Who are the Yazidis? A look at this Iraqi minority group


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Some of the viewers might be interested in this article about the Yazidis. I had never heard of them before, and probably many on the forum didn't either until we recently read what has been happening to them.

Who are the Yazidis? A look at this Iraqi minority group


The Yazidis are a small, misunderstood and long-persecuted religious sect rooted in the town of Sinjar, in northern Iraq, and also in parts of Syria and Turkey.

No one knows the exact size of the Yazidi population. Estimates range from tens of thousands to 500,000 or more. Over centuries, they have been the target of violence and purges, including during the Ottoman empire, and have survived as a close-knit community that does not proselytize.

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Who are the Yazidis? A look at this Iraqi minority group - World - The Boston Globe
interesting , don't sound like Christians to me though !!

It appears that they are a small Muslim sect; and because of their small size, have always been put upon.

thanks sally-----based on the description of their beliefs ---no surprise that muslims don't
like them. THEY ARE JUST AS BAD AS ZOROASTRIAN (??????) sounds to me
like some syncresis of things going on locally over the past several thousand years I wonder
if they have ancient writings
I think they were before Christians, Muslims, and more like Persians, or Zoroastrians.
interesting , don't sound like Christians to me though !!

It appears that they are a small Muslim sect; and because of their small size, have always been put upon.

thanks sally-----based on the description of their beliefs ---no surprise that muslims don't
like them. THEY ARE JUST AS BAD AS ZOROASTRIAN (??????) sounds to me
like some syncresis of things going on locally over the past several thousand years I wonder
if they have ancient writings

I think this article pretty much sums up their beliefs. They seem to have caused no trouble and lived peacefully in their area.

Yazidis' beliefs are misunderstood and maligned - CBS News
interesting , don't sound like Christians to me though !!

It appears that they are a small Muslim sect; and because of their small size, have always been put upon.
They are not muslim you pinhead. ... :cuckoo:[/QUOTE

true sunni---- they precede islam-----they were there before the meccan rapist was born---
and have lots of influence from older religions-------and, maybe a tiny bit from islam-----or
it just looks that way because islam is highly influenced by the pre-muhummad religion of Arabia.
I wonder if the ones alive today have a written language. If they have old manuscripts----
-----that would be terrific I believe that the melek word for angels-----is kinda
Aramaic-----but I am not sure. Interesting that they have a PEACOCK angel----
I wonder if it is related to the PEACOCK throne of Iran I certainly hope they SURVIVE
the "caliphate" which should drop dead soon
It appears that they are a small Muslim sect; and because of their small size, have always been put upon.

thanks sally-----based on the description of their beliefs ---no surprise that muslims don't
like them. THEY ARE JUST AS BAD AS ZOROASTRIAN (??????) sounds to me
like some syncresis of things going on locally over the past several thousand years I wonder
if they have ancient writings

I think this article pretty much sums up their beliefs. They seem to have caused no trouble and lived peacefully in their area.

my understanding is that they lived up in the hills-----like the kurds----OUT OF THE WAY----
out of sight and out of mind. It was the way to survive in lands invaded by the
followers of the meccan guy. In fact-----lots of jews did it too. -----even though jews
TEND to be in trade-------which makes them obligate city folk ------there are enclaves of
ESCAPEES to the hills-------in Turkey, Iran, and Yemen......where they did a kind of KURDISH
life style. The situation afforded people some level of freedom not available in the
mainstream Islamic world. According to hubby-------the guys UP IN THE HILLS----
even managed to be able to use horses. but it also has some drawbacks
It appears that they are a small Muslim sect; and because of their small size, have always been put upon.
They are not muslim you pinhead. ... :cuckoo:[/QUOTE

true sunni---- they precede islam-----they were there before the meccan rapist was born---
and have lots of influence from older religions-------and, maybe a tiny bit from islam-----or
it just looks that way because islam is highly influenced by the pre-muhummad religion of Arabia.
I wonder if the ones alive today have a written language. If they have old manuscripts----
-----that would be terrific I believe that the melek word for angels-----is kinda
Aramaic-----but I am not sure. Interesting that they have a PEACOCK angel----
I wonder if it is related to the PEACOCK throne of Iran I certainly hope they SURVIVE
the "caliphate" which should drop dead soon

I see a member of the Caliphate here in the U.S. has called me a pinhead. May I say once again that I am happy he just conducts his Jihad via the Internet and is unable to join his fellow radicals in Iraq and Syria.

By the way, I often wonder what kind of a religion Islam would be like if Mohammed had been born some place like in South America where he never met any Jews or Christians to co-opt some of their religion beliefs as his own. Would Sunni Man AKA Mr. Cuckoo then be calling for his fellow Mohammedans in the U.S. to behave like the ancient Aztecs or Incas?
They are not muslim you pinhead. ... :cuckoo:[/QUOTE

true sunni---- they precede islam-----they were there before the meccan rapist was born---
and have lots of influence from older religions-------and, maybe a tiny bit from islam-----or
it just looks that way because islam is highly influenced by the pre-muhummad religion of Arabia.
I wonder if the ones alive today have a written language. If they have old manuscripts----
-----that would be terrific I believe that the melek word for angels-----is kinda
Aramaic-----but I am not sure. Interesting that they have a PEACOCK angel----
I wonder if it is related to the PEACOCK throne of Iran I certainly hope they SURVIVE
the "caliphate" which should drop dead soon

I see a member of the Caliphate here in the U.S. has called me a pinhead. May I say once again that I am happy he just conducts his Jihad via the Internet and is unable to join his fellow radicals in Iraq and Syria.

