Who Are The Palestinians?

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When a Mexican that can't speak English proclaims to be an American (through an interpreter) and threatens me, I have to laugh. Who decides WHOM is what? Screw Palestine.

A Mexican is by definition an American. Most Americans speak Spanish or Portuguese, not English.

farthest land or new land is a general term. When most people speak of american, they are speaking of north american or USA.
Central americans would include mexican. Brazil is the largest portuguese speaking country and 200,000,000. English is the largest spoken language in North American at 500,000,000 (300,000,000+ in the USA).

Jew propaganda as usual. Have you ever posted anything from a neutral site? Ever? It's like posting links to the protocols of Zion. You should be banned for linking to racist sites.
That's your answer to everything.

Why don't you point out what you consider to be propaganda and what you consider to be false in the article ....

There are 2 falsehoods in the first paragraph why go any further?

1. The Latin Kingdom was a sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital. The Palestinian Christians of the Latin faith today (and many converts to slam) are the heirs of the Kingdom.

2. The Palestinian Christians and Muslims called themselves Palestinian long before 1964 as the first paragraph of this crap propaganda pieces states. There is written evidence from 1922.

A letter from the Palestinian Delegation in London to the British written in 1922.

"no constitution which would fall short of giving the People of Palestine full control of their own affairs could be acceptable."- See more at: UK correspondence with Palestine Arab Delegation and Zionist Organization British policy in Palestine Churchill White Paper - UK documentation Cmd. 1700 Non-UN document excerpts 1 July 1922

Jew propaganda as usual. Have you ever posted anything from a neutral site? Ever? It's like posting links to the protocols of Zion. You should be banned for linking to racist sites.
That's your answer to everything.

Why don't you point out what you consider to be propaganda and what you consider to be false in the article ....

There are 2 falsehoods in the first paragraph why go any further?

1. The Latin Kingdom was a sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital. The Palestinian Christians of the Latin faith (and many converts to Islam) are the heirs of the Kingdom.

2. The propaganda piece claims there were no Palestinians prior to 1964. There are letters from the Palestinian Delegation to London to the British from 1922 that contradict this propaganda. It is a complete piece of trash propaganda that Goebbels would be proud of, but inevitably you will believe, you dunce.

"If the British Government would revise their present policy in Palestine, end the Zionist con-dominium, put a stop to all alien immigration and grant the People of Palestine — who by Right and Experience are the best judges of what is good and bad to their country — Executive and Legislative powers, the terms of a constitution could be discussed in a different atmosphere. If to-day the People of Palestine assented to any constitution which fell short of giving them full control of their own affairs they would be in the position of agreeing to an instrument of Government which might, and probably would, be used to smother their national life under a flood of alien immigration."-

See more at: UK correspondence with Palestine Arab Delegation and Zionist Organization British policy in Palestine Churchill White Paper - UK documentation Cmd. 1700 Non-UN document excerpts 1 July 1922

1) The first paragraph says there was never a sovereign state called Palestine.That is 100% true. IT does not mention a kingdom

2) No, the people were not referred to as Palestinians until 1964. Your link says 'People of Palestine' , not 'Palestinians you uneducated propaganda spewing liar.

So once again, you were wrong. Lets try again. Which part of the article do you consider propaganda and untrue ?

1. So a kingdom is not a sovereign state? What a tool you are. So, the UK isn't a state.

2. So the "People of Palestine" are not Palestinians? Isn't that a stretch even for a moron like you.

You do realize you are making a fool of yourself.
The first Palestine Citizenship Order was enacted by Britain on 24 July 1925; it was the first official enactment that outlined the legal definition of a Palestinian. Its first article defined a Palestinian as a "Turkish subject habitually resident in the territory of Palestine."

History of Palestinian nationality - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Jew propaganda as usual. Have you ever posted anything from a neutral site? Ever? It's like posting links to the protocols of Zion. You should be banned for linking to racist sites.
That's your answer to everything.

Why don't you point out what you consider to be propaganda and what you consider to be false in the article ....

There are 2 falsehoods in the first paragraph why go any further?

1. The Latin Kingdom was a sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital. The Palestinian Christians of the Latin faith today (and many converts to slam) are the heirs of the Kingdom.

2. The Palestinian Christians and Muslims called themselves Palestinian long before 1964 as the first paragraph of this crap propaganda pieces states. There is written evidence from 1922.

A letter from the Palestinian Delegation in London to the British written in 1922.

