Whites at Sundance Film Whatever Give Standing Ovation to White Hating Ideological Slander

You are outrageous. this is what you said:

killing hundreds of white children and women who were caught by surprise with their men folk away at work.

Obviously a lie and intended to promote race hatred. You are one sad individual.

And I admitted it was an error because I had intended to also mention the slaves that lost their lives as well, which you know and are now lying about by omission.

The fact is that Nate Turner is being used as a libtard agitation propaganda subject and this will lead to the deaths of innocent white people TODAY and YOU COULDNT GIVE A FUCK.

That makes you the sad racist, idiot, and not me.
The whole point of this movie is to create a sense of entitlement to kill. It's the payback blacks are always looking for.
The only people who have seen the movie gave it a standing ovation. You havent even seen it but you have an opibion.

Do the racists object to the fact that it is sort of mocking the original racist film of the same name ? The one that glamourised the kkk ?
The only people who have seen the movie gave it a standing ovation. You havent even seen it but you have an opibion.

Yes, I have an 'opibion' because it is the same old Dhimmicrat game to stir up blacks to vote Dhimmicrat and get their votes no matter how many white people have to die for them to do it.

Do the racists object to the fact that it is sort of mocking the original racist film of the same name ? The one that glamourised the kkk ?
You would have to axe them, genius.
In America White is right. If you are White why would you want to give up your position in America if you are benefiting? Even if you decided to fight White privilege you would come under attack by your own race. There is no answer to this, its not a white problem it everyone elses problem and its up to everyone else to tip the scales in their favor. Its ok to feel superior, its ok to fight another races advances. But you must realize that it is also ok for another race to feel superior, and fight your advances.

Lol, you are so stupid, you have started believing your own lies.

In America White is right. If you are White why would you want to give up your position in America if you are benefiting? Even if you decided to fight White privilege you would come under attack by your own race. There is no answer to this, its not a white problem it everyone elses problem and its up to everyone else to tip the scales in their favor. Its ok to feel superior, its ok to fight another races advances. But you must realize that it is also ok for another race to feel superior, and fight your advances.

Lol, you are so stupid, you have started believing your own lies.


ok, another one who ignores the differences in race, another one who ignores that whites in America have had a headstart in establishing themselves in prominent positions and setting up successors from their family/race.

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In America White is right. If you are White why would you want to give up your position in America if you are benefiting? Even if you decided to fight White privilege you would come under attack by your own race. There is no answer to this, its not a white problem it everyone elses problem and its up to everyone else to tip the scales in their favor. Its ok to feel superior, its ok to fight another races advances. But you must realize that it is also ok for another race to feel superior, and fight your advances.

Lol, you are so stupid, you have started believing your own lies.


ok, another one who ignores the differences in race, another one who ignores that whites in America have had a headstart in establishing themselves in prominent positions and setting up successors from their family/race.

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Lol, obviously there are differences in races, dude, but none of that equates to 'white privilege' or justifies treating people differently by race in our legal system.
In America White is right. If you are White why would you want to give up your position in America if you are benefiting? Even if you decided to fight White privilege you would come under attack by your own race. There is no answer to this, its not a white problem it everyone elses problem and its up to everyone else to tip the scales in their favor. Its ok to feel superior, its ok to fight another races advances. But you must realize that it is also ok for another race to feel superior, and fight your advances.

Lol, you are so stupid, you have started believing your own lies.


ok, another one who ignores the differences in race, another one who ignores that whites in America have had a headstart in establishing themselves in prominent positions and setting up successors from their family/race.

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Lol, obviously there are differences in races, dude, but none of that equates to 'white privilege' or justifies treating people differently by race in our legal system.
So basically you dont believe in racism in America. Cause thats the only way you can make that comment.

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This stuff is so predictable, like the corruption of most of our art by closet Marxists turning our own entertainment into a weapon against us.

Nate Truner was a religious nut case, who thought that God was telling him to go around murdering whites, and he and his dozens of fellow slaves did exactly that, sparing very few and killing hundreds of white children and women who were caught by surprise with their men folk away at work.

