Who are the Israelis?

The logic of Palestinian Blackmail.
In accordance with recent Knesset legislation, Israel has deducted from the taxes it collects on behalf of the PA the amount the latter pays to terrorists and their families. Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the PA, has as a result refused to accept any tax revenue transferred by Jerusalem short of the whole amount, thus threatening to precipitate a financial crisis that could cause the collapse of the PA. Efraim Inbar comments:

The Palestinian strategy is clear. Abbas is trying to scare Israel and the world community into believing the relative stability in the West Bank will come to an end, leading to chaos and terror. The PA leadership is emulating Hamas’s behavior by threatening that a humanitarian disaster will ensue unless more financial aid is rendered. Hamas has been playing this same game for years in Gaza. Israel and other international actors—the United States is a sober exception—seem to fall repeatedly for these Palestinians schemes.

The Logic of Palestinian Blackmail
^Israel, [however], is doing more than its share to bolster the Palestinian economy—providing jobs to Palestinians in the Israeli labor market; supplying water, electricity, and health services to Palestinians; and keeping Hamas from overthrowing Abbas. Moreover, it is active in raising funds internationally for the PA.

And thus nobody should cave to Palestinian blackmail. While it is best for all concerned to ensure a decent standard of living for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, it is highly unlikely that the PA will economically collapse. After all, the PA is a very good business for the kleptocratic leaders of the regime in Ramallah. Marked by corruption and nepotism, the PA is a source of significant income for Abbas and his coterie. This gang will not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
^Israel, [however], is doing more than its share to bolster the Palestinian economy—providing jobs to Palestinians in the Israeli labor market; supplying water, electricity, and health services to Palestinians; and keeping Hamas from overthrowing Abbas. Moreover, it is active in raising funds internationally for the PA.

And thus nobody should cave to Palestinian blackmail. While it is best for all concerned to ensure a decent standard of living for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, it is highly unlikely that the PA will economically collapse. After all, the PA is a very good business for the kleptocratic leaders of the regime in Ramallah. Marked by corruption and nepotism, the PA is a source of significant income for Abbas and his coterie. This gang will not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Indeed, the PA is a classic bantustan government. It is necessary for Israel to maintain its occupation.
^Israel, [however], is doing more than its share to bolster the Palestinian economy—providing jobs to Palestinians in the Israeli labor market; supplying water, electricity, and health services to Palestinians; and keeping Hamas from overthrowing Abbas. Moreover, it is active in raising funds internationally for the PA.

And thus nobody should cave to Palestinian blackmail. While it is best for all concerned to ensure a decent standard of living for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, it is highly unlikely that the PA will economically collapse. After all, the PA is a very good business for the kleptocratic leaders of the regime in Ramallah. Marked by corruption and nepotism, the PA is a source of significant income for Abbas and his coterie. This gang will not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Indeed, the PA is a classic bantustan government. It is necessary for Israel to maintain its occupation.

Indeed, you are cutting and pasting the slogans you read and not offering anything to support your slogans.
^Israel, [however], is doing more than its share to bolster the Palestinian economy—providing jobs to Palestinians in the Israeli labor market; supplying water, electricity, and health services to Palestinians; and keeping Hamas from overthrowing Abbas. Moreover, it is active in raising funds internationally for the PA.

And thus nobody should cave to Palestinian blackmail. While it is best for all concerned to ensure a decent standard of living for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, it is highly unlikely that the PA will economically collapse. After all, the PA is a very good business for the kleptocratic leaders of the regime in Ramallah. Marked by corruption and nepotism, the PA is a source of significant income for Abbas and his coterie. This gang will not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Indeed, the PA is a classic bantustan government. It is necessary for Israel to maintain its occupation.

And what difference did your saying that make?
^Israel, [however], is doing more than its share to bolster the Palestinian economy—providing jobs to Palestinians in the Israeli labor market; supplying water, electricity, and health services to Palestinians; and keeping Hamas from overthrowing Abbas. Moreover, it is active in raising funds internationally for the PA.

