Who are the Israelis?

Israel supporters must learn about Judea and Samaria, and connect

Yishai Fleisher: Politics, Peace and Jewish Survival

Israeli journalist Yishai Fleisher, spokesman for the Jewish community of Hebron, explains the perspective of the Israeli settler; and discusses politics, peace and Jewish survival in the Middle East.

Tribe of Sisters and Brothers - Various Israeli Artists

70 years in the car I go and look
About what was and what became
And how my soul still yearning

From the Masada of the sunrises
Jerusalem in Selichot
From the shores of Kinneret and Achziv
From the parties of Tel Aviv

My father dreamed and prayed
To live in the Land of Israel
Today my children ask me
What is the story of Israel?

Here it is home, here it is heart
And I'm not leaving You
Our ancestors - roots
And we are the flowers, the melodies
Tribe of brothers and sisters

Same neighborhood, same street
A dozen sons of Jacob
Collect wandering together
In a backpack of longing

A man is his native landscape
Engraving lines in the palm of his hand
Between the prayers and the vows
Odor of orchard of citrus

And in my mother's eyes
I'll always find my place
The guitar is playing
An ancient tune that directs
Here is home, here is heart...

From the beginning everything was set, patches of the story
Like two words - connect
In a poet's gold thread

I'm from here, I belong
And every friend of mine is like a brother
You are beating in my heart
I'm East-West

Here is home, here is heart
And I'm not leaving You
Our ancestors - roots
And we are the flowers, the melodies
Tribe of brothers and sisters

"Here is home here is heart,
And I'm not leaving You"
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Jerusalem's Municipality Creates App for Visually Impaired

Many religious and archaeological sites in Jerusalem's old city pose unique challenges to the disabled. One initiative in Jerusalem is aiming to make the old city accessible for the blind.

A Historic US Delegation Visits Ariel University in Samaria! #337

Tech? Forget tech! How about the governor of Florida and 120 other leaders visiting an Israeli university located in Judea and Samaria.

The Youth Want Sovereignty!

Hundreds of youth from all over the country took part in the 2nd Youth Conference held at the Wohl Center at Bar-Ilan University. Politicians, intellectuals, media people, activists and especially youth imbued with a mission of faith and vision filled the hall decorated with national flags and signs of sovereignty.

The event began with the words of the leaders of the Sovereignty movement, Yehudit Katzover and Nadia Matar, who emphasized the importance of choosing Bar-Ilan University for the making of the conference, which is a response to Prime Minister Netanyahu's Bar-Ilan speech.

The task is to deepen our lives here and apply sovereignty that will bring a better future for everyone. We were fed up with the scenes of displacement and disengagement. We sobered up. We will not wait for the tractors, but avoid destructive actions in advance, and we will do so by establishing the consciousness that the Land of Israel is ours" Katzover declared to the applause of the youth.

They also stated that the reality in which the sovereignty of Israel has not been applied for 52 years in the heart of the country, which has created a political question mark that allows the world to view the State of Israel as an occupier "even though a nation can't occupy its own land." They stated that the imposition of sovereignty would stop the Arab hope of establishing a state on the ruins of Israel.

"The demographic threat is the sin of the spies of our day, and the few who still support a Palestinian state are threatening the Jewish majority, which will bring millions of hostile Arabs to turn the Jewish majority into a minority." The Arabs of Judea and Samaria will receive residency status under Israeli sovereignty and will be able to apply for citizenship status in accordance with the conditions of loyalty. "

After the words of Katzover and Matar, publicist and journalist Shimon Riklin led a short conversation with some of the youth who were called to the stage and briefly described what sovereignty was for them. Riklin expressed his astonishment at the audience, who also gathered in the auditorium and also in light of the clear and present words of the youth. "You have a generation that continues," he said, turning to Katzover and Matar.

