Who are the lesser of two evils: democrats or republicans? State your case.

Partisans always think there shit doesn't stink trying to convince them otherwise is a waste of time. You may find indvivduals in both parties who care about the best intrest of the country and the people but as a whole both parties are only interested in getting power keeping it and if all possible expanding it the good of the nation and the people is distant second or even third.
You know how you settle that? Facts and critical thinking. Decide what your values are and see which party disappoints you more.
Partisans will always cherry pick and twist facts to suit their own agenda and point of veiw.
If someone does, we will call them out. It's quite simple for me really. I want the minimum wage to increase. I want economic policies that benefit demand side economics. I want gay marriage to be legal. I think a woman has a right to choose. I want policies that benefit our infrastructure system. I want to tax the wealthy the most not because it's what fair, but whats realistic for paying for government spending of ANY type. Only democrats do those things.
Blah, Blah, Blah same old partisan talking points your simply doing what every other partisan right and left does stating talking points and your opinion and passing it off as fact. Of course as every partisan does you will deny this and continue to do it because in the mind of every partisan they are always right and everyone else is always wrong as I already said trying to convince a partisn of anything other than what they believe is a waste of time.
This shouldn't be difficult for you then. Name republican policies that benefit you and the country as a whole?

Republicans support the family and are hard on crime. A strong family and policies to punish criminals go hand & hand on making our cities safer.

Democrats just want certain criminals to run around killing people.
Demand-side economics is what benefits the entire nation.

More demand leads to less supply. Surely you can grasp that?

more demand leads to the suppliers making more. ;) This leads to more jobs = more people with money to spend.

Feeding the 1% more and more is just stupid.

So, making more demands of the supplier (or the evil 1 percenter) without adequate supply, means you are sticking it to him? Tell me how that works? Just where else do you acquire your supply?
Demand-side economics is what benefits the entire nation.

More demand leads to less supply. Surely you can grasp that?

more demand leads to the suppliers making more. ;) This leads to more jobs = more people with money to spend.

Feeding the 1% more and more is just stupid.

So, making more demands of the supplier (or the evil 1 percenter) without adequate supply, means you are sticking it to him? Tell me how that works? Just where else do you acquire your supply?

How do you think he makes his profit from? He gets it from the demander paying for his product and he takes that profit to meet the new demand.

Profit doesn't just grow on trees but is made from selling a product that people want. As they sell more they can afford to meet higher levels of production.
Demand-side economics is what benefits the entire nation.

More demand leads to less supply. Surely you can grasp that?

more demand leads to the suppliers making more. ;) This leads to more jobs = more people with money to spend.

Feeding the 1% more and more is just stupid.

So, making more demands of the supplier (or the evil 1 percenter) without adequate supply, means you are sticking it to him? Tell me how that works? Just where else do you acquire your supply?
What the fuck? How do you not understand how the free market works? We are talking about the very essence of how it works. When a product is in high demand, a business man/woman realizes that if he/she produced more of it, and continued to charge a price higher than the value of the object, he MAKES MONEY. Most he keeps for himself and then some he invests into his supply, If a business is out of stock of something, he makes sure to makes MORE OF IT from the money he's already made because he knows it sells well. I don't know where this "evil 1 percenter" is coming from. You're just saying a bunch of words I guess.
You republicans just need to nut up and admit your leaders do absolutely nothing for you. You're embarrassing yourselves.
You republicans just need to nut up and admit your leaders do absolutely nothing for you. You're embarrassing yourselves.

What's the matter? You asked the question. I'm guessing you didn't like the answers.

Most of us aren't asking our leaders to do anything except keeping the government out of lives. See we don't want them to do things for us. We want to live our lives free from their influences as much as possible.

Why do you want people you admit to be evil making any sort of determination for your life?
You republicans just need to nut up and admit your leaders do absolutely nothing for you. You're embarrassing yourselves.

What's the matter? You asked the question. I'm guessing you didn't like the answers.

Most of us aren't asking our leaders to do anything except keeping the government out of lives. See we don't want them to do things for us. We want to live our lives free from their influences as much as possible.

Why do you want people you admit to be evil making any sort of determination for your life?
So how exactly do you expect republicans to keep government out of your lives?

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