Who are the Israelis?

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Israel is the mooch capital of the world. It runs on OPM.
You’re a moron.

“Israel The Economic Miracle”: “Israel is the fastest-growing and one of the most dynamic, entrepreneurial, and innovation-based economies on the planet.”

Israel is the mooch capital of the world. It runs on OPM.

Israel is among the first to offer assistance to other countries, friend or foe,
unlike its neighbors, who're among the main recipients of financial aid.

Do Arab supremacists envy Israel because despite all the oil money,
struggle at the bottom of human development?


First: TAU Spinal Cord Implants May Help Paralyzed People Walk Again

For the first time in history, researchers from Sagol Center for Regenerative Biotechnology at Tel Aviv University have engineered 3D human spinal cord tissues and implanted them in lab models with long-term chronic paralysis.

The results were highly encouraging: an approximately 80% success rate in restoring walking abilities. Now the researchers are preparing for the next stage of the study: clinical trials in human patients. They hope that within a few years the engineered tissues will be implanted in paralyzed individuals enabling them to stand up and walk again.


The groundbreaking study was led by Prof. Tal Dvir’s research team at the Sagol Center for Regenerative Biotechnology, the Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research, and the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Tel Aviv University. The team at Prof. Dvir’s lab includes Ph.D. student Lior Wertheim, Dr. Reuven Edri, and Dr. Yona Goldshmit. Other contributors included Prof. Irit Gat-Viks from the Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research, Prof. Yaniv Assaf from the Sagol School of Neuroscience, and Dr. Angela Ruban from the Steyer School of Health Professions, all at Tel Aviv University. The results of the study were published in the prestigious scientific journal Advanced Science.
MK Smotrich - "I believe in an economic policy that says 'In my laws you shall walk' (Vayikra 26). If we apply the Torah, we merit financial abundance."

The new Muslim prayer direction?

MK Smotrich - "The demand of my friend Itamar Ben Gvir, the designated Minister of National Security, to subordinate the police to the minister is the most just in the world"

Itamar is correct! What is incorrect is not his trivial requirement, but the fact that until today it has not worked that way.


Just as the army is subordinate to the political echelon - the government and the minister of defense, so the police should be subordinate to the political echelon - the government and the minister of national security. The anomaly that exists today between the army and the police is illogical and undemocratic.

The political echelon received the trust of the public and is responsible for it and will judge it for its successes or failures.

It is that, which is entrusted with the public interest and its preservation and it is that which should determine the policy, the priorities, and the manner of allocating the budget to the various tasks according to their importance and urgency. These are basic and necessary tools for realizing the responsibility. There is no responsibility without authority.

I am confident that Itamar will dictate a professional and responsible policy and I wish him great success in the important and difficult task he has undertaken - to restore personal security to the citizens of Israel.

You’re a moron.

“Israel The Economic Miracle”: “Israel is the fastest-growing and one of the most dynamic, entrepreneurial, and innovation-based economies on the planet.”

Nice deflection. They never mentioned all of the OPM.
MK Smotrich - "The demand of my friend Itamar Ben Gvir, the designated Minister of National Security, to subordinate the police to the minister is the most just in the world"

Itamar is correct! What is incorrect is not his trivial requirement, but the fact that until today it has not worked that way.


Just as the army is subordinate to the political echelon - the government and the minister of defense, so the police should be subordinate to the political echelon - the government and the minister of national security. The anomaly that exists today between the army and the police is illogical and undemocratic.

The political echelon received the trust of the public and is responsible for it and will judge it for its successes or failures.

It is that, which is entrusted with the public interest and its preservation and it is that which should determine the policy, the priorities, and the manner of allocating the budget to the various tasks according to their importance and urgency. These are basic and necessary tools for realizing the responsibility. There is no responsibility without authority.

I am confident that Itamar will dictate a professional and responsible policy and I wish him great success in the important and difficult task he has undertaken - to restore personal security to the citizens of Israel.

