Who Are The Palestinians?

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A Dunam is 1000 square meters, as stated. The Non-Jews owned 24,679,455 Dunams the Jews 1,514,247 Dunams. I know that when your propaganda bubble is burst it is difficult, but that is the fact.

So what. The Jews have pushed the Palestinians out, and created a far better society.

Pushed out, you say? You're a Zionist s**th**d but never let it be said that you're not an honest Zionist s**th**d. ~ Susan

Hey Pish, did you know that "a Mexican is an American"? If you don't believe me just ask Monte. Heh Heh.

All people from the Americas are American you idiot. You deny the existence of Palestinians now you deny the existence Latin America.

Canadian, Mexicans, Hondurans, Colombians, Brazilians, etc.

Those from the USA are americans
A Dunam is 1000 square meters, as stated. The Non-Jews owned 24,679,455 Dunams the Jews 1,514,247 Dunams. I know that when your propaganda bubble is burst it is difficult, but that is the fact.

So what. The Jews have pushed the Palestinians out, and created a far better society.

Pushed out, you say? You're a Zionist s**th**d but never let it be said that you're not an honest Zionist s**th**d. ~ Susan

Hey Pish, did you know that "a Mexican is an American"? If you don't believe me just ask Monte. Heh Heh.

All people from the Americas are American you idiot. You deny the existence of Palestinians now you deny the existence Latin America.

You are so funny Monte. Got news for you. Americans are Americans & Mexicans are Mexicans.
A Dunam is 1000 square meters, as stated. The Non-Jews owned 24,679,455 Dunams the Jews 1,514,247 Dunams. I know that when your propaganda bubble is burst it is difficult, but that is the fact.

So what. The Jews have pushed the Palestinians out, and created a far better society.

Pushed out, you say? You're a Zionist s**th**d but never let it be said that you're not an honest Zionist s**th**d. ~ Susan

Hey Pish, did you know that "a Mexican is an American"? If you don't believe me just ask Monte. Heh Heh.

All people from the Americas are American you idiot. You deny the existence of Palestinians now you deny the existence Latin America.

You are so funny Monte. Got news for you. Americans are Americans & Mexicans are Mexicans.

Ask a US citizen what nationaly he or she is & he or she will reply --- American. Ask a Mexican citizen what nationality he or she is & he or she will reply --- Mexican. Get it yet Monte?
Here is the real land ownership data as registered by the British from deeds and registries and contained in the Palestine Survey submitted to the UN prior to partition. As can be seen the Jews owned less than 10% of the land and the non-Jews over 90%.

View attachment 32799

I love it every time you drag this picture out. Because every time you do, I really have to wonder how the Arabs owned more land when the Jews owed more taxes . . . . proven so by your own picture.
More propaganda Hoss. Trans-Jordan was never part of Palestine. It was always a separate territory. I have linked to official LoN documents that make it clear. It is your typical Zionist propaganda that assholes like you either believe or repeat because you have nothing else to cling to.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. The original Mandate for Palestine included Trans-Jordan. It was later split off to honor both the Balfour declaration for the Jews and the McMahon-Hussein correspondence for the Arab Muslims.

Article 25 of the mandate recognised the McMahon-Hussein correspondence.[53] It permitted the mandatory to "postpone or withhold application of such provisions of the mandate as he may consider inapplicable to the existing local conditions" in that region.
On submission of the memorandum to the Council of the League of Nations, Balfour explained the background as recorded in the minutes: "Lord Balfour reminded his colleagues that Article 25 of the mandate for Palestine as approved by the Council in London on July 24th, 1922, provides that the territories in Palestine which lie east of the Jordan should be under a somewhat different regime from the rest of Palestine. ... The British Government now merely proposed to carry out this article. It had always been part of the policy contemplated by the League and accepted by the British Government, and the latter now desired to carry it into effect. In pursuance of the policy, embodied in Article 25, Lord Balfour invited the Council to pass a series of resolutions which modified the mandate as regards those territories. The object of these resolutions was to withdraw from Trans-Jordania the special provisions which were intended to provide a national home for the Jews west of the Jordan."[55]

Link: British Mandate for Palestine legal instrument - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The first Palestine Citizenship Order was enacted by Britain on 24 July 1925; it was the first official enactment that outlined the legal definition of a Palestinian. Its first article defined a Palestinian as a "Turkish subject habitually resident in the territory of Palestine."

History of Palestinian nationality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Interesting article Timnore, however, right at the very beginning of it, there is this disclaimer:


[hide]This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page.
This article is written like a personal reflection or opinion essay that states the Wikipedia editor's particular feelings about a topic, rather than the opinions of experts. (September 2008)
btw. I am now asking you for the third time when the League of Nations owned Palestine, or would you like to retract you utter nonsensical statement?

