Who are the Israelis?

It’s That Time of Year Again — Date Harvest, and More

Israelis harvest in a dates palm cultivation at the Sde Eliyahu kibbutz,on September 07 , 2020, before the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

It’s that time of year again, when grove workers at kibbutzim are out there harvesting those luscious dates — and there are so many different varieties!

But municipal landscape employees are doing the exact same thing, and more, because those folks are also carefully cutting the palm leaves as they give the trees their pre-winter “trim.”

These beautiful, fan-like leaves are gathered into bunches of 10, which are then sold to community residents (or sometimes even just given away) for use as live, green schach for their sukkahs.


From the Slihot - Bizchute DiMaran 'Anenu

'Bizchute DiMaran 'Anenu' - in the merit of Maran Yosef Ztz"l answer us.

Meidad Tasa, Haim Israel, Yishay Lepidot, Lior Elmaliah, Uziyah Tzadok,
Yuval Tayeb, Shlomah Cohen, Mosheh Louk and Mosheh Duak.

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More About That “Apartheid” Soccer Match Between Israel and Scotland

Following my post earlier today regarding the protests in Glasgow before the UEFA Nations League game between Israel and Scotland, some of the haters held banners saying “Fight racism” and others decried “Israeli apartheid”.

This is the team whose attendance they were protesting:


This lineup includes:
  • Moanes Dabbur, a Muslim-Arab
  • Bibras Natcho, of Circassian-Muslim origin and captain of the team
  • Hatem Abd Elhamed, a Muslim-Arab
  • Taleb Tawatha, an Arab-Israeli of Bedouin descent
  • Eli Dasa, an Ethiopian-Jew

In addition, the full Israeli national team squad includes Joel Abu Hanna, who has an Arab-Israeli father and German mother.

Incidentally, Israel’s goal was from a quick 1-2 between Jewish Eran Zahavi and Muslim-Arab Moanes Dabbur.

Jewish men born in Israel, at the top of world's life expectancy

Is it the diet and the relative strictness of hand hygiene? Maintaining basic fitness? Circumcision?
Or is it ultimately due to a higher average of maintaining a less turbulent lifestyle?
These are the possible explanations for the phenomenon

Jewish men born in Israel, even those who moved to another country, are in the world top of life expectancy. surprising? Trivial? Here it is worth starting with a historical background: The demographer Sergio de Pergola, born in Italy, who is Professor Professor Amterius at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is an expert in the demography of the Jewish communities around the world.


In one of his more interesting lectures that can also be heard through taped podcasts from the Open University addresses community cultures dealing with epidemics over the past thousands of years.
One of de Pergola's most interesting reviews, deals with dealing with the deadly epidemics in Europe, including the most famous of them all: "The Black Death" - the plague of the thing that killed about half of the European population of those days.

The plague that culminated in 1351-1347 demonstrated in a thought-provoking way how diseases can move quickly between countries and continents: in reference to today it also broke out in China and from there moved to the rest of the world. The days, mid-14th century it moved with merchants on the Silk Road to the Crimea (present-day Russia / Ukraine). There, the Mongols used it when they besieged the city of Kapa and simply threw with a slingshot, the bodies of soldiers who had died from the disease, in order to infect the inhabitants of the city - the "success" was much to be expected. From the Crimean peninsula the plague spread to present-day Turkey and to the shores of the Mediterranean including the coasts of Italy. From Italy it advanced north into the depths of the continent and spread and reached the British Isles and even distant Greenland. A total of about 34 million Europeans were lost in the deadliest plague of all, as mentioned half of the population except for about 35 million Chinese who also died from the same plague.

Still, de Pergola describes, there was a certain breed of communities that managed to preserve its size and even grow a little, while every second European deprived of his life, it was the Jewish communities. incidentally, although, in those days apparently, the mythological antisemitic rumor that "Jews poison the wells" was first spread, all this did not change the facts. Jews, according to the pergola, in contrast to the surrounding population maintained a simple hand hygiene before eating and after using the toilet, as part of a ritual activity, filled the male boys, and also relatively maintained a more solid longevity in many ways including nutrition. That this pattern was repeated, even in relation to other deadly diseases in more advanced centuries such as the cholera epidemic of 1850.