Flocking to guns | PM Lapid urges 30,000 volunteers for Civil Guard
Half a year since the start of the wave of murderous Islamist attacks against Jewish and Arab communities, a 100% jump in the number of requests for a gun license


Prime Minister Yair Lapid opened the conference and said that "the first duty of the state is to protect its citizens, their homes, their property, their fields, this is the only issue on which there can be no compromises. If the State of Israel wants to be a state of law, it needs tools to enforce the law."

"For years, the law enforcement system has been neglected, starved, not given the tools it needs to make Israel a country that is safe for its citizens," said Prime Minister Lapid. Our priority is national."

"Cars cannot continue to run amok on the roads of the south, young women cannot be murdered by relatives, farmers cannot tolerate destruction and theft in their fields, businesses cannot tolerate gangs that specialize in protection, tenders cannot be sold under the table, children cannot be stabbed when they go out to spend the night" .

"What we need is 5,000 more police officers, 26 more Border Police units in reserve, 30,000 more volunteers in the Israeli Civil Guard that will be based on the operating principles of the "New Shomer". We need to expand urban policing - out of 257 municipalities in Israel, there are urban policing units in only 75 communities. We need to expand urban policing to every community in Israel and especially in Arab society."


Lapid with Muhabau Mangistou and Sharif Hasson, who prevented the terror attack in Jaffa.

Read more -

"No police, we are alone" - the Israelis who decided to guard their home themselves

The establishment of the Shomrim civil guard and decrease in theft in Modi'in 'Ilit.

Kan News | In recent weeks, violence has been rampant throughout the country. It happens at home, in schools, on roads, in hospitals or in public parks. The police find it difficult to enforce the law and protect the Israelis, there are not enough police officers they claim and there is also no budget. Sometimes the punishments that criminals receive are too lenient. Citizens across the country decided to protect their home - on their own.

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Most of the wives of the political faction chiefs who will be in the coalition met today at Waldorf Astoria hotel in Jerusalem. At the meeting were Yaffa Deri, Shas’s Aryeh Deri’s wife; Rivka Goldknopf, wife of UTJ’s Yitzchak Goldknopf; Sara Netanyahu, wife of Likud’s Benjamin Netanyahu; Galit Maoz, wife of Noam’s Avi Maoz; and Ayala Ben-Gvir, wife of Otzma Yehudit’s Itamar Ben-Gvir.


Revital Smotrich, Religious Zionism’s Bezalel Smotrich’s wife, wasn’t able to make it to the meeting. Her husband Bezalel and Sara’s husband, Bibi, have reportedly not met since Wednesday, when Netanyahu began trying to unfairly squeeze the Religious Zionism party, despite being the second largest party in this potential coalition. The wife of Moshe Gafni, the Degel HaTorah faction in UTJ, was also not at the meeting.

Ayala Ben-Gvir made a wave with her unique fashion statement, wearing her pistol on her hip, instead of in her bag, which is where it is more common for settler women to carry their sidearms.

Ben-Gvir explained in a tweet that she lives in Hebron, is a mother of 6, drives on roads known for their terrorist attacks, and is married to the most threatened man in the country. So yes, she has a gun. Deal with it

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Rare: Students of the Hitzim Yeshiva found a gold bead from the First Temple period

A 12th grade class from the rural yeshiva, Hitzim, dug this week in the soil of the Second Temple in Jerusalem and found a gold bead from the First Temple period. "Such a find was last found six years ago."


About 50 12th grade students from the Hatzim rural yeshiva went to two excavation sites this week.

Half of the class excavated at a distance of 10 meters from the Temple Mount, right on the southern wall of the Temple Mount inside rooms from the Second Temple period, and half of the class was sifted dirt from excavations that left the Herodian Street, a street from the time of the Second Temple that went up from the Shiloah Pool towards the Temple and the Temple Mount.

The students found coins, arrowheads from the Great Rebellion and other important findings such as a roof tile of the tenth legion that destroyed the Temple and more.