"no constitution which would fall short of giving the People of Palestine full control of their own affairs could be acceptable."- See more at: UK correspondence with Palestine Arab Delegation and Zionist Organization British policy in Palestine Churchill White Paper - UK documentation Cmd. 1700 Non-UN document excerpts 1 July 1922

Jew propaganda as usual. Have you ever posted anything from a neutral site? Ever? It's like posting links to the protocols of Zion. You should be banned for linking to racist sites.
That's your answer to everything.

Why don't you point out what you consider to be propaganda and what you consider to be false in the article ....

There are 2 falsehoods in the first paragraph why go any further?

1. The Latin Kingdom was a sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital. The Palestinian Christians of the Latin faith (and many converts to Islam) are the heirs of the Kingdom.

2. The propaganda piece claims there were no Palestinians prior to 1964. There are letters from the Palestinian Delegation to London to the British from 1922 that contradict this propaganda. It is a complete piece of trash propaganda that Goebbels would be proud of, but inevitably you will believe, you dunce.

"If the British Government would revise their present policy in Palestine, end the Zionist con-dominium, put a stop to all alien immigration and grant the People of Palestine — who by Right and Experience are the best judges of what is good and bad to their country — Executive and Legislative powers, the terms of a constitution could be discussed in a different atmosphere. If to-day the People of Palestine assented to any constitution which fell short of giving them full control of their own affairs they would be in the position of agreeing to an instrument of Government which might, and probably would, be used to smother their national life under a flood of alien immigration."-

See more at: UK correspondence with Palestine Arab Delegation and Zionist Organization British policy in Palestine Churchill White Paper - UK documentation Cmd. 1700 Non-UN document excerpts 1 July 1922

1) The first paragraph says there was never a sovereign state called Palestine.That is 100% true. IT does not mention a kingdom

2) No, the people were not referred to as Palestinians until 1964. Your link says 'People of Palestine' , not 'Palestinians you uneducated propaganda spewing liar.

So once again, you were wrong. Lets try again. Which part of the article do you consider propaganda and untrue ?

1. So a kingdom is not a sovereign state? What a tool you are. So, the UK isn't a state.

2. So the "People of Palestine" are not Palestinians? Isn't that a stretch even for a moron like you.

You do realize you are making a fool of yourself.

You are a massive failure!

1) The article said there was NEVER A PALESTINIAN SOVEREIGN STATE. I never said the kingdom is not a sovereign state.What's the matter with you ???. Learn how to read before you respond to me you deluded idiot.

2) The People of Palestine were referred to as Arabs before the 1960's. Finding a link that says 'People of Palestine' means nothing

So, you make a massive fool out of yourself but accuse me of doing so. Interesting. Clown
When a Mexican that can't speak English proclaims to be an American (through an interpreter) and threatens me, I have to laugh. Who decides WHOM is what? Screw Palestine.

A Mexican is by definition an American. Most Americans speak Spanish or Portuguese, not English.

farthest land or new land is a general term. When most people speak of american, they are speaking of north american or USA.
Central americans would include mexican. Brazil is the largest portuguese speaking country and 200,000,000. English is the largest spoken language in North American at 500,000,000 (300,000,000+ in the USA).

Mexico is in North America. I see you haven't been to Latin America. I go there often and have lived there. North Americans are not referred to as Americans in the Americas outside of Canada and the US. They are either gringos or norte americanos.

Don't spar with me on these things. I am far smarter than you are. English is second to Spanish in the Americas and more than twice the people speak Spanish and Portuguese than English. This link is in Spanish but you can figure it out.

  • El español es hablado por más de 372 millones de personas, concentrándose principalmente en México, Centroamérica y Sudamérica. Existen además importantes comunidades hispanoparlantes en Estados Unidos y algunas islas del Caribe.
  • El inglés es hablado por unos 325 millones de personas. Es el idioma más hablado en Estados Unidos y es oficial en Canadá, Belice, Guyana, las Islas Malvinas y algunos territorios antillanos. En Puerto Rico está presente como segundo idioma oficial.
  • El portugués es el idioma oficial de Brasil, con un total de más de 185 millones de parlantes.
Lenguaje lengua y habla Idiomas m s hablados y m s importantes de Am rica

So you are saying that it is false that most kibbutzim and moshavim were settled on land legally bought from Arabic owners during the period 1899 - 1935?

I have now read perhaps 10 comments from you - everyone one them contains horrendous errors of facts. If you don't know the facts - do not make them up around people who know better.

Here is the real land ownership data as registered by the British from deeds and registries and contained in the Palestine Survey submitted to the UN prior to partition. As can be seen the Jews owned less than 10% of the land and the non-Jews over 90%.

