's when my son had me move to Orange County with him. Now, we've evacuated California entirely.
I can tell you have a very nasty and violent side if you think the purpose of a fight is to put your opponent in as much pain and torment as you can, including slamming his head to the concrete until he is unconscious - and with no consideration as to whether your actions may kill him.

Would you do that to a weaker, smaller opponent as well….say, a woman?
only for blacks
So you fight someone to defend yourself? That doesn’t make any sense.

Who the hell fights someone to defend themselves?

You fight someone to cause them pain, that is the whole reason you fight. Learned behavior? Folks have been fighting each other since man has been on earth.
It is amazing the depths you will go to justify criminal behavior just because the perpetrator is Black.

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