White woman attacks Mexican conservative wearing MAGA hat and says Mexican woman is racist

Well...I presume it's a white woman, could be an effeminate black man with bleached skin...

Racist Democrat harasses and assaults Mexican American Trump Supporter wearing a MAGA hat. : PublicFreakout
Anybody wearing a MAGA hat should be confronted.

You fucking Nazis.

Violent and stupid. I wear one all the time, fuckwad. I suspect you wouldn't confront me.
I doubt you wear it out of your safe spaces. You know better.


I'm in California, Nazi fuck. I wear it where I please, and not one of you little faggots has made so much as a peep.

You Nazis are cowards, and we all know it. You'll only attack if there is a large pack of you, and even then, well let's just say the Proud Boys are watching, so you Nazi pigs will pay a heavy price should you attack.
Dude why would a Conservative live in California. Get out, while you still can.

I'd rather take my state back. This is the land of Ronald Reagan.
Confront me and grab at my phone they'll likely get hurt. A good right cross to the adams apple can do some serious damage.

Of course you should try to defend yourself

Try hell, I pack heat, if necessary I'll deploy a .40 hollow point.

Maybe if you're quick enough. More likely that you'll down before you know what's happening, or that you'll just preemptively murder someone out of your crippling fear.

Yeah, give that a try. I'm 6-2, 240. I doubt any snowflake would try anything. Especially a keyboard warrior such as yourself.

6-2, 240, and a pussy

You're the one afraid of a hat, stupidass.
Democrats hate Brown people that don’t listen.. look at the lynching years
Democrats hate Brown people that don’t listen.. look at the lynching years

democrats seek to rule - period.

And the rest is just a means to an end.

Racism is just a tool democrats use to gain power. They seek to pit American against American so that they can pike a side and claim they are the champion. They are thugs and tyrants, nothing more. For a hundred and fifty years they preached hatred of black people, now they preach hatred of white people. Even the tropes they use are the same, it's nothing but reheated shit from their KKK and Jim Crow efforts.
Anybody wearing a MAGA hat should be confronted.
Anybody who is a socialist or a commie should be FUCKING MURDERED!!!!

Let's dial that back a bit. If the Nazis get violent, then they must be met with overwhelming response. If the vicious fucks pull old people from cars, then we men need to kick the shit out of them in the streets, and BE PROUD when we do it.

Scum like this terrorist BlackFlag are cowards. Be his worst nightmare and he'll scurry back under his rock. These fools are cowards, the always retreat in the face of those who stand up to them.

On the contrary, we very much need to dial it up.

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