Who calls Rush a GOP 'icon' more?

Who calls Rush Limbaugh a GOP 'Icon' or the 'Head of the GOP more?

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Limbaugh, like Stewart, Maher and a bunch of others is an entertainer.

Anyone who takes anything any one of the above says as gospel is an idiot.

Limbaugh no more leads the GOP than the man on the moon.

Jeeze. Talk about dumb.

Here's a few of instances where board members seem to feel the opposite. No trolls, all conservative members with REP.




expressing agreement with a particular issue means someone supports that person as their leader, or is their icon?

Your fellow conservative board members seem to disagree, including one you may know very wel! :cool:




Remember when Bush started tanking in the polls? You couldn't find a republican who voted for him either.

I just LOVE how when their boy is in the wrong, all of a sudden, he's not their boy anymore.

Next they'll be claiming he's not a conservative, either.

I don't see the fat ones name in either of those threads.

I deleted that incomplete message in favor of the one that appears below yours. It wasn't about Rush. Sorry.
It's not a matter of who says it, it's a matter of how afraid the GOP leadership is of offending his listeners.

This Fluke thing is a great example. The worst thing Romney could come up with to say was that the comments were "inappropriate".

To which George Will responded, "Using your salad fork for your entree is inappropriate,".

What Rush said was vile, repulsive, disgusting. His sponsors are bailing on him, stations are dropping him, he's being universally condemned in the media,

and the worst Romney can say about him is that his words were "inappropriate".

If Romney can't stand up to Rush Limbaugh, how is he going to stand up to Putin, Hu, or Ahmadihijad.

and calling her to 'apologize' for something someone else said is so wonderful... why, exactly?

I don't know. When someone close to you dies, and people say, "I'm sorry", do you say, "Why did you kill her?"

Obama cashed in on the mother of all screwups by the GOP on this one.

But now, get back to my point. Why hasn't Romney condemned what Limbaugh said?

Because right now, he's got a GOP electorate just looking for an excuse to vote for anyone else. And the last thing he wants to do is tick off Limbaugh's listeners.
Of course I listened way back when. I still listen when I am driving.

But I don't take voting advice from celebrities.

And I think even he would make fun of people who would base their world view on the vaporings of a radio entertainer who didn't make it through a single term of community college.

He is great fun, the Democrats provide him with a ton of hilarious material, but making him the leader....?

Remember when Bush started tanking in the polls? You couldn't find a republican who voted for him either.

I just LOVE how when their boy is in the wrong, all of a sudden, he's not their boy anymore.

Next they'll be claiming he's not a conservative, either.

I wouldn't claim anything of the sort.

I personally like Rush. I've listened to his show and find him often entertaining, sometimes insightful, and willing to say what the politicians are too cowardly to say.

In this case, he stepped over a line. I think he realizes it now.

My problem is that we have GOP nominees who are unwilling to come right out and condemn what was inappropriate discource.

More to the point, he pretty much destroyed what could have been a good issue for the GOP. There's an argument to be made that the mandate is an infringement on religious liberty. But that gets blown out of the water with calling this young woman a "slut".
HERE is the icon of the GOP.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0PZ31SF7rY&feature=related]Blue Collar TV Politically Correct Fairy Tales With Larry The Cable Guy - YouTube[/ame]
It's not a matter of who says it, it's a matter of how afraid the GOP leadership is of offending his listeners.

This Fluke thing is a great example. The worst thing Romney could come up with to say was that the comments were "inappropriate".

To which George Will responded, "Using your salad fork for your entree is inappropriate,".

What Rush said was vile, repulsive, disgusting. His sponsors are bailing on him, stations are dropping him, he's being universally condemned in the media,

and the worst Romney can say about him is that his words were "inappropriate".

If Romney can't stand up to Rush Limbaugh, how is he going to stand up to Putin, Hu, or Ahmadihijad.

and calling her to 'apologize' for something someone else said is so wonderful... why, exactly?

I don't know. When someone close to you dies, and people say, "I'm sorry", do you say, "Why did you kill her?"

Obama cashed in on the mother of all screwups by the GOP on this one.

But now, get back to my point. Why hasn't Romney condemned what Limbaugh said?

Because right now, he's got a GOP electorate just looking for an excuse to vote for anyone else. And the last thing he wants to do is tick off Limbaugh's listeners.

See? This is my point. You are attributing the screw up of a fat, blowhard, entertainer, to the entire GOP. This is what many liberals do, and it's simply incorrect. The entire GOP did not call the woman a slut. The entire GOP did not ask to see videos of her having sex. A fat, blowhard, entertainer did. The screw up in this is all his, The GOP does not own it any more than the Democrats do.
Who calls President Obama the "Messiah" more, liberals or conservatives?