The climax came today (Thursday) when, towards the end of the digging week, the students found a gold bead from the First Temple period. Such a find was last found six years ago, a rare find that caused excitement among all present.

The head of the Yeshiva, Rabbi Shay Souisah, said: "We see enormous value in connecting to the heritage and dedicate dozens of days a year to journeys throughout the country in order to connect the boys to the people and to the land, to see the eighth graders full of satisfaction after a week of significant contribution to the discovery of the history of the people of Israel is worth the All the investment. May we be privileged to always be as close to the Temple and God as we were this week."


Tel Aviv Schoolchildren Discover 3000-Year-Old Scarab

An ancient scarab from around 3,000 years ago was discovered during a school field tour in Azor, some 7 kilometers southeast of Tel Aviv. The scene depicted on the scarab probably bestows legitimacy on a local ruler.

“We were wandering around when I saw something that looked like a small toy on the ground,” said Gilad Stern of the Israel Antiquity Authority Educational Center, who was leading the tour. “An inner voice said to me: ‘Pick it up and turn it over.’ I was astonished: it was a scarab with a clearly incised scene, the dream of every amateur archaeologist. The students were so excited!”

The tour of eighth-graders from the Rabin Middle School in Azor, Tel Aviv, was organized by the IAA for the third year in a row, teaching the students about their local archaeological heritage.


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Temple Mount Updates - The Hanucah of the Prophets Haggai and Zcharyah

An hour ago - an Arab attacked a Jew at the Temple Mount and gets arrested

Temple Mount Updates | The Name of G-d on the Temple Mount Wall

A few marble paving stones on the Temple Mount Plaza reveal to us a secret about why marble, and not limestone, was used to pave the surface of the Azara courtyard in the Holy Temple!

A Temple Mount Moment is the joint project of the Temple Institute and High on the Har. Temple Mount experts and co founders of High on the Har, Dr. Melissa Jane Kronfeld and Rabbi Yehuda Levi present each week fascinating facts and insights about the Temple Mount and the Holy Temple, its past, present and future!


What kind of country is this?

Thoughts about Israel, symbols, thanking G-d and not missing on our holiness - to start your week.


1.What kind of country is this?*

We have a tendency to generalize. Several days ago, Yuri Volkov was stabbed to death on a street in Holon. This was a truly horrible incident. But how quickly were many of us ready to jump to the conclusion that "this is a country where anyone can get stabbed in the street."

But then this week an announcement was published by Nadir Hovav on Facebook that read as follows: "In search of a small car for my wife, up to 7,500 shekels, in excellent condition. I will be glad if you can compromise on the price since I have a disability and every shekel is crucial to me."

Within a short time, this post reached 260,000 Internet users. There were numerous shares and reactions as if everyone online wished to help Nadir. It was a wave of digital lovingkindness: "I will gladly buy you a car," "If you don't find a car, contact me and I will gladly help," "We are a car dealership and want to give you a car," and on and on.

Sammy Steirov was the one privileged to be designated to perform this mitzvah: "Dear friend," he wrote, "choose a car with an affordable price and I will buy it for you." Immediately afterwards, Daniel Shmueli wrote: "I have a large selection of cars. You can come and choose whichever car you want and pay whatever you can afford." On Wednesday of this week, Nadir took a train from Ashdod to Haifa. Sammy took a day off from work and waited for him at the station. From there he took Nadir to Akko, to Daniel. Ultimately Nadir insisted on paying for the car himself.

So if we are "a country where people are stabbed in the streets," it's also possible to generalize in the other direction and say that we are a country in which tens of thousands of people are ready to help a disabled person -- whom they don't even know -- buy a car for his wife.

2. Tent, well, ladder*

Three symbols are associated with our nations’ forefathers Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya’akov. Which symbol is most identified with Avraham Avinu? A tent. It's a tent that's open on all four sides to anyone who is hungry, thirsty, or tired. It's a symbol of hospitality, of a perpetually open house where passersby are taught about faith, tzedakah, and lovingkindness.

