Who are the Israelis?

Today, Palestinian Arab terrorism claimed the life of another innocent victim.

A 39-year-old Israeli man was stabbed to death by a Palestinian Arab terrorist today in the city of Petah Tikvah. The victim's crime? Being a Jew.


This vile attack underscores the need for a strong deterrent package against terrorism that includes:

- The death penalty
- Home demolitions
- Expulsion of complicit family members
- Seizure of all funds paid by the Palestinian Authority to the terrorist and his/her family.

Israeli and Emirati youth conduct first direct dialogue

Since Israel’s establishment in 1948, it has endured hostility and isolation
from most of its neighbors and the region.

Possibilities that until a little over a week ago were a distant dream are now suddenly a reality and just a click away. This past Thursday, eight young Israelis and eight young Emiratis took their first steps on the newly-built bridge between their countries created with the announcement of the peace deal between Israel and the UAE.

Since Israel’s establishment in 1948, it has endured hostility and isolation from most of its neighbors and the region. And while peace deals were signed with Egypt and Jordan decades ago, it is important to remember the Middle East is a complex neighborhood with many internal struggles, and any interaction that included Israel has experienced much backlash.

With all of this in the back of our minds, we met with young adults eager and curious to meet one another as we saw an opportunity we were not willing to pass by. As the CEO and founder of ISRAEL-is, a Tel Aviv based NGO dedicated to improving upon Israel’s image, we dreamed to be the first to initiate and conduct a direct person to person dialogue. It was a week until this dream-like encounter materialized into a two-hour online meeting.

Looking back, I recall meeting people with a spark in their eye and a true desire to meet and converse with one another. A smile comes to my face as I remember my new Emirati friend Rashed, who shared that he saw a social media post from a local Emirati that it is only a 24-hour long road trip from Abu Dhabi to Tel Aviv and that he is waiting for the day we will meet face to face. Throughout this meeting questions were exchanged, thoughts and aspirations were shared and smiles expressed the hopeful wishes of 16 young adults who were creating history together.

This was not the first time the ISRAEL-is NGO conducted impactful conversations between Israelis and their peers from around the world. After celebrating three years this past month, ISRAEL-is reflected on its mission and vision as well as its activities and achievements. ISRAEL-is has trained 35,000 young Israelis with the mindset and skills set to share their Israel story and ran eight field embassies in travel hot-spots through which we have impacted 230,000 young adults. With the breakout of the COVID-19 pandemic, we built upon our previous success and created a hub for Israeli COVID-19 solutions that showcased Israeli solutions for the social consequences of the pandemic. All this strengthened our belief, drive, and ability to create platforms to connect people and share their personal story.

Participants of this momentous occasion left the conversation with newfound hope for a better future. And with the future in the hands of dreamers and doers, such as these Israelis and Emiratis, we can see that future is bright.


Sarit Hadad - Ben-Adam

"Ben-Adam what has become numb in you
Stand up call in plea for mercy" -Slihot

Stand up time has come to wake up
To look above, above
Don't stop to dream when you're awake
It's not only of the night, of the night
Tell what is on your heart
Come tell a little
Of what do you fear
Release, don't forget that you

"Ben-Adam what has become numb in you...
Pour out speech
Plea for forgiveness
From the Lord of Lords" - Slihot

Wake up its time to look
Deep inside the soul inward, inward
Sometimes it's better to stop a bit
To see forward, forward

Always remember there's someone who loves,
Don't forget also that above is Father who guards
Only you for you are

"Ben-Adam what has become numb in you..."
Tell what is on your heart...

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'Shma'a Yisrael' in Ramallah

When soldiers had enough of Pali mouazine...

RE: Who are the Israelis?
⁜→ et al,

BLUF: For many Americans, this puts into words what most people would want to aspire to be.

If you want to change the world!!!
That's a life changer!
Exactly the cultural backbone for a much deeper American-Israeli mutual understanding.

A great theme upon which any international relationship should be based.

Most Respectfully,

RE: Who are the Israelis?
⁜→ et al,

BLUF: For many Americans, this puts into words what most people would want to aspire to be.

If you want to change the world!!!
That's a life changer!
Exactly the cultural backbone for a much deeper American-Israeli mutual understanding.

A great theme upon which any international relationship should be based.

Most Respectfully,


There was this conclusion I've reached years ago.

In the west, there's a cultural value in officer/cadet schools,
which I would like to see applied in the Middle East, Israel and our Arab neighbors.
Not much as govt's personal guards, but rather as political and cultural institutions in the society.

In many ways, they safeguard the values and order in societies without shooting a bullet.
Narkis - 'Etz 'Arum (Naked Tree)

These are different days
I'm collecting things
I'm exiting the door
I'm on the way towards You

I didn't leave a thing didn't say to any person
I'm a naked tree I'm a path without departure
I'm on the way towards You

And I didn't leave a thing didn't say to any person
These are different times...

I'm air without words
I'm light without vessels
Waters that make thirsty but wanting towards You

And already passed a lot of time
Maybe You come out towards me
Everything will change
I'm on the way towards You

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Nissim Black - RERUN

Prophecy and song have always been closely related in Jewish life.
The 'sons of prophets' used to be well versed in G-dly jamming...
and of course an integral part of the Temple service.

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