Who are the Israelis?

Labor chief Avi Gabbay drops out of primary race
Labor chairman Avi Gabbay will not seek to retain his position at the helm of the Labor party in next month’s primary race, Gabbay announced Tuesday.

“To my supporters, to my friends, to my partners, and to my dear loved-ones, I want to inform you that I will not be running for leadership of the party in the elections which will be held next month,” Gabby wrote on Facebook Tuesday at 11:00 a.m.

Gabbay said the decision was the next logical step following Labor’s poor showing in the April 9th elections, in which the party fell to just six seats, its weakest performance ever in an Israeli election.

“The direction was clear already on the night of the last election, but important decisions cannot be made in the heat of the moment, so I waited until things came to the fore in order to make my decision and announce it.”

The decision, which effectively ends Gabbay’s leadership of the Labor party after the July 2nd leadership primary, came a day after MK Tal Russo, number two on Labor’s Knesset slate and a key ally to Gabbay, told supporters he would retiring from politics.

Full article: Israel National News


Once the ruling party of Israel for more than 30 years, the "Oslo party", led by such figures as Golda Meir, Shim'on Peres, Ehud Barak and Yitzhak Rabin...

Got 6 out of 120 seats in the last elections.
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Back to the Knesset? Ayelet Shaked confirms new election bid
After losing Knesset seat in April election, ex-Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked confirms she will be running in September election.

Speaking at a conference Tuesday hosted by the Associate of Corporate Counsel Israel (ACC) in Tel Aviv, Shaked responded to questioning from journalist Ben Caspit regarding her plans for the upcoming election.

“I’ll be returning now,” the former Justice Minister said.

Shaked, who less than two months ago
announced she was leaving politics, began hinting at a possible return after coalition talks between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and allies failed to yield an agreement, culminating in a decision to dissolve the Knesset and go to early elections.

Last week, Shaked alluded to a possible return to the Justice Ministry, just days after Netanyahu fired her, transferring the ministry to Likud MK Amir Ohana.

“To my replacement – when he will come – I say: you’re getting a ministry that is in very good condition, first-hand from the producer. Take care of it – and I’m not going to hide the fact that I have some personal interest in this request. I definitely plan on coming back here.”

During Tuesday’s conference, Caspit pressed Shaked to clarify whether her comments last week indicated a general desire to return to the Justice Ministry at some future date, or whether she had settled on returning to politics for the September election.

“Will be you in the next election?”

Shaked responded, saying “Wait and see.”

When Caspit asked again, however, Shaked confirmed she would be running for the 22nd Knesset. “Yes, the plan is [to run] now.”


Back to the Knesset? Ayelet Shaked confirms new election bid
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Rabbi Eliyahu: Only one who doesn't blink can lead
Tzfat rabbi: Bennett, Shaked, Feiglin should be brought under United Right leadership. 'We are, in the end, a national religious community.'

The Rabbi of the city of Tzfat, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, emphasized to Arutz Sheva that he stands with the United Right, Rabbi Rafi Peretz and Bezalel Smotrich, on the way to forming a union of right-wing parties.

"There is no doubt that Ayelet Shaked and Naftali Bennett made a mistake, and those who went with Feiglin were also a loss, because most of them came from the same Beit Midrash," says Rabbi Eliyahu.

Rabbi Eliyahu, whose son
Amichai Eliyahu was number 10 on the United Right list in the previous elections, added that "There is room for everyone - Bennett, Shaked and Feiglin, but this time it should be led by Bezalel and Rabbi Rafi Peretz because we are, at the end of the day, a national religious community and not traditional or secular."

"Bennett and Shaked made a big mistake, as did Feiglin. The heart must be opened, to know how to forgive and make amends," said Rabbi Eliyahu.

Referring to MK Smotrich's remarks at the Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva, which caused a
public outcry after he said he hoped for the application of Torah law, Rabbi Eliyahu said, "Anyone who does not really mean these things in prayer has a problem. It is clear that what Bezalel said was true and correct, and we are strengthening his hand. Only someone who does not blink can be a leader."

Rabbi Elyahu: "Only one who doesn't blink can lead"

Attn. Rylah.

Watch this.

Mainly for the segment towards the end. In which the utter bimbo talks about the rocket attacks on Israel.

I can't believe such mindsets are roaming the streets of the UK and the US.
Attn. Rylah.

Watch this.

