Who are the Israelis?

Jerusalem Day: Thousands gather in prayer at the Western Wall

Thousands of Yeshiva students from all over the country arrived at the Western Wall Plaza for a festive prayer on the morning of Jerusalem Day. Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau , chief Rabbi of Jerusalem Rabbi Aryeh Stern, Rosh Yeshiva of Beit El, Rabbi Zalman Melamed, Rosh Yeshiva of Sderot Rabbi David Fendel, Rabbi David Dudkevitch, Rabbi of Yizhar, head of the High Yeshiva in Mitzpe Yericho Rabbi Yitzchak Sabato, Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, and others.



(Photo by Ariyeh Minkov)
'2,000 Jordanian soldiers against 3 IDF soldiers'
Rabbi Yisrael Ariel tells Temple Mount visitors of his experiences in the IDF during liberation of Jerusalem in 1967.

Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, the Founder of the Temple Institute arrived Sunday morning at the Temple Mount and told the pilgrims about his experiences during the liberation of Jerusalem and the liberation of the Western Wall and the Temple Mount in the Six Day War.

Rabbi Ariel, who was a reserve soldier in the Paratroopers Brigade and fought for the liberation of Jerusalem in the Six-Day War, said that he saw the battle on the Temple Mount: "Here were cannons, mortars and piles of shells."

He told of the soldiers who arrived at the Temple Mount for the first time 52 years ago, "followed by Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda Kook and the Nazir on a jeep of the Jordanian army that was here."

"We saw the Israeli flag hoisted at the top of the Dome of the Rock," testified Rabbi Ariel, "and then I saw about two thousand soldiers of the Jordanian Legion raising their hands against three or four IDF soldiers."

Full article: Israel National News

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Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Lau Shlit"a, standing in black jacket - photo by Ariyeh Minkov
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What have you done today for the future of Jerusalem?
Celebrate Jerusalem Day by helping more Jews return to Jerusalem's Old City.

For close to forty years Ateret Cohanim has been working tirelessly to continue the "liberation and preservation" of Jerusalem, both within the Old City and its environs in our eternal capital.

With the help of Jews from Israel and abroad, the organization has successfully been able to modestly redeem, facilitate acquisitions, rekindle Jewish life in the Holy Basin and rebuild Jerusalem. Today, Jews have returned to dozens of compounds, most of which are homes in which Jews had lived until the Arab riots and pogroms in the years 1929-1939.

Today, and thanks to your past donations and investments, Ateret Cohanim has managed to bring back Jewish life to the old Jewish Quarter of the Old City, to the Mount of Olives (Maaleh HaZeitim), to Kidmat Zion and to the old Yemenite Village of Shiloach. The work is exhausting and is done under very difficult conditions, but above all and driving Ateret Cohanim, is the centuries-old oath that we swore to Jerusalem: "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand be forgotten."

Whole generations only prayed and dreamed of reviving Jerusalem from its ruins, but could not fulfill their dreams, and hopes. Those generations never saw the realization of the prophecies, about the resurrection of Jerusalem.

Ateret Cohanim has been blessed, as has our current generation. We have received from the Almighty the opportunity to engage in the redemption of the Holy City and to continue the tradition of hundreds of years since the arrival of the Ramban - Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman 700 years ago – who came here and laid the foundation for the renewed Jewish settlement. The Vilna Gaon and his disciples continued that same tradition of redeeming and building Jewish life in the heart of Jerusalem.

Due to the work of these giants, we once witnessed, at the beginning of the 20th century – a Jewish majority within the walled city and at its peak, there were close to 20,000 Jewish residents of the Old City.

This Jewish life was decimated by Arab pogroms and the "temporary loss" of Jerusalem in the 1948 war of Independence. For 19 years the Old City was under Jordanian rule, but since the miraculous Six Day War, we have returned to "OUR CITY" as the indigenous people of the land and with G-d's help, Ateret Cohanim has been working to redeem, rebuild, renovate and re-populate the "pumping station" and heart of the Jewish world - Jerusalem.

Source: Arutz Sheva

Jerusalem Day: Thousands gather in prayer at the Western Wall

Thousands of Yeshiva students from all over the country arrived at the Western Wall Plaza for a festive prayer on the morning of Jerusalem Day. Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau , chief Rabbi of Jerusalem Rabbi Aryeh Stern, Rosh Yeshiva of Beit El, Rabbi Zalman Melamed, Rosh Yeshiva of Sderot Rabbi David Fendel, Rabbi David Dudkevitch, Rabbi of Yizhar, head of the High Yeshiva in Mitzpe Yericho Rabbi Yitzchak Sabato, Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, and others.



