Whites Should Not Be Forced To Live With Non-Whites

I dont hate whites.
If you didn't harbor extreme, possibly subliminal, antagonism against Whites you would not be so determined to believe and to propagate this common distortion of the facts.

Whites did abduct Africans from Africa.
Whites did not abduct Black Africans. Black Africans abducted other Black Africans and sold them to Dutch, Portugese, and Arab slave traders who transported them to the Americas and sold them to White slave dealers.

Yes. They were abducted -- by other Black Africans, who sold them to slave traders.

Yes. I know what the word means. So do you. But the meaning doesn't accommodate your purpose, which is (self?) deception.

Kidnapping and ransom are two separate things. Ransom is not always the motive for kidnapping someone.

It has everything to do with blame.

Your obvious objective, whether conscious or not, is to absolve Blacks of any guilt where the practice of negro slavery in the Americas is concerned, and to shift all blame for that abomination onto Whites.

Your commentary seeks to convince this forum, and possibly yourself, that Black Africans played no part in the slave trade.

That is a good question. The simple answer is those who engaged in the slave trade were concerned only with profit and had no interest in the social potential of their evil enterprise.

You can buy white slaves in Russia or any of the other European countries today. Whats your point?
Now you're resorting to semantic gimmickry.

The legal term, "white slavery," refers to verious forms of involuntary or coercive servitude being separate and apart from the enslavement of Black Africans in the Americas. In legal terminology, white slavery refers specifically to the transport, either voluntary or involuntary, of females, including non-White females, across borders or state lines for the purpose of prostitution. The term has nothing to do with the enslavement of Black Africans in the Americas -- which the the primary topic of this discussion.

Europeans enslaved each other before the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. What does that have to do with the OP?

The Forgotten White Slaves Of America

One of the largest white slavery rings targetting Eastern Europeans goes down

Not in the same manner or circumstance which occurred in the example of Black African slavery in the Americas. To understand the difference you need to research the separate circumstances of chattel slavery as opposed to indentured servitude. While both are referred to as forms of "slavery" there are extremely substantial differences.

Whites abducted Blacks from Africa. Go look up what abduct means and get back to me. when you can show me something thats says Black Africans sailed ships from Africa to the US full of black slaves then and only then will you have a chance at proving Whites did not abduct them.

How can my objective be to absolve Blacks of any guilt if I already said they did play a part it in? Does that even make sense?

You made a reference that Africans still engaged in slavery. I said so are whites. What did your comment have to do with slavery in the US? How is that semantic gimmickry? I never used the term white slavery so dont attempt to change my words to that. I said you can buy white slaves. That means I can go buy a person of European descent. Read the words instead of trying to make what I said something its not. Why are you resorting to changing my words because you dont like my retorts? Again what did your comment have to do with the OP? It appears you are extremely desperate to absolve whites of their major role in US slavery. Its actually hilarious to see you attempt to validate what whites did. You would be better off trying this with someone that was born yesterday. :lol:
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The issues are all academic since African Americans, the descendants of slaves, will be extinct in a few more generations. They will be replaced by African nationals who have no issues with prior slavery, have never been slaves nor had any of their ancestors been slaves.

Then the issue will be dead.
The issues are all academic since African Americans, the descendants of slaves, will be extinct in a few more generations. They will be replaced by African nationals who have no issues with prior slavery, have never been slaves nor had any of their ancestors been slaves.

Then the issue will be dead.

African Americans will never die out. We are the descendants of the strongest of the strong that survived the Middle Passage, slavery, Jim Crow, etc. YOu could only wish we will be extinct. Yes more African nationals are on the way as well and they dislike white racists just as much.
The issues are all academic since African Americans, the descendants of slaves, will be extinct in a few more generations. They will be replaced by African nationals who have no issues with prior slavery, have never been slaves nor had any of their ancestors been slaves.

Then the issue will be dead.

African Americans will never die out. We are the descendants of the strongest of the strong that survived the Middle Passage, slavery, Jim Crow, etc. YOu could only wish we will be extinct. Yes more African nationals are on the way as well and they dislike white racists just as much.

Most Africans I know hate white racists .
Not nearly as much as they hate whiney black racists in the USA though.
You are pretty much a joke to real Africans.
Most Africans can differentiate between whites and racist whites.

