Who Are The Palestinians " III "

I do not know if there was a " Who are the Palestinians 1" , as # 2 was definitely NOT about Who They Are, as the first post shows.

So, let us continue with our number "III", #2 has too many pages already, to discuss who those who call themselves Palestinians are, what their history, ideologies, dreams, goals, motives, etc are.

Are the leaders of the Palestinians actually working for a Palestinian State?
Are the leaders of the Palestinians actually taking care of their People?
Are the leaders of the Palestinians educating their populations for a future peace with Israel?
What is the difference in lifestyle between the Palestinians in Gaza and the PA ?
What is the difference in lifestyle between the poor and the rich in both places?
Does one have to belong to a certain clan in order to have a better life?
Does one have to be pro Hamas or the PA in order to have a better life?
Are all who live in Gaza and the PA civilians?
Do all Palestinians approve of their leaders?
What does the common Palestinian want?
Do Palestinians care if they work in Gaza or the PA, or are they willing to work in Israel, as they did before the Intifada?
How does the common Palestinian actually feel about Israel? Will they work there, seek health care or education in Israel if they can?

What is the role of UNWRA in the education of these populations? What do they teach? Are they involved with any other refugees?

What is the role of UNWRA, period, as there are fewer and fewer refugees from the 1948 war. Will there be a time when it could be dismantled?

So, many questions, and there are many more.
All the questions and answers do come out in the news, daily.

Now, discuss.

The PLO and Fatah want a 2 state solution. Hamas doesn't which is why Israel has propped them up since 1987.
The PLO and Fatah want a 2 state solution. Hamas doesn't which is why Israel has propped them up since 1987.
PLO was founded in 1964 when Egypt had Gaza and Jordan had Judea and Samaria.

PLO was not formed in 1964 to liberate Gaza from Egypt, or Judea and Samaria from Jordan to form a Palestinian State (which had been offered in 1937 and 1947) but to LIBERATE Israel from the Jews.

Why you lie, and lie and lie is beyond comprehension, when it is all as clear as clear water.
Advise the doctor to look at a map of Jewish only settlements in the occupied West Bank.
Judea and Samaria are NOT occupied by Jews. Jews are the indigenous people and Arabs are the colonizing invaders who cannot allow Jews to be sovereign of their own Jewish homeland.

All PA has to do is follow the Oslo Accord they signed, stop with incitement and violence, educate their population to live in peace with their neighbors and they can have a wonderful Emirate, or anything else they like, which can be the pride of the ME.
Advise the doctor to look at a map of Jewish only settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Why don’t you save yourself, and the rest of us, a lot of time and energy, and just admit you hate Jews?

And leave it at that.

Alana Hadid: ‘Gaza has given me a greater understanding of the Nakba’ | Real Talk​


Palestinian Ambassador to Ireland impassioned speech to packed solidarity meeting in Belfast.​


Member of Palestinian Legislative Council on ICJ Ruling, Aid Suspension, and Global Solidarity​


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