Later in the event, MKs Tzipi Hotovely and Bezalel Smotrich, one after the other, rose and spoke about the commitment to sovereignty and the aspiration to unite the right-wing camp ahead of the upcoming elections. Bassam Eid, a human rights activist from Shchem who views the PA as controlling the Arabs of Judea and Samaria a a recipe for disaster, said that it is only from the terror of the Abu Mazen regime that PA residents afraid to openly declare their desire to live under Israeli sovereignty that will grant them prosperity and dignity.

In another chapter of the Sovereignty Conference, a panel was held under the leadership of Shimon Riklin, with MK Yoav Kish of the Likud, former Knesset Member Orit Struck and Knesset Member Gilead Lewis of the Bnei Akiva movement. During the panel, Struck warned against the possibility that behind the Prime Minister's statements on sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, there was a plan to transfer the rest of the territory to the control of the PA. Yoav Kish expressed reservations about Struk's brilliant commentary and stated that had Israel not embarked on another election campaign, woul be already in the middle of first steps in the application of sovereignty.

In his speech, Rabbi Lewis emphasized the power of the youthful spirit to move historic moves, and remarked that if the call for sovereignty remains the exclusive religious Zionist public, it will not occur.

Knesset Member Idit Silman (United Right Wing) also spoke about the vision of sovereignty, calling on the youth to take advantage of the summer vacation to spread the message of sovereignty and commitment to the Land of Israel. In her speech she mentioned the ongoing struggle for the return of Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul Z"L, a struggle in which she is a central partner.

Following this, Silman led a panel of young people who described their activities as members of the movement for sovereignty over the past year. The boys and girls talked about meetings, seminars, distribution of information materials, activity with Knesset members and more.

The entire event was signed by the rabbi of the city of Safed, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, who praised the hundreds of youth who came to the conference and stated that the progress of the vision of sovereignty is another step and another floor on the way to the redemption of Israel.

The Youth Want Sovereignty!

Hundreds of youth from all over the country took part in the 2nd Youth Conference held at the Wohl Center at Bar-Ilan University. Politicians, intellectuals, media people, activists and especially youth imbued with a mission of faith and vision filled the hall decorated with national flags and signs of sovereignty.

The event began with the words of the leaders of the Sovereignty movement, Yehudit Katzover and Nadia Matar, who emphasized the importance of choosing Bar-Ilan University for the making of the conference, which is a response to Prime Minister Netanyahu's Bar-Ilan speech.

The task is to deepen our lives here and apply sovereignty that will bring a better future for everyone. We were fed up with the scenes of displacement and disengagement. We sobered up. We will not wait for the tractors, but avoid destructive actions in advance, and we will do so by establishing the consciousness that the Land of Israel is ours" Katzover declared to the applause of the youth.

They also stated that the reality in which the sovereignty of Israel has not been applied for 52 years in the heart of the country, which has created a political question mark that allows the world to view the State of Israel as an occupier "even though a nation can't occupy its own land." They stated that the imposition of sovereignty would stop the Arab hope of establishing a state on the ruins of Israel.

"The demographic threat is the sin of the spies of our day, and the few who still support a Palestinian state are threatening the Jewish majority, which will bring millions of hostile Arabs to turn the Jewish majority into a minority." The Arabs of Judea and Samaria will receive residency status under Israeli sovereignty and will be able to apply for citizenship status in accordance with the conditions of loyalty. "

After the words of Katzover and Matar, publicist and journalist Shimon Riklin led a short conversation with some of the youth who were called to the stage and briefly described what sovereignty was for them. Riklin expressed his astonishment at the audience, who also gathered in the auditorium and also in light of the clear and present words of the youth. "You have a generation that continues," he said, turning to Katzover and Matar.

Later in the event, MKs Tzipi Hotovely and Bezalel Smotrich, one after the other, rose and spoke about the commitment to sovereignty and the aspiration to unite the right-wing camp ahead of the upcoming elections. Bassam Eid, a human rights activist from Shchem who views the PA as controlling the Arabs of Judea and Samaria a a recipe for disaster, said that it is only from the terror of the Abu Mazen regime that PA residents afraid to openly declare their desire to live under Israeli sovereignty that will grant them prosperity and dignity.