And I answered they gained ownership in 1919 when the axis powers surrendered and much of their land was confiscated as reparation for WW1.
Nice duck.

Why don't you answer her question?

I would call the question answered you quack.
1. From Ottoman subjects into Palestinian citizens Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine upon the 1st day of August, 1925, shall become Palestinian citizens.

This is what Article 1, Clause (1), of the 1925 Palestinian Citizenship Order declared with regard to those persons who formed, according to domestic law, the first ‘Palestinians’. 486 As already concluded in Chapter III above, the ‘Palestinian people’ had been defined according to international law on 6 August 1924, the date at which the Treaty of Lausanne was enforced. Hence, the just quoted clause was a mere declaration of pre-existing international law.

This clause refers to the automatic, or ipso facto, acquisition of Palestinian citizenship by those persons resident in Palestine who had replaced their former Turkish, or Ottoman, nationality. Although the term ‘ipso facto’ is not literally employed, it should be easily understood as the clause is a direct application of Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne, 1923, which stated that “Turkish subjects habitually resident in territory which... is detached from Turkey will become ipso facto... nationals...”.487 Thus, Turkish individuals who were covered by this clause became Palestinians by the operation of law without further action.

A Dunam is 1000 square meters, as stated. The Non-Jews owned 24,679,455 Dunams the Jews 1,514,247 Dunams. I know that when your propaganda bubble is burst it is difficult, but that is the fact.

So what. The Jews have pushed the Palestinians out, and created a far better society.

Pushed out, you say? You're a Zionist s**th**d but never let it be said that you're not an honest Zionist s**th**d. ~ Susan

Hey Pish, did you know that "a Mexican is an American"? If you don't believe me just ask Monte. Heh Heh.

All people from the Americas are American you idiot. You deny the existence of Palestinians now you deny the existence Latin America.

OMG you stupid monkey.

Have you ever heard a Brazilian being referred to as an American ? Brazil is in South America, but calling someone American is referring to the country called America AKA United States of America.

What was that about you being smarter then everyone ? LOL
A Dunam is 1000 square meters, as stated. The Non-Jews owned 24,679,455 Dunams the Jews 1,514,247 Dunams. I know that when your propaganda bubble is burst it is difficult, but that is the fact.

So what. The Jews have pushed the Palestinians out, and created a far better society.

Pushed out, you say? You're a Zionist s**th**d but never let it be said that you're not an honest Zionist s**th**d. ~ Susan

Hey Pish, did you know that "a Mexican is an American"? If you don't believe me just ask Monte. Heh Heh.

All people from the Americas are American you idiot. You deny the existence of Palestinians now you deny the existence Latin America.

OMG you stupid monkey.

Have you ever heard a Brazilian being referred to as an American ? Brazil is in South America, but calling someone American is referring to the country called America AKA United States of America.

What was that about you being smarter then everyone ? LOL

Just goes to prove that one need not necessarily have to be a Palestinian to have a Palestinian mentality.
And there was no arab muslim ownership of Palestine from 1099 until 1988. And there second most holy place "allegedly" was allowed to fall into ruin 3 times while islam was in control of the land.


So you are saying that it is false that most kibbutzim and moshavim were settled on land legally bought from Arabic owners during the period 1899 - 1935?

I have now read perhaps 10 comments from you - everyone one them contains horrendous errors of facts. If you don't know the facts - do not make them up around people who know better.

Here is the real land ownership data as registered by the British from deeds and registries and contained in the Palestine Survey submitted to the UN prior to partition. As can be seen the Jews owned less than 10% of the land and the non-Jews over 90%.

View attachment 32799

Tthe overwhelming majority of Palestinians are just a bunch of squatters living on Israel's land for generations now without any titles or deeds whatsoever. Want peace? This land theft has to end.

Over 90% of the land was owned by non-Jewish Palestinians as per below:

View attachment 32808

Monti's record is broken. Jews according to his golden land document shows that even owning a fraction of the land compared to public and church land they paid a much higher tax.
A lot of the land was that was not jewish was uncultivated.
So what does you precious book page prove? It does not prove the amount or value of land owned by palestinian arab. It just was not privately owned by jews. The way the land and tax are given is highly suspect by just saying jew or not jew.
Your mantra is stale and racist. It does not prove of any benefit to your anti-jewish argument.
With the wealth of information on the net, you keep repeating a useless page as if it were your bible. Time to find a new book.
I used to have close to a hundred books from the 1800's on related in some way to the middle east. Unfortunately between war, moving and natural disaster I no longer have them. Wish I could have scanned and translated most of them back then. Still more and more books and information are added to the net and public library weekly. Find a new song to sing that helps your argument.
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