Who are the lesser of two evils: democrats or republicans? State your case.

Democrats are dishonest and corrupt all the time. Republicans are dishonest and corrupt some of the time.
What are some specific policies that make democrats more corrupt?

Not more corrupt, just corrupt more often. All the time in fact. Whereas the GOP are corrupt part of the time.
Without examples your argument goes nowhere.

I was just keeping you straight. There is a difference between "more corrupt" and "more often corrupt".
Partisans always think there shit doesn't stink trying to convince them otherwise is a waste of time. You may find indvivduals in both parties who care about the best intrest of the country and the people but as a whole both parties are only interested in getting power keeping it and if all possible expanding it the good of the nation and the people is distant second or even third.
Partisans always think there shit doesn't stink trying to convince them otherwise is a waste of time. You may find indvivduals in both parties who care about the best intrest of the country and the people but as a whole both parties are only interested in getting power keeping it and if all possible expanding it the good of the nation and the people is distant second or even third.
The Dems are the lesser evil since they are much more reasonable about the needs of the collective. They can understand the Social Contract, balance necessary between the Individual and their Society, between Liberty and the State, between Rights and Responsibilities, Freedom and Security. It's why, for all their faults, they are not the party of one race and the "I Got Mine so Fuck You" mentality. They also do not give a passing nod to the theocratic among us who would destroy our Liberal Nation in the name of their gods. The Dems can see that they might be doing evil, the GOP can't even begin to imagine such a thing, the very first sign that you are in fact, evil.
are the Democrats for putting handicapped people down,for their own good and for society?...just askin.....
The Dems are the lesser evil since they are much more reasonable about the needs of the collective. They can understand the Social Contract, balance necessary between the Individual and their Society, between Liberty and the State, between Rights and Responsibilities, Freedom and Security. It's why, for all their faults, they are not the party of one race and the "I Got Mine so Fuck You" mentality. They also do not give a passing nod to the theocratic among us who would destroy our Liberal Nation in the name of their gods. The Dems can see that they might be doing evil, the GOP can't even begin to imagine such a thing, the very first sign that you are in fact, evil.
are the Democrats for putting handicapped people down,for their own good and for society?...just askin.....
I've never heard that they are.
If I can help it I don't vote for either. Shit still smells whether it's a little poo or a pile.
I dont blame you for not voting for either, but perhaps you can explain why you feel they are on the same level of corruption.