View attachment 32799

As to the population of this area, the 1911 Encyclopedia lists it as follows:

The total population of the country is roughly estimated at 650,000, but no authentic official census exists from which satisfactory information on this point is obtainable. Some two-thirds of this number are Moslems, the rest Christians of various sects, and Jews. The largest town in Palestine is Jerusalem, estimated to contain a population of about 60,000. The other towns of above Io,000 inhabitants are Jaffa (45,000), Gaza (35,000), Safed (30,000), Nablus (25,000), Kerak (20,000), Hebron (18,500), Es-Salt (15,000), Acre (11,000), Nazareth (11,000).
Palestine - Encyclopedia

That is to say, way less than one-third of the population were Jews and in my opinion, it is safe to say that hardly any of them were of the troublemaking, Johnny-come-later Ashkenazim variety. ~ Susan
You back to the 1911 Encyclopedia which you kept on referring to constantly and someone researched it and found out that you were putting in words that were never there? Where did all these Arabs come from? They probably came from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, etc. when the Jews had jobs for them (as the British officials in the area reported), the same way the Arabs are flooding into Europe for jobs in today's world. Do you even see all the new immigrants who are coming to America for jobs, Pishy?

Do you like making a fool of yourself? I provided an online link to the 1911 Encyclopedia for the information that I quoted from it. What words did I put in that were never there?
Why the 1911 edition? Don't like the modern version?

It's impartial since it came out at a time when there was no Israel to have influence in American affairs.
When a Mexican that can't speak English proclaims to be an American (through an interpreter) and threatens me, I have to laugh. Who decides WHOM is what? Screw Palestine.

A Mexican is by definition an American. Most Americans speak Spanish or Portuguese, not English.

farthest land or new land is a general term. When most people speak of american, they are speaking of north american or USA.
Central americans would include mexican. Brazil is the largest portuguese speaking country and 200,000,000. English is the largest spoken language in North American at 500,000,000 (300,000,000+ in the USA).

Mexico is in North America. I see you haven't been to Latin America. I go there often and have lived there. North Americans are not referred to as Americans in the Americas outside of Canada and the US. They are either gringos or norte americanos.

Don't spar with me on these things. I am far smarter than you are. English is second to Spanish in the Americas and more than twice the people speak Spanish and Portuguese than English. This link is in Spanish but you can figure it out.

  • El español es hablado por más de 372 millones de personas, concentrándose principalmente en México, Centroamérica y Sudamérica. Existen además importantes comunidades hispanoparlantes en Estados Unidos y algunas islas del Caribe.
  • El inglés es hablado por unos 325 millones de personas. Es el idioma más hablado en Estados Unidos y es oficial en Canadá, Belice, Guyana, las Islas Malvinas y algunos territorios antillanos. En Puerto Rico está presente como segundo idioma oficial.
  • El portugués es el idioma oficial de Brasil, con un total de más de 185 millones de parlantes.
Lenguaje lengua y habla Idiomas m s hablados y m s importantes de Am rica
Pompous ass. :blahblah:
Jew propaganda as usual. Have you ever posted anything from a neutral site? Ever? It's like posting links to the protocols of Zion. You should be banned for linking to racist sites.
That's your answer to everything.

Why don't you point out what you consider to be propaganda and what you consider to be false in the article ....

There are 2 falsehoods in the first paragraph why go any further?

1. The Latin Kingdom was a sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital. The Palestinian Christians of the Latin faith today (and many converts to slam) are the heirs of the Kingdom.

2. The Palestinian Christians and Muslims called themselves Palestinian long before 1964 as the first paragraph of this crap propaganda pieces states. There is written evidence from 1922.

A letter from the Palestinian Delegation in London to the British written in 1922.

"no constitution which would fall short of giving the People of Palestine full control of their own affairs could be acceptable."- See more at: UK correspondence with Palestine Arab Delegation and Zionist Organization British policy in Palestine Churchill White Paper - UK documentation Cmd. 1700 Non-UN document excerpts 1 July 1922
Jew propaganda as usual. Have you ever posted anything from a neutral site? Ever? It's like posting links to the protocols of Zion. You should be banned for linking to racist sites.
That's your answer to everything.

Why don't you point out what you consider to be propaganda and what you consider to be false in the article ....

There are 2 falsehoods in the first paragraph why go any further?

1. The Latin Kingdom was a sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital. The Palestinian Christians of the Latin faith (and many converts to Islam) are the heirs of the Kingdom.

