Who are the Israelis?



And here some of your Zionist heroes at work.

Comical. Pallywood Productions Studios at its most loathsome.

YouTube videos starring Shirley Temper. Yet another child used for propaganda purposes by your Islamic terrorist heroes.

I think she won the Pallywood Oscar in Gone With The Bullshit.

You are being a SIMPLETON today Rouds...steve


And here some of your Zionist heroes at work.

Comical. Pallywood Productions Studios at its most loathsome.

YouTube videos starring Shirley Temper. Yet another child used for propaganda purposes by your Islamic terrorist heroes.

I think she won the Pallywood Oscar in Gone With The Bullshit.

Israeli soldiers attacking women.

You do realize that Pallywood Productions Inc., is a laughable joke, right?

You are hopeless and boring with all your ignorant repeditive JUNK SPEAK......


And here some of your Zionist heroes at work.

Comical. Pallywood Productions Studios at its most loathsome.

YouTube videos starring Shirley Temper. Yet another child used for propaganda purposes by your Islamic terrorist heroes.

I think she won the Pallywood Oscar in Gone With The Bullshit.

Israeli soldiers attacking women.

You do realize that Pallywood Productions Inc., is a laughable joke, right?

You are hopeless and boring with all your ignorant repeditive JUNK SPEAK......

  1. containing or characterized by repetition, especially when unnecessary or tiresome.
    "a repetitive task"
    synonyms: monotonous, tedious, boring, humdrum, mundane, dreary, tiresome; More
Comical. Pallywood Productions Studios at its most loathsome.

YouTube videos starring Shirley Temper. Yet another child used for propaganda purposes by your Islamic terrorist heroes.
I think she won the Pallywood Oscar in Gone With The Bullshit.

Israeli soldiers attacking women.

You do realize that Pallywood Productions Inc., is a laughable joke, right?

You are hopeless and boring with all your ignorant repeditive JUNK SPEAK......

  1. containing or characterized by repetition, especially when unnecessary or tiresome.
    "a repetitive task"
    synonyms: monotonous, tedious, boring, humdrum, mundane, dreary, tiresome; More

Excellent,describes you exactly...WELL DONE...a break through at last
We have a Who are the Palestinians thread, so just to be fair...

Golda Meir

I suspect that the Jews were perfectly happy living in Europe at the time the Balfour Declaration to open Palestine to a new Jewish homeland was first formulated in 1917.

The notion was not taken very seriously however until Adolf and Stalin started murdering their own Jewish populations.

Now today most murders of Jews are committed by the Palestinians in the name of Allah to grab the land back.

Poor Allah -- this Fokker gets the blame for more sh!t than does any other God.
Allah is God in Arabic. Arab Jews used the same word for God as do Arab Christians today. It is also the same word in Aramaic, the language used by Jews at the time of Christ.

Lexeme: 0hl0
Root: hl0
Word Number: 904
Pronunciation: (Eastern) AaLaH
(Western) AaLoH
Part of Speech: Noun
Gender: Masculine
State: Absolute
Suffix Gender:
Suffix Person:
Suffix Number:
Lexeme Form:

Aramaic Dictionary
We have a Who are the Palestinians thread, so just to be fair...

Golda Meir

I suspect that the Jews were perfectly happy living in Europe at the time the Balfour Declaration to open Palestine to a new Jewish homeland was first formulated in 1917.

The notion was not taken very seriously however until Adolf and Stalin started murdering their own Jewish populations.

Now today most murders of Jews are committed by the Palestinians in the name of Allah to grab the land back.

Poor Allah -- this Fokker gets the blame for more sh!t than does any other God.

You forgot to mention the 100,000's of Palestinians eliminated by the Zionist Terrorists,Stern and Ugan and the IDF,in the LAND GRAB of Palestinian Land you fool..."".A"" Typical of revolting Zionista people like you....You weep crocodile Tears you HYPOCRITE LIAR.theliq
Law enforcement is not terrorism. (Though throwing rocks IS).

I've HAD law enforcement "invading" my home in the middle of the night. They were enforcing the law. Inconvenient, but necessary. Why would Palestinians be immune from law enforcement?

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