Who are the wimps when the snow falls?


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
I remember changing the oil or inflating a flat tire outside at Fort Wainwright or Fairbanks at -38 degrees. Only wimps cry about snow.

Snow fall.jpg
Where I live --- UPS. Four days in a row they claimed to have a package for me; four days in a row they failed to show up. This is all after the roads (and my driveway) had been cleared.

I'm going to drive 50 miles to their distro center tomorrow and pick it up myself since they're incompetent. That is --- if it actually exists. I have an inkling they lost it and can't admit it.
Where I live --- UPS. Four days in a row they claimed to have a package for me; four days in a row they failed to show up. This is all after the roads (and my driveway) had been cleared.

I'm going to drive 50 miles to their distro center tomorrow and pick it up myself since they're incompetent. That is --- if it actually exists. I have an inkling they lost it and can't admit it.
your mailman would have been there.....
Where I live --- UPS. Four days in a row they claimed to have a package for me; four days in a row they failed to show up. This is all after the roads (and my driveway) had been cleared.

I'm going to drive 50 miles to their distro center tomorrow and pick it up myself since they're incompetent. That is --- if it actually exists. I have an inkling they lost it and can't admit it.
your mailman would have been there.....

True dat. The mailman in fact delivered packages all four of those days. Half of 'em came before they were expected. :rock:
The true wimps are the under 35 crowd and the Scenic McMansion types who built their Compounds in East Dumbf*ck and now wonder why they've been out of power for 3 days after a blizzard.

The under 35 crowd seems to be so connected to their electronic devices that even mild interuptions of power and cable service send them into an epic meltdown.

The Scenic McMansion owners built their homes so far out from the hub of society that the directions to their home include.... "turn onto the gravel road - Fire Road #7" and theur closet neighbor is over a mile away, yet they expect to somehow be our first peiority for restoration when the power goes out.
I remember changing the oil or inflating a flat tire outside at Fort Wainwright or Fairbanks at -38 degrees. Only wimps cry about snow.

View attachment 61875
You can add Maine and upstate New York to the Midwest column. Did you notice, Jake, that in DC it took 4 days for the plows to clear all the streets, though, after the big storm? They've either got too many streets or not enough plows, maybe both. That DOES have an effect on preparations. When I lived in Connecticut, a snow flurry heralded every damned soul with bald tires to get on the highway and have a fender bender. Within instants. The commute would get absolutely stupid. Once I spent so long in gridlock trying to leave work during a snow storm that my battery almost died. I can drive in snow, but sometimes traffic is a whole 'nother matter.
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The first time I saw snow in Texas was at Fort Hood in the winter of 84-85. Every idiot on and off base had to go drive in it. I went downtown for a few minutes then drove back to base, absolutely astounded at the idiots.
I can deal with it. I just don't like it.
Of course, I don't like bugs and alligators either (I don't mind the heat, or the humidity)
there is a reason paradise pictures aren't snowy......
I remember changing the oil or inflating a flat tire outside at Fort Wainwright or Fairbanks at -38 degrees. Only wimps cry about snow.

View attachment 61875

Yeah -- this USED to be true. But there were reasons why the South is shuttered up for a couple inches of frozen precipt.. Atlanta didn't have winterized response. And the DRIVERS had ZERO snow skills. And more people got hurt or inconvenienced.

But LATELY -- I hear more whining from the NEast for snowfalls that USED to be routine up there..

I've lived in BOTH places. And folks in the East got spoiled for a number of years by relative lack of snowfall.
I remember walking to grade school in upstate NY and not seeing a SINGLE HOUSE between home and school.

But here's the deal.. I'll take 4 standing feet of snow over a 1" ICE STORM. And winter in the South is more about 1" ice storms with a dusting of snow -- rather than the other way around. You ain't seen fear of winter until you need an ICE PICK and spiked toe boots to make it to the mailbox down a mild slope..

That 'winter transition area" is more brutal than you Easters appreciate. You aint lived until you here massive tree limbs all cracking around you in the same 10 minutes.
I remember changing the oil or inflating a flat tire outside at Fort Wainwright or Fairbanks at -38 degrees. Only wimps cry about snow.

View attachment 61875

Yeah -- this USED to be true. But there were reasons why the South is shuttered up for a couple inches of frozen precipt.. Atlanta didn't have winterized response. And the DRIVERS had ZERO snow skills. And more people got hurt or inconvenienced.

But LATELY -- I hear more whining from the NEast for snowfalls that USED to be routine up there..

I've lived in BOTH places. And folks in the East got spoiled for a number of years by relative lack of snowfall.
I remember walking to grade school in upstate NY and not seeing a SINGLE HOUSE between home and school.

But here's the deal.. I'll take 4 standing feet of snow over a 1" ICE STORM. And winter in the South is more about 1" ice storms with a dusting of snow -- rather than the other way around. You ain't seen fear of winter until you need an ICE PICK and spiked toe boots to make it to the mailbox down a mild slope..

That 'winter transition area" is more brutal than you Easters appreciate. You aint lived until you here massive tree limbs all cracking around you in the same 10 minutes.
Alaska ain't in the East. Or the South for that matter.

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