(Photo by Ariyeh Minkov)

Huh? Where are the women? That needs modernising my friend.

What have you done today for the future of Jerusalem?
Celebrate Jerusalem Day by helping more Jews return to Jerusalem's Old City.

For close to forty years Ateret Cohanim has been working tirelessly to continue the "liberation and preservation" of Jerusalem, both within the Old City and its environs in our eternal capital.

With the help of Jews from Israel and abroad, the organization has successfully been able to modestly redeem, facilitate acquisitions, rekindle Jewish life in the Holy Basin and rebuild Jerusalem. Today, Jews have returned to dozens of compounds, most of which are homes in which Jews had lived until the Arab riots and pogroms in the years 1929-1939.

Today, and thanks to your past donations and investments, Ateret Cohanim has managed to bring back Jewish life to the old Jewish Quarter of the Old City, to the Mount of Olives (Maaleh HaZeitim), to Kidmat Zion and to the old Yemenite Village of Shiloach. The work is exhausting and is done under very difficult conditions, but above all and driving Ateret Cohanim, is the centuries-old oath that we swore to Jerusalem: "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand be forgotten."

Whole generations only prayed and dreamed of reviving Jerusalem from its ruins, but could not fulfill their dreams, and hopes. Those generations never saw the realization of the prophecies, about the resurrection of Jerusalem.

Ateret Cohanim has been blessed, as has our current generation. We have received from the Almighty the opportunity to engage in the redemption of the Holy City and to continue the tradition of hundreds of years since the arrival of the Ramban - Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman 700 years ago – who came here and laid the foundation for the renewed Jewish settlement. The Vilna Gaon and his disciples continued that same tradition of redeeming and building Jewish life in the heart of Jerusalem.

Due to the work of these giants, we once witnessed, at the beginning of the 20th century – a Jewish majority within the walled city and at its peak, there were close to 20,000 Jewish residents of the Old City.

This Jewish life was decimated by Arab pogroms and the "temporary loss" of Jerusalem in the 1948 war of Independence. For 19 years the Old City was under Jordanian rule, but since the miraculous Six Day War, we have returned to "OUR CITY" as the indigenous people of the land and with G-d's help, Ateret Cohanim has been working to redeem, rebuild, renovate and re-populate the "pumping station" and heart of the Jewish world - Jerusalem.

Source: Arutz Sheva

Dunno, but you have my best wishes. I bought some stuff made in Israel recently. Forget what it was; a radio I think. As well as a cardigan.

Jerusalem Day: Thousands gather in prayer at the Western Wall

Thousands of Yeshiva students from all over the country arrived at the Western Wall Plaza for a festive prayer on the morning of Jerusalem Day. Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi David Lau , chief Rabbi of Jerusalem Rabbi Aryeh Stern, Rosh Yeshiva of Beit El, Rabbi Zalman Melamed, Rosh Yeshiva of Sderot Rabbi David Fendel, Rabbi David Dudkevitch, Rabbi of Yizhar, head of the High Yeshiva in Mitzpe Yericho Rabbi Yitzchak Sabato, Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, and others.



(Photo by Ariyeh Minkov)

Huh? Where are the women? That needs modernising my friend.


Women are also there, on the right side of men ;)
What have you done today for the future of Jerusalem?
Celebrate Jerusalem Day by helping more Jews return to Jerusalem's Old City.

For close to forty years Ateret Cohanim has been working tirelessly to continue the "liberation and preservation" of Jerusalem, both within the Old City and its environs in our eternal capital.

With the help of Jews from Israel and abroad, the organization has successfully been able to modestly redeem, facilitate acquisitions, rekindle Jewish life in the Holy Basin and rebuild Jerusalem. Today, Jews have returned to dozens of compounds, most of which are homes in which Jews had lived until the Arab riots and pogroms in the years 1929-1939.

Today, and thanks to your past donations and investments, Ateret Cohanim has managed to bring back Jewish life to the old Jewish Quarter of the Old City, to the Mount of Olives (Maaleh HaZeitim), to Kidmat Zion and to the old Yemenite Village of Shiloach. The work is exhausting and is done under very difficult conditions, but above all and driving Ateret Cohanim, is the centuries-old oath that we swore to Jerusalem: "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand be forgotten."