And thus nobody should cave to Palestinian blackmail. While it is best for all concerned to ensure a decent standard of living for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, it is highly unlikely that the PA will economically collapse. After all, the PA is a very good business for the kleptocratic leaders of the regime in Ramallah. Marked by corruption and nepotism, the PA is a source of significant income for Abbas and his coterie. This gang will not kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Indeed, the PA is a classic bantustan government. It is necessary for Israel to maintain its occupation.

That's just a beat up racist libel.
Israeli Memorial Day Commences at Sundown - Your News From Israel

Israeli Memorial Day begins this evening here in #Israel to commemorate the lives of the fallen soldiers of Israel and victims of terrorists.

Could Caroline Glick Be Israel’s Next UN Ambassador?

The failed electoral run by the nascent New Right party that recruited popular Anglo journalist Carolyn Glick has left her with all options open, including a possible future as Israel’s next Ambassador to the United Nations, according to some media reports.

Glick is reportedly on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s short list of those being considered for the post.

An immigrant to Israel from the United States, Glick spent decades working as a columnist and editor for The Jerusalem Post.

A resident of the Gush Etzion city of Efrat, she is well-known in Anglo communities across the country and abroad for her strong advocacy on behalf of legal reform and application of Israeli civil law to Area C.

“As a writer, I was heartened beyond belief when, at the end of the campaign, Netanyahu talked about apply Israeli law to Judea and Samaria,” Glick told The Jerusalem Post in an interview.

“I would feel even more vindicated if the Trump plan won’t call for two states – after 19 years of writing – so we won’t go back on the merry-go-round from Elm Street. Nothing is more vindicating than what I wrote in 2013 being adopted in 2019 by the leaders of Israel and the United States.”

My Jewish Learning - Could Caroline Glick Be Israel’s Next UN Ambassador?

I always said that Israel would gain a lot if she takes an official diplomatic position.
That job is for Glick, naturally.
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Could Caroline Glick Be Israel’s Next UN Ambassador?

The failed electoral run by the nascent New Right party that recruited popular Anglo journalist Carolyn Glick has left her with all options open, including a possible future as Israel’s next Ambassador to the United Nations, according to some media reports.

Glick is reportedly on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s short list of those being considered for the post.

An immigrant to Israel from the United States, Glick spent decades working as a columnist and editor for The Jerusalem Post.

A resident of the Gush Etzion city of Efrat, she is well-known in Anglo communities across the country and abroad for her strong advocacy on behalf of legal reform and application of Israeli civil law to Area C.

“As a writer, I was heartened beyond belief when, at the end of the campaign, Netanyahu talked about apply Israeli law to Judea and Samaria,” Glick told The Jerusalem Post in an interview.

“I would feel even more vindicated if the Trump plan won’t call for two states – after 19 years of writing – so we won’t go back on the merry-go-round from Elm Street. Nothing is more vindicating than what I wrote in 2013 being adopted in 2019 by the leaders of Israel and the United States.”

My Jewish Learning - Could Caroline Glick Be Israel’s Next UN Ambassador?

I always said that Israel would gain a lot if she takes an official diplomatic position.
That job is for Glick, naturally.

Idon't agree with her much, but she has more functioning brain cells than anyone else in the Israeli government.
Could Caroline Glick Be Israel’s Next UN Ambassador?

The failed electoral run by the nascent New Right party that recruited popular Anglo journalist Carolyn Glick has left her with all options open, including a possible future as Israel’s next Ambassador to the United Nations, according to some media reports.

Glick is reportedly on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s short list of those being considered for the post.

An immigrant to Israel from the United States, Glick spent decades working as a columnist and editor for The Jerusalem Post.

A resident of the Gush Etzion city of Efrat, she is well-known in Anglo communities across the country and abroad for her strong advocacy on behalf of legal reform and application of Israeli civil law to Area C.

“As a writer, I was heartened beyond belief when, at the end of the campaign, Netanyahu talked about apply Israeli law to Judea and Samaria,” Glick told The Jerusalem Post in an interview.

“I would feel even more vindicated if the Trump plan won’t call for two states – after 19 years of writing – so we won’t go back on the merry-go-round from Elm Street. Nothing is more vindicating than what I wrote in 2013 being adopted in 2019 by the leaders of Israel and the United States.”

