Who brought sin and death to the earth? Man, Satan or God?


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Who brought sin and death to the earth? Man, Satan or God?

Adam and Eve have been blamed for bringing both sin and death to the earth. I have a hard time agreeing with that view.

On sin.

Some believe that Eve was first to sin when she ate of the tree of knowledge.
Some say Adam because Eve was deceived.

I see that as the second command ignored as God told A & E to reproduce in Gen 1 and that command was completely ignored.

I believe that Satan or the talking snake may have sinned first because to tempt someone to sin makes the tempter culpable and not the one deceived. Satan first or God thanks to what I say below

I also believe that that God also sinned before A & E did, through omission, as many of the consequences and benefits of eating of the tree of knowledge were withheld from A & E by God. That is easily demonstrable. Count them and see that of the many, God only spoke of one and omitted the rest.


On death.

Adam is said to have brought death to the earth through his sin but as shown above he was likely not the first sinner.

The first death that the bible speaks of is when God kills animals to make clothes for A & E.

The next death is done by God of A & E by locking away the tree of life.

It appears that God himself brought death to the earth.


Who do you think the first sinner was and who do you see as the first killer?

Who brought sin and death to the earth? Man, Satan or God?

Adam and Eve have been blamed for bringing both sin and death to the earth. I have a hard time agreeing with that view.

On sin.

Some believe that Eve was first to sin when she ate of the tree of knowledge.
Some say Adam because Eve was deceived.

I see that as the second command ignored as God told A & E to reproduce in Gen 1 and that command was completely ignored.

I believe that Satan or the talking snake may have sinned first because to tempt someone to sin makes the tempter culpable and not the one deceived. Satan first or God thanks to what I say below

I also believe that that God also sinned before A & E did, through omission, as many of the consequences and benefits of eating of the tree of knowledge were withheld from A & E by God. That is easily demonstrable. Count them and see that of the many, God only spoke of one and omitted the rest.


On death.

Adam is said to have brought death to the earth through his sin but as shown above he was likely not the first sinner.

The first death that the bible speaks of is when God kills animals to make clothes for A & E.

The next death is done by God of A & E by locking away the tree of life.

It appears that God himself brought death to the earth.


Who do you think the first sinner was and who do you see as the first killer?


Again man's sin brought ruin to all the earth and mankind but typical man wants to try to blame God. Dream on!!! The wages of sin is death and hell!!!
Who brought sin and death to the earth? Man, Satan or God?

Adam and Eve have been blamed for bringing both sin and death to the earth. I have a hard time agreeing with that view.

On sin.

Some believe that Eve was first to sin when she ate of the tree of knowledge.
Some say Adam because Eve was deceived.

I see that as the second command ignored as God told A & E to reproduce in Gen 1 and that command was completely ignored.

I believe that Satan or the talking snake may have sinned first because to tempt someone to sin makes the tempter culpable and not the one deceived. Satan first or God thanks to what I say below

I also believe that that God also sinned before A & E did, through omission, as many of the consequences and benefits of eating of the tree of knowledge were withheld from A & E by God. That is easily demonstrable. Count them and see that of the many, God only spoke of one and omitted the rest.


On death.

Adam is said to have brought death to the earth through his sin but as shown above he was likely not the first sinner.

The first death that the bible speaks of is when God kills animals to make clothes for A & E.

The next death is done by God of A & E by locking away the tree of life.

It appears that God himself brought death to the earth.


Who do you think the first sinner was and who do you see as the first killer?


On the contrary, the concept of Adam and Eve gave consequence to the creation of the physical universe. Was that that intentional? I think not, but it did release the building blocks that ultimately gave rise to modern man.

To postulate otherwise is to call God herself "Sin".
Who brought sin and death to the earth? Man, Satan or God?

Adam and Eve have been blamed for bringing both sin and death to the earth. I have a hard time agreeing with that view.

On sin.

Some believe that Eve was first to sin when she ate of the tree of knowledge.
Some say Adam because Eve was deceived.

I see that as the second command ignored as God told A & E to reproduce in Gen 1 and that command was completely ignored.

I believe that Satan or the talking snake may have sinned first because to tempt someone to sin makes the tempter culpable and not the one deceived. Satan first or God thanks to what I say below

I also believe that that God also sinned before A & E did, through omission, as many of the consequences and benefits of eating of the tree of knowledge were withheld from A & E by God. That is easily demonstrable. Count them and see that of the many, God only spoke of one and omitted the rest.


