Whites Should Not Be Forced To Live With Non-Whites

Other blacks abducted slaves and sold them to the Brits and Dutch for trinkets, what you might call bling-bling today.

Whites invaded coastal West Africa and abducted slaves. The few slaves they got from the Arabs and Africans they still brought over the US. If they didn't want to live around them why did they bring them to the US? There were a lot of mulattos running around during the slave days. Whites definitely wanted Blacks here.
Other blacks abducted slaves and sold them to the Brits and Dutch for trinkets, what you might call bling-bling today.

Whites invaded coastal West Africa and abducted slaves. The few slaves they got from the Arabs and Africans they still brought over the US. If they didn't want to live around them why did they bring them to the US? There were a lot of mulattos running around during the slave days. Whites definitely wanted Blacks here.
They wanted them to work. They still do, but entitlements have given them little incentive today.
To make it simple, in general blacks want to live among whites but whites don't want to live around blacks.

Let’s make it even simpler:

Only ignorant, fearful, hateful racists such as you don’t want to live among Blacks; everyone else doesn’t care.

Stop playing the, "I'm less racist than YOU card."

NOBODY wants to live in the inner city of any big city.

Stop acting as though it is noble of you to accept the degradation in our inner cities. Stop praising the creeps and jerks who sell drugs for Bling and those who rap on stage and screen but glorify the thug life.

Liberals use us to gain power and offer us trinkets and handouts and table scraps in exchange for our votes.

But what good have they done our families our culture our standard of living in the fifty years since LBJ's Great Society debacle?

The Tea Party treats us like men.

Not votes.

Tavis Smiley: ‘Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator’ Under Obama
Smiley’s assessment on how the African-American community has lost ground under Obama is supported by data.

When the Obama administration changed its financial aid policy and began checking the last five years of a parent’s credit history—which spans the deepest recession in modern history—for defaults, instead of just the last 90 days, as was previously the policy, the rug was pulled out from under black schools. This policy change forced 28,000 HBCU students to drop out, and cost schools $150 million.

Also, black homeownership recently hit an historic 18 year low.

From Bloomberg:

For blacks in the U.S., 18 years of economic progress has vanished, with a rebound in housing slipping further out of reach and the unemployment rate almost twice that of whites. The homeownership rate for blacks fell from 50 percent during the housing bubble to 43 percent in the second quarter, the lowest since 1995. The rate for whites stopped falling two years ago, settling at about 73 percent, only 3 percentage points below the 2004 peak, according to the Census Bureau.

And black unemployment rate is abysmal, with the most recent jobs report indicating that the unemployment rate increased almost half a point, leaping from 12.6 to 13.0 percent.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zy_1XTRmUr0]Martin Luther King Jr (Speech) - YouTube[/ame]
Other blacks abducted slaves and sold them to the Brits and Dutch for trinkets, what you might call bling-bling today.

Whites invaded coastal West Africa and abducted slaves. The few slaves they got from the Arabs and Africans they still brought over the US. If they didn't want to live around them why did they bring them to the US? There were a lot of mulattos running around during the slave days. Whites definitely wanted Blacks here.
They wanted them to work. They still do, but entitlements have given them little incentive today.

So you admit they wanted to live around Blacks?
Whites invaded coastal West Africa and abducted slaves. The few slaves they got from the Arabs and Africans they still brought over the US. If they didn't want to live around them why did they bring them to the US? There were a lot of mulattos running around during the slave days. Whites definitely wanted Blacks here.
They wanted them to work. They still do, but entitlements have given them little incentive today.

So you admit they wanted to live around Blacks?
No. Even other blacks don't want to live around blacks. Why do you ask?
Aye yi yi. I skimmed some of what that person wrote but got dizzy from all the eye rolling I was doing.
To make it simple, in general blacks want to live among whites but whites don't want to live around blacks.

The reality is that people(normal people) want the freedom to live where they choose. Doesn't matter what the race is of their neighbors. As long as they are respectful.i have had great neighbors and some that were awful, their race was not a factor in the kind of neighbors they were.

