Who can identify the five lies in Trump’s 8:17 AM Tweet on his upcoming Stop the Steal insurrection?

Biden. Why?

Because it is the single-question IQ test, and folks should recognize what you are, so as to not waste time reading.....laughing at.....your posts.

Or, if words are an impediment for you, in graphic form:



.....Or this.....

Because it is the single-question IQ test, and folks should recognize what you are, so as to not waste time reading.....laughing at.....your posts.

Or, if words are an impediment for you, in graphic form:



.....Or this.....

Trump's Jan 6 tweet at 2:24pm, purposely pouring gas on a fire, is the only one that matters now.
There's a case to be made Trump was purposely putting Pence in harm's way in order to get him to leave the capital so 1/6 would come and go without Biden being certified, thus leaving the answer to the question...."what happens next".....up in the air.
There's a case to be made Trump was purposely putting Pence in harm's way in order to get him to leave the capital so 1/6 would come and go without Biden being certified, thus leaving the answer to the question...."what happens next".....up in the air.

Soooo.......who'd you vote for????????
So, your point is your spin that Pence, potentially saying that the election could not be certified,

would be "one person" choosing the American President?

That is your point? Yes or no. Don't repost everything like an asshole. Just answer the fucking question

OK. I stand by my take on it. If it is his job to do it, it is his job to NOT do it, if the situation calls for it.

Ok. So, me and Trump were wrong about how an obscure function went.

Whoop de fucking do.

That would, hypothetically, be all that you have here.
I wonder if Correll will have the intellectual and moral courage to face the facts and the truth about the January 6 attempt by Donald J Trump to overturn the election that he lost but was foiled by his vice president who decided to keep his faith in the Constitution and his in his God by watching the January 6 select committee public hearing today.

It will be focusing on the fake electors Trump sent to Congress and the phone call from Trump to Roethlisberger politically interfering in the election plus, the threats to the lives in freedom of innocent black poll workers in Georgia who were actually named by Trump at one of his rallies. It also will feature the illegal actions of the Trump campaign in private meetings with the Arizona legislature trying to overturn the election. All good stuff. It is not a bunch of whoop dee fucking doo!
They had "plans" to use the protest to put political pressure on Pence and Congress to try to decertify the election and thus win it by political or procedural means.
The plot by Trump himself to engage fake electors into the Jan6 ceremony to decertify the election and thus win it by fraudulent means, if Pence joined the coup by fraud wiukd hsve put an end to America being a democratic republic of Joe Biden was not sworn in on January 20 as demanded by our Constitution ion and k

1. We have seen the footage of the violence.

2. Their intent was to stop a "steal", not end democracy.

Ultimately based on various versions of the following to 2000 mules.

Retired Colonel Waldren---an army cyber warfare expert, adept at manipulating public opinion and elections, testified twice in public before the PA and AZ legislative committees under oath.

Waldren's CV is impressive. But his evidence was even more compelling. During the election on November 3rd, his team monitored the communications of Dominion voting machines and servers.

Then he showed the public a mapping of the communications from that night.
There for all to see was all the communication pathways the machines took that night.
The proof was incontrovertible: the Dominion machines ARE connected to the internet---despite denials by officials, Media, and Dominion hacks. The Dominion machines were all "talking" to each other that night. The Dominion machines WERE sending packets of information to Frankfurt, Germany.
The coup de grace was Waldren's testimony that Dominion's software---and how it is designed to be "malleable."
Meanwhile hundreds of small teams of cyber security experts have come to similar conclusions
January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"
Nobody. Trump walks on water. Praise His Name.
January 6, 2021 8:17 a.m.: Trump tweets: "States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!"
Everything trump says is a lie.
The plot by Trump himself to engage fake electors into the Jan6 ceremony to decertify the election and thus win it by fraudulent means, if Pence joined the coup by fraud wiukd hsve put an end to America being a democratic republic of Joe Biden was not sworn in on January 20 as demanded by our Constitution ion and k

Ultimately based on various versions of the following to 2000 mules.
You are a typical CNN Drone.
Because it is the single-question IQ test, and folks should recognize what you are, so as to not waste time reading.....laughing at.....your posts.

Or, if words are an impediment for you, in graphic form:



.....Or this.....

Just proves Democrats SUCK.
Get over it and move on!

22-07-02 Is a former President above the law?

Why should Federal Prosecutors in the Justice Department forget about it and move on when there is sufficient evidence such as fake electors forged documents that a sitting US President clearly made Party of his internal coup plan to illegally seize the power of a second term?