2. The propaganda piece claims there were no Palestinians prior to 1964. There are letters from the Palestinian Delegation to London to the British from 1922 that contradict this propaganda. It is a complete piece of trash propaganda that Goebbels would be proud of, but inevitably you will believe, you dunce.

"If the British Government would revise their present policy in Palestine, end the Zionist con-dominium, put a stop to all alien immigration and grant the People of Palestine — who by Right and Experience are the best judges of what is good and bad to their country — Executive and Legislative powers, the terms of a constitution could be discussed in a different atmosphere. If to-day the People of Palestine assented to any constitution which fell short of giving them full control of their own affairs they would be in the position of agreeing to an instrument of Government which might, and probably would, be used to smother their national life under a flood of alien immigration."-

See more at: UK correspondence with Palestine Arab Delegation and Zionist Organization British policy in Palestine Churchill White Paper - UK documentation Cmd. 1700 Non-UN document excerpts 1 July 1922

1) The first paragraph says there was never a sovereign state called Palestine.That is 100% true. IT does not mention a kingdom

2) No, the people were not referred to as Palestinians until 1964. Your link says 'People of Palestine' , not 'Palestinians you uneducated propaganda spewing liar.

So once again, you were wrong. Lets try again. Which part of the article do you consider propaganda and untrue ?

1. So a kingdom is not a sovereign state? What a tool you are. So, the UK isn't a state.

2. So the "People of Palestine" are not Palestinians? Isn't that a stretch even for a moron like you.

You do realize you are making a fool of yourself.

You are a massive failure!

1) The article said there was NEVER A PALESTINIAN SOVEREIGN STATE. I never said the kingdom is not a sovereign state.What's the matter with you ???. Learn how to read before you respond to me you deluded idiot.

2) The People of Palestine were referred to as Arabs before the 1960's. Finding a link that says 'People of Palestine' means nothing

So, you make a massive fool out of yourself but accuse me of doing so. Interesting. Clown

What's interesting is that Tinmore added to your misery, fool. You are making a fool of yourself, keep digging.

So, you claim that a Kingdom ruled by Christians in Palestine is not a sovereign state? Who do you think the Palestinian Christians are you moron?
Here is the real land ownership data as registered by the British from deeds and registries and contained in the Palestine Survey submitted to the UN prior to partition. As can be seen the Jews owned less than 10% of the land and the non-Jews over 90%.

View attachment 32799

As to the population of this area, the 1911 Encyclopedia lists it as follows:

The total population of the country is roughly estimated at 650,000, but no authentic official census exists from which satisfactory information on this point is obtainable. Some two-thirds of this number are Moslems, the rest Christians of various sects, and Jews. The largest town in Palestine is Jerusalem, estimated to contain a population of about 60,000. The other towns of above Io,000 inhabitants are Jaffa (45,000), Gaza (35,000), Safed (30,000), Nablus (25,000), Kerak (20,000), Hebron (18,500), Es-Salt (15,000), Acre (11,000), Nazareth (11,000).
Palestine - Encyclopedia

That is to say, way less than one-third of the population were Jews and in my opinion, it is safe to say that hardly any of them were of the troublemaking, Johnny-come-later Ashkenazim variety. ~ Susan
You back to the 1911 Encyclopedia which you kept on referring to constantly and someone researched it and found out that you were putting in words that were never there? Where did all these Arabs come from? They probably came from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, etc. when the Jews had jobs for them (as the British officials in the area reported), the same way the Arabs are flooding into Europe for jobs in today's world. Do you even see all the new immigrants who are coming to America for jobs, Pishy?

Do you like making a fool of yourself? I provided an online link to the 1911 Encyclopedia for the information that I quoted from it. What words did I put in that were never there?
Why the 1911 edition? Don't like the modern version?

It's impartial since it came out at a time when there was no Israel to have influence in American affairs.
Wasn't a whole lot of things going on in 1911.
When a Mexican that can't speak English proclaims to be an American (through an interpreter) and threatens me, I have to laugh. Who decides WHOM is what? Screw Palestine.

A Mexican is by definition an American. Most Americans speak Spanish or Portuguese, not English.

farthest land or new land is a general term. When most people speak of american, they are speaking of north american or USA.
Central americans would include mexican. Brazil is the largest portuguese speaking country and 200,000,000. English is the largest spoken language in North American at 500,000,000 (300,000,000+ in the USA).

Mexico is in North America. I see you haven't been to Latin America. I go there often and have lived there. North Americans are not referred to as Americans in the Americas outside of Canada and the US. They are either gringos or norte americanos.

