Who believes the mere presense of a firearm...

Who here beliefs that the mere fact a firearm is in view is a reason to murder someone?

That's not the point, guy.

Having a firearm available makes murder a lot easier than pummeling someone to death or choking the shit out of them.

Which is why you have so many times where a gun made that argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best so fatal.
Depends on whether the 'firearm' is hanging in a gun rack with the bolt out or if it's pointed at some one.
This. Someone with a holstered sidearm or passing me on a trail carrying a hunting rifle are entirely different scenarios than someone pointing one at me from a passing car or holding it to someone's chest demanding their wallet.

So I guess the answer is no, mere presence of a firearm isn't sufficient.
Who here beliefs that the mere fact a firearm is in view is a reason to murder someone?
Is this a trick question? That would be similar to asking if the mere fact a police officer is in view is reason to arrest someone? We would need to rid ourselves of all police officers in order to avoid wrongful arrest.

So my answer would be a resounding no.
In the Texas thread the left is arguing that open carry justifies someone else in shooting the open carry person. They argue it is the mere presence of a firearm even one on a shoulder slung is reason to fear for ones life and shoot that person in what they call self defense.
In the Texas thread the left is arguing that open carry justifies someone else in shooting the open carry person. They argue it is the mere presence of a firearm even one on a shoulder slung is reason to fear for ones life and shoot that person in what they call self defense.

The anti gun trolls will never give up. It is a pointless exercise in futility to argue with them.
So this is now the NFL??????Fathers and young sons WATCHING the NFL draft program on national TV saw sam kissing his little white boyfriend on national TV = pretty sick stuff to explain to your 10 year old son===just say its a SICK,SICK world we now live in Jonniee!!!! SICK
So this is now the NFL??????Fathers and young sons WATCHING the NFL draft program on national TV saw sam kissing his little white boyfriend on national TV = pretty sick stuff to explain to your 10 year old son===just say its a SICK,SICK world we now live in Jonniee!!!! SICK

Why was my post moved here???
So this is now the NFL??????Fathers and young sons WATCHING the NFL draft program on national TV saw sam kissing his little white boyfriend on national TV = pretty sick stuff to explain to your 10 year old son===just say its a SICK,SICK world we now live in Jonniee!!!! SICK

At least this makes more sense than the OP…
In the Texas thread the left is arguing that open carry justifies someone else in shooting the open carry person. They argue it is the mere presence of a firearm even one on a shoulder slung is reason to fear for ones life and shoot that person in what they call self defense.

I'm not going through that thread. I will tell you this. It is very much situational.

If you are one of those individuals that is going to bat your eyes and firmly defend 40 OCT members showing up brandishing their weapons in front of a restaurant where three women are inside..............then we have a problem. I am pro gun but if someone wants to act like a gangbanger, then treat 'em like one.
In the Texas thread the left is arguing that open carry justifies someone else in shooting the open carry person. They argue it is the mere presence of a firearm even one on a shoulder slung is reason to fear for ones life and shoot that person in what they call self defense.

I'm not going through that thread. I will tell you this. It is very much situational.

If you are one of those individuals that is going to bat your eyes and firmly defend 40 OCT members showing up brandishing their weapons in front of a restaurant where three women are inside..............then we have a problem. I am pro gun but if someone wants to act like a gangbanger, then treat 'em like one.

40 OCT members brandishing weapons?

In the Texas thread the left is arguing that open carry justifies someone else in shooting the open carry person. They argue it is the mere presence of a firearm even one on a shoulder slung is reason to fear for ones life and shoot that person in what they call self defense.

I'm not going through that thread. I will tell you this. It is very much situational.

If you are one of those individuals that is going to bat your eyes and firmly defend 40 OCT members showing up brandishing their weapons in front of a restaurant where three women are inside..............then we have a problem. I am pro gun but if someone wants to act like a gangbanger, then treat 'em like one.

40 OCT members brandishing weapons?


This was back in November.
40 Armed Gun Advocates Intimidate Mothers Against Gun Violence In A Restaurant Parking Lot | ThinkProgress

The funny thing? They are pro-gun.

Even funnier? The squad of goons that hit the internet right afterwards trying to BS there way through this.
I'm not going through that thread. I will tell you this. It is very much situational.

If you are one of those individuals that is going to bat your eyes and firmly defend 40 OCT members showing up brandishing their weapons in front of a restaurant where three women are inside..............then we have a problem. I am pro gun but if someone wants to act like a gangbanger, then treat 'em like one.

40 OCT members brandishing weapons?


This was back in November.
40 Armed Gun Advocates Intimidate Mothers Against Gun Violence In A Restaurant Parking Lot | ThinkProgress

The funny thing? They are pro-gun.

Even funnier? The squad of goons that hit the internet right afterwards trying to BS there way through this.

I remember that. I thought you were might have had something more recent.

This story is a one-sided narrative of events. Fact of the matter is, no laws were broken, no arrest were made. Those women are just scared at the sight of a firearm.

These women are not going to be happy when Abbot becomes our Governor.
40 OCT members brandishing weapons?


This was back in November.
40 Armed Gun Advocates Intimidate Mothers Against Gun Violence In A Restaurant Parking Lot | ThinkProgress

The funny thing? They are pro-gun.

Even funnier? The squad of goons that hit the internet right afterwards trying to BS there way through this.

I remember that. I thought you were might have had something more recent.

This story is a one-sided narrative of events. Fact of the matter is, no laws were broken, no arrest were made. Those women are just scared at the sight of a firearm.

These women are not going to be happy when Abbot becomes our Governor.

It scared the manager. No laws were broken because the cops weren't called. The intent was intimidation. Against 4 women. So, don't bullshit me.
I see guys wearing guns openly at the diner I eat breakfast at. It is no big deal. I do not feel threatened at all.
This was back in November.
40 Armed Gun Advocates Intimidate Mothers Against Gun Violence In A Restaurant Parking Lot | ThinkProgress

The funny thing? They are pro-gun.

Even funnier? The squad of goons that hit the internet right afterwards trying to BS there way through this.

I remember that. I thought you were might have had something more recent.

This story is a one-sided narrative of events. Fact of the matter is, no laws were broken, no arrest were made. Those women are just scared at the sight of a firearm.

These women are not going to be happy when Abbot becomes our Governor.

It scared the manager. No laws were broken because the cops weren't called. The intent was intimidation. Against 4 women. So, don't bullshit me.

So it scared the manager? Big deal. The cops weren't called because there was nothing illegal taking place. You don't know what their intent was so stop bullshitting yourself.

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