In another chapter of the Sovereignty Conference, a panel was held under the leadership of Shimon Riklin, with MK Yoav Kish of the Likud, former Knesset Member Orit Struck and Knesset Member Gilead Lewis of the Bnei Akiva movement. During the panel, Struck warned against the possibility that behind the Prime Minister's statements on sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, there was a plan to transfer the rest of the territory to the control of the PA. Yoav Kish expressed reservations about Struk's brilliant commentary and stated that had Israel not embarked on another election campaign, woul be already in the middle of first steps in the application of sovereignty.

In his speech, Rabbi Lewis emphasized the power of the youthful spirit to move historic moves, and remarked that if the call for sovereignty remains the exclusive religious Zionist public, it will not occur.

Knesset Member Idit Silman (United Right Wing) also spoke about the vision of sovereignty, calling on the youth to take advantage of the summer vacation to spread the message of sovereignty and commitment to the Land of Israel. In her speech she mentioned the ongoing struggle for the return of Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul Z"L, a struggle in which she is a central partner.

Following this, Silman led a panel of young people who described their activities as members of the movement for sovereignty over the past year. The boys and girls talked about meetings, seminars, distribution of information materials, activity with Knesset members and more.

The entire event was signed by the rabbi of the city of Safed, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, who praised the hundreds of youth who came to the conference and stated that the progress of the vision of sovereignty is another step and another floor on the way to the redemption of Israel.

So, rylah, it seems that you want Israel to annex Judea and Samaria. What should be done with the Arabs there? Should they be made citizens like the Arabs in Haifa?
The Youth Want Sovereignty!

Hundreds of youth from all over the country took part in the 2nd Youth Conference held at the Wohl Center at Bar-Ilan University. Politicians, intellectuals, media people, activists and especially youth imbued with a mission of faith and vision filled the hall decorated with national flags and signs of sovereignty.

The event began with the words of the leaders of the Sovereignty movement, Yehudit Katzover and Nadia Matar, who emphasized the importance of choosing Bar-Ilan University for the making of the conference, which is a response to Prime Minister Netanyahu's Bar-Ilan speech.

The task is to deepen our lives here and apply sovereignty that will bring a better future for everyone. We were fed up with the scenes of displacement and disengagement. We sobered up. We will not wait for the tractors, but avoid destructive actions in advance, and we will do so by establishing the consciousness that the Land of Israel is ours" Katzover declared to the applause of the youth.

They also stated that the reality in which the sovereignty of Israel has not been applied for 52 years in the heart of the country, which has created a political question mark that allows the world to view the State of Israel as an occupier "even though a nation can't occupy its own land." They stated that the imposition of sovereignty would stop the Arab hope of establishing a state on the ruins of Israel.

"The demographic threat is the sin of the spies of our day, and the few who still support a Palestinian state are threatening the Jewish majority, which will bring millions of hostile Arabs to turn the Jewish majority into a minority." The Arabs of Judea and Samaria will receive residency status under Israeli sovereignty and will be able to apply for citizenship status in accordance with the conditions of loyalty. "

After the words of Katzover and Matar, publicist and journalist Shimon Riklin led a short conversation with some of the youth who were called to the stage and briefly described what sovereignty was for them. Riklin expressed his astonishment at the audience, who also gathered in the auditorium and also in light of the clear and present words of the youth. "You have a generation that continues," he said, turning to Katzover and Matar.

Later in the event, MKs Tzipi Hotovely and Bezalel Smotrich, one after the other, rose and spoke about the commitment to sovereignty and the aspiration to unite the right-wing camp ahead of the upcoming elections. Bassam Eid, a human rights activist from Shchem who views the PA as controlling the Arabs of Judea and Samaria a a recipe for disaster, said that it is only from the terror of the Abu Mazen regime that PA residents afraid to openly declare their desire to live under Israeli sovereignty that will grant them prosperity and dignity.

