Who Are The Palestinians " III "

Pretty typical behavior for Islamic terrorists. They even celebrate the deaths of their own children pushed into the gee-had.

I suspect that "escalation on the battlefield" would be an important step toward confronting Islamic terrorists.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) believes that integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into military operations presents "a leap forward," but researchers have raised concerns about the potential escalation AI would create on the battlefield.
As pointless as most of your silly rants.
What sickens me the most is the Israeli government sniper teams shooting children. This in itself, is a war crime
IDF shooting children
idf shooting children - Google Search

Israel destroying Palestinian fishing boats
Israel destroying Palestinian fishing boats - Google Search

illegal settlements
israel illegal settlements un - Google Search

I was once a devoted believer in Israel and defended them whenever/wherever I could.
Now I am a bit confused, should I ignore the above or not?

You tell me
What sickens me the most is the Israeli government sniper teams shooting children. This in itself, is a war crime
IDF shooting children
idf shooting children - Google Search

Israel destroying Palestinian fishing boats
Israel destroying Palestinian fishing boats - Google Search

illegal settlements
israel illegal settlements un - Google Search

I was once a devoted believer in Israel and defended them whenever/wherever I could.
Now I am a bit confused, should I ignore the above or not?

You tell me
You always have the option to join the gee-had and enact revenge on those evil Jooooos.
You always have the option to join the gee-had and enact revenge on those evil Jooooos.
Why would you say such a thing, are you an anti-semite-?
By the way, there are “Jews” and there are Israelis.

They are not one and the same so what jews are you referring too?
Why would you say such a thing, are you an anti-semite-?
By the way, there are “Jews” and there are Israelis.

They are not one and the same so what jews are you referring too?
Which "Jews" or Israelis do you hate with a greater burning passion?
One might think the international community would immediately halt welfare payments to Islamic terrorist syndicates that are little more than diseased religious cults.

When a violent, belligerent, politico-religious ideology is waging gee-had 1,400 years after the death of its inventor, this is what you get.

PLO pays Palestinians to erase Israel in Ramadan quizzes​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Apr 16, 2023
  • Quiz participants received monetary rewards for “right” answers, locating Israeli cities and sites “in Palestine”
As is its custom, official PA TV entertained Palestinians with quizzes during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. Contestants won monetary prizes merely by denying Israel's existence, giving a “right” wrong answer. The following are four examples of such quizzes:

Israel’s Mount Meron is “in Palestine”

Official PA TV host 1: “What is the highest mountain in Palestine, in the Upper Galilee (i.e., region in northern Israel)?”
Man: “Mt. Meron (i.e., a mountain in Israel near Safed).”
Host: “Good job.”
[Official PA TV, Hit the Singer, March 27, 2023]​
Yeah. They ambush and kill women.

It’s what they do.

Hamas TV Anchor Islam Saqr Praises The 'Brave' Palestinian Terrorist Who Murdered British-Israeli Mother And Her Two Daughters: The Scene Is Now Marked With Blood And Heroism​

Notice that few if any of you are up to the challenge of addressing the burning question:

“Who are the Canadians?”
As is its custom, official PA TV entertained Palestinians with quizzes during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. Contestants won monetary prizes merely by denying Israel's existence, giving a “right” wrong answer. The following are four examples of such quizzes:

Israel’s Mount Meron is “in Palestine”


Official PA TV host 1: “What is the highest mountain in Palestine, in the Upper Galilee (i.e., region in northern Israel)?”
Man: “Mt. Meron (i.e., a mountain in Israel near Safed).”
Host: “Good job.”
[Official PA TV, Hit the Singer, March 27, 2023]​

Having answered “correctly,” the man received an envelope from the host, evidently containing a monetary prize. Right answers in quizzes on the program Hit the Singer are usually awarded with $100.