Today, despite the tremendous progress of most of the world including in European countries of course, when it comes to hygiene, medical and health services and of course a sweeping and total change of form of communities including of course Jewish cultural communities, it is still interesting to discover that despite Israel being considered a stressful place to live, And internally on a regular basis, Israeli-born men are still at the top of their life expectancy, close to the Icelandic, Swiss and Singaporean men, with an average life expectancy of over 81 years. A greater expectation for comparison than countries for example with a much larger health and welfare budget such as Sweden, Denmark, France, Belgium and more.

And when you subtract from the equation "Mrs. Israeli citizenship" the male minorities in Israel (whose life expectancy, by the way, is also considered very good - and is damaged due to, for example, significantly high smoking rates), it turns out that the Jewish man born in Israel is in the "top of the world" in this index.

What are the possible explanations for this?
The more scholarly conclusion is that Israeli children, including those currently living abroad, have an affinity for at least 2 of the following longevity traits if not more: A healthy Mediterranean diet: balanced protein and carbohydrates, a circumcision considered by most medical experts in the world to significantly reduce disease Dangerous especially those that appear in old age, personal hygiene is more ingrained and on average because of a large proportion of conservative population - less turbulent life and military service that along with the risks of injury, increase the life expectancy of most soldiers, after physical training that has positive effects on body expectancy for many years following.


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Leo Messi will lead a campaign by the Israeli company Orcam for AI products designed for the visually impaired and blind

The Israeli company Orcam announced today (Wednesday) that Barcelona star Leo Messi will serve as its ambassador and lead a project that aims to bring to the forefront the challenges faced by the blind and visually impaired around the world, and help provide innovative solutions for them using Orcam's technologies.

As part of the joint project, Messi will meet the blind and visually impaired from around the world and they will personally receive as a gift the OrCam MyEye device, a revolutionary technological solution that will give them independence and help them face everyday challenges. As part of the move, every year Messi will provide the devices to the blind and visually impaired from around the world with inspiring personal stories.

The first meetings of the project took place in Barcelona shortly before the outbreak of the Corona plague, during which Messi spoke with 12 blind and visually impaired people from different countries. From Israel, it was Oren Blitzblau, European runner-up in the Paratriathlon category in the blind (disabled triathlon) category and world record holder in the Iron Man for the Blind, who got to meet the Barcelona star and receive the device from him in person. The encounter with the football star and the awarding of the device were a big surprise for the participants.

The standing moved Messi, who recounted: "I met a group of amazing people from all over the world. It was a magical and inspiring moment. There was a sense of immense excitement in the air. It was clear to me that this device would change the lives of each and every one of them. I am proud to be Orkam's ambassador And bring about real change in the lives of so many people. "

OrCam MyEye is a wireless and compact device that recognizes text from any surface and reads it to the user's ear in real time. The device is based on groundbreaking artificial vision technology, and allows reading text from newspapers, books, computer and smartphone screens, menus, supermarket products and street signage - all the textual environment that surrounds the user on a daily basis is accessible to him in an instant.

In addition to these, the device is equipped with face recognition technology and even allows users to scan barcodes, identify banknotes and colors. The device is available in 25 languages and in more than 50 countries around the world. Time magazine included the company's flagship product in its list of the best inventions for 2019.


Humans of Judaism
7 September at 00:33 ·

On September 5-6, 1972, 11 Israelis were killed in an attack known as the Munich Massacre. During the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, members of a Palestinian terrorist group stormed the Olympic Village, killing 2 members of the Israeli delegation, and taking 9 more hostage. One of the athletes present that day was runner and racewalker Shaul Ladany who, along with 5 others, was able to escape from their apartment. Born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1936, Ladany fled to Budapestwith his family after their home was bombed by the Luftwaffe in 1941. His parents tried to hide him in a monastery, but they were captured and sent from the Budapest ghetto to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1944. Ladany spent 6 months there before being rescued on a train to Switzerland.

