Who are the Israelis?

Are Israeli settlements illegal and damaging to peace prospects?

Whose territory did Jordan occupy?

Judea, the land of the Jewish nation.

Including the east bank.

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Are Israeli settlements illegal and damaging to peace prospects?

Whose territory did Jordan occupy?

Judea, the land of the Jewish nation.

Including the east bank.



Of course not.

I've posted a video to which you respond,
that is already much more than you've brought to the discussion.

So be specific.
Otherwise if its just another one of your routines,
when you're not going to actually discuss anything,
then not sure you can add anything interesting or new

to the usual circus, that we haven't seen.

Got any new moves?
Magen Am expands to protect Jews throughout America

Leibel Mangel is a man on multiple missions. The former Israel Defense Forces soldier is kickstarting a new program with Magen Am, an armed Los Angeles-based Jewish group that takes security into its own hands.

Mangel is the director of Magen Am’s lone soldier veterans program. This new effort will not only help ex-lone soldiers to adjust upon returning home, but also use their security expertise for the benefit of the Jewish community.

This new group within Magen Am will serve Jewish communities across the country, with guards heading to synagogues, Jewish centers and Jewish schools. Magen Am translates to “Nation’s Shield,” and that was seen first-hand during early June riots in Los Angeles, when the guards protected the area’s synagogues.

Rabbi Yossi Eilfort, a Mixed Martial Arts fighter, is the director of Magen Am. He believes that now is the time, more than ever, to provide enhanced security to the American Jewish community, as anti-Semitic attacks have reached frightening levels. The organization launched a GoFundMe campaign, which aims to raise $50,000. The program is valued at $25,000 per soldier each year.

Mangel, who grew up in Cincinnati and completed his IDF service in 2015. discussed the new initiative with United with Israel.

How did you encounter Magen Am?

“About seven or eight months ago, I was in Los Angeles, and I was introduced to Yossi Eilfort. I had been working in the security industry in Cincinnati. We were looking for ways to collaborate at the time. In that meeting, we sat down and discussed this need to get lone soldiers involved… It fills the needs of the lone soldier veteran community as well as the security of the Jewish community. I got married – my wife is from Los Angeles – and we moved here [Los Angeles], and now I’m heading up this program.”

Why is this program important?

“There are two aspects to it. Many lone soldier veterans, like me, come back to the United States after our military service, and the reintegration process is a struggle. There is no clear sense of direction for many of us, or guidance, or a support system. In Israel, we had this tremendous responsibility of protecting Jewish life, Israel’s borders and her citizens. We come back to the States and that responsibility is taken away from us.

“Many people struggle with that. There’s a rise in drug overdose in the lone soldiers veteran community, as well as suicides. They need structure and guidance to get on the right path, giving them a foundation to succeed for the rest of their lives. This program will allow them to continue their sworn mission of serving and protecting Jewish life – here in the United States instead of Israel.

“The second need this program fills is to better protect the Jewish community. As we know, the threats, attacks and civil unrest against our community are on the rise. Many organizations like Magen Am have stepped up with civilian volunteers, putting them through training. Our most skilled and qualified protectors live within our community, but we’re not utilizing them. Why not allow soldiers to continue their training and use real-world experiences on the battlefield to be the first line of defense for the Jewish community?”

What’s the plan going forward for this program, which is starting from scratch?

“The program’s structure will be split up into three phases. The first phase will take about two months. We’re hoping to get about 10-14 soldiers in every single class. In the first two-month period, they’ll be heavily focused on security training and personal development side. Every Jewish community has its specific needs, and the rules and regulations of the security environment are a little different than in Israel and in a military environment. We’ll be focusing on getting soldiers mental-health counseling, life coaching, and allowing CEOs to come speak to soldiers and help them figure out what they want to do next in life.

They can continue [in the next phase] in the security industry, or maybe someone has an interest in finance and can build a relationship with a financial CEO. If there are two soldiers working at a Jewish day school, we’ll introduce them to their job sites as we get them the proper licensing and certification.

“Phase III is working at those jobs full time, whether it’s a synagogue, school, Jewish business, or patrols through neighborhoods. It’s the last nine months of a 12-month program… At the end of the 12 months, they can decide to stay in the security industry and make it a full-time career, whether in Magen Am or another organization. They can say they have a solid foundation and are ready to move on to a university. Or they can utilize one of the connections they’ve made to transfer into another industry.”