Whole generations only prayed and dreamed of reviving Jerusalem from its ruins, but could not fulfill their dreams, and hopes. Those generations never saw the realization of the prophecies, about the resurrection of Jerusalem.

Ateret Cohanim has been blessed, as has our current generation. We have received from the Almighty the opportunity to engage in the redemption of the Holy City and to continue the tradition of hundreds of years since the arrival of the Ramban - Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman 700 years ago – who came here and laid the foundation for the renewed Jewish settlement. The Vilna Gaon and his disciples continued that same tradition of redeeming and building Jewish life in the heart of Jerusalem.

Due to the work of these giants, we once witnessed, at the beginning of the 20th century – a Jewish majority within the walled city and at its peak, there were close to 20,000 Jewish residents of the Old City.

This Jewish life was decimated by Arab pogroms and the "temporary loss" of Jerusalem in the 1948 war of Independence. For 19 years the Old City was under Jordanian rule, but since the miraculous Six Day War, we have returned to "OUR CITY" as the indigenous people of the land and with G-d's help, Ateret Cohanim has been working to redeem, rebuild, renovate and re-populate the "pumping station" and heart of the Jewish world - Jerusalem.

Source: Arutz Sheva

Dunno, but you have my best wishes. I bought some stuff made in Israel recently. Forget what it was; a radio I think. As well as a cardigan.


Thanks Greg,
may Hashem bless You as You bless Israel!
Rabbi Shmuel Elyahu - Liberation of Jerusalem

On a day of such great kindness, magnificent and powerful kindness, kindness of the Kingship - on which Hashem gave us not only the place of the Temple, "behold He is standing behind our wall" (Song of Songs), but also empowered the nation of Israel. On the same day that Jerusalem was liberated, the nation of Israel instantaneously became a nation to be accounted with, they were astounded! Hashem is fulfilling His promises, and also every Jews anywhere in the world far or near felt in the heart.

I remember when I was 10, in a shelter in Jerusalem, everything is bombed, didn't understand too much. But the year Jerusalem, the Wall and the Temple Mount were liberated - suddenly something spread in my heart. I didn't understand why, what does it even has to do with me?

But this is a thing from the root of creation, the root of the neshamah (soul), from the root of our being. And every Jew no matter how close or far, from the root of his being felt this.

We know that all this is preparation, preparation for the great and Holy House, the house towards which flawed all the nations, the house about which was said "for the land shall be full of knowledge of the Hashem" and "nation won't raise a sword on another nation" (Yeshayahu). Towards the House which will bring light, joy, rejoicing of all land, will bring faith, will bring straight mind.

For the straight of heart happiness, bring good, bring the blessing of Hashem - the hope of all the generations together - may so be the will quickly in our time Amen!

Fulds visit home in Jerusalem named after Ari
Family of late terror victim Ari Fuld visits home in Muslim Quarter named after him. The home was obtained by Ateret Cohanim.

Miriam Fuld, wife of the late Ari Fuld who was murdered in a terror attack in Gush Etzion about 8 and a half months ago, came with other members of her family for a tour of a new home in the Old City of Jerusalem named after Ari.

“This is where we need to be to bring Jews from all over the world back to Israel, Jerusalem. Ari was a very proud Jew, not afraid, did not apologize for being who he was, and this house should make him very proud.”

Donny Fuld, Ari’s brother, related a story. “At the engagement party of Ari and Miriam’s oldest daughter Tamar, my father, who is a Rav and Talmid Chacham, looked at me and said, ‘What can we do? We have to go on.’ I don’t wish to contradict my father, but I will add that we will go on, but that’s a choice we make.”

“Ari created light and life where there was none every single day, many times quietly without creating a ruckus. He was a seeker of truth, and he did the right and good thing. Today, where we’re standing is a testament to that.”

For close to forty years Ateret Cohanim has been working tirelessly to continue the "liberation and preservation" of Jerusalem, both within the Old City and its environs in our eternal capital.

With the help of Jews from Israel and abroad, the organization has successfully been able to modestly redeem, facilitate acquisitions, rekindle Jewish life in the Holy Basin and rebuild Jerusalem. Today, Jews have returned to dozens of compounds, most of which are homes in which Jews had lived until the Arab riots and pogroms in the years 1929-1939.

