BREAKING: Another White woman punched in face by black suspect in Manhattan amid rash of black-on-White attacks

Think about it. When shitstain obama said he was going to transform the country this is the transformation he meant.
When the Orange POS talks about MAGA what period is he talking about? When black folks were being lynched, when women couldn't vote, Jim Crow, etc.
Where did I make a specious statement? I have backed it up. Your culture has dotted the landscape, our roads and buildings and schools with the images and names of slavers that your culture venerates and slavers did a lot worse than punching random strangers in face.
Predictably, you are justifying random violence only because the perpetrators are dominated by Blacks.

You are so angry at a culture that had a comparatively short tenure with Slavery that you overlook the cultures outside of Western Whites that actually tolerate and practice slavery to this day in Africa, The Middle East, Asia, and Latin America. Get a clue…. Slavery is dominated by non-whites.
Predictably, you are justifying random violence only because the perpetrators are dominated by Blacks.
I haven't justified any violence. You just made that up.
You are so angry at a culture that had a comparatively short tenure with Slavery that you overlook the cultures outside of Western Whites that actually tolerate and practice slavery to this day in Africa, The Middle East, Asia, and Latin America. Get a clue…. Slavery is dominated by non-whites.
My argument has nothing to do with emotion. It's all about facts. The fact is your culture has venerated deplorably violent men who assaulted innocent men, women and children. Fact.
I haven't justified any violence. You just made that up.

My argument has nothing to do with emotion. It's all about facts. The fact is your culture has venerated deplorably violent men who assaulted innocent men, women and children. Fact.
Your culture is doing it now as we speak.
When the Orange POS talks about MAGA what period is he talking about? When black folks were being lynched, when women couldn't vote, Jim Crow, etc.
Is that your response to the shitstain's transformation? Do you like what he's done? I'll bet you dol
There has been no glorification of violent black people from anyone I know and yet it's your culture that celebrates slavers.
You need a good ole fashioned bullwhipping, Kunta Kinte style! You need to understand the meaning of WHITE POWER!
Practice of Slavery is glorification and it is dominated by non-whites.
Neither me, my family or any black Americans I know practice slavery. You're doing projection. That other black people somewhere else in the world engage in slavery has nothing to do with me you Moron. You and your cultures veneration of slavers is directly tied to you.
Logical consequences that illustrate the need for Chauvin's law.

This time it's claimed to be a rash.

Creating total submission of black men is the only solution that can be imagined for America. It doesn't work!
Not randomly punching white strangers in the face amounts to total submission by black men?

Thats an insane thing for you to say
Neither me, my family or any black Americans I know practice slavery. You're doing projection. That other black people somewhere else in the world engage in slavery has nothing to do with me you Moron. You and your cultures veneration of slavers is directly tied to you.
I don’t engage in slavery and am the son of brown immigrants so my ancestors didn’t engage in slavery. You can insult me all you want but it won’t change the fact that slavery is practiced today by non-white nations and cultures while western white nations abdicated the practice long ago.
I don’t engage in slavery and am the son of brown immigrants so my ancestors didn’t engage in slavery.
What does bring brown have to do with whether or not your ancestors engaged in slavery? :dunno:
You can insult me all you want but it won’t change the fact that slavery is practiced today by non-white nations and cultures while western white nations abdicated the practice long ago.
That's actually not a fact but it also has nothing to do with what we're talking about which makes it a strawman.
What does bring brown have to do with whether or not your ancestors engaged in slavery? :dunno:

That's actually not a fact but it also has nothing to do with what we're talking about which makes it a strawman.
You want to provide some facts? Here, look at all of those western white people engaged in slavery today:

I see Russia on that list. Are Russians not white? Also lots of brown countries on that list. Which one did your parents come from again?
My ancestory is Mediterranean. That list is dominated by non-White Nations. Russia is anything but Western White.
My ancestory is Mediterranean. That list is dominated by non-White Nations. Russia is anything but Western White.
It's in fact dominated by countries that my ancestors are from. I'm Chinese and Indian and African (though it isn't a country and my people would be from what is now Nigeria but wasn't when they brought to Jamaica). That's ancestry however, not culture. I don't venerate slavers who routinely assaulted innocent women. White American culture does generally though some are learning better. It's already started with whites largely ending the veneration of Confederates. We'll get to slaver Founders eventually.

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