You might do well to visit Africa and learn from an African.

You made a reference that Africans still engaged in slavery. I said so are whites. What did your comment have to do with slavery in the US? How is that semantic gimmickry? I never used the term white slavery so dont attempt to change my words to that. I said you can buy white slaves. That means I can go buy a person of European descent.[...]
Again, please post your source of that information.
The issues are all academic since African Americans, the descendants of slaves, will be extinct in a few more generations. They will be replaced by African nationals who have no issues with prior slavery, have never been slaves nor had any of their ancestors been slaves.

Then the issue will be dead.

African Americans will never die out. We are the descendants of the strongest of the strong that survived the Middle Passage, slavery, Jim Crow, etc. YOu could only wish we will be extinct. Yes more African nationals are on the way as well and they dislike white racists just as much.

Most Africans I know hate white racists .
Not nearly as much as they hate whiney black racists in the USA though.
You are pretty much a joke to real Africans.
Most Africans can differentiate between whites and racist whites.

You might do well to visit Africa and learn from an African.

I'm pretty sure they hate white racists way more. I know a lot of them and they would like to cut off your head if given the chance. Trust me they have asked why we haven't done it already.

You made a reference that Africans still engaged in slavery. I said so are whites. What did your comment have to do with slavery in the US? How is that semantic gimmickry? I never used the term white slavery so dont attempt to change my words to that. I said you can buy white slaves. That means I can go buy a person of European descent.[...]
Again, please post your source of that information.

I did.
The issues are all academic since African Americans, the descendants of slaves, will be extinct in a few more generations. They will be replaced by African nationals who have no issues with prior slavery, have never been slaves nor had any of their ancestors been slaves.

Then the issue will be dead.

Whoa that will never happen.
Stop playing the, "I'm less racist than YOU card."

NOBODY wants to live in the inner city of any big city.

Stop acting as though it is noble of you to accept the degradation in our inner cities. Stop praising the creeps and jerks who sell drugs for Bling and those who rap on stage and screen but glorify the thug life.

Liberals use us to gain power and offer us trinkets and handouts and table scraps in exchange for our votes.

But what good have they done our families our culture our standard of living in the fifty years since LBJ's Great Society debacle?

The Tea Party treats us like men.

Not votes.

In all fairness though, I never wanted to be around the white trash in San Bernardino either...
To make it simple, in general blacks want to live among whites but whites don't want to live around blacks.

Let’s make it even simpler:

Only ignorant, fearful, hateful racists such as you don’t want to live among Blacks; everyone else doesn’t care.

Stop playing the, "I'm less racist than YOU card."

NOBODY wants to live in the inner city of any big city.

Stop acting as though it is noble of you to accept the degradation in our inner cities. Stop praising the creeps and jerks who sell drugs for Bling and those who rap on stage and screen but glorify the thug life.

Liberals use us to gain power and offer us trinkets and handouts and table scraps in exchange for our votes.

But what good have they done our families our culture our standard of living in the fifty years since LBJ's Great Society debacle?

The Tea Party treats us like men.

Not votes.

I think you should take a look at real estate prices in Bushwick and Bedford Stuyvesant in Brooklyn over the course of the last 20 years.

People want to live there very much.
It would take far more time and resources to hire, equip, feed, and move an armed force into the interior of a country (or a continent) and find, engage, restrain, and then transport large numbers of prisoners than to make a deal with one guy right there in port who then provides the 'commodity' (however evil it is to refer to human beings as such) in the number you need, already restrained and most likely pacified to a degree (be it through physical violence or the withholding of food and water). This would also involve less risk and uncertainty. Thus, it would be "financially smarter and less time consuming."

You are almost as illogical as Lonelystar_Illogical.

Who is the illogical one here?

You're on the same side of the argument I'm on yet you insult me.

You know what they say about a broken clock. I was using you as a reference based on the history of your comments here.

If that were true then you would have referenced the many times I pwned you.
Who is the illogical one here?

You're on the same side of the argument I'm on yet you insult me.

You know what they say about a broken clock. I was using you as a reference based on the history of your comments here.

If that were true then you would have referenced the many times I pwned you.

I was referring to your failure to understand or apply logic, not your delusions. Don't worry, I'll reference your other failings and weaknesses as they come up.

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