Whites are killed the most by police

You're welcome. You did note the part I enclosed in red, that said

Sadly, the trend of fatal police shootings in the United States seems to only be increasing, with a total 830 civilians having been shot, 241 of whom were Black, as of November 2021. In 2020, there were 1,021 fatal police shootings, and in 2019 there were 999 fatal shootings. Additionally, the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 37 fatal shootings per million of the population as of November 2021.

The chart below illustrates that more clearl
You're welcome. You did note the part I enclosed in red, that said

Sadly, the trend of fatal police shootings in the United States seems to only be increasing, with a total 830 civilians having been shot, 241 of whom were Black, as of November 2021. In 2020, there were 1,021 fatal police shootings, and in 2019 there were 999 fatal shootings. Additionally, the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 37 fatal shootings per million of the population as of November 2021.

The chart below illustrates that more clearly
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who made this up. mine is all the up to now and it has always been whites shot more by police.its A Fact.
I never said per capita. And anyone that did is simply stupid. But all I have seen is people claiming more whites then blacks were killed by police. Considering that Blacks are 12 percent of the population and are 37 percent of the violent crime committers and whites are 60 percent of the population and only commit 60 percent of violent crime per capita it should be 3 times as many blacks as whites per capita killed by cops.
because it is true.
who made this up. mine is all the up to now and it has always been whites shot more by police.its A Fact.

my link sauis more whites are shot by police then blacks. clean your g lasses,.
The quote is from your link that you evidently didn't read. The chart I posted was a link from inside your link that you evidently didn't read. You really should read your links before you post them. This one said the exact opposite of what you were trying to claim. To make that more clear to you YOUR LINK DISPROVED YOUR CLAIM, DUMB ASS
The quote is from your link that you evidently didn't read. The chart I posted was a link from inside your link that you evidently didn't read. You really should read your links before you post them. This one said the exact opposite of what you were trying to claim. To make that more clear to you YOUR LINK DISPROVED YOUR CLAIM, DUMB ASS
the graph on my link shows my graph shows a higher n umbers of whites dumb ass yourself. a cop will tell you the same thing,.


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in a year that saw a nationwide reckoning on race following the police killings of George Floyd and other Black people, the database reveals that 28 percent of those killed by police in 2020 were Black—despite Black people only making up 13 percent of the U.S. population.
And yet they commit 50% of the violent crime. It's really not hard to understand why a higher percentage of blacks get killed by the police.
And yet they commit 50% of the violent crime. It's really not hard to understand why a higher percentage of blacks get killed by the police.
no whites do my graph is correct . the news of black shootings makes it look that way becasue it is the only think that makes raitings,. their for journalist prertend it is more fake it saying their more likely. but truthly fully every law inforcemen t officer will t el lyou it is whites. . even blacks cops are saying this.


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the graph on my link shows my graph shows a higher n umbers of whites dumb ass yourself. a cop will tell you the same thing,.
Any cop who would say the same thing as you is as stupid as you. Read your own link, dumb ass.
Any cop who would say the same thing as you is as stupid as you. Read your own link, dumb ass.
he know b etter then us and you ass hole. he works it everyday. you just in denial like most blacks are.
Cop baiting is a new ghetto industry now; they're all going to get rich by provoking cops over nothing. Sharpton's lawyer network is cashing in big time.
And yet they commit 50% of the violent crime. It's really not hard to understand why a higher percentage of blacks get killed by the police.
That's false, black folks DO NOT COMMIT 50% of violent crimes. That is just a right wing lie that is constantly repeated. There are more whites, so if they are committing more crime which has been proven then why aren't more whites killed by police? Oh btw police have been killing black folks since this country was founded.
here is data from law informent. Blacks and Hispanics are way less lickley shot bty police. It is white peope big time. So stiop qwith thr victime mentality. The facts are the facts. The truth is white folks shouls be ones complaining but we are not. becasue we do not harbor this victim mentality.

I see your understanding of Math is up there with your understanding of grammar and spelling.

The thing is, if 240 out of 840 people killed by police are black, that's 28% of the people shot by police. Blacks only make up 13% of the population, but represent 28% of people shot by cops.

Of course, even that isn't accurate, because you notice that you have a large number of "race unknown" in that figure. That number spiked in 2020 as Police Department were even LESS likely to want to report the race of the people their officers were shooting.
And yet they commit 50% of the violent crime. It's really not hard to understand why a higher percentage of blacks get killed by the police.

That argument would work if cops were in charge of executing people for violent crimes.

The only reason a cop should be killing anyone is if they presented an immediate threat to them and others and there was no other choice.

The reality is, in 2021, while the police killed over 830 subjects that year, only 62 cops were shot by suspects. A kind of low number for a country as gun-crazy as this one is.

By way of comparison, 330 police officers died of Covid in 2021... but we would be horribly upset if cops started shooting people for not wearing a mask.

That argument would work if cops were in charge of executing people for violent crimes.

The only reason a cop should be killing anyone is if they presented an immediate threat to them and others and there was no other choice.

The reality is, in 2021, while the police killed over 830 subjects that year, only 62 cops were shot by suspects. A kind of low number for a country as gun-crazy as this one is.

By way of comparison, 330 police officers died of Covid in 2021... but we would be horribly upset if cops started shooting people for not wearing a mask.

LMaO! How many died from heart disease? Apples and oranges

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