By the way, I often wonder what kind of a religion Islam would be like if Mohammed had been born some place like in South America where he never met any Jews or Christians to co-opt some of their religion beliefs as his own. Would Sunni Man AKA Mr. Cuckoo then be calling for his fellow Mohammedans in the U.S. to behave like the ancient Aztecs or Incas?

A very interesting idea, Sally. Uhm-----the Aztecs has a kind of "god" which was
something like a giant turtle ( I am really hazy on this) with a name that ended in an
Aztec style ...AHTLEE sound Imagine a MUHUMMADAHTLE riding on a flying Yak
(is yak an American animal?-----I may be getting confused between Tibet and South America????
I think BEAVERS are American------a flying beaver. Muhummadahtle invented soccer----
using severed heads-------I am beginning to see a connection
The maji brought gifts to Jesus, the magi were Zoroastrian priests and Christians are more like Zoroastrians than Jewish. They came form the east. Some of their beliefs got incorporated into the OT as well with the advent of King Cyrus, such is the reason for 2 different versions in Gen. Angels and good and evil. I'd like to add King Cryus built a beautiful garden as well as King Darius also built beautiful gardens known as paradises.
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Why has not Israel helped the Yazidis, they are so close, I guess they said they need more aid, doesn't
Israel have an airport and jets they can drop food from.

Are they helping and I just don't know it. Has Israel helped anyone in the ME, I wonder if they give foreign aid, I will have to check.
According to this article no, Israel is not very giving. I thought foreign aid was to be fore developing countries, and or disasters, so Israel is developed and why do we continue to send them aid?

Israel ranks low in international giving
A philanthropy expert says citizens could actually legitimize the state of Israel as a part of the world family by giving more to support other people.
June 08, 2013|By Edmund Sanders, Los Angeles Times

JERUSALEM — Israeli doctors were among the first to set up emergency hospitals in Haiti after its devastating 2010 earthquake. Israel also swiftly dispatched water-purification experts to Japan following the 2011 tsunami and trauma experts to Boston after the recent marathon bombings.
Yet despite such high-profile disaster assistance, Israel ranks near the bottom among leading free-market economies in providing foreign aid to developing nations.
Along with Mexico and Chile, Israel gives the least as a percentage of gross national income among members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Israel gives one-tenth of the U.N.'s target rate, lagging behind Turkey, Poland, Slovakia and even Greece during its debt crisis, according to OECD data.
On an individual basis, Israelis are also less likely to send donations abroad compared with citizens of most European countries and the U.S., according to a study by Hebrew University's Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel. Over the last decade, 0.1% of individual charitable funds raised in Israel went to international relief, compared with 48% in Belgium, 13% in Italy and 5% in the U.S.
In an interview Wednesday in Jerusalem, Hillel Schmid, head of the center, told The Times that Israelis can and should give more if they want to be accepted as global citizens.
Q: Why don't Israelis give more internationally?
A: Israelis in general are not so generous in giving, internationally and even inside Israel. People are suspicious about giving money. There's an anti-philanthropist feeling. Even though Israel was built by philanthropists, today surveys show that Israelis think philanthropies are self-interested, political and wasteful.

Israel ranks low in international giving - Los Angeles Times
I don't think that Israel has that much to give except for expertise and know how . I think that many Israelis are poor . Course the Israelis send teams to many catastrophes but even those teams or offers of help are rejected because of politics . Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think that I am .
and I look at Israels situation and see that most of the world is hostile to them and they are surrounded on all sides by enemies . Plus currently the Yazidis are in trouble but so is Israel as it fights for itself on its own soil .
and another thought , Israelis [Jews] helping Yazidis on Caliphate soil is likely to make the Yazidis much more hated and hunted than they now are .
and I look at Israels situation and see that most of the world is hostile to them and they are surrounded on all sides by enemies . Plus currently the Yazidis are in trouble but so is Israel as it fights for itself on its own soil .

Pis--------Israel/Yazidis <<< interesting analogy. -----in fact-----.
the YAZIDS are a small group ALREADY THERE----when islam happened to them
The jews included a significant community in ARABIA already there before islam
happened to them there and later in many other parts of the world.

To a significant extent----the yazidis and jews share a legacy

I have mentioned that my hubby was born in Yemen---considering
that which went on there over the past 1200 years-----I am astounded
that any jewish community at all survived. -------Christian and Zoroastrians
clearly dropped dead long ago over there------as did whatever were the other
pre-Islamic yemenis Logically there SHOULD be some little pockets of
pre islam somewhere there-----but there does not seem to be except for something
like a dozen jews up in the hills---------Saudi Arabia?------all gone,,, everyone.
When it comes to GENOCIDE----its easy in a desert and hills I have been told that the
MODE -----in ethnic cleansing was ISOLATION, SIEGE>>>starvation.
It's nothing new. A distant relative is convinced and "writing a book"----regarding
his belief------that the isolation/starvation siege was the method in both Arabia
and Yemen. Keep in mind-----that was the method in Biafra too.

I actually believe that the economic boycott imposed on Israel for the past 60
years and the newer BDS is simply "isolation/starvation siege" MORPHED
Think that islam happened to the world as everything was here Judaism , Christianity [plus others] and functioning and then islam happened in the 700s [about] . Interesting world Rosie , very interesting . All 3 major religions share some words and people yet one of the three seems to turn everything upside down .

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