And which symbol is most identified with Yitzchak? If Avraham's symbol is horizontal, as his tent is stretched wide to host the many wayfarers who stop there, Yitzchak's symbol is vertical and concerns depth, as represented by a well. Yitzchak dug up the same wells that his father had dug before him and taught us that we must persevere and never despair if we are to find the sweet water that resides in the depths. The message is clear: We can find meaning, even if the well leading to deeper understanding is blocked with sand, dust, and dirt, as long as we keep digging and never give up.

And what about Ya'akov Avinu whom we accompany on his journey to Charan in this week's Torah portion? What's his symbol? After the tent of Avraham which extends to the outside world and the well of Yitzchak that extends to the inner depths, Ya'akov's symbol is a ladder, as shown in his famous dream: *"And he dreamed and behold, a ladder was set up on the ground and its top reached to heaven."*

Ya'akov teaches us that this world and the next world do not need to be separate from each other. Instead, there is an everlasting connection between the physical and the spiritual, between what is revealed and what is hidden.

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov wrote: *"'A ladder set up on the ground and its top reaching to heaven' - this is what human striving is all about."* Our obligation is to connect earth with heaven, to fill our daily routine with holiness. Ya'akov Avinu challenges us with this mission, and I wish everyone success in its completion.

3. Leah's innovation: Giving thanks to God*

Tonight while in the midst of a family sheva berachot simcha, I heard the following from the bride's grandfather, *Simcha Gredinger*.

"In this week's Torah portion, we receive our name: Yehudim. The parasha relates how Leah gives the name Yehudah to her fourth son. And why Yehudah? Because she is thankful. (In Hebrew, Yehudah is a form of the word 'todah' or thanks.) As Leah says after Yehudah is born: *”This time I will thank the Lord.”*

It's written in the Talmud that since the creation of the universe there was never anyone who thanked God until Leah came along.

Our sages explain that Leah teaches us not only to give thanks for one-time miracles such as the splitting of the Red Sea, but also to be grateful for the routine pleasures of life that we experience every day.

And then the advice that this grandfather gave to the young couple, *Aharon and Ruti Meir*, is advice that could benefit us all -- to always be full of gratitude since, after all, being a Yehudi, a Jew, literally means to be thankful. To be grateful for everything, to praise God, to acknowledge the many blessings we enjoy, as well as the goodness and kindness of others, and to take nothing for granted.

4. Don't miss out on holiness

Rabbi Netanel Elyashiv comments on the beginning of this week's parasha where Ya'akov flees from Esav and sleeps at the side of the road in an arbitrary place. Only after he dreams about a ladder with angels ascending and descending upon it and hears glorious promises from God about his future does he realize he has slept in a holy place. As the Torah tells us: *"And Ya'akov awakened from his sleep and he said, 'Indeed, the Lord is in this place and I did not know it.'"*

We cannot predict where we will meet the Master of the Universe. We do not encounter holiness only when we prepare for it. In fact, sometimes at work, in the living room, or in the course of casual contact with a friend, we are enchanted by the unexpected depth that is revealed.

We belong to a culture where reality instantly changes with the push of a button, as we impatiently switch from one news flash or media blast to another. We are reluctant to let ourselves devote more than a fleeting moment to anything. With this helter skelter approach to life, we are likely to overlook opportunities for holiness. Just as we are quick to turn our attention from one thing to the next, we may carry this impatient mindset into other areas. For example, if something goes wrong between a couple, they may impetuously decide to separate, forgetting that there is much value and many opportunities to show love in their relationship if only they took the time to look for them.

"Indeed, the Lord is in this place and I did not know it." It would be wise to try and adopt a calm approach to living that fosters tranquility, a willingness to listen, and a slower pace so we do not act impulsively and miss out on holiness.

Herut and Avi'ad, Shiloh and Yarden


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