White woman who stole $250K gets probation, while Black woman who stole $40K goes to jail. Disparate sentences spark calls for reform.

Fuck off. You're just to fucking stupid to understand why there should be an incentive to pay the money back.

She stole $238,000 and paid $300,000 right there on that day of sentencing.

If she would have got a bunch of prison time, the next crook in her situation simply won't pay any of the money back. They would hide it away and say they lost it all in a game of poker.

And felony probation does not = no punishment. Here in Ohio you must take regular drug tests and random drug tests, be on time for every appointment with your probation officer, you cannot leave the county, and your home is subject to search 24/7. And if the probation officer finds so much as a beer bottle cap or a dirty roach clip in your home or vehicle you are in violation of probation and can be arrested and hauled back before the judge for re-sentencing.

Considering that she paid full restitution, has a very low chance of recidivism, no history of alcohol or drug addiction, she has no history of violence, no gang affiliation and it's a first time non-violent offense, she was a perfect candidate for probation.
I dont feel sorry for either one

Including the white women who finish her life with no money in the bank to live on
Fuck off. You're just too fucking stupid to understand why there should be an incentive to pay the money back.

She stole $238,000 and paid $300,000 right there on that day of sentencing.

If she would have got a bunch of prison time, the next crook in her situation simply won't pay any of the money back. They would hide it away and say they lost it all in a game of poker.

And felony probation does not = no punishment. Here in Ohio you must take regular drug tests and random drug tests, be on time for every appointment with your probation officer, you cannot leave the county, and your home is subject to search 24/7. And if the probation officer finds so much as a beer bottle cap or a dirty roach clip in your home or vehicle you are in violation of probation and can be arrested and hauled back before the judge for re-sentencing.

Considering that she paid full restitution, has a very low chance of recidivism, no history of alcohol, drug or gambling addiction, she has no history of violence, no gang affiliation and it's a first time non-violent offense, she was a perfect candidate for probation.
That is just a bunch of dumbass excuses for a white woman. She was stealing for over 20yrs, do you don't know WTF she has a chance of doing.
She paid the money back

The black woman didnt
She did not pay the money back even though she clearly had the means to pay it back. And the fact that she was stealing from the schools makes her crime particularly egregious. It's like she was saying "to hell with those kids, I'm keeping the money!"

The blowback from the voters may be to shoot down the next school levy like what happened here in Toledo when there was a similar embezzlement scandal.

If I was the judge I would have gave that bitch the maximum penalty too.
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Lots of things have to be weighted when it comes to sentencing.

Judges have to apply sentencing principles and many things have weight.

General and specific deterrence, the criminal priors of the convicted person, the chances of rehabilitation, early guilty pleas, demonstrated remorse, who were the victims, the mental state of the convicted, all these things are taken into consideration.

Believe it or not, everything isn't about race.
There's absolutely no racism in this country, according to you and your ilk.
So after you get caught, if you pay the money back no crime was committed.
If you're black, you'll have your sentence changed...lol

But yeah, the white woman paying restitution made a difference. The black girl intentionally cashed out her retirement account so the money couldn't be confiscated.
So you break the Law for 20yrs, get caught and out of the goodness of your heart you are forced to pay the money back, so you shouldn't be held accountable for stealing for 20yrs.
who said you shouldn't be held accountable? Not me. Not the Judges in the link your provide, and frankly, no poster on this thread.

All anyone has said, is that it certainly should be considered in sentencing, not that someone should be held accountable.

Can you not read? Or do you just make things up?
And yet people will claim that the mere presence of high numbers of blacks in our jail system is evidence that blacks are inherently more likely to break the law.

This certainly argues against that
Yes, tell me about who commits the most violent crimes.

I swear, I could NOT make this up! She liquidated it to feed her gambling addiction! Got it!

WTF is so funny about that, idiot. WTF do you think she stole the money in the first place.

Hopkins told Bell that she emptied her pension -- she didn’t know how much was in it but said, after taxes, she received about $20,000 -- to pay her bills after the school fired her. Her attorney, Bret Jordan, said that she began stealing the money while dealing with mental health issues and her gambling addiction but has since gotten treatment and gone through a job placement program. In the meantime, she came up with $5,000 to pay toward her restitution.

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