I could explain, but I'm certainly not wasting my time on you. I already know you're a biased partisan.
I am biased toward liberal policies, not democrats. See, be honest. You can't explain worth a shit why democrats are the greater evil.
Billy maybe you think its better to vote for Dracula over Satan...ill avoid them both.....they both will suck the life out of you......Democrats will tax the fuck out of you....and will still want more and if they get voted down,then they will turn it into a "fee"....the Republicans?.....like i have said before....they tell you that you are an asshole and then cant figure out why you think they are Dicks.....
Democrats are dishonest and corrupt all the time. Republicans are dishonest and corrupt some of the time.
What are some specific policies that make democrats more corrupt?
they do their shit behind your back.....they tell you what you want to hear,and of course, throw a bone out to make it appear like they are actually doing something but when you walk out of the room.....all the laughing starts.....and then they see if they can tax something to get the cost of the bone back......
Partisans always think there shit doesn't stink trying to convince them otherwise is a waste of time. You may find indvivduals in both parties who care about the best intrest of the country and the people but as a whole both parties are only interested in getting power keeping it and if all possible expanding it the good of the nation and the people is distant second or even third.
You know how you settle that? Facts and critical thinking. Decide what your values are and see which party disappoints you more.
The Dems are the lesser evil since they are much more reasonable about the needs of the collective. They can understand the Social Contract, balance necessary between the Individual and their Society, between Liberty and the State, between Rights and Responsibilities, Freedom and Security. It's why, for all their faults, they are not the party of one race and the "I Got Mine so Fuck You" mentality. They also do not give a passing nod to the theocratic among us who would destroy our Liberal Nation in the name of their gods. The Dems can see that they might be doing evil, the GOP can't even begin to imagine such a thing, the very first sign that you are in fact, evil.
are the Democrats for putting handicapped people down,for their own good and for society?...just askin.....
I've never heard that they are.
if they were against that..... would an old handicap slayer like yourself vote for them?....
Partisans always think there shit doesn't stink trying to convince them otherwise is a waste of time. You may find indvivduals in both parties who care about the best intrest of the country and the people but as a whole both parties are only interested in getting power keeping it and if all possible expanding it the good of the nation and the people is distant second or even third.
You know how you settle that? Facts and critical thinking. Decide what your values are and see which party disappoints you more.
Partisans will always cherry pick and twist facts to suit their own agenda and point of veiw.
Partisans always think there shit doesn't stink trying to convince them otherwise is a waste of time. You may find indvivduals in both parties who care about the best intrest of the country and the people but as a whole both parties are only interested in getting power keeping it and if all possible expanding it the good of the nation and the people is distant second or even third.
You know how you settle that? Facts and critical thinking. Decide what your values are and see which party disappoints you more.
Partisans will always cherry pick and twist facts to suit their own agenda and point of veiw.
If someone does, we will call them out. It's quite simple for me really. I want the minimum wage to increase. I want economic policies that benefit demand side economics. I want gay marriage to be legal. I think a woman has a right to choose. I want policies that benefit our infrastructure system. I want to tax the wealthy the most not because it's what fair, but whats realistic for paying for government spending of ANY type. Only democrats do those things.
Partisans always think there shit doesn't stink trying to convince them otherwise is a waste of time. You may find indvivduals in both parties who care about the best intrest of the country and the people but as a whole both parties are only interested in getting power keeping it and if all possible expanding it the good of the nation and the people is distant second or even third.
You know how you settle that? Facts and critical thinking. Decide what your values are and see which party disappoints you more.
Partisans will always cherry pick and twist facts to suit their own agenda and point of veiw.
If someone does, we will call them out. It's quite simple for me really. I want the minimum wage to increase. I want economic policies that benefit demand side economics. I want gay marriage to be legal. I think a woman has a right to choose. I want policies that benefit our infrastructure system. I want to tax the wealthy the most not because it's what fair, but whats realistic for paying for government spending of ANY type. Only democrats do those things.
Blah, Blah, Blah same old partisan talking points your simply doing what every other partisan right and left does stating talking points and your opinion and passing it off as fact. Of course as every partisan does you will deny this and continue to do it because in the mind of every partisan they are always right and everyone else is always wrong as I already said trying to convince a partisn of anything other than what they believe is a waste of time.
Considering one party encourages the death of unborn children, abdication of responsibility to government and wants to use violence against the citizenry to solve every problem real or fake it's obvious which is more evil.

the real question is why settle for evil whether lesser or greater instead of working for good?
What gets me is Democrats admit both parties are evil to some degree and still want to empower evil people to rule our lives
Partisans always think there shit doesn't stink trying to convince them otherwise is a waste of time. You may find indvivduals in both parties who care about the best intrest of the country and the people but as a whole both parties are only interested in getting power keeping it and if all possible expanding it the good of the nation and the people is distant second or even third.
You know how you settle that? Facts and critical thinking. Decide what your values are and see which party disappoints you more.
Partisans will always cherry pick and twist facts to suit their own agenda and point of veiw.
If someone does, we will call them out. It's quite simple for me really. I want the minimum wage to increase. I want economic policies that benefit demand side economics. I want gay marriage to be legal. I think a woman has a right to choose. I want policies that benefit our infrastructure system. I want to tax the wealthy the most not because it's what fair, but whats realistic for paying for government spending of ANY type. Only democrats do those things.
Blah, Blah, Blah same old partisan talking points your simply doing what every other partisan right and left does stating talking points and your opinion and passing it off as fact. Of course as every partisan does you will deny this and continue to do it because in the mind of every partisan they are always right and everyone else is always wrong as I already said trying to convince a partisn of anything other than what they believe is a waste of time.
This shouldn't be difficult for you then. Name republican policies that benefit you and the country as a whole?
This is simple.

Demand-side economics is what benefits the entire nation. Supply side economics has proven to be only beneficial to the wealthy.
Demand-side economics is what benefits the entire nation.

More demand leads to less supply. Surely you can grasp that?
No, nothing about that makes any fucking sense you just wish it did. If business in general is doing well, as in people are buying shit, businesses MAKE MORE MONEY. That allows them the money to supply MORE to the consumer.
Using objective facts and/or statistics, make your argument. Be specific. Which party is the greater evil?

I know many of you like to say they are equally evil, but you are sorely mistaken. Just because you can find corruption on both sides of the aisle does not mean they are on the same level. One party undermines the country while the other is largely self-interested, but still proposes policies that benefit the nation as a whole.


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