He immigrated to Israel in 1948 and went on to become a world champion, world record holder, two-time Olympian, and a renowned professor of industrial engineering. Today, Ladany is still an active racer, participating in marathons and the 219 Maccabi Games in Budapest. He visits the graves of his Israeli teammates in Tel Aviv every year on September 6th.

May the memories of the 11 Israelis killed in the Munich Massacre - David Berger, Ze’ev Friedman, Yossef Gutfreund, Eliezer Halfin, Yossef Romano, Amitzur Shapira, Kehat Shorr, Mark Slavin, Andre Spitzer, Yakov Springer, Moshe Weinberg - forever be a blessing.

Source: American Society for Yad Vashem
Image may contain: 3 people, people standing and outdoor
The Haredi City of EL'AD - Israel

El'ad is a city in the Center District of Israel. It was built in the 1990s for a Haredi and to a lesser extent Religious Zionist Jewish population. Located about 25 kilometres (16 mi) east of Tel Aviv on Route 444 between Rosh HaAyin and Shoham. El'ad is the only locality in Israel officially designated a religious municipality. The name El'ad means “Forever God”, but it is also named after a member of the tribe of Ephraim, who lived in this area.

We were on the Temple Mount for almost two hours

Rabbanit Rachel Sela ascends Temple Mount with about ten other women and is surprised when police let them be. 'Take your time leisurely.'

We ascended the Temple Mount yesterday. Ten women, including a bride, a child, and a baby. From the very beginning, the policeman said a surprising sentence: "Take your time in peace."

We walked leisurely, prayed a lot, explained a lot, sat every few minutes in every shady spot for a long explanation; we sang a little. Not once were we rushed.

If I had not gone out - we'd have stayed longer. We were on the Mount for almost two hours and met three more groups that ascended parallel to us.

Really wonder of wonders. It was so amazing and exciting and joyful. What a relief and what a no-pressure visit to the Temple Mount. I've never seen anything like it on the Mount.

Such an innovation that even on a regular weekday several groups ascend one after the other, without waiting for a group to finish to admit the next.

The baby who was with us had already ascended many times as an embryo, and indeed it was evident that he felt at home. A generation of redemption. May we only continue to advance to redemption upwards until the complete building and complete redemption, and may a good and blessed year be renewed upon us.


Weekly Torah Portion - Playing an Active Role in History

In this 3-min. video, Baruch Gordon looks into this week's Torah reading Nitzavim to understand the principle of mutual responsibility and what it's laws say about the importance of the Land of Israel to the existence of the Jewish nation.

Mosheh Peretz with Dudu Aharon - Lo Hivanti (Misunderstood)

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Demolition order for house of R' Shay Ohayon murderer

The IDF is set to demolish the house of terrorist Khalil Doikat, who murdered Rabbi Shay Ohayon about two weeks ago in Petah Tikva.

On Thursday the Head of the Central Command Tamir Yadai signed a demolition order for the home of terrorist Khalil Doikat, who murdered Rabbi Shay Ohayon H"YD in a stabbing attack in Petah Tikva about two weeks ago.

Ohayon's family sent a letter to Yadai demanding that the IDF demolish the terrorist's home.

On Tuesday, the prosecution filed an indictment against the 46-year-old terrorist, for aggravated murder and unlawful possession of a knife while committing an act of terror.

According to the indictment, Khalil Doikat, a 46-year-old resident of the Palestinian Authority-controlled town of Rujeib, near Shechem (Nablus) in Samaria, was charged with murder under aggravating circumstances Monday at the Central District Court in Lod, for the death of 39-year-old Rabbi Shay Ohayon in late August.

According to the indictment, Doikat had been working at a construction site in Petah Tikva, after legally entering Israel with a work permit.

Prior to the attack, Doikat had, the indictment said, resolved to murder Israeli civilians or security personnel “for Palestine, the Palestinian people, the al-Aqsa Mosque, and for Allah."

On August 26th, the day of the attack, Doikat took a knife from the kitchen of a trailer at the construction site, hid it in his pocket, and left the area.

After searching for a suitable victim and an opportunity to carry out the planned attack for about an hour, Doikat spotted Rabbi Ohayon at around 1:15 p.m., as he walked past him on the street. The terrorist drew the knife and stabbed Ohayon three times.