Reminder of who was Ari Fuld ZTZ"L:

Jerusalem Needs You Today - 24 Hours to Help Ateret Cohanim on Yom Yerushalayim
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History being made!
Finally clarity of thought and courage to say what is correct, without dancing around or political calculations. The harsh opposition and ridicule to his words will strengthen the position, and give it the appropriate basis and weight on a broader spectrum, away from shallow fear mongering, encouraging a new level of dialogue on the heart purpose of the Jewish nation.

Probably the only one with a clear position in these elections, and the only one seeing through the coming paradigm change, which is already starting to be apparent. Can agree or disagree with him, but can't undermine integrity and spine.

Just put it here for now, for those who can understand, translate later today B"H.
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Nehamah Rivlin Z"L the wife of Pres. Rivlin passes away one day before her 74th birthday

The President's Residence announces with deep sorrow the death of Nechama Rivlin The President's Residence announces with deep sorrow the passing away of Nehama Rivlin, the wife of President Reuven Rivlin, this morning, Tuesday, June 4, at Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva. She was 73 when she died on the eve of her 74th birthday.

Nehama underwent a lung transplant three months ago, on Monday, March 11, 2019, an operation she needed due to pulmonary fibrosis from which she suffered in recent years.

The President and the family wishes to thank the staff of the entire Beilinson Hospital for the dedicated, sensitive and professional treatment it has received over the past few months, nights and days, with a broad and bright heart.

In addition, the Rivlin family wishes to thank the Israeli citizens and the heads of the communities, who have continued to demand that Nechama be consigned to send letters and exciting children's drawings to the hospital and the President's Residence, and to pray for her every day, every hour. This concern gave the president and all the family members powers and support whose strength can not be described in words. The family's thanks go also to the Halabli family, who contributed to the condolences of their late son Yair Z"L for their inspiring nobility and wonderful deed.

Source: 93fm.co.il

Jerusalem Day at Merkaz HaRav - declaration of MK Bezalel Smotrich

Our teacher and rabbi the head of the Yeshivah may he merit long years, rabbis, judges, mayor and all respected.

King David in Psalm 87: "Hashem loves the gates of Zion more than any dwellings of Ya'akov". Our sages in the Gmara tractate Brachot interpret the text simply - Hashem loves the gates of Jewish Law more than any synagogues and schools in the land of Yisrael. My father and teacher explains: usually when our sages interpret the verses, then the literal meaning and the underlying meaning are placed in each other. When our sages interpret "the gates of Zion" as the gates mentioned in Jewish Law, it's not because a certain letter has more ring. There's an inner bond between the gates of Zion, the gates of Kingship in Jerusalem to the gates mentioned in the Jewish Law and their function and the nation of Yisrael for generations. And there's an intrinsic connection between the "dwellings of Ya'akov" and synagogues and schools. The literal meaning is certainly that Hashem loves first of all the "dwellings of Ya'akov". Rabbi 'Amar may he merit long years, talked about Yeshiva's, schools, about places of Torah - of course He loves them. But He also loves the literal dwellings of Ya'akov, the villages, the homes, the people and the full life in the land of Yisrael. And more than He loves all of those dwellings, He loves the gates of Zion, the Kingship. And when we go down to exile there're no dwellings of Ya'akov and no gates of Zion.
So what is the parallel of the Kingship?

That same unifying Kingship that inhabits the Jerusalem that was joined together, and guards the nation of Yisrael one, this is done by the four cubits of Jewish Law, the frame that is binding us all. There're synagogues, schools, personal serving of Hashem of each and everyone in his home, village and mission, and there's the Jewish Law that keeps us united. What Kingship does in proper reality when Yisrael are in the mids of their building, does the Jewish Law. "Since the day that the Temple was destroyed there's nothing to Hashem in His world but the four cubits of Jewish law" (Berachot 8:1). Jerusalem and the Kingship are uniting - the heart that guards us all.

Soon the PM will come here, on the weekend it was publicized, from an American source, that the plan of Pres. Trump will include giving, if there's authority, Abu Dis as a capital of a state, that G-d forbid it's established. The PM has to hear in these walls, that are soaked in cries of Rabbi Yehuda ZTZ"L - "My land he has divided!"

Jerusalem will not be divided! Not as a slogan!

The mayor responded correctly, there's no such thing as "Arab neighborhoods" of Jerusalem. The heart cannot be divided! The city of Kingship cannot be divided! The place of the induction of the Shchinah (G-d's inspiration) cannot be divided!

