Who are the Israelis?


WATCH LIVE: Memorial Day Ceremony for Israel’s Victims of Terror


Honor Israel’s fallen and hear the emotional testimonials of bereaved parents, spouses, sons, daughters, and siblings, sharing memories their loved ones.

Thousands of Yom Hazikaron ceremonies are held to commemorate Israel’s fallen soldiers and victims of terror. However, OneFamily’s ceremony is different.

The OneFamily organization provides constant support to injured and bereaved families across Israel and is the premier national organization that rehabilitates, reintegrates, and rebuilds the lives of Israel’s thousands of victims of terror attacks.

On Israel’s Remembrance Day, Yom Hazikaron, join OneFamily and hear the emotional testimonials of bereaved parents, spouses, sons, daughters, and siblings, sharing memories of their loved ones.

Join us now for a meaningful Yom HaZikaron (Israel Memorial Day) ceremony, where we will commemorate Israel Defense Force soldiers and victims of terror. Together we will honor the lives of the fallen heroes who have paved the way for us and have left behind a legacy of values, identity, and sacrifice. Watch the ceremony with us now️

European colonists and their offspring.

Then what does that make the other 70% of people in Israel, Mongols or Brazilians. Or don't you like the truth about Israel being 60% Sephardic Jews with very few Ashkenazi Jews left. So this one small fact destroys your every post about the Jews being INVADERS and COLONISTS when in fact they are indigenous to the area. Unlike the arab muslims that are just bums from the surrounding lands.
At one time Arabs and Jews both spoke the Semitic Language. The real Palestinians were Sea Farers originating from the Cyprus Area. They invaded Egypt and then established a stronghold between the Sea and the Golan Heights. King David lead an Army purged that from what is called the Holy Lands. Many retreated to their ships and left. Those who surrendered married into Jewish face. There were no Palestinians left.
To all Israel, home and abroad,
who have a martyr buried in Jerusalem
but no one to ascend to their tomb today:

"A guy named Roe'e asked to deliver:

We are some 12th graders and we will ascend Mount of Herzl to light candles (and also say a chapter of Psalms for families who want) near the tombs of the dead that no one will ascend to. If you know of martyr that no one will go to their grave, please send an sms or WhatsApp to Roe'e - 0587995857.

In any case we will be happy for you to distribute, thank you all!

'Am Yisrael Chai!
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Join the collective reading of Psalms to commemorate and lift the souls of the martyrs:

Enter the link, get the name of one of the IDF and security forces casualties the victims of terror attacks, and read a chapter of Psalms to lift their souls:

(Memorial website in English with names and personal stories: Izkor, Psalms in English)

Or learn one Mishnah for the ascension of their souls,
Mishnah - letters of "Neshamah":

- Learn Mishnah in English

* Please share * and together we will be able to read a Psalm and study a Mishnah in the name of each and every one of the martyrs and the murdered,
who died over Kiddush Hashem.

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Prime Minister Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu at the State Memorial Ceremony for the Victims of terror - regarding the Talit of Shalom Shreky Hy"d

"Regarding this I want to tell You, that several months ago came to my office representatives of the organization "One Family", that assists the victims of terror. They came with the bereaved parents - Rabbi Oury Sherky and Miriam Peretz mother of the sons. They presented me the new book - "What Is Left". This is an unusually powerful book, a book about the special items left by the victims of terror in Israel and the IDF martyrs.

Rabbi Sherky and his wife Ronit, who bereaved their son Shalom in a run-over attack, are pointing in the book to their memory item - the Talit (prayer shawl) of Shalom, which turned to be a canopy, under which get married the children and the grandchildren of the family. And thus the presence of Shalom is in all family celebrations."

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WATCH: Israel launches 73rd Independence Day -
torch lighting ceremony at Mount Herzl

'Am Yisrael Chai!
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Devotion to Jewish learning, not tragedy,defines mother of slain teen
Five years after losing her son Naftali in a terror kidnapping and murder that shocked the nation, Rachelle Fraenkel completes program that makes her an expert on Jewish law


“The truth is, tragedy doesn’t define anybody. Not me,” Frankel said in a phone interview on June 20, two days after the five-year yahrzeit for Naftali and the two other slain teens, Gilad Shaer and Eyal Yifrach.

What defines her is a devotion to Jewish learning — a devotion which has now led her to a new stage: the completion of a six-year program of learning halacha, or Jewish law, in a way largely indistinguishable from the studies undertaken by men who become rabbis. She not only completed the program, but as director signed all the diplomas.

In fact, according to the head of Matan, Rabbanit Malka Bina, the day after the shiva was over, Fraenkel was back in school to help her students study for their exams.

