White woman who stole $250K gets probation, while Black woman who stole $40K goes to jail. Disparate sentences spark calls for reform.

You are teaching your kids to go along just to get along, probably what you have done your whole life. Turn a blind eye to what is happening around you and pray that nothing happens to you. See fool, I grew up at a time when you couldn't go and sit down and eat when you wanted to, when you went to the movies we sat up in the balcony, so please don't try to tell me a damn thing about skin tone. I asked you earlier to tell me in what facet of American life that race doesn't matter and you keep giving me these weak ass answers about me being unhappy and my life is miserable and blah, blah, blah.
Lol...have you seen the outright racism in other countries before you continue to criticize the US. I mean, US is not perfect but at least all walks of life have an opportunity to better themselves. You seem to complain about what whities done in the past and said nothing has changed. You don't want to accept the negatives about the black culture but you have no qualms criticizing the white culture and it's racist core because many of our modern practices are based upon white and Asian cultures without any black culture put into practice. Is that why you are angry?
We hear that the Justice System is equal in this country, but why does it seem as though when the defendant is black Lady Justice is peeking under the mask.

Now this story is about 2yrs old, but just check it out.

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Two Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court judges doled out disparate sentences this week to women who stole public money in separate cases, reigniting calls to create a statewide sentencing database to ensure judges mete out fair punishments.

A white woman stole nearly $250,000 from the village of Chagrin Falls. Judge Hollie Gallagher sentenced her on Monday to two years of probation. A Black woman who stole $40,000 from Maple Heights City Schools went before Judge Rick Bell, who sentenced her Tuesday to 18 months in prison.

Now just watch how easy the excuses roll out.
The entire world knows that justice is not equal in this country.
She was able to pay it back because she STOLE SO MUCH MORE
That makes absolutely no sense. Regardless, the bottom line is, when restitution is able to fully be paid, prior to sentencing, a judge should certainly take that into consideration. To say otherwise is just ignoring reality
Lol...have you seen the outright racism in other countries before you continue to criticize the US. I mean, US is not perfect but at least all walks of life have an opportunity to better themselves. You seem to complain about what whities done in the past and said nothing has changed. You don't want to accept the negatives about the black culture but you have no qualms criticizing the white culture and it's racist core because many of our modern practices are based upon white and Asian cultures without any black culture put into practice. Is that why you are angry?
Seeing racism and dealing with racism are 2 different things, what does racism in another country have to do with the racism we face in America?

Yea there are things that have gotten better and there are things that have remained the same.

Explain the white and Asian cultures that you speak of as compared to so called black culture.
Yep how's that two tier justice system working for you?
Still waiting for you to show where you MAGA Trump Humpers called it a two-tier system before your orange god got hemmed up. That 2 tier system has always been one white, one black; separate and unequal.
That makes absolutely no sense. Regardless, the bottom line is, when restitution is able to fully be paid, prior to sentencing, a judge should certainly take that into consideration. To say otherwise is just ignoring reality.

The bottom line here is do you think Justice was equal here. Wait, I already know what the answer will be, but go ahead anyway.
Still waiting for you to show where you MAGA Trump Humpers called it a two-tier system before your orange god got hemmed up. That 2 tier system has always been one white, one black; separate and unequal.
Is that why Bowman isn't doing time?
Still waiting for you to show where you MAGA Trump Humpers called it a two-tier system before your orange god got hemmed up. That 2 tier system has always been one white, one black; separate and unequal.
Hillary Clinton being allowed to escape jail time was before trump
Ted Kennedy leaving the sense of a deadly accident he caused and so many more.
All this was before trump. All this showing a two tiered just system.
Hillary Clinton being allowed to escape jail time was before trump
Ted Kennedy leaving the sense of a deadly accident he caused and so many more.
All this was before trump. All this showing a two tiered just system.
What was Hillary convicted of?

Again it's amazing how we never heard this complaint from white folks until Trump got caught up.
How did she get made whole? She got caught, she didn't just come forward. She was forced to pay the money 💰 back.
Um the victim isn’t the defendant that got caught


One victim got their money back, one didn’t…justice wasn’t equal at all
We hear that the Justice System is equal in this country, but why does it seem as though when the defendant is black Lady Justice is peeking under the mask.

Now this story is about 2yrs old, but just check it out.

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Two Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court judges doled out disparate sentences this week to women who stole public money in separate cases, reigniting calls to create a statewide sentencing database to ensure judges mete out fair punishments.

A white woman stole nearly $250,000 from the village of Chagrin Falls. Judge Hollie Gallagher sentenced her on Monday to two years of probation. A Black woman who stole $40,000 from Maple Heights City Schools went before Judge Rick Bell, who sentenced her Tuesday to 18 months in prison.

Now just watch how easy the excuses roll out.
The "white woman" made full restitution. The "black woman" has not. Oh, and by the way...the "black woman" served 37 days and then got probation even though she STILL hasn't paid back the money she stole!
Um the victim isn’t the defendant that got caught


One victim got their money back, one didn’t…justice wasn’t equal at all
Your argument makes no sense, you are basically saying it is ok for you to break the Law, as long as, you can pay it back.

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