Mainly for the segment towards the end. In which the utter bimbo talks about the rocket attacks on Israel.

I can't believe such mindsets are roaming the streets of the UK and the US.

Forgot the video/link? :)
Attn. Rylah.

Watch this.

Mainly for the segment towards the end. In which the utter bimbo talks about the rocket attacks on Israel.

I can't believe such mindsets are roaming the streets of the UK and the US.

Forgot the video/link? :)

Sorry. Too much stuff going on at once.

Yes... vulgarity on a pedestal.
But I also believe, this is merely us getting a taste of what was our experience as a nation for millenias.

Don't forget the latest US synagogue thing - 'Armed Duty Rabbi' - to "bridge the gap between the time that the shooting begins and law enforcement arrives" .

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Attn. Rylah.

Watch this.

Mainly for the segment towards the end. In which the utter bimbo talks about the rocket attacks on Israel.

I can't believe such mindsets are roaming the streets of the UK and the US.

Forgot the video/link? :)

Sorry. Too much stuff going on at once.

Yes... vulgarity on a pedestal.
But I also believe, this is merely us getting a taste of what was our experience as a nation for millenias.

Don't forget the latest US synagogue trend - "armed duty Rabbi - for the time interval between the shooting and police arrival".


I still can't believe how dim witted that woman was. And there are many of those zombie types stumbling around.
Attn. Rylah.

Watch this.

Mainly for the segment towards the end. In which the utter bimbo talks about the rocket attacks on Israel.

I can't believe such mindsets are roaming the streets of the UK and the US.

Forgot the video/link? :)

Sorry. Too much stuff going on at once.

Yes... vulgarity on a pedestal.
But I also believe, this is merely us getting a taste of what was our experience as a nation for millenias.

Don't forget the latest US synagogue trend - "armed duty Rabbi - for the time interval between the shooting and police arrival".


I still can't believe how dim witted that woman was. And there are many of those zombie types stumbling around.

And I still can't believe You showed me that Galloway freak pouring like a cat on TV in front of millions.

It's like a great finale by the best producer since the story of Adam and Eve, everything becomes clear, to extremes. Less and less options on each following crossroads to run away from what's so apparent.
Just can't stay indifferent.
Attn. Rylah.

Watch this.

Mainly for the segment towards the end. In which the utter bimbo talks about the rocket attacks on Israel.

I can't believe such mindsets are roaming the streets of the UK and the US.

Forgot the video/link? :)

Sorry. Too much stuff going on at once.

Yes... vulgarity on a pedestal.
But I also believe, this is merely us getting a taste of what was our experience as a nation for millenias.

Don't forget the latest US synagogue trend - "armed duty Rabbi - for the time interval between the shooting and police arrival".


I still can't believe how dim witted that woman was. And there are many of those zombie types stumbling around.

And I still can't believe You showed me that Galloway freak pouring like a cat on TV in front of millions.
It's like a great finale by the best producer since the story of Adam and Eve, everything becomes clear, to extremes. Like everyone is put on their own crossroads with less and less options to run away.
Just can't stay indifferent.

And these freaks are taken seriously. By some.
Forgot the video/link? :)

Sorry. Too much stuff going on at once.

Yes... vulgarity on a pedestal.
But I also believe, this is merely us getting a taste of what was our experience as a nation for millenias.

Don't forget the latest US synagogue trend - "armed duty Rabbi - for the time interval between the shooting and police arrival".


I still can't believe how dim witted that woman was. And there are many of those zombie types stumbling around.

And I still can't believe You showed me that Galloway freak pouring like a cat on TV in front of millions.
It's like a great finale by the best producer since the story of Adam and Eve, everything becomes clear, to extremes. Like everyone is put on their own crossroads with less and less options to run away.
Just can't stay indifferent.

And these freaks are taken seriously. By some.

By many who are tirelessly passionate about hating anything Israel.
But let's be real, they're just like the freaks in every generation, and who among them didn't end up in the same dustbin of history?

Basically making big noise and gathering for last strike, before giving out the last breath...
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Sun setting down, Minha time, out for prayer.
Mindful have the most lovely evening
Thousands at mass rally for Shabbat in Ramat Gan:
'Keeping the public Shabbat'

Now on Rambam Square, there are thousands of wide and diverse groups from all sectors.
The rabbi of the city, Rabbi Yaakov Ariel Shlit"a: "Saving the Sabbath is a personal responsibility, but what happens on the municipal level is in the name of all of us, this is the city of us all and we are responsible for continuing the tradition of public Shabbat observance."