When Rabbi Zvi Yehuda stood here and cried from the depth of his heart 52 years ago - "where is Shchem, where is our Hebron?", it was totally unrealistic!

What comes out of these walls, from this big home, the Torah of the great land of Yisrael it has continued. We should join the blessed memory of the Tzadik, I don't know how on the first lesson, in my audacity I got a place next to him with my stander, passed him the books from the library. And it continues now in the leadership of Rabbi Ya'akov may he merit long years. When this school led the settlement enterprise in Judea Samaria it was forfeited. When the students of this school carry the flag of unity of land of Yisrael and sovereignty it sounds unfounded.
When from this school comes out a big call to "Return our judges" as in tractate Megilah that our sages organized. And the way to judgment of the wicked, and the joy of the righteous, the Hall in Jerusalem to the sprouting of David, and the Holy House on its two aspects of prayer and servitude.

Yes, we want the Justice portfolio because we want "Return our judges as initially"!
We want to return the court of Torah to its foundation!

And it's coming out of this heart, out of this school of the central worldwide Yeshivah, with all of its many branches and extensions. And this will happen!
It will happen as Shchem returned to us, and Hebron returned to us, and the Wall returned to us, and the Temple Mount returned to us - and the court of Torah will return to us!

The Merkaz HaRav Yeshivah with the vision to the future, from the deep roots, from great faith and devotion in students of wise sages, sees the future, and acts with help of Hashem, in preparedness and greatness with the Creator of the world - actually to bring it here and now.

To explain all the context of these statements, against the complicated and quickly changing political map and discourse taking place right now in the country, would take a whole thread.
But in short, in one speech MK Smotrich touched upon the most ridiculed and controversial topics of modern Israel, said what most kept silent to admit or discuss for fear of complete electorate and media assassination. And in the same move shifted the Religious Zionism establishment from traditional compliance with ruling party to clear leadership position with a concrete vision, and an alternative, while others seem to be invested in personal vendettas, rather than in the wellbeing of the nation, show clear signs of ideological fading and disconnect from the public sphere and interest, or simply any clear sense of direction. With one exception - they all from bottom to top were very clear about immediately opposing Smotrich.

Giving him the perfect stage now for addressing the media's old default instilled bias, the shallow slogans etc., shifting the communication to new depth. Gradually moving from answering banal and catchy statements - to actual detailed discussion of Jewish Law on all mass and social media channels.

All this in parallel to already undeniable disappointment and disbelief in current rule, as well as in its opposition on both left and right, and the whole election circus that we were drawn into by people who were supposed to be on the same track ideologically. One only needs to look into the main themes of the last elections, to see the public support in favor of, if not a change, simultaneous renewal of the govt and electoral institutes.
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1,162 Jews ascend the Temple Mount in just 3 hours

Despite previous announcements by the police that the Temple Mount would be closed to Jews this Jerusalem Day, due to it coinciding with the final days of Ramadan, more than 1000 Jews arrived at the foot of the Mount this morning, the police opened the gates, and all the Jews ascended the Temple Mount. There they celebrated and rejoiced in the miraculous liberation and reunification of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, 52 years ago, in the 1967 Six Day War. Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute was among the 1,162 Jews who merited to ascend the Temple Mount this morning. We thank him for providing this footage.

They're singing : "The Temple will be built, city of Zion will be crowned, and there we will sing a new song..."

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Cable Car In Old City Of Jerusalem Coming Soon - Your News From Israel

Meet the Winners of the 2019 Moskowitz Prize
  • Women in Green - Sovereignty Movement
  • Society for the Heritage of Ethiopian Jewery
  • "Learn to Succeed"
  • City of Beit Shemesh
  • Kohelet Forum
First time hear about the Kohelet Forum, I like how Moshe Koppel summed it up -
"We want to make Israel more free and prosperous, more Jewish".

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Yoseph Haddad on "The World This Morning"

Discussion on politics within the Israeli Arab community, contribution and National Service.

Will Millions of Anusim return to Judaism and Israel?

"Sound a great Shofar for our liberty, and raise a flag to gather our exiles,
and assemble us quickly together from the four corners of the earth to our land.
Blessed are You Hashem (source of all blessing) that assembles the far-flung of His nation Yisrael."


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Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom

From Ethiopia through Sudan to Jerusalem.
Rabbi Shalom today is the community rabbi of Holocaust survivors in Kiryat Gat.

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