White Teens Walking Near 'Black Lives Matter' Protest In CA Viciously Attacked...

"Stockton police are searching for the suspects in a vicious attack that happened on Friday against two teenaged sisters.

Police say a group of protestors wearing Black Lives Matter shirts held a vigil and a protest near the intersection of Pacific and Yokuts avenues.

Protestors were remembering Colby Friday, an African-American man who was shot and killed by Stockton police in August after he ignored an officer’s commands to drop his handgun.

Police say two Caucasian girls left a local restaurant and passed by the protest when they were attacked by the protestors."


Teen Sisters Hurt During Stockton Protest Felt Targeted Because They Are White

The hypocritical left will always rush to defend BLM or Muslims in these cases. They always "fear" for the safety of Muslims after another radical Islamist attacks. They defend BLM no matter how many members attack whites. I haven't heard any liberal fearing for the lives of whites and cops after the latest incident.

The difference is that most of the shootings by cops were completely justified and yet the retaliation is swift. There should be no retaliation. They never allow the system to handle things. And the left doesn't mourn the loss of white lives or cops.

The terrorist attacks are not justified and yet the left rushes to protect them. The BLM attacks are nothing but terror attacks. They don't want cops shooting thugs no matter what. And the left stands by them.

Why is it that liberals always pretend that terrorists and radical groups are right to commit violence because they are offended over perceived wrongs? They excuse them for committing violence and act like it's a reasonable response because someone pissed them off.

BLM had no reason to be upset over a black cop shooting a black guy pointing a gun at him. And the brother of the suspect is out there calling all white fucking devils. Brain dead idiot and yet Hillary and others are feeding this sick mindset instead of trying to stop this nonsense.

The left is against putting the truth out there. They are more interested in using people to their advantage.
When a Muslim murders people, the left says 'don't judge all Muslims, this was a random thing.' They go on to blame guns, Islamophobia, bigotry and the fact that all those things offended them. Killing is a perfectly reasonable response to being insulted.

When BLM members ambush police officers or attack whites, the left says 'don't judge all these groups, this was just a random thing.' They go on to blame white privilege and guns for the violence. The violence is a perfectly reasonable response to those things.

When a black cop is justified in shooting a black thug, the left says 'we need to talk about racism in America.' Then they excuse the violence in the cities, the brutal attacks on innocent people, the looting, the burning, and the hate speech toward whites.

When Muslims and minority groups attack, they say they were pushed into it. Both groups constantly call for their members to murder those who are not members of their groups.

When cops defend their lives, they say it's uncalled for. Even when the cop is black, they blame racism.

All these riots, all the senseless murders of whites and cops by these radical groups are owned by Obama and other leaders who not only refuse to condemn it, but encourage it by ramping up the rhetoric and painting America as a racist country.
The left live in hypocrisy.

Look at all the bigotry from the left for anyone who doesn't agree with them...including any minority who doesn't toe the lib line.
Is why the cops should keep shooting innocent black men?
What a moronic question...

Sorry you are so defensive about BLM viciously attacking two innocent white female teens that you have to attempt to distract the discussion by throwing in something that has nothing to do with this story.... Pathetic.

Is that a yes or a no?

I think the answer you are looking for is, "to be expected". Turning cops into targets makes them nervous. They are going to shoot you before you can shoot them. All it takes is one false move. They are that jittery. And they resent you walking up to their partners and blowing THEM away. Many more blacks and whites are going to die because of the atmosphere that has been created.
Becoming more militant, using a shooting to help yourself to free stuff, attacking people randomly, isn't going to rectify the problem. It is going to exacerbate the problem. You have the media on your side. Use it. Hold peaceful civilized protests, the very thing you admired in Dr. King. And sue. There is strength in numbers. Become one loud voice, and be heard.

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