White Woman Pretends To Be Black!!!

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Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
There aren't enough threads on this subject. So...I started another one.

The nutter echo chamber is all abuzz! This is proof! Finally PROOF!

Don't ask proof of what. Nobody knows.
Other than to the City of Spokane, I'm not sure why this is an issue.

It is however definite proof.
But....shes not pretending. If she feels she is black...she IS black. You liberals educated us on some ideas we stubbornly rejected.

Man. Woman. Black. Disabled. Whatever you feel on the inside is reality.
There aren't enough threads on this subject. So...I started another one.

The nutter echo chamber is all abuzz! This is proof! Finally PROOF!

Don't ask proof of what. Nobody knows.

Well, it's because nutters just love them those black peepelz, they want to try to say that the NAACP is bunk cuz hey look, a white woman is leading it in Seattle, or Benghazi or something something.
I fail to see what this has to do with pool parties, Muslims, Ted Cruz or the Second Amendment (praised be Its Holey Name).
Bruce Jenner believes he was born the wrong gender.

This woman believes she was born the wrong skin color.

Both took steps to change their situation.

Explain the difference. Why is one ok and the other is being mocked?
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