On death.

Adam is said to have brought death to the earth through his sin but as shown above he was likely not the first sinner.

The first death that the bible speaks of is when God kills animals to make clothes for A & E.

The next death is done by God of A & E by locking away the tree of life.

It appears that God himself brought death to the earth.


Who do you think the first sinner was and who do you see as the first killer?


On the contrary, the concept of Adam and Eve gave consequence to the creation of the physical universe. Was that that intentional? I think not, but it did release the building blocks that ultimately gave rise to modern man.

To postulate otherwise is to call God herself "Sin".

We have proof here that the IGNORANCE and evil of man has no bounds!!!! BEWARE!!!! ETERNITY IS A LONG TIME TO BE IN HELL!!!
Who brought sin and death to the earth? Man, Satan or God?

Adam and Eve have been blamed for bringing both sin and death to the earth. I have a hard time agreeing with that view.

On sin.

Some believe that Eve was first to sin when she ate of the tree of knowledge.
Some say Adam because Eve was deceived.

I see that as the second command ignored as God told A & E to reproduce in Gen 1 and that command was completely ignored.

I believe that Satan or the talking snake may have sinned first because to tempt someone to sin makes the tempter culpable and not the one deceived. Satan first or God thanks to what I say below

I also believe that that God also sinned before A & E did, through omission, as many of the consequences and benefits of eating of the tree of knowledge were withheld from A & E by God. That is easily demonstrable. Count them and see that of the many, God only spoke of one and omitted the rest.


On death.

Adam is said to have brought death to the earth through his sin but as shown above he was likely not the first sinner.

The first death that the bible speaks of is when God kills animals to make clothes for A & E.

The next death is done by God of A & E by locking away the tree of life.

It appears that God himself brought death to the earth.


Who do you think the first sinner was and who do you see as the first killer?


On the contrary, the concept of Adam and Eve gave consequence to the creation of the physical universe. Was that that intentional? I think not, but it did release the building blocks that ultimately gave rise to modern man.

To postulate otherwise is to call God herself "Sin".

We have proof here that the IGNORANCE and evil of man has no bounds!!!! BEWARE!!!! ETERNITY IS A LONG TIME TO BE IN HELL!!!

Me? I'm the nicest motherfucker you'd ever want to meet! :eusa_eh:

On the contrary, the concept of Adam and Eve gave consequence to the creation of the physical universe. Was that that intentional? I think not, but it did release the building blocks that ultimately gave rise to modern man.

To postulate otherwise is to call God herself "Sin".

You see it the way the Gnostic Christians and the Jews who wrote the story intended it to be seen.

Christianity reversed the moral of the story from our elevation to our fall.

Easier to fleece a fallen sheep than a standing one.


Was Satan tempting eve not a sin?

Was God not giving all the consequences to eating of the tree of knowledge not a sin of omission?

Did God not do the first killing?

God commands Adam not to EAT of the tree in the midst of the Garden.
Does Adam convey this PRECISE command to Eve?
Eve tells the Serpent that she not as much as TOUCH the tree; was Eve exaggerating or did Adam add to the command in order to be extra safe.
God simply asks Adam if he ate of the fruit of the tree that was forbidden to Adam and Eve.
Adam responds by "passing the buck" and THAT'S what God reacts to.
Adam...This woman you gave me is responsible!
That's a nice way to thank God for a companion.

On the contrary, the concept of Adam and Eve gave consequence to the creation of the physical universe. Was that intentional? I think not, but it did release the building blocks that ultimately gave rise to modern man.

To postulate otherwise is to call God herself "Sin".

You see it the way the Gnostic Christians and the Jews who wrote the story intended it to be seen.

Christianity reversed the moral of the story from our elevation to our fall.

Easier to fleece a fallen sheep than a standing one.

Thanks (I think). I don't know a whole lot about religion, to be honest. I'm more in tune to the physics, science, and mathematics of life.

The notion of God is beyond human concept. For other humans to dictate to me the origins of the universe and life itself based upon religion is ludicrous. Nothing personal, mind you.

IMO, the spirit-to-physical life transformation involved two entities/concepts/events. The moment itself can not be measured in time as we understand it.

Humanity has taken the most simple of notions and made it into a complex and convoluted clusterfuck of mind control that has, over modern time, destroyed entire civilizations. And humanity will continue to do so until we as individuals reduce our perception of God to the most elemental level of awareness.