Why do you request that or Justice Department not prosecute a first term sitting president and loser of his run for a second term who:

A . Conspires with 84 Republicans in seven states that he lost, to sign forged, fake and phony election documents swearing under oath that the loser, (the one with less votes), is the actual winner of that state.

B . Pressures his VP to participate in the fraudulent scheme on January 6 by recognizing the fake Republican election documents and setting aside the real ones in order to declare the loser to be the winner.

C. Pushes steps A and B in order to create chaos in the election and the nation over the outcome of the certified election in which his opponent was the certified winner and he was the certified loser.

D. Expects the chaos to be resolved by shitcanning the votes of 150 million Americans in order to have a vote in the House of Reps where the loser of the election has the numerical advantage and expects to see himself as the “winner” and voted by Republicans-first/Americans-second to serve a second term.

E . Fails to “win” because his VP decided to not commit the fraud that was being Asked of him to make the loser the winner.

F . Because of E suffered the sadistic delusion that five million or so angry and devoted “Ashley Babbitts” were in DC (some with firearms) at the request of the loser to stop the proceedings and hang Mike Pence for disloyalty to God, the Father of JESUS, who has chosen the loser to be the rightful resident in the WH for more years.

G . Was angered because Secret Service wouid not let him lead his five million nutjobs to surround and capture the Capitol in order to ‘peacefully” stop the inauguration of Joe Biden but to inaugurate the loser instead.

H . Wanted the world to see that a man who could assemble five million MAGA “wailing idiots” to seize control of the nation’s CAPITOL has to be the ‘Winner” and not the loser of the 2020 election based on the ability to attract a huge crowd:

I . Had to give up the entire coup when he realized that only 2000 (not five million) showed up to fight the DEEP STATE and Mike Pence was not going to be hanged, but instead would defect to the Deep State and count the ‘real’ electors and ignore the fake ones .

H . Pouts Rants and raised money off being a loser, victim and failure once again.

If you do not hate Trump for that you are as dumb and as irrational as loserAshley Babbitt was and look at her now.

I’m doing just fine, Assets went up $50k with current round of global post-Trump COVID19 recession induced inflation as most property owners are
They had "plans" to use the protest to put political pressure on Pence and Congress to try to decertify the election and thus win it by political or procedural means.
The above TrumpWailer long ago announced one of the many crimes that DJT committed related to Jan6. . . . Externally commence a mob assault on Congress while internally attempt to decertify the election and thus win it by political or procedural means instead of getting more votes than his opponent.

The plot by Trump himself to engage fake electors into the Jan6 ceremony to decertify the election and thus win it by fraudulent means, if Pence joined the coup by fraud wiukd hsve put an end to America being a democratic republic of Joe Biden was not sworn in on January 20 as demanded by our Constitution ion and k
The forged fake Trump Certificates of Electors were sent to Mike to Pence to spark the coup.

You are a typical CNN Drone.

Is this your best argument for your defendant DONALD J TRUMP?

Just proves Democrats SUCK.

Or That?

Why do you request that or Justice Department not prosecute a first term sitting president and loser of his run for a second term who:

A . Conspires with 84 Republicans in seven states that he lost, to sign forged, fake and phony election documents swearing under oath that the loser, (the one with less votes), is the actual winner of that state

You best start preparing for when your white messiah golden boy is inducted because just saying DEMOCRATS SUCK won’t cut it in an actual court of law.
The above TrumpWailer long ago announced one of the many crimes that DJT committed related to Jan6. . . . Externally commence a mob assault on Congress while internally attempt to decertify the election and thus win it by political or procedural means instead of getting more votes than his opponent.

The forged fake Trump Certificates of Electors were sent to Mike to Pence to spark the coup.

Is this your best argument for your defendant DONALD J TRUMP?

Or That?

You best start preparing for when your white messiah golden boy is inducted because just saying DEMOCRATS SUCK won’t cut it in an actual court of law.
But every time I buy Gas or Food I sure realize Democrats suck. The Economy proves it. Not to mention teaching our kids to be Fags in our PRIMARY Schools.
But every time I buy Gas or Food I sure realize Democrats suck.

Do you own your own home plus any additional properties?

Do you agree with the following poster describing one of Trump’s crimes;

Correll wrote: They had "plans" to use the protest to put political pressure on Pence and Congress to try to decertify the election and thus win it by political or procedural means.
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