In another chapter of the Sovereignty Conference, a panel was held under the leadership of Shimon Riklin, with MK Yoav Kish of the Likud, former Knesset Member Orit Struck and Knesset Member Gilead Lewis of the Bnei Akiva movement. During the panel, Struck warned against the possibility that behind the Prime Minister's statements on sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, there was a plan to transfer the rest of the territory to the control of the PA. Yoav Kish expressed reservations about Struk's brilliant commentary and stated that had Israel not embarked on another election campaign, woul be already in the middle of first steps in the application of sovereignty.

In his speech, Rabbi Lewis emphasized the power of the youthful spirit to move historic moves, and remarked that if the call for sovereignty remains the exclusive religious Zionist public, it will not occur.

Knesset Member Idit Silman (United Right Wing) also spoke about the vision of sovereignty, calling on the youth to take advantage of the summer vacation to spread the message of sovereignty and commitment to the Land of Israel. In her speech she mentioned the ongoing struggle for the return of Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul Z"L, a struggle in which she is a central partner.

Following this, Silman led a panel of young people who described their activities as members of the movement for sovereignty over the past year. The boys and girls talked about meetings, seminars, distribution of information materials, activity with Knesset members and more.

The entire event was signed by the rabbi of the city of Safed, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, who praised the hundreds of youth who came to the conference and stated that the progress of the vision of sovereignty is another step and another floor on the way to the redemption of Israel.

So, rylah, it seems that you want Israel to annex Judea and Samaria. What should be done with the Arabs there? Should they be made citizens like the Arabs in Haifa?

  1. Citizenship conditioned by allegiance to Jewish nation and full participation in civil duties.
  2. Residency if want to keep citizenship of another state and abide Israeli law.
  3. Compensation if can't live with Jews and leave peacefully.
The Youth Want Sovereignty!

Hundreds of youth from all over the country took part in the 2nd Youth Conference held at the Wohl Center at Bar-Ilan University. Politicians, intellectuals, media people, activists and especially youth imbued with a mission of faith and vision filled the hall decorated with national flags and signs of sovereignty.

The event began with the words of the leaders of the Sovereignty movement, Yehudit Katzover and Nadia Matar, who emphasized the importance of choosing Bar-Ilan University for the making of the conference, which is a response to Prime Minister Netanyahu's Bar-Ilan speech.

The task is to deepen our lives here and apply sovereignty that will bring a better future for everyone. We were fed up with the scenes of displacement and disengagement. We sobered up. We will not wait for the tractors, but avoid destructive actions in advance, and we will do so by establishing the consciousness that the Land of Israel is ours" Katzover declared to the applause of the youth.

They also stated that the reality in which the sovereignty of Israel has not been applied for 52 years in the heart of the country, which has created a political question mark that allows the world to view the State of Israel as an occupier "even though a nation can't occupy its own land." They stated that the imposition of sovereignty would stop the Arab hope of establishing a state on the ruins of Israel.

"The demographic threat is the sin of the spies of our day, and the few who still support a Palestinian state are threatening the Jewish majority, which will bring millions of hostile Arabs to turn the Jewish majority into a minority." The Arabs of Judea and Samaria will receive residency status under Israeli sovereignty and will be able to apply for citizenship status in accordance with the conditions of loyalty. "

After the words of Katzover and Matar, publicist and journalist Shimon Riklin led a short conversation with some of the youth who were called to the stage and briefly described what sovereignty was for them. Riklin expressed his astonishment at the audience, who also gathered in the auditorium and also in light of the clear and present words of the youth. "You have a generation that continues," he said, turning to Katzover and Matar.

Later in the event, MKs Tzipi Hotovely and Bezalel Smotrich, one after the other, rose and spoke about the commitment to sovereignty and the aspiration to unite the right-wing camp ahead of the upcoming elections. Bassam Eid, a human rights activist from Shchem who views the PA as controlling the Arabs of Judea and Samaria a a recipe for disaster, said that it is only from the terror of the Abu Mazen regime that PA residents afraid to openly declare their desire to live under Israeli sovereignty that will grant them prosperity and dignity.