A passerby who witnessed the murder as it was taking place, hurled an object at the terrorist, hoping to help the victim. Doikat then left Rabbi Ohayon, who had already been mortally wounded. The terrorist proceeded to place the blood-covered knife to his pants pocket and attempted to leave the crime scene.

Doikat planned to attack additional Israelis, but was quickly apprehended by security forces who were dispatched to the scene


First-ever poll of English-speaking Israelis: Anglos seek to organize politically

Poll finds half of the respondents consider themselves Right-wing, a quarter in the political Center, with almost another quarter Left-wing.

Over half (52%) of English-speaking Israelis, known as ‘Anglos’, think the community should or has organized itself in a manner similar to the Russian-speaking, Ethiopian or Druze communities in order to promote policies that benefit their communities. This is one of many important findings of a first-ever poll of political and social attitudes of the Anglo community in Israel, undertaken by 202 Strategies on behalf of The Anglo Vision.

One in five (18%) believe a specifically Anglo representative or Anglo party would allow them to have the most impact on the Israeli government. The poll found that three-quarters (75%) said they identify as part of the Anglo or English-speaking community. Anglos vote more on issues and policy (52%), rather than ideology (34%) and are more concerned with economic and welfare issues. Anglos seek a more representative and responsive form of government.

Politically, the poll found that half of the respondents consider themselves Right-wing (49%), a quarter in the political Center (25%), with almost another quarter considering themselves Left-wing (22%). In a reverse of national politics, Yamina (25%) would receive double the number of votes as the ruling party Likud (13%), with Yesh Atid receiving (15%) of the respondent’s vote of elections were held immediately.

The 421 respondents to the survey, culled from questionnaires posted online, representing a cross-section of Anglo society, showed that Anglos tend to be more Orthodox, Right-wing and optimistic about the direction of the country than the average Israeli. These trends become even more stark the newer the immigrant to Israel. For example, 44% of all Anglos who made Aliyah in the last five years considered themselves “Orthodox” Jews.

“These are very interesting results which amply demonstrate a community that seeks greater representation in the decision-making processes in this country,” said David Fine, Founder of The Anglo Vision, a group of English-speaking Israelis who seek to coalesce the Anglo community community around a vision of unifying positions that can effect change and progress, and contribute to the State of Israel.

“English-speakers have long been seen as a group of individuals with no common positions so issues of importance to us, like prioritizing Aliyah and professional integration, having some Sundays off and greater representation and accountability at the political level, have not been given the prominence that we would like to see.”

“The Anglo Vision is an attempt to correct that, and in my meetings with government ministers, Members of Knesset and other decision-makers and opinion-shapers, they are starting to notice that when we unite as a community we are taken more seriously. There is strength in numbers. Moreover, as we see Aliyah from English-speaking countries increasing rapidly over the next few years, so our community will only become stronger and seek a place at the decision-making table just as other communities have done.”

The Anglo Vision holds regular meetings around the country or online of English-speaking Israelis, from across the political and religious spectrum, to understand what issues are important to them that are not currently on the agenda of the Israeli Government.

"It is clear that Anglos are a politically mature community that is interested in playing more of a role in Israel’s political process and asserting the issues of importance to them", said Stephen Miller, Founder of 202 Strategies, who has worked as a pollster and strategist for many politicians and political parties in Israel and around the world.

There are considered to be between three and four hundred thousand Anglos, including second-generation immigrants where English is a formative language, who reside all over the country and vote in very high percentages during national elections.
The survey was undertaken online during July and August with a margin of error of 4.77% with confidence level of 95%. The principal analysts were Stephan Miller and Chloe Yosha.


Shofar blasted in Kfar Shiloach 84 years after '36 riots

84 years after Jews expelled from area, shofar blasts were heard again in the old synagogue in the 'Yemenite Village' of eastern Jerusalem.

Today (Sunday) a Yemenite pre-Rosh Hashannah prayer service was held at the site of the Kfar Shiloach 'Yemenite Village' destroyed following the "Arab Uprising" of 1936.