What cities are you targeting first?

“The first run will be based here in Los Angeles. The goal is…to send them out to different Jewish communities. The major ones will be the first – New York, Chicago, Miami … We want to send soldiers to every Jewish community. When they finish their program, we might say [for example] we need two guards in Miami, who’s interested? The base will be in Los Angeles, but we’ll create branches throughout the country and provide the best possible security for the Jewish community.”

Regarding security at schools, is there concern that children might feel intimidated by someone who’s armed?

“It will be done in a way that kids will be protected, but we don’t want them to feel like they’re walking into a military base. Many schools already have guards on the premises. We’ll make sure the kids feel welcome and comfortable. It’s the new reality in the world that we can’t just sit by and leave our schools unprotected. Threats continue to rise. It will all be done in conjunction with the school and making sure the security needs are met, as well as [with] sensitivity, making sure parents and children are in a comfortable environment.”

How can communities that feel a need for additional protection sign up and get involved in this program?

“They can either visit magenamusa.org or reach out to me directly at [email protected]. We’re happy to field any questions, even if it’s just someone who is reaching out on how to best protect their community. We can give basic tips on how to get started, even if it’s not with this program specifically.

“The goal is to provide protection and security for the entire Jewish community in the whole country. All Jews should feel safe going to synagogue. They should feel confident that when they drop their kids off at school, they will be there later in the day to pick them up. We’re getting the conversation started and empowering the community to understand that we’re ultimately our first line of defense. We can’t just rely on outside sources to protect us.

“If you look at our history — and not just our Jewish history — it’s ultimately that we’re our own protectors. This program is another step in the right direction of controlling our narrative and putting our future into our own hands.”


RE: Who are the Israelis?
⁜→ et al,

BLUF: Trusteeship --- This was discussed just recently.

Whose territory did Jordan occupy?

Upon the assumption of the duties, formerly under the League of Nations, the territory known today as the West Bank, became an Article 77 Trustee Territory (1945). And the Arab Palestinians rejected offers to help establish a self-governing institution.

Most Respectfully,

RE: Who are the Israelis?
⁜→ et al,

BLUF: Trusteeship --- This was discussed just recently.

Whose territory did Jordan occupy?

Upon the assumption of the duties, formerly under the League of Nations, the territory known today as the West Bank, became an Article 77 Trustee Territory (1945). And the Arab Palestinians rejected offers to help establish a self-governing institution.

Most Respectfully,

So where was the UN when it was supposed to protect the people and territory under its charge? Besides, trustees do not acquire sovereignty.

Nice duck.
RE: Who are the Israelis?
⁜→ et al,

BLUF: Trusteeship --- This was discussed just recently.

Whose territory did Jordan occupy?

Upon the assumption of the duties, formerly under the League of Nations, the territory known today as the West Bank, became an Article 77 Trustee Territory (1945). And the Arab Palestinians rejected offers to help establish a self-governing institution.

Most Respectfully,

So where was the UN when it was supposed to protect the people and territory under its charge? Besides, trustees do not acquire sovereignty.

Nice duck.
They were busy facilitating another partition of the land,
here and in India and Pakistan, the UN doesn't protect anyone.

I don't hear that question from you when a UN member state
openly issues threats to annihilate Israel, another UN member state.
Israel, India close to signing billion-dollar deal for AWACs

With tensions rising between China and India, New Delhi wants two more early-warning systems from the Jewish state.

As tensions once again rise between India and China, the Indian cabinet is set to approve an order of two Phalcon AWACs from Israel.

Indian media have reported that the deal, reportedly about $1 billion, has been in the works for the past few years. It is now nearing the final stage and is expected to be discussed in the next Cabinet Committee on Security meeting.

Mounted on a Russian Ilyushin-76 heavy-lift aircraft, the system has active electronic steering array, L-Band radar with 360° coverage, and can detect and track incoming aircraft, cruise missiles and drones before ground-based radars.

The first three Phalcon AWACS were obtained by the Indian Air Force in 2009 after a $1.1b. deal was signed between India, Israel and Russia in 2004.

Last year, The Times of India reported that New Delhi was likely to approve the deal with Israel Aerospace Industries subsidiary ELTA Systems Ltd. to acquire the two AWACs at a cost of $800 million, but the Finance Ministry had objected to the high costs of the new deal.