In another chapter of the Sovereignty Conference, a panel was held under the leadership of Shimon Riklin, with MK Yoav Kish of the Likud, former Knesset Member Orit Struck and Knesset Member Gilead Lewis of the Bnei Akiva movement. During the panel, Struck warned against the possibility that behind the Prime Minister's statements on sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, there was a plan to transfer the rest of the territory to the control of the PA. Yoav Kish expressed reservations about Struk's brilliant commentary and stated that had Israel not embarked on another election campaign, woul be already in the middle of first steps in the application of sovereignty.

In his speech, Rabbi Lewis emphasized the power of the youthful spirit to move historic moves, and remarked that if the call for sovereignty remains the exclusive religious Zionist public, it will not occur.

Knesset Member Idit Silman (United Right Wing) also spoke about the vision of sovereignty, calling on the youth to take advantage of the summer vacation to spread the message of sovereignty and commitment to the Land of Israel. In her speech she mentioned the ongoing struggle for the return of Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul Z"L, a struggle in which she is a central partner.

Following this, Silman led a panel of young people who described their activities as members of the movement for sovereignty over the past year. The boys and girls talked about meetings, seminars, distribution of information materials, activity with Knesset members and more.

The entire event was signed by the rabbi of the city of Safed, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, who praised the hundreds of youth who came to the conference and stated that the progress of the vision of sovereignty is another step and another floor on the way to the redemption of Israel.

So, rylah, it seems that you want Israel to annex Judea and Samaria. What should be done with the Arabs there? Should they be made citizens like the Arabs in Haifa?

  1. Citizenship conditioned by allegiance to Jewish nation and full participation in civil duties.
  2. Residency if want to keep citizenship of another state and abide Israeli law.
  3. Compensation if can't live with Jews and leave peacefully.

Would Palestine be considered a state as part of the "keep citizenship of another state"?
The Youth Want Sovereignty!

Hundreds of youth from all over the country took part in the 2nd Youth Conference held at the Wohl Center at Bar-Ilan University. Politicians, intellectuals, media people, activists and especially youth imbued with a mission of faith and vision filled the hall decorated with national flags and signs of sovereignty.

The event began with the words of the leaders of the Sovereignty movement, Yehudit Katzover and Nadia Matar, who emphasized the importance of choosing Bar-Ilan University for the making of the conference, which is a response to Prime Minister Netanyahu's Bar-Ilan speech.

The task is to deepen our lives here and apply sovereignty that will bring a better future for everyone. We were fed up with the scenes of displacement and disengagement. We sobered up. We will not wait for the tractors, but avoid destructive actions in advance, and we will do so by establishing the consciousness that the Land of Israel is ours" Katzover declared to the applause of the youth.

They also stated that the reality in which the sovereignty of Israel has not been applied for 52 years in the heart of the country, which has created a political question mark that allows the world to view the State of Israel as an occupier "even though a nation can't occupy its own land." They stated that the imposition of sovereignty would stop the Arab hope of establishing a state on the ruins of Israel.

"The demographic threat is the sin of the spies of our day, and the few who still support a Palestinian state are threatening the Jewish majority, which will bring millions of hostile Arabs to turn the Jewish majority into a minority." The Arabs of Judea and Samaria will receive residency status under Israeli sovereignty and will be able to apply for citizenship status in accordance with the conditions of loyalty. "

After the words of Katzover and Matar, publicist and journalist Shimon Riklin led a short conversation with some of the youth who were called to the stage and briefly described what sovereignty was for them. Riklin expressed his astonishment at the audience, who also gathered in the auditorium and also in light of the clear and present words of the youth. "You have a generation that continues," he said, turning to Katzover and Matar.

Later in the event, MKs Tzipi Hotovely and Bezalel Smotrich, one after the other, rose and spoke about the commitment to sovereignty and the aspiration to unite the right-wing camp ahead of the upcoming elections. Bassam Eid, a human rights activist from Shchem who views the PA as controlling the Arabs of Judea and Samaria a a recipe for disaster, said that it is only from the terror of the Abu Mazen regime that PA residents afraid to openly declare their desire to live under Israeli sovereignty that will grant them prosperity and dignity.

