Who are the Israelis?

29,000+ children killed by Arabs and Muslims in Syria…

As Arabs and Muslims mass murder children, Israelis save the lives of Arab, Muslim children.

”All the people that I know gets the treatment from Israel, they say that is better because the doctors here are good,' says the mother of a Palestinian girl.”

A rare and unusual coin was found in excavations near the Temple Mount

In recent excavations at the Givat Ofal site south of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the remains of a magnificent public building from the Second Temple period, which was destroyed in 70 CE, were uncovered.

In the layer of destruction, dozens of Jewish coins from the time of the Great Revolt against the Romans (66-70 CE) were discovered, most of which are made of bronze. An unusual and especially rare is a silver coin worth half a shekel from the third year of the revolt, which was found among the coins - one of the few of its kind found in the excavations of time.

The excavations were conducted by a delegation from the Hebrew University, led by Prof. Uzi Liebner from the Institute of Archaeology, in collaboration with Armstrong College from Oklahoma in the USA and with the assistance of the government company for the development of East Jerusalem, the Antiquities Authority and the Nature and Parks Authority.

During the great revolt against the Romans, the Jews in Jerusalem minted bronze and silver coins. On most of the silver coins, a cup appears on one side, and above it, in the letters of the ancient Hebrew script, the year of the rebellion in which it was minted is indicated, and around the cup is the inscription "Israeli Shekel", "Half Shekel" or "Quarter Shekel", depending on the value. On the other side appears a branch with three pomegranates and around it the inscription "Holy Jerusalem", also in the ancient Hebrew script.

The recently found rare coin was identified by Dr. Yoav Farhi, expedition scientist and curator at the Land of Israel Museum in Tel Aviv. The researchers explain that the minting of the coins during the rebellion, especially those made of silver, was a political statement and an expression of national liberation of the Jewish rebels against the Roman rule, since during the period Roman authority to mint silver coins was vested in the emperor.

Indeed, throughout the Roman period until the Great Revolt, no silver coins were minted by Jews at all, not even in the days of King Herod the Great. According to the researchers, the half shekel coins were also used to pay a tax for the worship expenses in the temple, which was paid annually by every adult male.

The silver coins of the Great Rebellion were the first and last in antiquity to bear the name "Shekel". The next time was on the Israeli shekel coins issued by the Bank of Israel in 1980.

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A Must Read: The inaugural Knesset speech of MK Moshe Solomon

Inspiring words of Ethiopia-born MK Moshe Solomon (Rel.Zionist Party): 'The boy who was once a shepherd is today in the Knesset of Israel.'

I, Moses Mousia Solomon, son of the late Zlalo Shimon z"l and Asgadesh, may she be granted long life, stand here before you, filled with emotion, addressing you from this august site.

Beofre my eyes float images, life memories, not mine alone, but generation after generation of the people of my community, of the members of my family who dreamed of reaching the Land of Israel and Jerusalem. I stand here today, proud to realize their dream, but fully aware that the journey is not over, and that in many ways, it has just begun.

I do not know for certain on what day I was born, and I was not given a name at my circumcision. "A man's name contains the secret of his life, its essence," my father explained to me years later, "and can we look at a newborn infant and know his essence?" My father observed me for a long time, saw my traits, my personality and hopes, until one night he declared: "Mousia, you name will be Mousia."

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Giant bronze Menorah emplaced in Western Wall plaza

As part of preparations for Hanukkah, the Western Wall plaza is once again preparing a giant Menorah for a public candle-lighting ceremony.


Today (Tuesday) the traditional Menorah was placed in the plaza of the Western Wall in preparation for the holiday of Hanukkah.

The menorah is made entirely of cast bronze. It is approximately two meters high and wide, and weighs approximately a ton. Its production process lasted approximately seven months.

“3,000th Palestinian Child Receives Free Heart Surgery By Israeli Charity” “When the doctors told us there was a possibility for Israeli doctors to carry out the complicated operation Amir needed, we were so happy. Everyone here in Gaza talks about how Israeli doctors are the most professional in the world and that they can be trusted completely,” Amir’s mother said.”

3,000th Palestinian child has heart operation in Israel through Save a Child’s Heart
Israeli arms deals fuel wars and armed conflicts around the world. The occupation state has boosted its profits at the expense of the lives of civilians killed because its deadly weapons often figure in human rights violations and war crimes. Israel sells arms to oppressive regimes in flagrant violation of international laws which call for such regimes to be boycotted.
Israeli arms deals fuel wars and armed conflicts around the world. The occupation state has boosted its profits at the expense of the lives of civilians killed because its deadly weapons often figure in human rights violations and war crimes. Israel sells arms to oppressive regimes in flagrant violation of international laws which call for such regimes to be boycotted.

Which people have killed 500,000+ Syrians?

Israeli arms deals fuel wars and armed conflicts around the world. The occupation state has boosted its profits at the expense of the lives of civilians killed because its deadly weapons often figure in human rights violations and war crimes. Israel sells arms to oppressive regimes in flagrant violation of international laws which call for such regimes to be boycotted.
Which people are killing civilians with deadly weapons?

Israeli arms deals fuel wars and armed conflicts around the world. The occupation state has boosted its profits at the expense of the lives of civilians killed because its deadly weapons often figure in human rights violations and war crimes. Israel sells arms to oppressive regimes in flagrant violation of international laws which call for such regimes to be boycotted.
Arabs and Muslims are peaceful. LOL!


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