Don't spar with me on these things. I am far smarter than you are. English is second to Spanish in the Americas and more than twice the people speak Spanish and Portuguese than English. This link is in Spanish but you can figure it out.

  • El español es hablado por más de 372 millones de personas, concentrándose principalmente en México, Centroamérica y Sudamérica. Existen además importantes comunidades hispanoparlantes en Estados Unidos y algunas islas del Caribe.
  • El inglés es hablado por unos 325 millones de personas. Es el idioma más hablado en Estados Unidos y es oficial en Canadá, Belice, Guyana, las Islas Malvinas y algunos territorios antillanos. En Puerto Rico está presente como segundo idioma oficial.
  • El portugués es el idioma oficial de Brasil, con un total de más de 185 millones de parlantes.
Lenguaje lengua y habla Idiomas m s hablados y m s importantes de Am rica
Pompous ass. :blahblah:

Pompous means I made my point.
As to the population of this area, the 1911 Encyclopedia lists it as follows:

The total population of the country is roughly estimated at 650,000, but no authentic official census exists from which satisfactory information on this point is obtainable. Some two-thirds of this number are Moslems, the rest Christians of various sects, and Jews. The largest town in Palestine is Jerusalem, estimated to contain a population of about 60,000. The other towns of above Io,000 inhabitants are Jaffa (45,000), Gaza (35,000), Safed (30,000), Nablus (25,000), Kerak (20,000), Hebron (18,500), Es-Salt (15,000), Acre (11,000), Nazareth (11,000).
Palestine - Encyclopedia

That is to say, way less than one-third of the population were Jews and in my opinion, it is safe to say that hardly any of them were of the troublemaking, Johnny-come-later Ashkenazim variety. ~ Susan
You back to the 1911 Encyclopedia which you kept on referring to constantly and someone researched it and found out that you were putting in words that were never there? Where did all these Arabs come from? They probably came from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, etc. when the Jews had jobs for them (as the British officials in the area reported), the same way the Arabs are flooding into Europe for jobs in today's world. Do you even see all the new immigrants who are coming to America for jobs, Pishy?

Do you like making a fool of yourself? I provided an online link to the 1911 Encyclopedia for the information that I quoted from it. What words did I put in that were never there?
Why the 1911 edition? Don't like the modern version?

It's impartial since it came out at a time when there was no Israel to have influence in American affairs.
Wasn't a whole lot of things going on in 1911.

Why do you post nonsense? You really do want to confirm that you are a fool.
Point is, if you were half as smart as you think you are you wouldn't be half as smart as I think you are. Nor a tenth as smart as Aris. montelatici
That's your answer to everything.

Why don't you point out what you consider to be propaganda and what you consider to be false in the article ....

There are 2 falsehoods in the first paragraph why go any further?

1. The Latin Kingdom was a sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital. The Palestinian Christians of the Latin faith today (and many converts to slam) are the heirs of the Kingdom.

2. The Palestinian Christians and Muslims called themselves Palestinian long before 1964 as the first paragraph of this crap propaganda pieces states. There is written evidence from 1922.

A letter from the Palestinian Delegation in London to the British written in 1922.

"no constitution which would fall short of giving the People of Palestine full control of their own affairs could be acceptable."- See more at: UK correspondence with Palestine Arab Delegation and Zionist Organization British policy in Palestine Churchill White Paper - UK documentation Cmd. 1700 Non-UN document excerpts 1 July 1922
That's your answer to everything.

Why don't you point out what you consider to be propaganda and what you consider to be false in the article ....

There are 2 falsehoods in the first paragraph why go any further?

1. The Latin Kingdom was a sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital. The Palestinian Christians of the Latin faith (and many converts to Islam) are the heirs of the Kingdom.

2. The propaganda piece claims there were no Palestinians prior to 1964. There are letters from the Palestinian Delegation to London to the British from 1922 that contradict this propaganda. It is a complete piece of trash propaganda that Goebbels would be proud of, but inevitably you will believe, you dunce.

"If the British Government would revise their present policy in Palestine, end the Zionist con-dominium, put a stop to all alien immigration and grant the People of Palestine — who by Right and Experience are the best judges of what is good and bad to their country — Executive and Legislative powers, the terms of a constitution could be discussed in a different atmosphere. If to-day the People of Palestine assented to any constitution which fell short of giving them full control of their own affairs they would be in the position of agreeing to an instrument of Government which might, and probably would, be used to smother their national life under a flood of alien immigration."-

See more at: UK correspondence with Palestine Arab Delegation and Zionist Organization British policy in Palestine Churchill White Paper - UK documentation Cmd. 1700 Non-UN document excerpts 1 July 1922

1) The first paragraph says there was never a sovereign state called Palestine.That is 100% true. IT does not mention a kingdom

2) No, the people were not referred to as Palestinians until 1964. Your link says 'People of Palestine' , not 'Palestinians you uneducated propaganda spewing liar.

