Who are the Israelis?

"We Were Taught to Love, and We Were Refugees"
Hila Oved-Brog is an Israeli, with Libyan and German heritage. When Hila's father was just a boy he was forced to flee Libya, due to violence after the Second World War. Hila’s maternal grandfather survived the Holocaust and made his way toward safety in Israel. Despite what her family has been through, Hila was taught the value of triumphing over hate with love and forgiveness.
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My mother was from Iraq, My father from Egypt -
Rachel's Story

Rachel Wahba was born in 1946. Her heritage is Egyptian-Iraqi, yet she was born in India, and grew up stateless in Japan. Rachel’s parents were both faced with challenges growing up in their home countries. Although Jews in Egypt and Iraq have a rich history, they were forced to live as second class citizens. Rachel’s father fled Egypt after Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” became a bestseller. Rachel’s mother lived through the Farhud which took place in Iraq, and fled the country shortly thereafter.

If #London, #NewYork or #Paris were attacked with 400 missiles over night, what would you do? What would you expect your government to do? How would you expect other nations to react?

“The Arab world is the last bastion of unbridled, unashamed, unhidden and unbelievable anti-Semitism. Hitlerian myths get published in the popular press as incontrovertible truths. The Holocaust either gets minimized or denied....How the Arab world will ever come to terms with Israel when Israelis are portrayed as the devil incarnate is hard to figure out.”

— Columnist Richard Cohen
The Most Hated Man At The UN I Hillel Neuer


All those people at the UN; the EU too, the same gravy train bureaucrats who know nothing, do nothing.

30 years of UN in Africa, the country has got worse.

And who is their doctor if not the same nation over which they obsess?
There's a quote from Rabbi Kook that could give You a totally different perspective on the situation. I'll look around.
“The Arab world is the last bastion of unbridled, unashamed, unhidden and unbelievable anti-Semitism. Hitlerian myths get published in the popular press as incontrovertible truths. The Holocaust either gets minimized or denied....How the Arab world will ever come to terms with Israel when Israelis are portrayed as the devil incarnate is hard to figure out.”

— Columnist Richard Cohen

Africa, Arab countries...it's hard to figure out how but they do come to terms.
Kuwait is probably the next, while Israel is looking to join the African union and their chiefs come to Israel asking for blessings from Israel's elders.

9th of Kislev - 40 years since the passing of former Prime Minister Golda Meir.

She spoke during the ceremony when she received honorary citizenship of Jerusalem (in 1971) and told of the first time she came to the Western Wall after making aliya to Israel:

"...Shortly after we came, we went up to Jerusalem. And when you go to Jerusalem, it's obvious that you go to see the Western Wall... and so...I went to the Wall. The way there, the courtyards, the alleyways... and here I am standing in front of the Wall... Here is what remains from what was... But it remained strong, and large, and impressive. And I returned from the Western Wall completely different from who I was when I went there."


Western Wall
6,000 Gaza-area teens complete ‘apolitical’ protest march to Jerusalem

Some 6,000 high school students from Israeli towns near the Gaza border reached Jerusalem on Thursday following a 100-mile march in what the teens said was an “apolitical” effort to effect change.

About 100 students began the march from Sderot, a southern Israeli town often targeted by Palestinian bombs, on Sunday, picking up supporters from southern Israel and across the country along the approximately 90-kilometer route.

They wore T-shirts reading, “Let us grow up in peace” and ended their march at the Knesset.

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Jewish Life in Pre-State Israel
Mally Mazal-Davidoff was born to a family of Yemenite and Sephardic Jews who lived in Jerusalem for more than five generations. Born in the East Jerusalem village of Kfar Hashiloach, present day "Silwan", she recalls her memories of Arab - Jewish relations in pre-State Israel. She vividly remember the Hebron Massacre, Yom Kippur at the Kotel, and the Old City of Jerusalem in the 1930s and 40s.

Jewish Life in Pre-State Israel
Mally Mazal-Davidoff was born to a family of Yemenite and Sephardic Jews who lived in Jerusalem for more than five generations. Born in the East Jerusalem village of Kfar Hashiloach, present day "Silwan", she recalls her memories of Arab - Jewish relations in pre-State Israel. She vividly remember the Hebron Massacre, Yom Kippur at the Kotel, and the Old City of Jerusalem in the 1930s and 40s.

I have Amos Oz's 'A Tale of Love and Darkness', in which he describes the life before during and after those turbulent times. I still recall, from that book, Arab snipers picking off Jews. And even the British didn't behave in a proper manner.

Here, too, is the neighbour hood, obsessed with germs: "You never actually managed to set eyes on an anti-semite or a germ, but you knew very well they were lying in wait for you on every side, out of sight." The city, Jerusalem, where people schlepped along the streets: "If we picked up our foot someone else might come along and snatch our little strip of land. On the other hand, once you have lifted your foot, do not be in a hurry to put it down again... time and time again we have fallen into the hands of our enemies because we put our foot down without looking where we were putting them." Tel Aviv, spoken of almost confidentially, "as though the city were some kind of crucial secret project of the Jewish people", the sea "full of bronzed Jews who could swim... Who had ever heard of swimming Jews?"

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