Not the race, the culture. It's all about the culture. Where you have a culture of criminals, you will have a high crime neighborhood.
I know, I know! Czech Repunlic 98% white.:D

Good for you! No reason to leave.
Who's leaving? My son is getting a good education in a largely drug-free school with no racial tensions. Political correctness is seen as a foreign oddity and people are allowed to say what they think without commentary from insufferable self-righteous twats and the women are hot, certainly not as many ugly heifers as in the US.

It is a bit cold though.

And that is all good for you if you are happy. My son and daughter attended institutions that were similar.

They had a varying array of friends from different cultures, had the ability to express themselves without fear, got good grades and have turned out to be very good young citizens who have never been in trouble.

You are also right about ugly people in general. Obesity and slovenly appearance is an epidemic here, and I am always amazed at the overwhelming ratio of fat, sloppy, unkempt people here compared to the ones who are the opposite of that.

But speaking for myself, I much prefer a more diverse environment. It has given me the ability to be more tolerant of others, which was an asset to me before retiring.

Outside of that, if it's cold there, a good assortment of winter wear is the cure.
I ask because they brought black people over to the US. If they didnt want to live around Blacks why bring them here against their will?

What about those blacks who bring themselves here?
Is that whiteys racist fault too?

You are avoiding the question.

I'm not.
I didn't bring anyone to the USA.
Personally I live in the most diverse community in MA when in the city.
My next door neighbors are Dominican, I have Haitian, Guatemalan, Honduran, Somalian and Cambodian neighbors.
When I attend mass I usually go to the creole mass.
Don't know why, hearing mass in French, it has another level!

But they are here, they came here by choice.
If anyone has a problem with being in the USA they can choose to leave.......
What about those blacks who bring themselves here?
Is that whiteys racist fault too?

You are avoiding the question.

I'm not.
I didn't bring anyone to the USA.
Personally I live in the most diverse community in MA when in the city.
My next door neighbors are Dominican, I have Haitian, Guatemalan, Honduran, Somalian and Cambodian neighbors.
When I attend mass I usually go to the creole mass.
Don't know why, hearing mass in French, it has another level!

But they are here, they came here by choice.
If anyone has a problem with being in the USA they can choose to leave.......

Nice speech but you still didnt answer the question. If whites didnt want to live around Blacks why bring them here against their will?
You are avoiding the question.

I'm not.
I didn't bring anyone to the USA.
Personally I live in the most diverse community in MA when in the city.
My next door neighbors are Dominican, I have Haitian, Guatemalan, Honduran, Somalian and Cambodian neighbors.
When I attend mass I usually go to the creole mass.
Don't know why, hearing mass in French, it has another level!

But they are here, they came here by choice.
If anyone has a problem with being in the USA they can choose to leave.......

Nice speech but you still didnt answer the question. If whites didnt want to live around Blacks why bring them here against their will?
They didn't.
I never saw such a thing happen.
You are lying.
Name one black person forced to live in the USA against their will?
I'm not.
I didn't bring anyone to the USA.
Personally I live in the most diverse community in MA when in the city.
My next door neighbors are Dominican, I have Haitian, Guatemalan, Honduran, Somalian and Cambodian neighbors.
When I attend mass I usually go to the creole mass.
Don't know why, hearing mass in French, it has another level!

But they are here, they came here by choice.
If anyone has a problem with being in the USA they can choose to leave.......

Nice speech but you still didnt answer the question. If whites didnt want to live around Blacks why bring them here against their will?
They didn't.
I never saw such a thing happen.
You are lying.
Name one black person forced to live in the USA against their will?

John Punch
Nice speech but you still didnt answer the question. If whites didnt want to live around Blacks why bring them here against their will?
They didn't.
I never saw such a thing happen.
You are lying.
Name one black person forced to live in the USA against their will?

John Punch
If he is living in the USA against his will he should be very happy!!
At nearly 400 years old!!!
But why can't he leave?
They didn't.
I never saw such a thing happen.
You are lying.
Name one black person forced to live in the USA against their will?

John Punch
If he is living in the USA against his will he should be very happy!!
At nearly 400 years old!!!
But why can't he leave?

Are you OK Paul? Do you have a problem with following the conversation? You shifted from my mention of whites bringing over Blacks to the US to now current times? John Punch was first an indentured servant then made a slave. He couldn't leave. What is it that escapes you about that?

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