White woman who stole $250K gets probation, while Black woman who stole $40K goes to jail. Disparate sentences spark calls for reform.

I visit fairly regularly. I'm proud of my heritage. I would be LIVID if any of my schools had said that math and reading are unfair and harm eye-talians. But, somehow, you're not bothered when Progressive say that about "student of color"
I’ll bet he believes math is racist to keep blacks down.
1 + 1 = the new N word.
After the Democrats number one saint died, St. Floyd, the list of racist items and practices grew 100 folds.

Being on time, racist
Neat handwriting, racist
AI, racist
Red light cameras, racist
Classical music, racist
Comedies without black cast, racist
Math, racist
Higher learning institutions, racist
Neat and tidy and dressing up, racist

The list goes on and on
See this why whites like you don't want police reform, judicial reform or any other form. You want it to stay just the way it is to keep you in a privileged position.
So tell us, how has that police reform and defund the police work out for you?


Detroit Cut Its Murder Rate To A 60 Year Low By Simply Ignoring Liberal Crime Policies

December 05, 20234:40 PM ET
Detroit, Michigan, cut its murder rate down to a 60-year-low by simply ignoring liberal crime policies, holding criminals accountable and hiring more police, a report from the city showed.

Maybe, certainly that should be taken into consideration when you are sentenced. Why should it not be?
Smfh, here comes another fool. You commit a crime for over 20yrs, get caught and then you say, "Oh here is the money back".
We hear that the Justice System is equal in this country, but why does it seem as though when the defendant is black Lady Justice is peeking under the mask.

Now this story is about 2yrs old, but just check it out.

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Two Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court judges doled out disparate sentences this week to women who stole public money in separate cases, reigniting calls to create a statewide sentencing database to ensure judges mete out fair punishments.

A white woman stole nearly $250,000 from the village of Chagrin Falls. Judge Hollie Gallagher sentenced her on Monday to two years of probation. A Black woman who stole $40,000 from Maple Heights City Schools went before Judge Rick Bell, who sentenced her Tuesday to 18 months in prison.

Now just watch how easy the excuses roll out.

The black woman liquidated her pension to keep from paying back what she stole.....you left that out...

Bell quickly quizzed Hopkins about her pension and how much money she took out after her arrest. She eventually said she took all of it out.

Ohio law requires any money left in the public pension account of someone convicted of theft in office to go toward restitution. Hopkins told Bell that she did not know about the law and that she took the money out to pay her bills because she lost her job.

The white woman liquidated her pension and paid it as restitution to pay back what she stole......

She agreed to forfeit more than $200,000 in her public employee pension to the village. She wrote another check Monday $100,000 to cover her theft and the cost of a forensic audit the village conducted after discovering it.

Thanks for leaving out those details......

Thanks for the links so I could show your bullshit.....
As noted above, Biden gave the info back and Trump refused so all is good, right?

No...Trump, as President had a right to those documents......biden, as Vice President had not right or legal authority to have those documents...he stole them.
No...Trump, as President had a right to those documents......biden, as Vice President had not right or legal authority to have those documents...he stole them.
And senator Biden stole and stored classified documents in his home.
From the story it appears that the white woman paid all the stolen money back using her pension fund before facing the judge

The black woman drained the money from her pension fund, spent it paying personal bills and still owed most of the money she stole

So the two cases are not the same at all
Looks like Sambo IMnothing got owned again.
So if I go rob a bank and give it back the next day, then I should just get probation.
This wasn't a bank robbery, dumbass.

These were white collar crimes.

In one case, at sentencing the defendant had raised money to pay restitution, thus making the victim whole again. She could pay it back the day of sentencing. That is taken under consideration by the judge.

In the other case, after the defendant got out on bail, she emptied her retirement account and spent the money, instead of saving it to pay restitution. As if to say, fuck you, I'm not paying anything back. That is taken under consideration by the judge.

And you know damn well she still hasn't paid back the money she stole.

So fuck off, racist moron.
We hear that the Justice System is equal in this country, but why does it seem as though when the defendant is black Lady Justice is peeking under the mask.

Now this story is about 2yrs old, but just check it out.

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Two Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court judges doled out disparate sentences this week to women who stole public money in separate cases, reigniting calls to create a statewide sentencing database to ensure judges mete out fair punishments.

A white woman stole nearly $250,000 from the village of Chagrin Falls. Judge Hollie Gallagher sentenced her on Monday to two years of probation. A Black woman who stole $40,000 from Maple Heights City Schools went before Judge Rick Bell, who sentenced her Tuesday to 18 months in prison.

Now just watch how easy the excuses roll out.
And yet people will claim that the mere presence of high numbers of blacks in our jail system is evidence that blacks are inherently more likely to break the law.

This certainly argues against that
One of them paid it back, and the other did her damnedest to avoid paying it back.

One willingly took responsibility for her misdeed, showing genuine remorse, while the other did not.

If you were not such a POS racist, you would know that, DAN.
She was sorry… that she got caught…
NO white men, the laws were wrote by white men for white men.
my god i'm so thanakful to be white.......................i can't imagine wallowing in my own defecation my whole life AND WHINING

being black would make me stronger and fight harder...not waste my life at usmb with just one subject only

you've taught me so much

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