In another chapter of the Sovereignty Conference, a panel was held under the leadership of Shimon Riklin, with MK Yoav Kish of the Likud, former Knesset Member Orit Struck and Knesset Member Gilead Lewis of the Bnei Akiva movement. During the panel, Struck warned against the possibility that behind the Prime Minister's statements on sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, there was a plan to transfer the rest of the territory to the control of the PA. Yoav Kish expressed reservations about Struk's brilliant commentary and stated that had Israel not embarked on another election campaign, woul be already in the middle of first steps in the application of sovereignty.

In his speech, Rabbi Lewis emphasized the power of the youthful spirit to move historic moves, and remarked that if the call for sovereignty remains the exclusive religious Zionist public, it will not occur.

Knesset Member Idit Silman (United Right Wing) also spoke about the vision of sovereignty, calling on the youth to take advantage of the summer vacation to spread the message of sovereignty and commitment to the Land of Israel. In her speech she mentioned the ongoing struggle for the return of Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul Z"L, a struggle in which she is a central partner.

Following this, Silman led a panel of young people who described their activities as members of the movement for sovereignty over the past year. The boys and girls talked about meetings, seminars, distribution of information materials, activity with Knesset members and more.

The entire event was signed by the rabbi of the city of Safed, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, who praised the hundreds of youth who came to the conference and stated that the progress of the vision of sovereignty is another step and another floor on the way to the redemption of Israel.

So, rylah, it seems that you want Israel to annex Judea and Samaria. What should be done with the Arabs there? Should they be made citizens like the Arabs in Haifa?

  1. Citizenship conditioned by allegiance to Jewish nation and full participation in civil duties.
  2. Residency if want to keep citizenship of another state and abide Israeli law.
  3. Compensation if can't live with Jews and leave peacefully.

Would Palestine be considered a state as part of the "keep citizenship of another state"?

Well, if all of Judea and Samaria is annexed, then I suppose all that would remain of Palestine would be Gaza.
Well, if all of Judea and Samaria is annexed, then I suppose all that would remain of Palestine would be Gaza.

Which I *think* would mean there would be very few residents and nearly all of the Arabs would become Israeli citizens.

So the question then becomes how to enforce item #1 on rylah's list. It would be a one-state solution with two very distinct populations and a mandate to preserve the Jewish character of the state. How do we DO that?
RE: Who are the Israelis?

That would be a "domestic question.

Would Palestine be considered a state as part of the "keep citizenship of another state"?

Technically, the acquisition of territory and nationality/citizenship are two separate issues. Yes, there are such things as "dual citizenship holders."

The international concern on the matter revolves around the question of a person who is not considered as a national by any State. The international community takes a dim view in cases where the actions result in the creation of stateless people. It renders a financial burden and questionable upon others.

The mechanism could be citizenship by default, meaning they are automatically in the window. Or, domestic law may require a filing of intention, where there would be a specified period (usually less than a year) in which those persons enveloped by the territorial acquisition, would declare intentions and make an application for new citizenship.

The State of Israel does not necessarily have to annex the territory. They could extend protectorate status as unincorportated; similar to American Samoa or Puerto Rico.

Most Respectfully,
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RE: Who are the Israelis?

That would be a "domestic question.

Would Palestine be considered a state as part of the "keep citizenship of another state"?

Technically, the acquisition of territory and nationality/citizenship are two separate issues. Yes, there are such things as "dual citizenship holders."

The international concern on the matter revolves around the question of a person who is not considered as a national by any State. The international community takes a dim view in cases where the actions result in the creation of stateless people. It renders a financial burden and questionable upon others.

The mechanism could be citizenship by default, meaning they are automatically in the window. Or, domestic law may require a filing of intention, where there would be a specified period (usually less than a year) in which those persons enveloped by the territorial acquisition, would declare intentions and make an application for new citizenship.