But the libtards have never ceased to promote Turner as some kind of genius protoMarxist agitator and champion of freedom, and that stack of lies continues to this day with "Birth of a Nation".

Sundance: 'Birth of a Nation' Receives Rapturous Standing Ovation at Premiere

If white libtards want to see so many whites killed so badly, why dont they start with themselves and a shotgun stuck in their own damned mouths? Well, because they are too good for their own medicine and well who would tell the ignorant darkies how to do anything if our elites offed themselves too?

Of course the real story is much different. Nate Turner was a religious nut bag who did what he did despite admitting in court that his owner treated him kindly as did most of those in Southampton County VA. It had nothing to do with being mistreated, it was all about Turners mental problems.

Nat Turner's slave rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But a man who slaughtered hundreds of innocent white people, most of whom never owned a slave in their lives, makes a person quite the hero among self-hating white lunatics that now dominate our society and its art.

Cant help but wonder how many whites will die this time after some marginally functional morons see this movie and act out the anger in provokes in them against all whites.

It will probably be more than Turner was able to murder himself.
But I bet you think Spartacus is pretty great
It has Kurt Douglas topless...
In America White is right. If you are White why would you want to give up your position in America if you are benefiting? Even if you decided to fight White privilege you would come under attack by your own race. There is no answer to this, its not a white problem it everyone elses problem and its up to everyone else to tip the scales in their favor. Its ok to feel superior, its ok to fight another races advances. But you must realize that it is also ok for another race to feel superior, and fight your advances.

Lol, you are so stupid, you have started believing your own lies.


ok, another one who ignores the differences in race, another one who ignores that whites in America have had a headstart in establishing themselves in prominent positions and setting up successors from their family/race.

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Lol, obviously there are differences in races, dude, but none of that equates to 'white privilege' or justifies treating people differently by race in our legal system.
So basically you dont believe in racism in America. Cause thats the only way you can make that comment.
No, it is obviously not the only way to make that comment.

Dude, you always live off false dichotomies are is this the only one?

In America White is right. If you are White why would you want to give up your position in America if you are benefiting? Even if you decided to fight White privilege you would come under attack by your own race. There is no answer to this, its not a white problem it everyone elses problem and its up to everyone else to tip the scales in their favor. Its ok to feel superior, its ok to fight another races advances. But you must realize that it is also ok for another race to feel superior, and fight your advances.

Lol, you are so stupid, you have started believing your own lies.


ok, another one who ignores the differences in race, another one who ignores that whites in America have had a headstart in establishing themselves in prominent positions and setting up successors from their family/race.

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Lol, obviously there are differences in races, dude, but none of that equates to 'white privilege' or justifies treating people differently by race in our legal system.
So basically you dont believe in racism in America. Cause thats the only way you can make that comment.
No, it is obviously not the only way to make that comment.

Dude, you always live off false dichotomies are is this the only one?

i dont blame you for not understanding where im coming from, and yeah i come off aggressive in this topic, but it is how i think. But i can value criticism.

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i dont blame you for not understanding where im coming from, and yeah i come off aggressive in this topic, but it is how i think. But i can value criticism.
So you dont have the facts and arguments tying them together, but you are still certain it is true?

Kind of a difficult claim to make with a rational mind, and yet people do it all the time.

MY opinion; you are being gullible and buying into a corporate sponsored line of horse shit designed to divide the Working Class against itself.
I can't fault a group condemned to slaver for fighting to free themselves unless they kill innocent women and children.
I dont understand what youre saying and how it applies to what i said. plus, you just said corporate companies are dividing us, this isnt new, its like youve never heard of segregation before or were aware of the fact that a president of the united states had to send the national guard in so little dark kids could safely go to school without adult white people attacking them. And im gullible? No, you are just unable to understand because youre not dark skinned, how could you possible relate or comment about the life we live in america? What do you say to the 11 year old black kid walking to school who was told "how does it feel to be a ******" by a white adult walking by. I know, your response would be "You believe your own lies" lol.

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