So once again, you were wrong. Lets try again. Which part of the article do you consider propaganda and untrue ?

1. So a kingdom is not a sovereign state? What a tool you are. So, the UK isn't a state.

2. So the "People of Palestine" are not Palestinians? Isn't that a stretch even for a moron like you.

You do realize you are making a fool of yourself.

You are a massive failure!

1) The article said there was NEVER A PALESTINIAN SOVEREIGN STATE. I never said the kingdom is not a sovereign state.What's the matter with you ???. Learn how to read before you respond to me you deluded idiot.

2) The People of Palestine were referred to as Arabs before the 1960's. Finding a link that says 'People of Palestine' means nothing

So, you make a massive fool out of yourself but accuse me of doing so. Interesting. Clown

What's interesting is that Tinmore added to your misery, fool. You are making a fool of yourself, keep digging.

So, you claim that a Kingdom ruled by Christians in Palestine is not a sovereign state? Who do you think the Palestinian Christians are you moron?

Wow, you incredibly stupid moron ! There was no sovereign state called Palestine. That is what I said and that is what the article said ! Stop trying to deflect to take attention away from your embarrassing mistake !
You're stupidity knows no bounds. You truly are something else propaganda - latici
When a Mexican that can't speak English proclaims to be an American (through an interpreter) and threatens me, I have to laugh. Who decides WHOM is what? Screw Palestine.

A Mexican is by definition an American. Most Americans speak Spanish or Portuguese, not English.

farthest land or new land is a general term. When most people speak of american, they are speaking of north american or USA.
Central americans would include mexican. Brazil is the largest portuguese speaking country and 200,000,000. English is the largest spoken language in North American at 500,000,000 (300,000,000+ in the USA).

Mexico is in North America. I see you haven't been to Latin America. I go there often and have lived there. North Americans are not referred to as Americans in the Americas outside of Canada and the US. They are either gringos or norte americanos.

Don't spar with me on these things. I am far smarter than you are. English is second to Spanish in the Americas and more than twice the people speak Spanish and Portuguese than English. This link is in Spanish but you can figure it out.

  • El español es hablado por más de 372 millones de personas, concentrándose principalmente en México, Centroamérica y Sudamérica. Existen además importantes comunidades hispanoparlantes en Estados Unidos y algunas islas del Caribe.
  • El inglés es hablado por unos 325 millones de personas. Es el idioma más hablado en Estados Unidos y es oficial en Canadá, Belice, Guyana, las Islas Malvinas y algunos territorios antillanos. En Puerto Rico está presente como segundo idioma oficial.
  • El portugués es el idioma oficial de Brasil, con un total de más de 185 millones de parlantes.
Lenguaje lengua y habla Idiomas m s hablados y m s importantes de Am rica
Pompous ass. :blahblah:

Propaganda - latici is one of a kind, isn't he?
When a Mexican that can't speak English proclaims to be an American (through an interpreter) and threatens me, I have to laugh. Who decides WHOM is what? Screw Palestine.

A Mexican is by definition an American. Most Americans speak Spanish or Portuguese, not English.

farthest land or new land is a general term. When most people speak of american, they are speaking of north american or USA.
Central americans would include mexican. Brazil is the largest portuguese speaking country and 200,000,000. English is the largest spoken language in North American at 500,000,000 (300,000,000+ in the USA).

Mexico is in North America. I see you haven't been to Latin America. I go there often and have lived there. North Americans are not referred to as Americans in the Americas outside of Canada and the US. They are either gringos or norte americanos.

Don't spar with me on these things. I am far smarter than you are. English is second to Spanish in the Americas and more than twice the people speak Spanish and Portuguese than English. This link is in Spanish but you can figure it out.

  • El español es hablado por más de 372 millones de personas, concentrándose principalmente en México, Centroamérica y Sudamérica. Existen además importantes comunidades hispanoparlantes en Estados Unidos y algunas islas del Caribe.
  • El inglés es hablado por unos 325 millones de personas. Es el idioma más hablado en Estados Unidos y es oficial en Canadá, Belice, Guyana, las Islas Malvinas y algunos territorios antillanos. En Puerto Rico está presente como segundo idioma oficial.
  • El portugués es el idioma oficial de Brasil, con un total de más de 185 millones de parlantes.
Lenguaje lengua y habla Idiomas m s hablados y m s importantes de Am rica

"I am far smarter than you are"

People who constantly claim how smart they are, like you have been doing, are likely to be incredibly stupid. In your case, you are DEFINITELY stupid.
When a Mexican that can't speak English proclaims to be an American (through an interpreter) and threatens me, I have to laugh. Who decides WHOM is what? Screw Palestine.