The State of Israel does not necessarily have to annex the territory. They could extend protectorate status as unincorportated; similar to American Samoa or Puerto Rico.

Most Respectfully,

You see the dilemma, then?

Category #2 in rylah’s list will be minimal and not really relevant to the discussion, since they have a third (for our purposes) nationality to fall back in.

Category #1 involves voluntary acquisition of citizenship which poses no problems at all.

But Category #3 creates a potentially large set of stateless persons, which, as you said, international law takes a dim view of. Such a dim view, in fact, that I would argue Israeli citizenship could not be removed from this group.

So, what you’ve created are ACTUAL refugees. Not the fake ones we’ve been discussing for years, but actual ones. Who have no nationality and would be deported from their home state.

How do you propose to solve that issue?
I guess you could argue that Arab Palestinians are already stateless and therefore Israel has not created the state of statelessness. And then argue that anyone applying for Israeli citizenship would be achieving something rather than losing something.

Seems a hard sell, though.
RE: Who are the Israelis?

That would be a "domestic question.

Would Palestine be considered a state as part of the "keep citizenship of another state"?

Technically, the acquisition of territory and nationality/citizenship are two separate issues. Yes, there are such things as "dual citizenship holders."

The international concern on the matter revolves around the question of a person who is not considered as a national by any State. The international community takes a dim view in cases where the actions result in the creation of stateless people. It renders a financial burden and questionable upon others.

The mechanism could be citizenship by default, meaning they are automatically in the window. Or, domestic law may require a filing of intention, where there would be a specified period (usually less than a year) in which those persons enveloped by the territorial acquisition, would declare intentions and make an application for new citizenship.

The State of Israel does not necessarily have to annex the territory. They could extend protectorate status as unincorportated; similar to American Samoa or Puerto Rico.

Most Respectfully,
One of the basics in international law is that the people belong to the land. An old American Indian saying is that "The land does not belong to the people, the people belong to the land." The people belong to the land regardless of who governs it. We find this reiterated in the Treaty of Lausanne, The citizenship order of 1925, UN Resolution 181, and everywhere else.

Many other laws hinge on this basic principle like ethnic cleansing and population transfers, denationalization, denying the right to return. These push the burden of people onto other states who have no responsibility to accept foreign nationals.
RE: Who are the Israelis?

That would be a "domestic question.

Would Palestine be considered a state as part of the "keep citizenship of another state"?

Technically, the acquisition of territory and nationality/citizenship are two separate issues. Yes, there are such things as "dual citizenship holders."

The international concern on the matter revolves around the question of a person who is not considered as a national by any State. The international community takes a dim view in cases where the actions result in the creation of stateless people. It renders a financial burden and questionable upon others.

The mechanism could be citizenship by default, meaning they are automatically in the window. Or, domestic law may require a filing of intention, where there would be a specified period (usually less than a year) in which those persons enveloped by the territorial acquisition, would declare intentions and make an application for new citizenship.

The State of Israel does not necessarily have to annex the territory. They could extend protectorate status as unincorportated; similar to American Samoa or Puerto Rico.

Most Respectfully,
One of the basics in international law is that the people belong to the land. An old American Indian saying is that "The land does not belong to the people, the people belong to the land." The people belong to the land regardless of who governs it. We find this reiterated in the Treaty of Lausanne, The citizenship order of 1925, UN Resolution 181, and everywhere else.

Many other laws hinge on this basic principle like ethnic cleansing and population transfers, denationalization, denying the right to return. These push the burden of people onto other states who have no responsibility to accept foreign nationals.

Oh my. Not your “Treaty of Lausanne invented the State of Pal’istan”, nonsense.

Please don't tell us you’re on to that useless canard again. Even if you are, lie and tell us you’re not.
RE: Who are the Israelis?

That would be a "domestic question.

Would Palestine be considered a state as part of the "keep citizenship of another state"?

Technically, the acquisition of territory and nationality/citizenship are two separate issues. Yes, there are such things as "dual citizenship holders."

