Who are the Israelis?

Sakhnin Municipality held meetings regarding bringing the stadium from Qatar to Sakhnin

Sakhnin Municipality treats the possibility of Qatar transferring one of its stadiums for use by the local team very seriously.

Yesterday we revealed on the Sports channel the attempt to carry out such a move and now we reveal that in recent weeks several meetings were held on the matter in Sakhnin Municipality.

In order to carry out such a move, planning of the area and additional actions involved in this must be carried out. The municipality understands that this is not a simple procedure, but also understands that this is a one-time opportunity.

"This is a move on a scale that has never been seen in Israel, it's a dream," said a source privy to the details, "at the same time, it has feasibility, it's possible."

Temple Mount Updates - Temple Mount Guardians In Action

Halakeh ceremonies at the Temple Mount

Temple Mount Updates - The Hanucah of the Prophets Haggai and Zcharyah

An hour ago - an Arab attacked a Jew at the Temple Mount and gets arrested

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Rare: Students of the Hitzim Yeshiva found a gold bead from the First Temple period

A 12th grade class from the rural yeshiva, Hitzim, dug this week in the soil of the Second Temple in Jerusalem and found a gold bead from the First Temple period. "Such a find was last found six years ago."


About 50 12th grade students from the Hatzim rural yeshiva went to two excavation sites this week.

Half of the class excavated at a distance of 10 meters from the Temple Mount, right on the southern wall of the Temple Mount inside rooms from the Second Temple period, and half of the class was sifted dirt from excavations that left the Herodian Street, a street from the time of the Second Temple that went up from the Shiloah Pool towards the Temple and the Temple Mount.

The students found coins, arrowheads from the Great Rebellion and other important findings such as a roof tile of the tenth legion that destroyed the Temple and more.

The climax came today (Thursday) when, towards the end of the digging week, the students found a gold bead from the First Temple period. Such a find was last found six years ago, a rare find that caused excitement among all present.

The head of the Yeshiva, Rabbi Shay Souisah, said: "We see enormous value in connecting to the heritage and dedicate dozens of days a year to journeys throughout the country in order to connect the boys to the people and to the land, to see the eighth graders full of satisfaction after a week of significant contribution to the discovery of the history of the people of Israel is worth the All the investment. May we be privileged to always be as close to the Temple and God as we were this week."


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