White woman who stole $250K gets probation, while Black woman who stole $40K goes to jail. Disparate sentences spark calls for reform.

The "white woman" made full restitution. The "black woman" has not. Oh, and by the way...the "black woman" served 37 days and then got probation even though she STILL hasn't paid back the money she stole!
So, as long as, you can pay it back it's OK to steal.

Please post the link that shows she only served 37 days in jail.
Making restitution will ALWAYS affect someone's sentence! That's got nothing to do with racism...it's simple common sense.

There was a hearing on Karla Hopkins’ motion seeking judicial release late Monday and the motion to modify the sentence was approved.

What was the initial sentence and why was it modified?
Seeing racism and dealing with racism are 2 different things, what does racism in another country have to do with the racism we face in America?

Yea there are things that have gotten better and there are things that have remained the same.

Explain the white and Asian cultures that you speak of as compared to so called black culture.

Racism will continue to exist. It's not going away anytime soon. You seem to complain about the racist judiciary system based on a single snapshot while dismissing far more egregious crimes by blacks who got nothing more than a slap on the wrist or no outrage from Democrats and the media unless the perpetrators are whites. Democrats and the media have been telling us the danger of white supremacy since 2020. Yet, not one mass shooting was the work of a white supremacist member. We've seen plenty of blacks shooting others and blacks but not a peep from Joe Biden or any member of his party dare to speak about black crimes going out of control. Here you are nitpicking one incident and having a meltdown over it.

Majority of the standards, laws, and traditions today were started by whites with some Asian background integrated. The list of racism is expanding. I could have sworn back in the days, aceing math test was something to cheer about. These days, math is racist. Proper English usage sounds white. Traditional marriage is whiteness even though Asians have been getting married longer than whites. Traditional family is whiteness. Gotta do away with the practice.

Blacks who believe these think they are making a point while not realizing how silly they sound. You don't have to like whites but I dare you to say the Westernized standards of living is subpar compare to Africa. Blacks and all ethnic groups benefitted heavily from the Westernized standards and living among whites whether you want to admit or not. There is not one black run country that is the envy of the world. Look at the pace S. Africa is descending into Third World status after getting rid of them pesky whites. Zimbabwe is doing one hell of a job for sure. I would say countries with higher standards of living than the US are South Korea and Japan. The gap is widening as the US is slowly sliding into Third Work status. Many parts of CA are already there.
There was a hearing on Karla Hopkins’ motion seeking judicial release late Monday and the motion to modify the sentence was approved.

What was the initial sentence and why was it modified?
Just admit that her sentence was reduced to time served and she was given probation, Super! And she got that despite having made ZERO restitution of the money she stole! Which pretty much makes this string a joke...just saying...
The "white woman" made full restitution. The "black woman" has not. Oh, and by the way...the "black woman" served 37 days and then got probation even though she STILL hasn't paid back the money she stole!
She was ABLE to pay full restitution because she stole a quarter million dollars
She was ABLE to pay full restitution because she stole a quarter million dollars
LOL...she paid back what she stole. The other woman hasn't paid back ANY of the money she stole! The amount doesn't change either of those facts.
LOL...she paid back what she stole. The other woman hasn't paid back ANY of the money she stole! The amount doesn't change either of those facts.
That’s a lie of course. She paid back $5k that she couldn’t afford.

The white lady paid back what she got caught stealing and she ONLY paid it back because she stole so much that she could AFFORD to pay it back… once she got caught after 20 fucking years
Just admit that her sentence was reduced to time served and she was given probation, Super! And she got that despite having made ZERO restitution of the money she stole! Which pretty much makes this string a joke...just saying...
It's amazing, the new right wing excuse is "she paid the money back" the fact that she was stealing for over a 20yr period doesn't really matter.
That's all keep saying "she paid restitution."
She did, nobody saying that means she shouldn't be found guilty of the crime. Folks are saying that certainly should be considered in sentencing her for the crime, compared to someone that hasn't.
She did, nobody saying that means she shouldn't be found guilty of the crime. Folks are saying that certainly should be considered in sentencing her for the crime, compared to someone that hasn't.
So you steal for OVER 20yrs, get caught, are forced to give up your pension (which she didn't just volunteer to do) and 2 yrs probation is good enough for stealing 250k bucks.
Racism will continue to exist. It's not going away anytime soon. You seem to complain about the racist judiciary system based on a single snapshot while dismissing far more egregious crimes by blacks who got nothing more than a slap on the wrist or no outrage from Democrats and the media unless the perpetrators are whites. Democrats and the media have been telling us the danger of white supremacy since 2020. Yet, not one mass shooting was the work of a white supremacist member. We've seen plenty of blacks shooting others and blacks but not a peep from Joe Biden or any member of his party dare to speak about black crimes going out of control. Here you are nitpicking one incident and having a meltdown over it.

Majority of the standards, laws, and traditions today were started by whites with some Asian background integrated. The list of racism is expanding. I could have sworn back in the days, aceing math test was something to cheer about. These days, math is racist. Proper English usage sounds white. Traditional marriage is whiteness even though Asians have been getting married longer than whites. Traditional family is whiteness. Gotta do away with the practice.

Blacks who believe these think they are making a point while not realizing how silly they sound. You don't have to like whites but I dare you to say the Westernized standards of living is subpar compare to Africa. Blacks and all ethnic groups benefitted heavily from the Westernized standards and living among whites whether you want to admit or not. There is not one black run country that is the envy of the world. Look at the pace S. Africa is descending into Third World status after getting rid of them pesky whites. Zimbabwe is doing one hell of a job for sure. I would say countries with higher standards of living than the US are South Korea and Japan. The gap is widening as the US is slowly sliding into Third Work status. Many parts of CA are already there.
You guys love to tell us what Democrats aren't doing and then when I ask what policies are Republicans going to put in place to fix these problems all I hear are crickets.

This country is nowhere near sliding into no damn 3rd world status, tell you what actually go to a 3rd world country and you dumbass clowns would STFU.
So you steal for OVER 20yrs, get caught, are forced to give up your pension (which she didn't just volunteer to do) and 2 yrs probation is good enough for stealing 250k bucks.
To the State and Court it was.

Likewise you can steal 40k, blow all the stolen money on casinos, pay none of it back, have no plan to pay it back and get time served and probation in that state

Doesn’t seem fair, both are likely to keep stealing, especially the one that didn’t even have to pay the money back

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