The international concern on the matter revolves around the question of a person who is not considered as a national by any State. The international community takes a dim view in cases where the actions result in the creation of stateless people. It renders a financial burden and questionable upon others.

The mechanism could be citizenship by default, meaning they are automatically in the window. Or, domestic law may require a filing of intention, where there would be a specified period (usually less than a year) in which those persons enveloped by the territorial acquisition, would declare intentions and make an application for new citizenship.

The State of Israel does not necessarily have to annex the territory. They could extend protectorate status as unincorportated; similar to American Samoa or Puerto Rico.

Most Respectfully,
One of the basics in international law is that the people belong to the land. An old American Indian saying is that "The land does not belong to the people, the people belong to the land." The people belong to the land regardless of who governs it. We find this reiterated in the Treaty of Lausanne, The citizenship order of 1925, UN Resolution 181, and everywhere else.

Many other laws hinge on this basic principle like ethnic cleansing and population transfers, denationalization, denying the right to return. These push the burden of people onto other states who have no responsibility to accept foreign nationals.

Oh my. Not your “Treaty of Lausanne invented the State of Pal’istan”, nonsense.

Please don't tell us you’re on to that useless canard again. Even if you are, lie and tell us you’re not.
I didn't say that.
RE: Who are the Israelis?

That would be a "domestic question.

Would Palestine be considered a state as part of the "keep citizenship of another state"?

Technically, the acquisition of territory and nationality/citizenship are two separate issues. Yes, there are such things as "dual citizenship holders."

The international concern on the matter revolves around the question of a person who is not considered as a national by any State. The international community takes a dim view in cases where the actions result in the creation of stateless people. It renders a financial burden and questionable upon others.

The mechanism could be citizenship by default, meaning they are automatically in the window. Or, domestic law may require a filing of intention, where there would be a specified period (usually less than a year) in which those persons enveloped by the territorial acquisition, would declare intentions and make an application for new citizenship.

The State of Israel does not necessarily have to annex the territory. They could extend protectorate status as unincorportated; similar to American Samoa or Puerto Rico.

Most Respectfully,
One of the basics in international law is that the people belong to the land. An old American Indian saying is that "The land does not belong to the people, the people belong to the land." The people belong to the land regardless of who governs it. We find this reiterated in the Treaty of Lausanne, The citizenship order of 1925, UN Resolution 181, and everywhere else.

Many other laws hinge on this basic principle like ethnic cleansing and population transfers, denationalization, denying the right to return. These push the burden of people onto other states who have no responsibility to accept foreign nationals.

So how would you apply this thinking to rylah’s list?
RE: Who are the Israelis?

That would be a "domestic question.

Would Palestine be considered a state as part of the "keep citizenship of another state"?

Technically, the acquisition of territory and nationality/citizenship are two separate issues. Yes, there are such things as "dual citizenship holders."

The international concern on the matter revolves around the question of a person who is not considered as a national by any State. The international community takes a dim view in cases where the actions result in the creation of stateless people. It renders a financial burden and questionable upon others.

The mechanism could be citizenship by default, meaning they are automatically in the window. Or, domestic law may require a filing of intention, where there would be a specified period (usually less than a year) in which those persons enveloped by the territorial acquisition, would declare intentions and make an application for new citizenship.

The State of Israel does not necessarily have to annex the territory. They could extend protectorate status as unincorportated; similar to American Samoa or Puerto Rico.

Most Respectfully,
One of the basics in international law is that the people belong to the land. An old American Indian saying is that "The land does not belong to the people, the people belong to the land." The people belong to the land regardless of who governs it. We find this reiterated in the Treaty of Lausanne, The citizenship order of 1925, UN Resolution 181, and everywhere else.

Many other laws hinge on this basic principle like ethnic cleansing and population transfers, denationalization, denying the right to return. These push the burden of people onto other states who have no responsibility to accept foreign nationals.

So how would you apply this thinking to rylah’s list?
His list is a Zionist pipe dream. It has no relevance.

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