Whites at Sundance Film Whatever Give Standing Ovation to White Hating Ideological Slander

You state as follows:
killing hundreds of white children and women who were caught by surprise with their men folk away at work.

Even the source that you quote states that between 55 and 65 people were killed.Its a bit of a difference. The thing is that if you lie about something that is so straightforward it tends to undermine the rest of your hysterical drivel.

I forgot to mention the other slaves he caused to be killed also.

And I will proudly stand by my simple omission when compared to the deliberate lies of libtard ideologues like you and the slander in this movie that will encourage more blacks to kill more whites in the future. It is a certainty. But that doesnt matter to idiots like yourself.

You would probably be locked up in the Uk for spreading race hate propaganda. You are not well.
Why would I give a flying fuck about that?

The UK is a lost nation and will be Muslim by the end of the century since they made the mistake of trusting libtards like yourself.
The guilt ridden whites are trying to inspire copycats.

Its a bit like poking a stick into a termite nest. They all come scuttling out.

what's is? when some moron posts yet another white white supremacist thread?

Yes. I suspect that when ideologically driven people with a low intellect are challenged they struggle to remain coherent. I cant believe that this sort of crap can get airplay in the US. Its restricted to fascist sites in the UK.
when some moron posts yet another white white supremacist thread?

Lol, like you actually read anything, you stupid witch.

Yes. I suspect that when ideologically driven people with a low intellect are challenged they struggle to remain coherent. I cant believe that this sort of crap can get airplay in the US. Its restricted to fascist sites in the UK.

roflmao, the barely disguised Dhimmicrat incitement of blacks is an event that happens with every Presidential election and the libtards like yourself could not care less how many whites wind up dead due to it.

That doesnt make me a racist or an ideologue, though it does reveal you to be the racist loser that you are.
The guilt ridden whites are trying to inspire copycats.

Its a bit like poking a stick into a termite nest. They all come scuttling out.
Lol, just keep to sticking things in your own ass, why dont you?

The guilt ridden whites are trying to inspire copycats.

Its a bit like poking a stick into a termite nest. They all come scuttling out.

what's is? when some moron posts yet another white white supremacist thread?

Yes. I suspect that when ideologically driven people with a low intellect are challenged they struggle to remain coherent. I cant believe that this sort of crap can get airplay in the US. Its restricted to fascist sites in the UK.

It didn't used to get play on this site either.
The guilt ridden whites are trying to inspire copycats.

Its a bit like poking a stick into a termite nest. They all come scuttling out.
Lol, just keep to sticking things in your own ass, why dont you?

I believe that the Native Americans were obliged to accept the benefits of multi-culturism at the end of a gun. I am not sure if the millions of black slaves shipped across to the US had their views on resettlement taken into account either. What are your views on Hitler ?
The guilt ridden whites are trying to inspire copycats.

Its a bit like poking a stick into a termite nest. They all come scuttling out.

what's is? when some moron posts yet another white white supremacist thread?

Yes. I suspect that when ideologically driven people with a low intellect are challenged they struggle to remain coherent. I cant believe that this sort of crap can get airplay in the US. Its restricted to fascist sites in the UK.

It didn't used to get play on this site either.

I suppose the site owners need to decide when offensiveness tips over into incitement and promoting hate. Is this site par for the course ?
So to recap the discussion so far:

I post about the hundreds of deaths caused by Nate Turner, who was a deluded religious wacko, and how this upcoming movie is going to lie about this whole affair and all in an effort to drudge up more black folks for the elections by enraging blacks about made up Marxist agit-prop and slandering whites, yet again.

And the response by the idiot left is to change the subject to charges of racism, low intellect and other standard libtard deflections.

Lol, and this is why no one believes a damned thing that the left has to say on anything any more other than the brain washed fools in the media.
I believe that the Native Americans were obliged to accept the benefits of multi-culturism at the end of a gun.

No most of them peacefully assimilated into American society, idiot, and it was not multiculturalism.

I am not sure if the millions of black slaves shipped across to the US had their views on resettlement taken into account either.

Millions of black slaves were not shipped to the US, moron.

What are your views on Hitler ?

He was a typical socialist liar, much like yourself.
I suppose the site owners need to decide when offensiveness tips over into incitement and promoting hate. Is this site par for the course ?
Of course, because questioning the standard libtard paradigm is always justification for a banning, or even stoning, by libtards.

That is unless you can just starve them all to death like Stalinists did to so many in the last century, and you libtards just loved that, like Walter Duranty and the New York Times. But he still deserves his Pulitzers for that, doesnt he, nitwit?
So to recap the discussion so far:

I post about the hundreds of deaths caused by Nate Turner, who was a deluded religious wacko, and how this upcoming movie is going to lie about this whole affair and all in an effort to drudge up more black folks for the elections by enraging blacks about made up Marxist agit-prop and slandering whites, yet again.

And the response by the idiot left is to change the subject to charges of racism, low intellect and other standard libtard deflections.

Lol, and this is why no one believes a damned thing that the left has to say on anything any more other than the brain washed fools in the media.

You are outrageous. this is what you said:

killing hundreds of white children and women who were caught by surprise with their men folk away at work.

Obviously a lie and intended to promote race hatred. You are one sad individual.
You are outrageous. this is what you said:

killing hundreds of white children and women who were caught by surprise with their men folk away at work.

Obviously a lie and intended to promote race hatred. You are one sad individual.

And I admitted it was an error because I had intended to also mention the slaves that lost their lives as well, which you know and are now lying about by omission.

The fact is that Nate Turner is being used as a libtard agitation propaganda subject and this will lead to the deaths of innocent white people TODAY and YOU COULDNT GIVE A FUCK.

That makes you the sad racist, idiot, and not me.
You are outrageous. this is what you said:

killing hundreds of white children and women who were caught by surprise with their men folk away at work.

Obviously a lie and intended to promote race hatred. You are one sad individual.

And I admitted it was an error because I had intended to also mention the slaves that lost their lives as well, which you know and are now lying about by omission.

The fact is that Nate Turner is being used as a libtard agitation propaganda subject and this will lead to the deaths of innocent white people TODAY and YOU COULDNT GIVE A FUCK.

That makes you the sad racist, idiot, and not me.
Ha,ha,ha. Nope, you are busted matey. Stop digging because you are making yourself look worse, if that is possible.
Ha,ha,ha. Nope, you are busted matey. Stop digging because you are making yourself look worse, if that is possible.
Were I losing the discussion you would stick to the relevant facts.

Your retreat into silly attempts at humor proves the opposite to be the case instead.
You are outrageous. this is what you said:

killing hundreds of white children and women who were caught by surprise with their men folk away at work.

Obviously a lie and intended to promote race hatred. You are one sad individual.

And I admitted it was an error because I had intended to also mention the slaves that lost their lives as well, which you know and are now lying about by omission.

The fact is that Nate Turner is being used as a libtard agitation propaganda subject and this will lead to the deaths of innocent white people TODAY and YOU COULDNT GIVE A FUCK.

That makes you the sad racist, idiot, and not me.
The whole point of this movie is to create a sense of entitlement to kill. It's the payback blacks are always looking for.
In America White is right. If you are White why would you want to give up your position in America if you are benefiting? Even if you decided to fight White privilege you would come under attack by your own race. There is no answer to this, its not a white problem it everyone elses problem and its up to everyone else to tip the scales in their favor. Its ok to feel superior, its ok to fight another races advances. But you must realize that it is also ok for another race to feel superior, and fight your advances.

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