Dr. Rachel Yedid, chairwoman of the Aa'le Ba'tamar Association, said, "It is impossible to describe the immense excitement that grips us. Just ahead of Rosh Hashannah more than eight decades following the last shofar blast in this neighborhood, it can be heard again as we close a very important chapter in our nation's history. 'And the sons returned to their borders,'" she quoted a Biblical verse referring to the Jewish people's prophesized return to the Land of Israel.

MK Ariel Kallner of the Likud attended the event and said, "On Rosh Hashannah eve, I was privileged to take part in the traditional pre-New Year's services in Kfar Shiloach and to be reminded again of the Jewish people's eternal connection to the Land of Israel and Jerusalem. The Yemenite Village was established following the mass Aliyah from Yemen in 1882, but around 1936, the entire Jewish community was expelled from the area following the 'Arab uprising.'"

Kallner added, "The security situation needs to improve, however. We must strengthen settlement and security in the area. A reality in which Jews require special security arrangements in their national homeland cannot be allowed to continue."

MK Osnat Mark (Likud) who also took part in the event, spoke of the excitement surrounding the renewal of Jewish life in the area, "Pre-Rosh Hashannah religious services stressing forgiveness are being held alongside a hostile Arab population in the area. A truly Jewish message," she proclaimed.

MK Keti Shitrit (Likud) spoke to Arutz Sheva after the event, "About 80 years after the British evacuated it, Jewish life in Shiloach, established by the first Yemenite immigrants to Israel in 1884, is being revived. Jews have returned to build new communities here, and the sounds of prayer are once again heard on city streets," she stated.


Israeli Artists - Shmor 'Alay (Guard me)

VeTen Helkenu - 'And Give Us Our Portion'
The book that made the Israeli artists collaborate and discover the light A monthly 5-minute daily Gemara daily booklet.

The 'Give Us Our Portion' project was created from a weekly meeting of writing artists and composers who embark on a journey of listening and sharing a lot of truth to each other.

The uniting factor the book "And Give Us Our Portion" which is published in a monthly edition with excerpts from the Gemara. Each artist will bring his or her own little truth to text and presentation and make it feel complete. The project's artists and composers have chosen to dedicate all of the proceeds to the activities of the "Or at Home" association, which brings the mezuzah light to every demanding person at no cost.

Artists in the video: Aviv Aloush, Lee Beeren, The Revivo Project, 'Akiva Turgeman, 'Idan Haviv, Dudu Aharon, Guy Zuaretz, Reviv Canar, Shlomi Saranga, Liran Danino, Avraham Tal, Yaniv Ben Meshiah, 'Omri Glickman, Zohar Zarkov. Lior Narkis, 'Adiel Barel, Nir Sh'iby, Guy Vihel and 'Idan Bakshi.

And open for us gates of love
Bless us give a bit of Yours
And open for us gates of Geulah
Speak to us give us hope
And open for us gates of thanksgiving
And give us our portion fuel for the soul
And open for us gates of singing
Hug us there's no need for a reason

Guard me, I've distanced a bit too much, plainly wanted to tell You, what words are for
Not everything is on me, how You always pay attention to me what is more left, what is more to life?

And open for us gates of purity
Dwelling of Heavens to You in return
And open for us gates of atonement
Teach us to choose between good and bad
And open for us gates of fortune
Play melody with us open for us a hall
And open for us gates of forgiveness
A day will come we will all sing to You

Open for us open vastly
Have to breathe between the holy and mundane
"The voice of my beloved is pulsating" (Song of Songs)
Want to break down, release it quickly
Wake up!

Emirati University, Israel’s Weizmann Institute to Collaborate on Artificial Intelligence Research

The Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that will see the two higher education institutes working together across a range of fields, with the aim to advance the development and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Emirates’ official WAM news reported Sunday.

The MoU, which is the first of its kind to be signed between two higher education institutes from the UAE and Israel, covers a range of opportunities for collaboration, including student and postdoctoral fellows exchange programs, conferences and seminars, various forms of exchange between researchers, sharing of computing resources, and the establishment of a joint virtual institute for artificial intelligence.

