Who Are The Palestinians?

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The Palestinians are a people who were displaced by the Israelis.
The Palestinians are a ragtag collection of diverse ethnic and tribal elements - some present upon the soil of Old Palestine for generations, some only recently arrived within the past century or so, looking for work on new Jewish-owned farms and enterprises - never a nation - never a self-governing nor even self-aware polity - using an identifying label only popularized within Living Memory by radicals trying to rewrite history and outcomes long after the smoke had cleared - a collective that ran like rabbits, and who have been such under-performers that they would rather rot in camps and refugee towns for generations rather than get off their asses and move away and make new lives for themselves and their families - a cowardly and despicable lot who embed war assets amongst their civilian population and who routinely hide behind the the skirts of their women and children - a failed people-wannabe, whom Nature has largely de-selected - a gaggle of folk who have routinely made some of the very worst political and societal decisions on record in recent times - who never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity - basically, a collection of losers.

The Palestinians are a people who were displaced by the Israelis.
The Palestinians are a ragtag collection of diverse ethnic and tribal elements - some present upon the soil of Old Palestine for generations, some only recently arrived within the past century or so, looking for work on new Jewish-owned farms and enterprises - never a nation - never a self-governing nor even self-aware polity - using an identifying label only popularized within Living Memory by radicals trying to rewrite history and outcomes long after the smoke had cleared - a collective that ran like rabbits, and who have been such under-performers that they would rather rot in camps and refugee towns for generations rather than get off their asses and move away and make new lives for themselves and their families - a cowardly and despicable lot who embed war assets amongst their civilian population and who routinely hide behind the the skirts of their women and children - a failed people-wannabe, whom Nature has largely de-selected - a gaggle of folk who have routinely made some of the very worst political and societal decisions on record in recent times - who never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity - basically, a collection of losers.

The Israelis, too, were a "ragtag" collection of European misfits who Europeans were eager to aid in the exodus from Europe into the Mideast. Why else would Britain have gone to all that time, expense, and effort to blast a pathway from Europe and usher the Israelis on their way? Nevertheless, your description of the Palestinians could easily be applied to the Israelis.

The Palestinians are a people who were displaced by the Israelis.
The Palestinians are a ragtag collection of diverse ethnic and tribal elements - some present upon the soil of Old Palestine for generations, some only recently arrived within the past century or so, looking for work on new Jewish-owned farms and enterprises - never a nation - never a self-governing nor even self-aware polity - using an identifying label only popularized within Living Memory by radicals trying to rewrite history and outcomes long after the smoke had cleared - a collective that ran like rabbits, and who have been such under-performers that they would rather rot in camps and refugee towns for generations rather than get off their asses and move away and make new lives for themselves and their families - a cowardly and despicable lot who embed war assets amongst their civilian population and who routinely hide behind the the skirts of their women and children - a failed people-wannabe, whom Nature has largely de-selected - a gaggle of folk who have routinely made some of the very worst political and societal decisions on record in recent times - who never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity - basically, a collection of losers.

The Israelis, too, were a "ragtag" collection of European misfits who Europeans were eager to aid in the exodus from Europe into the Mideast. Why else would Britain have gone to all that time, expense, and effort to blast a pathway from Europe and usher the Israelis on their way? Nevertheless, your description of the Palestinians could easily be applied to the Israelis.
Of course...
Nevertheless, your description of the Palestinians could easily be applied to the Israelis.

Uh huh. Sure. Funny thing that. The Israelis have done something for themselves. When kicked out of the neighboring countries, did their brethren lock them into refugee camps to be used a political fodder? Nope, they assimilated and became somebody. A nation of somebodies.
Nevertheless, your description of the Palestinians could easily be applied to the Israelis.

Uh huh. Sure. Funny thing that. The Israelis have done something for themselves. When kicked out of the neighboring countries, did their brethren lock them into refugee camps to be used a political fodder? Nope, they assimilated and became somebody. A nation of somebodies.

No one can deny all of Israel's endless positive contributions to mankind throughout the world. But in all fairness, let us also consider the Palestinian contributions to humanity.
Hmmm . . . . considering . . . .um. Can't think of one. Well, not a positive one anyway.
Only after 1960 when the Russians told Arafat to use the term to give his terrorist movement some legitamcy. Befors then as far as the arab muslims were concerned it was a nasty word describing Jews.


Well, that is fascinating....especially considering that in 1920 there were two newspapers using the word 'Palestinian' in there title, and both newspapers were printed in Arabic.

Can you explain this for us?

btw. I am now asking you for the third time when the League of Nations owned Palestine, or would you like to retract you utter nonsensical statement?

Were they, or were they printed in Hebrew and English as well. Care to name them and were they were printed and by whom

And I answered they gained ownership in 1919 when the axis powers surrendered and much of their land was confiscated as reparation for WW1.
Nice duck.

Why don't you answer her question?

I did as they took control in 1919 under the terms of the surrender. Why don't you show that the LoN did not take control of ALL THE MANDATED LAND AROUND THE WORLD
OK, they took control but that does not answer the question.

Yes it does as from that time until now the land was under LoN ownership legal and above board. Until the Palestinians take full responsibility for the land then it is ownerless and anyone can settle it. All down to CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW.
Phoenell -

You do know that neither the League of Nations nor the UN has ever had the mandate to own land, right?

They're not a real estate agency.
A Dunam is 1000 square meters, as stated. The Non-Jews owned 24,679,455 Dunams the Jews 1,514,247 Dunams. I know that when your propaganda bubble is burst it is difficult, but that is the fact.

So what. The Jews have pushed the Palestinians out, and created a far better society.