Continue reading:
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Only in Israel: The impossible transition from mourning to joy
Why does most of the Jewish world not fully appreciate the new dates on the Hebrew calendar?


How should we relate to the new dates of significance added to the Hebrew calendar since the establishment of the State of Israel?

Is there something about each of these days that even most of the Jewish world doesn't fully appreciate?

Rabbi Yehuda HaKohen is joined by Justin Ellis of Fuel For Truth for an in depth discussion unpacking the deeper meanings of Yom HaShoah, Yom HaZikaron, Yom HaAtzmaut & Yom Yerushalayim.

Listen on:
Writing the new song of the Redemption

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu: 'We, our generation, are obligated to sing a new song.
The Holy One Blessed Be He has made so many miracles for us.'

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Happy Independence Day!

Rav Tzvi Yehuda said: “Our joy on this day is the joy of a mitzvah... to fulfill the Torah commandment of dwelling in Eretz Yisrael... that this Land is in our hands,
in a national sense, and not in the hands of any other nation.” Op-ed.


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'Blessed to have the chance to live our history'

As an olah, although of over 50 years standing, this is a time when I recollect my own Zionist journey, from Baltimore to Yerushalayim.

As soon as Pesach ends we enter a period of key annual events for Israel and the Jewish people. We experience the gamut of highs and lows, the intense mourning and expressions of remembrance on Yom HaShoah and Yom HaZikaron and then, in the blink of an eye, we transition to Yom Haatzmaut – we go from the depths of sadness to the heights of joy and celebration. This is a period of reflection on our history, heroes and hopes for Am Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael.

As an olah, although of over 50 years standing, this is always a time when I recollect my own Zionist journey, from Baltimore to Yerushalayim. The first time I thought of coming to Israel was in my senior year of high school when we were deciding where to apply for college. Although attending post-high school programs in Israel for women wasn’t the done thing in those days, my parents agreed to let me study in Jerusalem at Michlala, shortly after the Six Day War.

I arrived when the country was on a high, euphoric after winning the war, a triumph that seemed to be a modern-day miracle. I was carried along on the wave of Tikvah, positivity and creativity and I loved being a part of it all – an actor in the play rather than a member of the audience. I was realizing my goal of learning Torah in Hebrew in Israel and it was thrilling. I remember how meaningful it was when I studied Parshat Lech Lecha
in Jerusalem :

"וַיֹּאמֶר יְהוָה אֶל-אַבְרָם, לֶךְ-לְךָ מֵאַרְצְךָ וּמִמּוֹלַדְתְּךָ וּמִבֵּית אָבִיךָ, אֶל-הָאָרֶץ, אֲשֶׁר אַרְאֶךָּ".

The LORD said to Abram, “Go forth from your native land and from your father’s house to the land that I will show you.

I could relate to that pasuk in a new and very personal way as I could to the promise that G-d then made to Abraham:

"וַיֵּרָא יְהוָה, אֶל-אַבְרָם, וַיֹּאמֶר, לְזַרְעֲךָ אֶתֵּן אֶת-הָאָרֶץ הַזֹּאת"

The LORD appeared to Abram and said, “I will assign this land to your offspring…”

I’ll never forget my first Yom Hazikaron in Israel. I went to Har Herzl with throngs of people, many of whom had lost children, siblings and parents who were soldiers in the war. These heroes made the ultimate sacrifice while defending their land and it was profoundly felt and appreciated by the entire country. We remembered them and mourned their loss. I realized more than ever before that Israel is our cherished and precious gift and that we are blessed to have the chance to contribute and build the country, to live our history and to be part of making history.

Rabbanit Malka Bina is founder of Matan - Beit Midrash for Women.


WATCH: 102 year old Mori Yaish Giat lights Independence Torch

A must watch in every Jewish home!

'Am Yisrael Chai!

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Will she be the first Israeli woman to climb the Everest?

What do you do in your free time? Do you paint? Cycle? Study a foreign language? Well, our guest today climbs mountains. But not just any type of mountain. She climbs the mountains that are almost impossible to climb. Her most recent peak was Ojos Del Salado in Chile, the highest active volcano in the world. And this is what she does in her free time.

Daniel Wolfson is a lawyer by trade but in her free time she runs marathons, does triathlons and conquers some of the highest summits in the world.

We are super thrilled to have Daniel Wolfson on the podcast tonight to talk about the injury that led her to mountain climbing, the crazy dreams climbers have at high altitudes and the crazy dream she has at ALL altitudes – the dream of being the first Israeli woman to climb Mount Everest.


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