Rally moderator: "We are not only here as residents of Ramat Gan. We are here in the name of millions of children who sacrificed their lives for the Shabbat in all generations and the masses who were killed for their religion."

On the screen are quotations by Dizengoff, Bialik and others who insisted on keeping the public Shabbat in the State of Israel.



This is central Israel area, Ramat Gan is the city of the stock market and other key economic and cultural activity, several minutes drive from Tel-Aviv.
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Thousands at mass rally for Shabbat in Ramat Gan:
'Keeping the public Shabbat'

Now on Rambam Square, there are thousands of wide and diverse groups from all sectors.
The rabbi of the city, Rabbi Yaakov Ariel Shlit"a: "Saving the Sabbath is a personal responsibility, but what happens on the municipal level is in the name of all of us, this is the city of us all and we are responsible for continuing the tradition of public Shabbat observance."

Rally moderator: "We are not only here as residents of Ramat Gan. We are here in the name of millions of children who sacrificed their lives for the Shabbat in all generations and the masses who were killed for their religion."

On the screen are quotations by Dizengoff, Bialik and others who insisted on keeping the public Shabbat in the State of Israel.



This is central Israel area, Ramat Gan is the city of the stock market and other key economic and cultural activity, several minutes drive from Tel-Aviv.

I lived in Ramat Gan for a year, when I was a student at Bar-Ilan.
Thousands at mass rally for Shabbat in Ramat Gan:
'Keeping the public Shabbat'

Now on Rambam Square, there are thousands of wide and diverse groups from all sectors.
The rabbi of the city, Rabbi Yaakov Ariel Shlit"a: "Saving the Sabbath is a personal responsibility, but what happens on the municipal level is in the name of all of us, this is the city of us all and we are responsible for continuing the tradition of public Shabbat observance."

Rally moderator: "We are not only here as residents of Ramat Gan. We are here in the name of millions of children who sacrificed their lives for the Shabbat in all generations and the masses who were killed for their religion."

On the screen are quotations by Dizengoff, Bialik and others who insisted on keeping the public Shabbat in the State of Israel.



This is central Israel area, Ramat Gan is the city of the stock market and other key economic and cultural activity, several minutes drive from Tel-Aviv.

I lived in Ramat Gan for a year, when I was a student at Bar-Ilan.

What did You study?
Bar-Ilan is my favorite Israeli university, real exchange of ideas and culture, without the nuisance of infantile shouting activists trying to silence lectures.

Frankly, I'm pleasantly surprised by Ramat Gan, always held the impression it was more on the secular side. Several weeks ago they've covered all the Gal Gadot posters that were not modest.

Starting to understand the significance of what Smotrich proclaimed?
Moshe Friedman is Single-Handedly Changing Israeli Tech! #338

An unbelievable day! I spent it in... wait for it... Bnei Brak, the Ultra Orthodox city!
Started it in RavTech - Wiser Software Development.

After that? I went to meet the truly amazing Moshe Friedman at Ampersand, his new Hareidi co-working space, which he runs on top of his NPO, Kamatech, and his VC fund. Some of the names involved with the brand that is Moshe Friedman include Yossi Vardi, Amnon Shaashua (Founder of Mobileye and Orcam), Marius Nacht (Founder of Checkpoint), Noam Bardin (CEO Waze) and more.

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Thousands at mass rally for Shabbat in Ramat Gan:
'Keeping the public Shabbat'

Now on Rambam Square, there are thousands of wide and diverse groups from all sectors.
The rabbi of the city, Rabbi Yaakov Ariel Shlit"a: "Saving the Sabbath is a personal responsibility, but what happens on the municipal level is in the name of all of us, this is the city of us all and we are responsible for continuing the tradition of public Shabbat observance."

Rally moderator: "We are not only here as residents of Ramat Gan. We are here in the name of millions of children who sacrificed their lives for the Shabbat in all generations and the masses who were killed for their religion."

On the screen are quotations by Dizengoff, Bialik and others who insisted on keeping the public Shabbat in the State of Israel.



This is central Israel area, Ramat Gan is the city of the stock market and other key economic and cultural activity, several minutes drive from Tel-Aviv.

I lived in Ramat Gan for a year, when I was a student at Bar-Ilan.

My daughter lived there for a while.

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