A Mexican is by definition an American. Most Americans speak Spanish or Portuguese, not English.

farthest land or new land is a general term. When most people speak of american, they are speaking of north american or USA.
Central americans would include mexican. Brazil is the largest portuguese speaking country and 200,000,000. English is the largest spoken language in North American at 500,000,000 (300,000,000+ in the USA).

Mexico is in North America. I see you haven't been to Latin America. I go there often and have lived there. North Americans are not referred to as Americans in the Americas outside of Canada and the US. They are either gringos or norte americanos.

Don't spar with me on these things. I am far smarter than you are. English is second to Spanish in the Americas and more than twice the people speak Spanish and Portuguese than English. This link is in Spanish but you can figure it out.

  • El español es hablado por más de 372 millones de personas, concentrándose principalmente en México, Centroamérica y Sudamérica. Existen además importantes comunidades hispanoparlantes en Estados Unidos y algunas islas del Caribe.
  • El inglés es hablado por unos 325 millones de personas. Es el idioma más hablado en Estados Unidos y es oficial en Canadá, Belice, Guyana, las Islas Malvinas y algunos territorios antillanos. En Puerto Rico está presente como segundo idioma oficial.
  • El portugués es el idioma oficial de Brasil, con un total de más de 185 millones de parlantes.
Lenguaje lengua y habla Idiomas m s hablados y m s importantes de Am rica
Pompous ass. :blahblah:

Propaganda - latici is one of a kind, isn't he?
A Mexican is by definition an American. Most Americans speak Spanish or Portuguese, not English.

farthest land or new land is a general term. When most people speak of american, they are speaking of north american or USA.
Central americans would include mexican. Brazil is the largest portuguese speaking country and 200,000,000. English is the largest spoken language in North American at 500,000,000 (300,000,000+ in the USA).

Mexico is in North America. I see you haven't been to Latin America. I go there often and have lived there. North Americans are not referred to as Americans in the Americas outside of Canada and the US. They are either gringos or norte americanos.

Don't spar with me on these things. I am far smarter than you are. English is second to Spanish in the Americas and more than twice the people speak Spanish and Portuguese than English. This link is in Spanish but you can figure it out.

  • El español es hablado por más de 372 millones de personas, concentrándose principalmente en México, Centroamérica y Sudamérica. Existen además importantes comunidades hispanoparlantes en Estados Unidos y algunas islas del Caribe.
  • El inglés es hablado por unos 325 millones de personas. Es el idioma más hablado en Estados Unidos y es oficial en Canadá, Belice, Guyana, las Islas Malvinas y algunos territorios antillanos. En Puerto Rico está presente como segundo idioma oficial.
  • El portugués es el idioma oficial de Brasil, con un total de más de 185 millones de parlantes.
Lenguaje lengua y habla Idiomas m s hablados y m s importantes de Am rica
Pompous ass. :blahblah:

Propaganda - latici is one of a kind, isn't he?

He's a mixture of Tinmore and Billo:

He's got Tinmore;s terrible propaganda filled grasp on this conflict with Billo's vulgarity.
There are 2 falsehoods in the first paragraph why go any further?

1. The Latin Kingdom was a sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital. The Palestinian Christians of the Latin faith today (and many converts to slam) are the heirs of the Kingdom.

2. The Palestinian Christians and Muslims called themselves Palestinian long before 1964 as the first paragraph of this crap propaganda pieces states. There is written evidence from 1922.

A letter from the Palestinian Delegation in London to the British written in 1922.

"no constitution which would fall short of giving the People of Palestine full control of their own affairs could be acceptable."- See more at: UK correspondence with Palestine Arab Delegation and Zionist Organization British policy in Palestine Churchill White Paper - UK documentation Cmd. 1700 Non-UN document excerpts 1 July 1922
There are 2 falsehoods in the first paragraph why go any further?

1. The Latin Kingdom was a sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital. The Palestinian Christians of the Latin faith (and many converts to Islam) are the heirs of the Kingdom.