My Jewish Learning - Could Caroline Glick Be Israel’s Next UN Ambassador?

I always said that Israel would gain a lot if she takes an official diplomatic position.
That job is for Glick, naturally.

Idon't agree with her much, but she has more functioning brain cells than anyone else in the Israeli government.

Know them well, do you?
Could Caroline Glick Be Israel’s Next UN Ambassador?

The failed electoral run by the nascent New Right party that recruited popular Anglo journalist Carolyn Glick has left her with all options open, including a possible future as Israel’s next Ambassador to the United Nations, according to some media reports.

Glick is reportedly on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s short list of those being considered for the post.

An immigrant to Israel from the United States, Glick spent decades working as a columnist and editor for The Jerusalem Post.

A resident of the Gush Etzion city of Efrat, she is well-known in Anglo communities across the country and abroad for her strong advocacy on behalf of legal reform and application of Israeli civil law to Area C.

“As a writer, I was heartened beyond belief when, at the end of the campaign, Netanyahu talked about apply Israeli law to Judea and Samaria,” Glick told The Jerusalem Post in an interview.

“I would feel even more vindicated if the Trump plan won’t call for two states – after 19 years of writing – so we won’t go back on the merry-go-round from Elm Street. Nothing is more vindicating than what I wrote in 2013 being adopted in 2019 by the leaders of Israel and the United States.”

My Jewish Learning - Could Caroline Glick Be Israel’s Next UN Ambassador?

I always said that Israel would gain a lot if she takes an official diplomatic position.
That job is for Glick, naturally.

Idon't agree with her much, but she has more functioning brain cells than anyone else in the Israeli government.

Would rather worry if You did.
I don't think anyone who praises Cortez is in position to discuss brain cells.
Lighters of the Independence Day Torch - Your News From Israel

Independence celebrations begin after the lighting of the 12 torches to officially mark the closure of Yom Hazikaron.

"Great Light" - Rishol LeZion Rabbi Mordechai Elyahu ZTZ"L

Q. How does the rabbi see the state approaching its year of wisdom (then 60th day of independence)?

R. Elayhu.: I don't want to see shades. I see big light in the state. There was never a time with much lights as our time in our country. In the state there is an important Torah center. Blessed be Hashem, there're a lot of yeshivot in their variety, regular yeshivot, idf yeshivot, wonderful youth, rabbi great of Torah.
The educational influence of the state of Israel is also good, even though there're phenomenas that require treatment and correction. My hope is that the atmosphere of Israel will influence for the good
(Interview to Yonah Cohen, 'Hatzofeh', independence day '87)

The Chief Rabbinate fixed to say Hallel on the Day of Independence, for following reasons: we went out of slavery to freedom, from foreign rule to our independent rule, the gates of the country are open to every Jew and the multiplicity of the Torah institutions etc. - those are certain signs of redemption. May there be will that we merit the coming of Meshiah Tzidkenu, and for full redemption quickly in our days Amen.
(Q&A of Chief Rabbi, 2nd booklet p.317)

Regarding celebration of the Day of Independence and Day of Jerusalem - there's no doubt that in these days miracles and wonders were made for our fathers and us, can say even wonders of wonders, therefore many stood to annihilate us, and with little means Hashem helped that we were saved from them, and our hand overpowered our enemies. It is clear that these miracles that were done to us, not in our merit they were done, but in the merit our fathers and the fathers of their ancestors, that all were joined all together. Therefore, according to Jewish Law, everyone whom a miracle was made must thank glorify (Hallel), praise and raise the name of Hashem. King David regulated special chapters in Psalms to be said by anyone whom was made a miracle. The Spharadim had a traditio of saying the Hallel without blessing, it is to be said after Kadish Titkabal after the "And came to Zion". In these days there's no Viduy, because there were made great miracles to Israel.
(Q&A of the Chief Rabbi, 2nd booklet p. 457)

L'Oro - Study in light of the teaching of Rabbi Avraham Kook ZTZ"L

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