Who are the 4 nobodies running for Democrats? i never hear libs speak of them.

Why do you support Hillary?

She's highly qualified:
  • Graduated with honors from Yale Law School before completing another year of graduate studies.
  • Worked on Presidential campaigns of Barry Goldwater (1964), George McGovern (1972), and Jimmy Carter(1976)
  • 8 Years as First Lady of the United States
  • Served as US Senator from New York
  • Served as US Secretary of State
She's championed women's issues her whole career, that's important to me. Also, I agree with her stance on most issues. She's also married to one of the best presidents we've had in my lifetime. They're a great political team.

So you ignore her getting off a rapist in court?

So you ignore her scandals about white water and now her e mails?

So you ignore her standing by a cheating husband?

That's a resume ?

She grew up in park ridge Illinois, I know that town well, I had a girlfriend from there..her name was Sharon

Far from poor like Hillary claims

Btw.... Harrison Ford is from park ridge Illinois to give you a Idea of that town
Why do you support Hillary?

She's highly qualified:
  • Graduated with honors from Yale Law School before completing another year of graduate studies.
  • Worked on Presidential campaigns of Barry Goldwater (1964), George McGovern (1972), and Jimmy Carter(1976)
  • 8 Years as First Lady of the United States
  • Served as US Senator from New York
  • Served as US Secretary of State
She's championed women's issues her whole career, that's important to me. Also, I agree with her stance on most issues. She's also married to one of the best presidents we've had in my lifetime. They're a great political team.
Too bad for you she is being flushed down the toilet by obama AHHHAAAAAAAA
Why do you support Hillary?

She's highly qualified:
  • Graduated with honors from Yale Law School before completing another year of graduate studies.
  • Worked on Presidential campaigns of Barry Goldwater (1964), George McGovern (1972), and Jimmy Carter(1976)
  • 8 Years as First Lady of the United States
  • Served as US Senator from New York
  • Served as US Secretary of State
She's championed women's issues her whole career, that's important to me. Also, I agree with her stance on most issues. She's also married to one of the best presidents we've had in my lifetime. They're a great political team.
For the bankers perhaps, they have contributed nearly identical amounts to Jeb! and Clinton this go around, what does that tell you? Not supporting another candidate that Wall Street likes. She is secretive and prefers to make deals behind locked doors. Enough already.

It tells me you have an unrealistic view of what it takes to win National Elections.
Who cares? What good is winning if we just get another suck-up to the plutocrats? If the democratic party is truly the party of the people and champion of the working class then Hillary must not be the nominee.
it seems the Left-wing clown car is more concerned with what Republicans are doing than their own boring cabal of interchangeable panderers
If they have too many people running.....Hillary's numbers will tank.....and then they can't claim she's gonna win. Right now there's 3 people running...and I think Biden is more worried about the 2 am phone calls from angry Hillary campaign workers.

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