Israeli city of Be’er Sheva is “in Palestine”


Official PA TV host: “Our question is about the geography of Palestine: What is the southernmost city in Palestine? Shall we give you options?”
Man: “Yes, please.”
Host: “Be’er Sheva or Ashkelon (i.e., both Israeli cities)?”
Man: “Be’er Sheva.”
Host: “Are you sure? Final answer?”
Man: “Allah willing.”
Host: “Certainly, right answer. Be’er Sheva is the southernmost city in Palestine. You have won a monetary prize from us, a gift of the PLO Department of Refugee [Affairs].”
[Official PA TV, From the Refugee Camp, March 26, 2023]​
The Israeli Sea of Galilee is “in Palestine”


(full article online)

As is its custom, official PA TV entertained Palestinians with quizzes during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. Contestants won monetary prizes merely by denying Israel's existence, giving a “right” wrong answer. The following are four examples of such quizzes:

Israel’s Mount Meron is “in Palestine”


Having answered “correctly,” the man received an envelope from the host, evidently containing a monetary prize. Right answers in quizzes on the program Hit the Singer are usually awarded with $100.

Israeli city of Be’er Sheva is “in Palestine”


The Israeli Sea of Galilee is “in Palestine”


(full article online)

The Palestinians are geographically correct.
AP wrote about the Palestinian teacher's strike a couple of weeks ago.

Palestinian public schools in the West Bank have been closed since Feb. 5 in one of the longest teachers’ strikes in recent memory against the cash-strapped Palestinian Authority. Teachers’ demands for a pay raise have escalated into a protest movement that has vexed the increasingly autocratic Palestinian self-rule government as it plunges deeper into an economic crisis.

The self-rule government, limping along as it struggles with an economic slowdown and soaring debt, argues it cannot afford to pay all its employees. Earlier this year, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right government further crippled the authority when it decided to deduct an additional 50 million shekels (over $14 million) each month from the tax revenues it collects on the Palestinians’ behalf, among other punitive measures.

“We are facing dangers from declining donor support and an enemy that denies our existence and perpetuates our financial crisis with unfair cuts,” said government spokesman Ibrahim Melhem. “We have done everything we can.”

Middle East Monitor reports that the EU has expressed concern:

The European Union (EU) called for an immediate solution on Friday to the ongoing two-month-long Palestinian teachers' strike.

"We are aware of the teachers' demands, as well as the chronic financial crisis facing the Palestinian Authority. We will continue our communication with the Palestinian government, and we will discuss the possibility of accelerating the disbursement of European contributions to help the Palestinian Authority in this critical situation," [the statement said.]

Seven percent of the PA budget goes to terrorists and their families. That is about $350 million a year. Those hundreds of millions of dollars would easily cover the teachers' demands for a 15% pay hike, which would cost only about $60 million a year. (Articles say that about 40,000 teachers are on strike and they average about $870 a month salary.)

If the Palestinian Authority would stop financially supporting terror, the teachers could be paid and a million students could return to school. And the PA would have hundreds of millions of dollars more for other essential services.

Yet no one dares suggest this.

Why not?

The EU is very concerned about the strike. They are in talks with the Palestinian leaders about it. Yet they don't even mention the simplest solution of ending "pay for slay" - instead blaming Israel for withholding tax revenue that is going towards terrorists and their kin.

For its part, the Palestinian government is telling its people that paying terrorists is an infinitely higher priority than educating children. And the children are getting the message loud and clear.

Additionally, some of these bored children decide to liven things up by attacking Israeli soldiers, with predictable results. Why not? School is for idiots - the adults say martyrdom is more important, and murderers make far more money than the suckers who stay in school and get a regular job when they graduate.

This is a deeply sick society that rewards murdering Jews and doesn't care about educating their own children. But that support for terror is so embedded in Palestinian life, and so accepted as normal, that its main funders don't even consider broaching the subject.

Neither does the World Bank. Neither does the International Monetary Fund. And the media simply calls this monetary support for terror "welfare payments."

Its much easier to blame Israel for the budget crisis than to blame the PA, since no one expects the PA to act like responsible adults with their money anyway.

As the Arabs-Moslems masquerading as pallys have a 1,400 year old history of Jew hatreds, yeah, they have an incentive beyond Nazi ideology to hate Jews.

Even the Nazi’s didn’t pay a reward for murdering Jews
Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Apr 18, 2023
On Israeli Holocaust Remembrance Day: Still today, murder of Jews is rewarded – not by the Nazis but by the PA

Today, on Israeli Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israel, the Jewish people around the world, and others mark the murder of 6,000,000 Jews by the Nazis. And still today, in 2023, there is an organization that rewards the murder of Jews and literally pays hundreds of millions of dollars every year in cash rewards, to people who participated in terror and murdered Jews, simply for being Jews. It is not the Nazis this time, but the PA.

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