The MoU was signed virtually by Dr. Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and Chairman of the MBZUAI Board of Trustees, and Weizmann Institute President Professor Alon Chen, and was attended by officials from Weizmann Institute and MBZUAI.

This follows the announcement of the historic peace agreement, which establishes the full normalization of relations between the UAE and Israel.

The two countries are slated to sign the agreement at the White House on Tuesday.

“The diplomatic breakthrough deal will lead to cooperation between the two countries on investment, tourism, direct flights, security, telecommunications, technology, energy, healthcare, culture, the environment, the establishment of reciprocal embassies, and other areas of mutual benefit,” WAM stated.

The Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, established in 2019, is the world’s first graduate-level, research-based AI university. Based in Abu Dhabi, the University offers MSc and PhD programs in the fields of computer vision, machine learning, and natural language processing.

The Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, is one of the world’s top-ranking multidisciplinary research institutions and offers masters’ and doctoral-level degrees across five faculties.

The collaboration will advance Weizmann’s flagship project, the Artificial Intelligence Enterprise for Scientific Discovery, which will build on the Institute’s prominence in mathematics and computer science, and activate the potential of AI to speed knowledge acquisition in data-heavy endeavors like biomedicine, environmental research, chemistry, astrophysics, education, and more.

Dr. Al Jaber stated that welcomed the opportunity to “collaborate with such a renowned establishment as the Weizmann Institute of Science.”

“Through this MoU we can leverage the expertise of both our institutes towards using artificial intelligence to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges, from COVID-19 to climate change, and beyond,” he added.

Chen said that Weitzman Institute is “thrilled to have the opportunity to collaborate with this unique, pioneering institution and to advance the field of artificial intelligence together.”

“I have every hope this collaboration, between scientists in the same region, will be a shining example of this expression and will extend the boundaries of human knowledge,” he added.


'Just being here is a miracle in its own right'

After being stabbed and seriously wounded in a terror attack, he was reunited with the medic who was first on the scene and saved his life.

A month after the horrific stabbing attack in Rosh HaAyin during which Rafael Levy was seriously injured, the wounded man met Eyal Atia, an MDA paramedic who was first on the scene and saved his life. Levy says, "Being here is a miracle – there's nothing else I can say."

Levy was stabbed in the central Israel city of Rosh HaAyin by an Arab terrorist. He was left lying in a pool of blood in critical condition. After making a last-ditch attempt to get help and managing to crawl to the entrance of the building, the first person he encountered was MDA paramedic, Eyal Atia, who administered emergency treatment, saving Rafael's life. This week they met for the first time since the attack.

Atia arrived at Levy's house and was surprised to see that he'd made a fast recovery and was out of imminent danger thanks to the prompt treatment. For his part, Levy found it difficult to hide his emotions and thanked the medic who had fought valiantly to save his life.

Recalling the ordeal on the day of the incident, Atia said: "On Saturday afternoon, I received a call on the MDA app about a seriously injured man from a stab wound. We did not know we were dealing with a terror attack. When I arrived at the scene, I saw a 30-year-old man with stab wounds all over his body who needed urgent medical care. I stopped the bleeding and he remained conscious, could barely speak and recalled what had taken place. I only understood that he had climbed down the stairs using his last bits of strength, and managed to alert the secretary and call for help. He was in critical condition—very pale and weak."

"I was very touched to meet Raphael again in happier circumstances this time. I was very excited to see that he's had a speedy recovery," says the medic. At first, we were sure he had a slim chance of making it out alive. "He recovered and had a child born a few days ago. He is getting stronger and starting to look great." "The fact that you are standing in front of me now is a miracle in its own right," he added.

Recounting the moments of utter horror just a month removed, Levy told his friend: "You saved me and the fact that I am here today is pure miracle - I have no other word. One great miracle. The encounter was very touching and I was hard-pressed not to let out a tear up. It was both painful and touching to meet the person who saved me. You get really emotional in a meeting like this, and I'd just like to extend a heartfelt "thank you" to Eyal and MDA, I appreciate them and realize that something like this can't be taken for granted. You did everything to keep me alive and I thank you from the bottom of my heart."



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