Whites Should Not Be Forced To Live With Non-Whites

You also have to remember that it was financially smarter and less time consuming to take the Africans forcibly than continue to trade.

That doesn't make sense. Trade would obviously be "financially smarter and less time consuming."
Whites Should Not Be Forced To Live With Non-Whites

Tank, you are guaranteed the right of private association. No one can make you live with a non-white.

You also have no right to keep non-whites from American society or political and civil rights, like voting or living or going where they want.
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To make it simple, in general blacks want to live among whites but whites don't want to live around blacks.

Then they should have never invaded Africa. Or abducted slaves.

To engage in the slave trade, you obviously need slaves. So how did White Europeans acquire their slaves in the first place? The image usually promoted is of ships of White slave traders pulling ashore in Africa, storming a local village and violently kidnapping the inhabitants to sell on as slaves.

The reality, however, is much less dramatic. But what is shocking is how the truth of the matter is never discussed and is airbrushed from the history lessons. The truth is that the overwhelming majority of Black African slaves were sold to the White slavers by Black Africans themselves.

The notion of White slavers establishing themselves in Africa and carrying out raids on villages is simply not feasible. Europeans were highly prone to the many diseases present along the West African coast such as Malaria, dysentery and yellow fever. Attempts to make a base in Africa for any amount of time would have left them open to severe ill health and seriously threatened their lives. Africa was not known as the “White man’s grave” for nothing.

African slave traders discouraged Europeans from entering into the interior of Africa because they themselves wanted to supply the slaves and thus maximise their profits. The European slavers were happy to go along with this because it was much cheaper, and held less risk of disease, than attempting to find the resources to capture the many slaves they needed themselves. It was much easier to give the Africans guns with which they could fight the wars between themselves that ensured such a rich supply of slaves.

Ding ding ding. And we have a winner!
You also have to remember that it was financially smarter and less time consuming to take the Africans forcibly than continue to trade.

That doesn't make sense. Trade would obviously be "financially smarter and less time consuming."

Thats because you are stupid. Why waste time and resources trading when you can give a snitch a bottle of rum and capture a whole village? Please stop posting before you hurt yourself. However, thats not the OP's position. People love to move the goal posts here. :lol:
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You also have to remember that it was financially smarter and less time consuming to take the Africans forcibly than continue to trade.

That doesn't make sense. Trade would obviously be "financially smarter and less time consuming."

Thats because you are stupid. Why waste time and resources trading when you can give a snitch a bottle of rum and capture a whole village?

It would take far more time and resources to hire, equip, feed, and move an armed force into the interior of a country (or a continent) and find, engage, restrain, and then transport large numbers of prisoners than to make a deal with one guy right there in port who then provides the 'commodity' (however evil it is to refer to human beings as such) in the number you need, already restrained and most likely pacified to a degree (be it through physical violence or the withholding of food and water). This would also involve less risk and uncertainty. Thus, it would be "financially smarter and less time consuming."

You are almost as illogical as Lonelystar_Illogical.
Asclepias, Africans were selling their own to each other before the Portuguese arrived.

Historical fact. The white man conspired with the black man to enslave millions of blacks for transportation to the Americas.
Are you OK Paul? Do you have a problem with following the conversation? You shifted from my mention of whites bringing over Blacks to the US to now current times? John Punch was first an indentured servant then made a slave. He couldn't leave. What is it that escapes you about that?

We are talking about current events.
Slavery is over.
Forget about it, you were never a slave, I was never a slave owner.
How is that so difficult?
You can't get sympathy for something that never happened!!

Oh I get it. You are saying that now that Blacks cant be enslaved anymore physically you would like them to leave? Sorry we put in too much work. You leave and go back to Europe if you dont like it here.

Ok liar, where did I say such a thing?
You were never a slave.
Stop bloody whining about it!
Aye yi yi. I skimmed some of what that person wrote but got dizzy from all the eye rolling I was doing.
To make it simple, in general blacks want to live among whites but whites don't want to live around blacks.

Let’s make it even simpler:

Only ignorant, fearful, hateful racists such as you don’t want to live among Blacks; everyone else doesn’t care.

Lots of people don't want to live in black ghettos, including blacks.
Everywhere, if I own a apartment building or a house I will be forced by law to rent or sell to blacks, even if my neighbors and I don't want to.

Sucks to be you, cockroach.

My bet is that you manage to do some sort of harm to innocent people every chance you get. Slime like you usually does.

You're what they scrape off the bottom of their shoes.
Exactly where are whites being forced to live among non-whites?
Everywhere, if I own a apartment building or a house I will be forced by law to rent or sell to blacks, even if my neighbors and I don't want to.

Sucks to be you, cockroach.

My bet is that you manage to do some sort of harm to innocent people every chance you get. Slime like you usually does.

You're what they scrape off the bottom of their shoes.

Do you believe in personal freedom?
Everywhere, if I own a apartment building or a house I will be forced by law to rent or sell to blacks, even if my neighbors and I don't want to.

No, you would be prohibited by law from refusing to rent or sell to someone because of their race. The distinction is no doubt lost on a moron like you.
I should b able to choose who I want to rent, sell or hire.

Just as people can choose who is going to be the black only miss America or who is in the black congress

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