1+1=1. It really is that simple. And that is our nature, the nature of God, the nature of Creation, and the nature of the Universe.

Religion is an afterthought created by earth-bound humans. If you think you are any bigger than a simple equation then you defy the nature of God.

On the contrary, the concept of Adam and Eve gave consequence to the creation of the physical universe. Was that intentional? I think not, but it did release the building blocks that ultimately gave rise to modern man.

To postulate otherwise is to call God herself "Sin".

You see it the way the Gnostic Christians and the Jews who wrote the story intended it to be seen.

Christianity reversed the moral of the story from our elevation to our fall.

Easier to fleece a fallen sheep than a standing one.

Thanks (I think). I don't know a whole lot about religion, to be honest. I'm more in tune to the physics, science, and mathematics of life.

The notion of God is beyond human concept. For other humans to dictate to me the origins of the universe and life itself based upon religion is ludicrous. Nothing personal, mind you.

IMO, the spirit-to-physical life transformation involved two entities/concepts/events. The moment itself can not be measured in time as we understand it.

Humanity has taken the most simple of notions and made it into a complex and convoluted clusterfuck of mind control that has, over modern time, destroyed entire civilizations. And humanity will continue to do so until we as individuals reduce our perception of God to the most elemental level of awareness.

1+1=1. It really is that simple. And that is our nature, the nature of God, the nature of Creation, and the nature of the Universe.

Religion is an afterthought created by earth-bound humans. If you think you are any bigger than a simple equation then you defy the nature of God.

SO little man who compared to ALMIGHTY GOD is less than a germ on a worm on a germ thinks he can match brain power with GOD!!! The Almighty God who created the universe and trillions of stars and worlds and all lie!!!! OH!! REALLY??? ROFLMAO!!! SILLY TARD!!!
God commands Adam not to EAT of the tree in the midst of the Garden.
Does Adam convey this PRECISE command to Eve?
Eve tells the Serpent that she not as much as TOUCH the tree; was Eve exaggerating or did Adam add to the command in order to be extra safe.
God simply asks Adam if he ate of the fruit of the tree that was forbidden to Adam and Eve.
Adam responds by "passing the buck" and THAT'S what God reacts to.
Adam...This woman you gave me is responsible!
That's a nice way to thank God for a companion.
I think this is good, getting close, but needs some refinement.

I've got more confidence in God than that. I give God more credit than that.

Two things stand out here... "God", and "companion".

You see it the way the Gnostic Christians and the Jews who wrote the story intended it to be seen.

Christianity reversed the moral of the story from our elevation to our fall.

Easier to fleece a fallen sheep than a standing one.

Thanks (I think). I don't know a whole lot about religion, to be honest. I'm more in tune to the physics, science, and mathematics of life.

The notion of God is beyond human concept. For other humans to dictate to me the origins of the universe and life itself based upon religion is ludicrous. Nothing personal, mind you.

IMO, the spirit-to-physical life transformation involved two entities/concepts/events. The moment itself can not be measured in time as we understand it.

Humanity has taken the most simple of notions and made it into a complex and convoluted clusterfuck of mind control that has, over modern time, destroyed entire civilizations. And humanity will continue to do so until we as individuals reduce our perception of God to the most elemental level of awareness.

1+1=1. It really is that simple. And that is our nature, the nature of God, the nature of Creation, and the nature of the Universe.

Religion is an afterthought created by earth-bound humans. If you think you are any bigger than a simple equation then you defy the nature of God.

SO little man who compared to ALMIGHTY GOD is less than a germ on a worm on a germ thinks he can match brain power with GOD!!! The Almighty God who created the universe and trillions of stars and worlds and all lie!!!! OH!! REALLY??? ROFLMAO!!! SILLY TARD!!!

Da fuck? :eusa_eh:

We're as much God as we are WORM. Or GERM. It's about that 1 that equals 1+1.

I'm not a little man, but just a man. There are no little germs, just germs. Little worms are worms.

Scale and hierarchy are the components of Religion, not God. God is a level field, not the contrived, convoluted, contorted clusterfuck notions of Man-contrived concepts of God.
Who brought sin and death to the earth? Man, Satan or God?

Adam and Eve have been blamed for bringing both sin and death to the earth. I have a hard time agreeing with that view.

On sin.