Pushed out, you say? You're a Zionist s**th**d but never let it be said that you're not an honest Zionist s**th**d. ~ Susan

Hey Pish, did you know that "a Mexican is an American"? If you don't believe me just ask Monte. Heh Heh.

All people from the Americas are American you idiot. You deny the existence of Palestinians now you deny the existence Latin America.

Wrong as American is a recent affectation, much like arab Palestinian is. Before the migrants were called Americans the natives called themselves other terms like Inca, Mayan, Cherokee, Sioux etc. So once again Mohamed shows that he is the idiot
Only after 1960 when the Russians told Arafat to use the term to give his terrorist movement some legitamcy. Befors then as far as the arab muslims were concerned it was a nasty word describing Jews.


Well, that is fascinating....especially considering that in 1920 there were two newspapers using the word 'Palestinian' in there title, and both newspapers were printed in Arabic.

Can you explain this for us?

btw. I am now asking you for the third time when the League of Nations owned Palestine, or would you like to retract you utter nonsensical statement?

Were they, or were they printed in Hebrew and English as well. Care to name them and were they were printed and by whom

And I answered they gained ownership in 1919 when the axis powers surrendered and much of their land was confiscated as reparation for WW1.
Nice duck.

Why don't you answer her question?

I have as the LoN took ownership of the land from the Ottomans.
Phoenell -

You do know that neither the League of Nations nor the UN has ever had the mandate to own land, right?

They're not a real estate agency.

They didn't need a mandate they owned the land under customary international law. They issued the mandates to the nations who were appointed caretakers of the land until the indigenous showed enough free determination to be able to govern themselves. In 1919 the law was any land won in battle was the victors spoils to do with as they wanted, so making Palestine LoN land as they were the victors. Look up the history of the LoN and see when they were formed and for what purpose.
Phoenall -

No, they don't land and they never have and never will. The UN has never had that power, and neither did the League of Nations.

Likewise, the UN cannot make laws, cannot implement laws and cannot take over governments.

What you sare saying is simply nonsense - and I have to say this isn't the first time. Please check facts before you post, and also please acknowledge mistakes in your posts when they are pointed out to you.

The Palestinians are a people who were displaced by the Israelis.
The Palestinians are a ragtag collection of diverse ethnic and tribal elements - some present upon the soil of Old Palestine for generations, some only recently arrived within the past century or so, looking for work on new Jewish-owned farms and enterprises - never a nation - never a self-governing nor even self-aware polity - using an identifying label only popularized within Living Memory by radicals trying to rewrite history and outcomes long after the smoke had cleared - a collective that ran like rabbits, and who have been such under-performers that they would rather rot in camps and refugee towns for generations rather than get off their asses and move away and make new lives for themselves and their families - a cowardly and despicable lot who embed war assets amongst their civilian population and who routinely hide behind the the skirts of their women and children - a failed people-wannabe, whom Nature has largely de-selected - a gaggle of folk who have routinely made some of the very worst political and societal decisions on record in recent times - who never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity - basically, a collection of losers.

The invading Jews are the recent arrivals and the Arabs, Christian and Muslims have always been there as confirmed by the Mandatory:

"There are now in the whole of Palestine hardly 700,000 people, a population much less than that of the province of Gallilee alone in the time of Christ.* (*See Sir George Adam Smith "Historical Geography of the Holy Land", Chap. 20.) Of these 235,000 live in the larger towns, 465,000 in the smaller towns and villages. Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants.

The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921
"There are now in the whole of Palestine hardly 700,000 people, a population much less than that of the province of Gallilee alone in the time of Christ.* (*See Sir George Adam Smith "Historical Geography of the Holy Land", Chap. 20.) Of these 235,000 live in the larger towns, 465,000 in the smaller towns and villages. Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants. The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921
And all arab settlers found, turned out to be "saudi sheikhs" to own(!) 90(%) of the mandate palestine!
"There are now in the whole of Palestine hardly 700,000 people, a population much less than that of the province of Gallilee alone in the time of Christ.* (*See Sir George Adam Smith "Historical Geography of the Holy Land", Chap. 20.) Of these 235,000 live in the larger towns, 465,000 in the smaller towns and villages. Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants. The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921
And all arab settlers found, turned out to be "saudi sheikhs" to own(!) 90(%) of the mandate palestine!

There were few Arab settlers. The settlers were the Jews. There were no Saudi owners, quit making things up, Saudis didn't have a pot to piss in those days anyway you idiot. You need to get out more. Oh, now make you look like an idiot again as stated by the Mandatory Jew increase by migration, 245,433, Muslim increase thru migration 25,168, Christian increase thru migration 10,414. Nearly ten times more Jews migrated to Palestine than Christians and Muslims.

All religions.Muslims Jews Christians.
Total increase
of population
Increase by










- See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the LoN 31 December 1937
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"There are now in the whole of Palestine hardly 700,000 people, a population much less than that of the province of Gallilee alone in the time of Christ.* (*See Sir George Adam Smith "Historical Geography of the Holy Land", Chap. 20.) Of these 235,000 live in the larger towns, 465,000 in the smaller towns and villages. Four-fifths of the whole population are Moslems. A small proportion of these are Bedouin Arabs; the remainder, although they speak Arabic and are termed Arabs, are largely of mixed race. Some 77,000 of the population are Christians, in large majority belonging to the Orthodox Church, and speaking Arabic. The minority are members of the Latin or of the Uniate Greek Catholic Church, or--a small number--are Protestants. The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921
And all arab settlers found, turned out to be "saudi sheikhs" to own(!) 90(%) of the mandate palestine!

No Saudi sheiks I'm afraid. Only Palestinians. Plus Saudis were poor back in those days.
All religions.Muslims Jews Christians.
Total increase
of population
Increase by










- See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the LoN 31 December 1937
"So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population." Winnie Chrurchill
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