2. The propaganda piece claims there were no Palestinians prior to 1964. There are letters from the Palestinian Delegation to London to the British from 1922 that contradict this propaganda. It is a complete piece of trash propaganda that Goebbels would be proud of, but inevitably you will believe, you dunce.

"If the British Government would revise their present policy in Palestine, end the Zionist con-dominium, put a stop to all alien immigration and grant the People of Palestine — who by Right and Experience are the best judges of what is good and bad to their country — Executive and Legislative powers, the terms of a constitution could be discussed in a different atmosphere. If to-day the People of Palestine assented to any constitution which fell short of giving them full control of their own affairs they would be in the position of agreeing to an instrument of Government which might, and probably would, be used to smother their national life under a flood of alien immigration."-

See more at: UK correspondence with Palestine Arab Delegation and Zionist Organization British policy in Palestine Churchill White Paper - UK documentation Cmd. 1700 Non-UN document excerpts 1 July 1922

1) The first paragraph says there was never a sovereign state called Palestine.That is 100% true. IT does not mention a kingdom

2) No, the people were not referred to as Palestinians until 1964. Your link says 'People of Palestine' , not 'Palestinians you uneducated propaganda spewing liar.

So once again, you were wrong. Lets try again. Which part of the article do you consider propaganda and untrue ?

1. So a kingdom is not a sovereign state? What a tool you are. So, the UK isn't a state.

2. So the "People of Palestine" are not Palestinians? Isn't that a stretch even for a moron like you.

You do realize you are making a fool of yourself.

You are a massive failure!

1) The article said there was NEVER A PALESTINIAN SOVEREIGN STATE. I never said the kingdom is not a sovereign state.What's the matter with you ???. Learn how to read before you respond to me you deluded idiot.

2) The People of Palestine were referred to as Arabs before the 1960's. Finding a link that says 'People of Palestine' means nothing

So, you make a massive fool out of yourself but accuse me of doing so. Interesting. Clown

What's interesting is that Tinmore added to your misery, fool. You are making a fool of yourself, keep digging.

So, you claim that a Kingdom ruled by Christians in Palestine is not a sovereign state? Who do you think the Palestinian Christians are you moron?

Wow, you incredibly stupid moron ! There was no sovereign state called Palestine. That is what I said and that is what the article said ! Stop trying to deflect to take attention away from your embarrassing mistake !
You're stupidity knows no bounds. You truly are something else propaganda - latici

It was called the Latin Kingdom, so what. the same people are there. It's like saying there was never a sovereign state in Tunisia because it was never called the Tunisian Republic. You are truly a moron. Carthage was sovereign.
And, when you think about it. There is no real proof that Israel ever was sovereign, unless you believe in fairy tales.
1) The first paragraph says there was never a sovereign state called Palestine.That is 100% true. IT does not mention a kingdom

2) No, the people were not referred to as Palestinians until 1964. Your link says 'People of Palestine' , not 'Palestinians you uneducated propaganda spewing liar.

So once again, you were wrong. Lets try again. Which part of the article do you consider propaganda and untrue ?

1. So a kingdom is not a sovereign state? What a tool you are. So, the UK isn't a state.

2. So the "People of Palestine" are not Palestinians? Isn't that a stretch even for a moron like you.

You do realize you are making a fool of yourself.

You are a massive failure!

1) The article said there was NEVER A PALESTINIAN SOVEREIGN STATE. I never said the kingdom is not a sovereign state.What's the matter with you ???. Learn how to read before you respond to me you deluded idiot.

2) The People of Palestine were referred to as Arabs before the 1960's. Finding a link that says 'People of Palestine' means nothing

So, you make a massive fool out of yourself but accuse me of doing so. Interesting. Clown

What's interesting is that Tinmore added to your misery, fool. You are making a fool of yourself, keep digging.

So, you claim that a Kingdom ruled by Christians in Palestine is not a sovereign state? Who do you think the Palestinian Christians are you moron?

Wow, you incredibly stupid moron ! There was no sovereign state called Palestine. That is what I said and that is what the article said ! Stop trying to deflect to take attention away from your embarrassing mistake !
You're stupidity knows no bounds. You truly are something else propaganda - latici

It was called the Latin Kingdom, so what. the same people are there. It's like saying there was never a sovereign state in Tunisia because it was never called the Tunisian Republic. You are truly a moron. Carthage was sovereign.
Hahahaha you're changing the subject now because you know you failed and made a massive fool of yourself. And of course you bring up Israel as a deflection tool.
You are a one of a kind scumbag propaganda - latici. You lie, post propaganda, distort history, insult everyone who you don't agree with, run around posting how smart you are.... \quite a rare specimen
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