Conservatives, myself included. However, we do it to mock the Democrats and Obama supporters. Liberals who claim Rush is the 'leader' of the GOP, or a GOP 'icon', actually believe it.
"It would've been nice if they had shared that with the larger public, the Republican leaders," Will said on ABC's This Week. "Instead, Mr. Boehner comes out and says, Rush's language was inappropriate. Using a salad fork for your entree, that's inappropriate. Not this stuff. I mean, and Rick Santorum says well, what he says was absurd, but an entertainer is allowed to be absurd. No. It is the responsibility of conservatives to police the right in its excesses, just as the liberals unfailingly fail to police the excesses in their own side. And it was depressing, because what it indicates is that the Republican leaders are afraid of Rush Limbaugh. They want to bomb Iran, but they're afraid of Rush Limbaugh."\
George Will...this last Sunday.

Yeah...ONLY LIBERALS call Rush a GOP icon.

What a utter FAILBOAT this thread is.
The 1995 GOP Congress made Limbaugh an honorary member in gratitude for his help getting them elected.

Are you now claiming that the Right has thrown Limbaugh under the bus?

Who constantly brings up the size of Rush's audience? The scope of his success? The left or the right?

Face, he's not just an asshole; he's your asshole.
The 1995 GOP Congress made Limbaugh an honorary member in gratitude for his help getting them elected.

Are you now claiming that the Right has thrown Limbaugh under the bus?

Who constantly brings up the size of Rush's audience? The scope of his success? The left or the right?

Face, he's not just an asshole; he's your asshole.

I claimed nothing of the kind. I simply claimed that the left calls the fat blowhard the 'head' of the GOP and a GOP 'icon' far more than the right.

Please find for me a thread that was started by someone on the right touting the size of the fat ones audience... or how many sponsors he has... or his ratings... etc. etc. etc. THEN, compare that to the number of threads started by someone on the left, where someone on the right responded with mention of the fat ones ratings, audience size, market share, etc etc etc.

BTW... it was the freshman Republican class who awarded Limbaugh an honorary membership in their caucus. It was not the entire Congress making him an honorary member. But hey, feel free to blow things out of proportion if it bolsters your case.
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This is what it sounds like when the bridges burn. Conservatives distancing themselves from Rush Limbaugh is something that happens whenever the Maharushie steps over the line. Doctor shopping for Oxycoton wasn't enough for the faithful to stop genuflecting at the Altar of Limbaugh. The Michael J. Fox comments and the video of Limbaugh making phony spams mocking the afflicted wasn't quite enough for the faithful to deny their prophet.

But the sluts use birth control business might be the straw man that broke ol' Rush's rhetorical back.

I give the whole thing three weeks. Then the most ardent zealots in the cause of brutal Conservatism will once again have Rush's considerable back. It's an election year and the true disciples won't cast off Limbaugh so quickly and easily. By mid April, the Dittoheads will be quoting from Limbaugh right here on this board even while he bloviates.
The 1995 GOP Congress made Limbaugh an honorary member in gratitude for his help getting them elected.

Are you now claiming that the Right has thrown Limbaugh under the bus?

Who constantly brings up the size of Rush's audience? The scope of his success? The left or the right?

Face, he's not just an asshole; he's your asshole.

I claimed nothing of the kind. I simply claimed that the left calls the fat blowhard the 'head' of the GOP and a GOP 'icon' far more than the right.

Please find for me a thread that was started by someone on the right touting the size of the fat ones audience... or how many sponsors he has... or his ratings... etc. etc. etc. THEN, compare that to the number of threads started by someone on the left, where someone on the right responded with mention of the fat ones ratings, audience size, market share, etc etc etc.

BTW... it was the freshman Republican class who awarded Limbaugh an honorary membership in their caucus. It was not the entire Congress making him an honorary member. But hey, feel free to blow things out of proportion if it bolsters your case.

As Jesus said,

Before the cock crows, you will deny me three times...
Who calls President Obama the "Messiah" more, liberals or conservatives?

Conservatives, myself included. However, we do it to mock the Democrats and Obama supporters. Liberals who claim Rush is the 'leader' of the GOP, or a GOP 'icon', actually believe it.

Don't worry...we believe it in a very mocking way though...

You can honestly sit there and say that the left doesn't 'really' believe that Limbaugh runs the GOP? Really? I think TM has competition for biggest 'lair' on the board.

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