Following the February 2019 incident between Pakistan and India, combined with growing border tensions with China in high-altitude eastern Ladakh, New Delhi reconsidered the deal and considered speeding up the acquisition of the systems, despite the price increase.

It is expected that it will take two to three years for the delivery of the complete system.

In addition to the three AWACs already in India’s possession, which have a 400-km. range and 360-degree coverage, New Delhi has two indigenous Netra AEW&C aircraft with a range of 250 km. and 240-degree coverage radars fitted on smaller Brazilian Embraer-145 jets.

Israel has been supplying India with various weapons systems, missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles over the last few years, making India one of Israel’s largest buyers of military hardware.


Weekly Torah Portion - 'Ki Tavo' 2020

From 'the 80's' comedy series...

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RE: Who are the Israelis?
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is some sort of deviation from the course of the discussion.

So where was the UN when it was supposed to protect the people and territory under its charge?

The assignment of the trustees
[(The UN Palestine Commission)(UNPC)] did not pick-up responsibilities in in-theater operations until the withdrawal of the British High Commissioner and the Forces of the Mandatory Government. That would have been 15 May 1958, the day the Arab League launched the unauthorized intervention (Act of Aggression). The Arab League hostilities effectively blocked the assumption of the UN Commission deployment to assume it's in-theater responsibilities. The UN then deployed the Truce Commission to organized the cessation of hostilities.

Besides, trustees do not acquire sovereignty.

This is a Red Herring. No one said or is claiming the UNPC acquired sovereignty. It was the assigned Successor Government to the British. Israel acquired Sovereignty through the Right of Self-Determination. The Arab Palestinians declined the assistance in establishing self-governing institutions
(Executive, Legislative, Judicial).

The UNPC title to be the Government of Palestine rested on the A/RES/181 (II) adopted by the General Assembly and carried through under the UN Trustee System. See Memorandum "A" to A/AC.21/UK/42 25 February 1948

There is an argument to be made that, to this very day, the Arab Palestinians have been able to establish a government able to stand alone without an annual infusion of massive donor contributions.

Nice duck.

Again, this "duck" nonsense is a Red Herring. Just because the answer is not the result you want to hear does not mean the question was avoided, or that I have not previously answered the question several times.

Most Respectfully,

RE: Who are the Israelis?
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: This is some sort of deviation from the course of the discussion.

So where was the UN when it was supposed to protect the people and territory under its charge?

The assignment of the trustees
[(The UN Palestine Commission)(UNPC)] did not pick-up responsibilities in in-theater operations until the withdrawal of the British High Commissioner and the Forces of the Mandatory Government. That would have been 15 May 1958, the day the Arab League launched the unauthorized intervention (Act of Aggression). The Arab League hostilities effectively blocked the assumption of the UN Commission deployment to assume it's in-theater responsibilities. The UN then deployed the Truce Commission to organized the cessation of hostilities.

Besides, trustees do not acquire sovereignty.

This is a Red Herring. No one said or is claiming the UNPC acquired sovereignty. It was the assigned Successor Government to the British. Israel acquired Sovereignty through the Right of Self-Determination. The Arab Palestinians declined the assistance in establishing self-governing institutions
(Executive, Legislative, Judicial).

The UNPC title to be the Government of Palestine rested on the A/RES/181 (II) adopted by the General Assembly and carried through under the UN Trustee System. See Memorandum "A" to A/AC.21/UK/42 25 February 1948

There is an argument to be made that, to this very day, the Arab Palestinians have been able to establish a government able to stand alone without an annual infusion of massive donor contributions.

Nice duck.

Again, this "duck" nonsense is a Red Herring. Just because the answer is not the result you want to hear does not mean the question was avoided, or that I have not previously answered the question several times.

Most Respectfully,

That would have been 15 May 1958, the day the Arab League launched the unauthorized intervention (Act of Aggression).
Is that what the Arab leaders said they were doing. Of course not, that is Israel's bullshit version.
Israel acquired Sovereignty through the Right of Self-Determination.
Foreigners have the right to self determination?


I look forward to your duck.
Heatwave in Israel expected to continue until end of week

To cope with the heat, Israelis have been using air conditioners at a very high rate, causing power outages across the country.

A heat wave that has seen temperatures soar to above 40°C is expected to continue throughout the coming week, according to weather forecasts.

In light of the high temperatures, Israel's Health Ministry released guidelines on Sunday for the public to handle the ongoing heatwave throughout the country, as temperatures continue to soar.



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