Some believe that Eve was first to sin when she ate of the tree of knowledge.
Some say Adam because Eve was deceived.

I see that as the second command ignored as God told A & E to reproduce in Gen 1 and that command was completely ignored.

I believe that Satan or the talking snake may have sinned first because to tempt someone to sin makes the tempter culpable and not the one deceived. Satan first or God thanks to what I say below

I also believe that that God also sinned before A & E did, through omission, as many of the consequences and benefits of eating of the tree of knowledge were withheld from A & E by God. That is easily demonstrable. Count them and see that of the many, God only spoke of one and omitted the rest.


On death.

Adam is said to have brought death to the earth through his sin but as shown above he was likely not the first sinner.

The first death that the bible speaks of is when God kills animals to make clothes for A & E.

The next death is done by God of A & E by locking away the tree of life.

It appears that God himself brought death to the earth.


Who do you think the first sinner was and who do you see as the first killer?

The Bible indicates the first sin occurs when Eve touches the fruit. As far as not being "fruitful and multiplying," they were. They had at least 3 children. Nothing in the Bible reveals how long they were in the Garden of Eden (could have been days?) or if they were even old enough to procreate.
Thanks (I think). I don't know a whole lot about religion, to be honest. I'm more in tune to the physics, science, and mathematics of life.

The notion of God is beyond human concept. For other humans to dictate to me the origins of the universe and life itself based upon religion is ludicrous. Nothing personal, mind you.

IMO, the spirit-to-physical life transformation involved two entities/concepts/events. The moment itself can not be measured in time as we understand it.

Humanity has taken the most simple of notions and made it into a complex and convoluted clusterfuck of mind control that has, over modern time, destroyed entire civilizations. And humanity will continue to do so until we as individuals reduce our perception of God to the most elemental level of awareness.

1+1=1. It really is that simple. And that is our nature, the nature of God, the nature of Creation, and the nature of the Universe.

Religion is an afterthought created by earth-bound humans. If you think you are any bigger than a simple equation then you defy the nature of God.

SO little man who compared to ALMIGHTY GOD is less than a germ on a worm on a germ thinks he can match brain power with GOD!!! The Almighty God who created the universe and trillions of stars and worlds and all lie!!!! OH!! REALLY??? ROFLMAO!!! SILLY TARD!!!

Da fuck? :eusa_eh:

We're as much God as we are WORM. Or GERM. It's about that 1 that equals 1+1.

I'm not a little man, but just a man. There are no little germs, just germs. Little worms are worms.

Scale and hierarchy are the components of Religion, not God. God is a level field, not the contrived, convoluted, contorted clusterfuck notions of Man-contrived concepts of God.

LOL!!! SO YOU DO think you can match brain power with God!!!! when did you last create a uviverse??? or a germ on a worm??
Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned.Romans 5:12 ==Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s)Jesus) righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. 19 For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s (Jesus)obedience many will be made righteous.
SO little man who compared to ALMIGHTY GOD is less than a germ on a worm on a germ thinks he can match brain power with GOD!!! The Almighty God who created the universe and trillions of stars and worlds and all lie!!!! OH!! REALLY??? ROFLMAO!!! SILLY TARD!!!

Da fuck? :eusa_eh:

We're as much God as we are WORM. Or GERM. It's about that 1 that equals 1+1.

I'm not a little man, but just a man. There are no little germs, just germs. Little worms are worms.

Scale and hierarchy are the components of Religion, not God. God is a level field, not the contrived, convoluted, contorted clusterfuck notions of Man-contrived concepts of God.

LOL!!! SO YOU DO think you can match brain power with God!!!! when did you last create a uviverse??? or a germ on a worm??

I'm really quite bored with you. If you'd rather not participate in any meaningful form then would you kindly fuck off?
Da fuck? :eusa_eh:

We're as much God as we are WORM. Or GERM. It's about that 1 that equals 1+1.

I'm not a little man, but just a man. There are no little germs, just germs. Little worms are worms.

Scale and hierarchy are the components of Religion, not God. God is a level field, not the contrived, convoluted, contorted clusterfuck notions of Man-contrived concepts of God.

LOL!!! SO YOU DO think you can match brain power with God!!!! when did you last create a uviverse??? or a germ on a worm??

I'm really quite bored with you. If you'd rather not participate in any meaningful form then would you kindly fuck off?

roflmao!!! Feeling vanquished??? foolish??? blinded, stupid???

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